
Personal Desire Quotes

There are 477 quotes

"You're not going to succeed at all unless you want to succeed and you have the motivation to do it."
"People don't want freedom; they want autonomy."
"Transform your pain into joy, exchange confusion for clarity, and choose the life you most desire."
"You can make yourself what you desire to be."
"I'm so excited about this. This feels like something I've wanted for so long."
"I can't wait to get home. Oh my God, I can't wait to get home."
"He often used to say to his mother that he didn't really want to be king."
"I don't just want to look female; I want to be beautiful, desperately."
"I would love it if I could just be an abstract artist."
"Society's expectations can cloud personal judgment, making it hard to distinguish between what we truly want and what we're told to aspire to."
"People really want to live here. I really want to live here."
"I just want to be whole, you know. I want that so bad."
"They don't want to be understood; they want to be admired."
"This could be a chance for you to do it in the way you've always wanted."
"I've heard a lot of women say, 'I'm ready to just not go to work anymore and just be kept and not have to worry about paying bills.'"
"Who wishes that that were true? Who wants to live the life of a serf in a celestial North Korea?"
"But it's just this wanting so badly to be liked."
"I've been really wanting this to come back because as much as I love playing individual uh holes of golf I love it even more."
"If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Control over time, easy."
"I want him to paint me like one of his French girls."
"Yo I want some angel food cake that sounds yummy."
"What do you hope your legacy is? To be forgotten."
"Imagine going back in time and walking down the street to Frank Sinatra. I would love it."
"I want you because I want you, I don't want you because I need you."
"He wants to come back to times of the Soviet Union."
"Don't have a south in the north don't have a north east and the south west instead we should have one country."
"I just wanted to see some kind of justice done."
"He wanted the whole movie star experience right down to the aura of Mystique."
"Diana wanted to be remembered as the queen of people's hearts."
"Those are massive back there, holy cow, I hate to ask what those cost."
"Sometimes you want something so bad, you don't care how bad it is for you."
"There's something you see as you want in your life, could be anything."
"You and this person can be in a committed relationship by October if that's what you want."
"And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so? I did. And what did you want? To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the earth."
"If he's offered me a job, I want to go back there. But he didn't offer me a job." - Bruce Prichard
"Life is short so you should do what you desire."
"They want to have you in their life for sure."
"He wants a baby girl. I can't have another one."
"I want something relating to everything I've gone through."
"Elisha could have asked for anything, but he says, 'Elijah, whatever is on you, whatever type of anointing is on you, please let me have it. And a double portion of it, because I want that type of power.'"
"You have complete freedom to think and therefore to be anything that you intensely desire."
"Do you dream of distant planets, stars, and galaxies? I do crave real adventure, I do."
"I would very much like for the person who is responsible for everything would be somebody else."
"First thing in the morning, what I want to do."
"You want to feel something. We want to f**king stimulate our senses."
"What does everybody want? Head! What does Al Snow want? A time to shine."
"There's a longing inside of you for something more."
"Love the vibe, your wish, a bad [expletive] for Christmas."
"I'd like to be a father... yeah, I'd like to be a father."
"Take me close to your heart. For my touch, for my taste, for my lust."
"I just want to be happy bro I'll be honest like anything else I couldn't care less I just want to be happy."
"All I ever wanted was for us to be a family. That's exactly what I wanted too."
"What do I want? What do I really want? It doesn't matter what somebody else wants for you."
"If I had the opportunity, yes I would [get it back]."
"I wish I knew sign language, I think it's one of the most beautiful languages."
"If I could press pause in this moment right now, I would do it."
"I need this. I hope we keep doing it for a long time."
"This chair is so cute... I think I need these."
"Childbirth is like the closest thing to death that you could come to, so hell, I want to have a baby but I don't want to die."
"Nothing is easy in life, you have to really want it."
"Change is hard for a lot of people...I just always wanted to have a different life."
"If wrestling was still like this, I'd still want to be in it."
"You just want to feel good is that so wrong? You just want to feel good. That's all you just want."
"We like the spotlight, we want people to like us."
"This is what I want, I want a nice lemon donut right now."
"You can do anything, have anything. No matter what we desire, it is a possibility."
"No really good reason to stand out in the middle of the street other than I've wanted to this entire time."
"Since I met Jesus, my only desire was to please Jesus."
"If you really want a different way of life..."
"You have this deep desire within you to be a part of a world of a new civilization, of a new way of living that is so empowering, so beautiful."
"If it's something that you have to do, feel that you, you know, your desire is such that you have to do it, then that's what you do."
"I just want to have one woman and be have it be meaningful."
"Desire is the measure of all things. Be unbound from moral tethers. Do as you will, to whom you will."
"It's always fun coming and I would absolutely love to come back."
"Jannah is what you desire it to be, they shall have whatever they desire."
"I think my wife would absolutely love to own a car like this."
"My heart wants what the heart wants, and that's Devonta."
"The first sign that you have a spiritual gift: desire."
"Deep down, I always wanted to become a protagonist myself."
"Make Overwatch 1 the competitive game I want it to be."
"Following your passion may be on the path of partnership or just following your heart's desires."
"I want to get high with Kim Kardashian, that sounds like it would just be so funny."
"Truth will be returned to your awareness by your desire as it was lost by your desire for something else."
"Value is in our heads based on our desires and agreements."
"I feel like we still have to honor that desire to go back not only to the hard places but the amazing places out there."
"I really wanted her to be free... that was the thing."
"I'm only so critical and so pessimistic because at the end of the day, I really, really just want to play a good Halo game again."
"Friendship... I wish I had a friend like that."
"True desire in the heart for anything good is God's proof."
"There is good news headed your way, something you've been wishing for to turn out in your favor."
"I like this image of desire because it's the word used in the Eden narrative, it is the word Jesus uses in his garden test: 'Not my desire but your desire.'"
"I just want to meet my daughter. Can't you understand that?"
"I want to have peace and quiet and serenity."
"I make a show because I want what I want when I watch a show I want to get lost."
"For now all he wanted was to go home and see his mother for a while."
"I'd want to turn into a woman in both body and mind. I want to be born as a girl, be brought up as a girl, live my life as a girl, and just be a genuine girl."
"But what I really wanted to be was 21 and high."
"Here you are saying I want to, this is what I want to do."
"I knew it was gonna work. I wanted it so bad ever since I heard about it."
"Come on, give me love, come on, give me love, love Scorpio, what do we got, eight swords, not my favorite love card right here."
"If I was conscious of it, then I'd want to wake up."
"I'm always late, I would love super speed any day, that'd be great."
"I'm looking for that great flash and spark that's gonna make me just want it again, feel it again."
"Whatever it is you're hoping for, it will turn out the way that you're wanting."
"I don't want to die alone, Kendra. I always had somebody to grow older with and have fun with." - Pat
"I just want you for my own, more than you could ever know."
"Desperate meaning you want something so bad, you desire something so bad."
"That's a little ghost chair we're buying this I don't care do we have money I'm buying it I want this guy's chair more than life itself."
"The worst times in life make the best stories. Like when you go to a bar, you don't talk about how nice your relaxing day was, you talk about the time you broke your hand in a fist fight."
"You're recognizing that what you want wants you and what you want, you deserve."
"This shoe is definitely a sneaker which I need."
"One big huge goal came to fruition this year... just literally a dream come true."
"I hope I know what you taste like by the end of the year."
"I've been wanting to have kids since I was a kid like I've always wanted to have a family but we are not in a rush at all."
"How much until everybody shuts up and agrees with me? That's what I want to know."
"There's something that you do have now that you've wanted for quite some time. It feels like love for a lot of you."
"This is all I wanted: the ability to be able to chew my food as fast as I can eat it."
"That's what anybody wants out of life, is just to be wanted, be appreciated, and just let you go out there and rock."
"I just want to cuddle Drew and I want to go back."
"This is the fight for whatever reason that Hall has wanted from jump street."
"I would start a charity... but also want to help people."
"There is nothing on earth that I desire other than You, Lord."
"I wish I had Wendy's voice or Leslie's voice. They sound beautiful."
"It's worth it. I don't care. I don't care. I want this."
"I've always longed to feel the Nordic's ear blowing through my beard, to build a mighty long house out of dense Scandinavian lumber, and to feel the clash of a war axe smashing against my enemy's shield."
"I want to see my family again. It's been so long, bro."
"I could see myself doing that. It looks so warm, too. So fluffy."
"I want my freedoms back in this country. I want us to have the right to choose."
"Everything in your life for the most part you're doing because you want to."
"You want true love, someone who wants to make a commitment to you."
"It is always some deeper spiritual connection that our hearts desire."
"All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth. All I want for Christmas is for this study to be a reality."
"We just want our women to be our woman we're not looking for an experience."
"I literally, that's all I wanted was to go to space."
"I wish I was funded by the Koch brothers, that would be nice. I wouldn't be wearing H&M underwear."
"You know what, I want flowers, someone give me flowers, thank you, I would appreciate it."
"Cause I'm dreaming of you tonight, till tomorrow I'll be holding you tight, and there's nowhere in this world I'd rather be."
"Follow your heart. It will never let you down because your heart wants what the heart wants."
"You've only wanted one thing for your whole life."
"Nobody wants it to happen more than me, obviously. I want this case solved for Hae."
"I just want babies now, you know. I'm super at that."
"I think that looks incredible. I can imagine having this space right on the canal... saying all those beautiful buildings. Oh, it's just so nice. I would love this so much."
"I really want to try the Patrick Ta Major Sculpt Cream Contour Duos."
"When the dark energy falls to earth it's going to give you what you want."
"What I want is standing right in front of me."
"I wanted to be here and watch her do this so bad."
"From the moment we said hello to each other, there was a warmth. Translation: I really wanted to smash him."
"Somebody's been wanting a golden retriever, that's crazy."
"That's so important sometimes we want something so bad that we end up putting so much resistance toward it that's why non-attachment is so important."
"I thought if I had superhuman powers like wouldn't that be great."
"I just wish my feelings would spill out of my mouth, you know? Just any way I can, I just want it to come through."
"You wouldn't be doing it if you didn't want it. You know you want this."
"They're doing it, Aries. They want to commit to you. They're ready for you."
"You are what they wish for, and they want to talk to you. Very good outcome here if it's what you want right Taurus."
"So I surrendered to the simple, vast, ancient desire for freedom."
"What do you want for yourself what do you want do you want to this for yourself like are you trying to look this way because that's what outside society tells you to look like or you're trying to look this way because you generally want it."
"My world around me is crumbling, I want the pizzazz, I want the wow out of life."
"You have someone desperately craving to have their youth... be restored."
"Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want."
"This is just something else, and I want this in my life desperately."
"This obsession is just about me wanting to be part of the upper echelon of the world."
"There's three reasons why I bought that piece of equipment. The first reason is because I wanted it."
"For me represents something that I wanted to exist for very, very selfish reasons."
"Your life changes but only in the ways you wanted to."
"These past few weeks without you have been the worst few weeks of my life. I've been miserable without you. You're the only person my heart truly desires and wants to be with."
"It is an extremely beautiful thing when what we want also aligns with what God wants for us."
"I want children more than anything in the world."
"I don't mind because I just wanted to have it so badly."
"She just wants her husband to spend more time with her and the kids."
"You can't make them drink, you want them to want to drink."
"I feel like everybody just wants to be free, all of us just want to be liberated, all of us want to be sovereign, you know what I mean?"
"God only, an infinite one, can satiate my thirst for an infinite forever stable love."
"Nothing is going to stop me from getting this Corvette."
"This thing is ridiculous, speechless, I gotta get me one of these."
"This bag was just something I honestly had wanted for absolutely years and I just preferred it to the classic flap."
"You deserve to find the love and we all desire to find that special one soon."
"Very very nice truck and honestly I wouldn't mind owning one for myself."
"I want that multi, yeah, that that it is a pretty super funny."
"Dude, you're so [expletive] yolked! He's so yolked bro, I wish I was that yolked."
"He's got an amazing body and I just, I want him in my life in some way."
"Yes, I do want kids. Reuben and I really want kids. I don't know how many we're gonna start with, one when the time comes and then go from there. I can see myself having three maybe. I'm very open to any possibility when it comes to that."
"I freaking got Birkenstocks. I've been wanting Birkin sauce since seventh grade."
"I just want something useful, man. I know that's a lot to ask."
"Well, I definitely wish I were Asuka right about now."
"That's so exciting! I'm a little bit going green with envy because I've been wanting to get my house painted for ages."
"Damn, I want to be like an anonymous artist too, that's what I'm saying."
"I just wanna be happy, don't you want to be happy?"
"Just because you want it to be that way doesn't mean that it's that way."
"I feel like if I was in that boat, I would want that."
"I manifest perfectly what I desire... they really feel like you're a gift in their life."
"She's always wanted to get out of it for quite some time."
"Something that's very unique that I really want... a disco ball."
"I can't wait until the day... I want to experience that peace."
"This is the love I crave for, I will marry you."
"I wanted to be a shopkeeper, a hairdresser, anything. I was so desperate to have a reality, friends, a regular boring life. I missed that."
"All I want is my life exactly the way it's always been. My life is normal, I am normal."
"I would love to date a black man, I would love to be able to have a relationship with a black man."
"You're very balanced, someone who is emotionally secure and just stable. You want a stable life, you don't want drama."
"This is like the one thing they've wanted in their life, they don't care about anything else."