
Future Expectations Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"The biggest thing is to be present-focused because what holds you guys back is a certainty or expectation of the future that precludes action in the present."
"The effects of the Industrial Revolution have been dramatic, reshaping not only how we live but also our ideas about what to expect in the future."
"We hope you guys had an awesome year and next year is going to be amazing for Ashes."
"Your energy picks up beautifully in the future."
"And we look forward to the year 2017, where I'm sure nothing terrible will happen. Nothing at all. It'll be a year of fun, of frolics, and of thanking God for me."
"You're gonna end up with more than you can even imagine."
"We're going to get single-payer, and I don't think it's going to take too long."
"Hopefully next time you see me it won't be in a situation like this."
"Something good is on the way to you, something that is going to be long-lasting."
"What does a next generation title really look like?"
"The extent to which it's more powerful is up for debate, but fundamentally the Switch 2, if we could call it that now or Super Switch, needs to be able to match the feature set of the current generation consoles."
"If the future of Final Fantasy is as satisfying as this game is, I think we'll all be in great shape."
"England, dude, we're winning this back-to-back Euro wins confirmed incoming!"
"I hope I make the pro gamer team too. Gosh, there's so much awesome stuff happening in the future. I can't wait."
"We're going to adapt and we'll get past it, but the world won't resemble the world that we're used to."
"Life-changing money is to Just Keep On Believing in where this is heading."
"I will not give up hope, someday they're gonna find him and we're gonna be best friends."
"Things are going to be so much larger than life in front of you, you won't believe it. We've already seen the first fragments of that. It's just jaw-droppingly amazing. It's going to be awesome."
"It's going to turn out better than you expect."
"Democrats are saying that there is more to come after this next stimulus package."
"I think next year's gonna be one of the biggest years probably Magic's ever had because of Arena."
"You've been with us for previous years or you just found us within this year, you really have helped us help our channel grow, it's been a huge year and I hope 2019 is even bigger."
"It's not quite the Tardis hurtling through the Galaxy but it is an unimaginable achievement and one that will be surpassed sooner than we think."
"You're going to meet someone else and it's going to be like better than you've ever expected."
"I want to see Jaden Sancho in two or three years time wearing the number seven shirt for Manchester United as a consistent performer."
"Innovation is something that we're hoping to see more of."
"I know Toyota can do better so I am looking forward to the company introducing more bz Vehicles along the way."
"Biden delivered one of the greatest debate performances tomorrow that anyone could have imagined or is imagining right this moment."
"The fantasy you've always had in your mind about the perfect relationship, that's what you're gonna end up in."
"It's just been a lot better, you know? I'm really excited for what the future holds."
"This is what Tarkov can and hopefully will mean in the future."
"I'm someone that is always optimistic I don't think there's any point to being a Doomer I mean it doesn't help anyone certainly it doesn't help yourself so with that being said I'm looking forward to the future."
"The dream of no load screens and superfast streaming to become a reality."
"We probably won't see similar movies in the near future again."
"Yes, my dear viewers, remember his name because he has high chances to get a Peace Novel Price sooner than later."
"We shall unified but not constrained by any past expectations."
"How much more decorated can a four-time champion, four-time All-Star, and former Defensive Player of the Year get? Only time will tell."
"It's stuff like this that makes me pumped for the future of games."
"Basically what's gonna happen in Australia at the end of the year when we're all gonna be let out of stage four lockdown."
"We're due for some kind of major expansion of technology."
"Expect a powerful change. Prosperity lies ahead."
"Just Cause 5 should be the last game in the current run of games."
"Imagine when we're good like next year and two years from now."
"Can't wait to see what the next 10 years bring."
"Hopefully Polaris is the answer and we can all look forward to that."
"This is going to be the best track experience there has been to date and probably likely to be in future as well."
"2016 Was A New Hope, 2020 is The Empire Strikes Back, 2024 will be Return of the Jedi, Trump 2024." - Viewer comment
"I expect him to improve massively next season."
"This is more of a stepping stone in terms of what we can expect in the future."
"It's gonna be greater and it's gonna last longer."
"Dear future wifey, you're just perfect for me."
"This is like really big happy energies and everything's kind of unfolding for you in the near future it's going to be perfect timing divine timing."
"There's a lot of exciting stuff coming from Tesla and a lot to look forward to in the future."
"Many great things are going to come out, tremendous discoveries in medicine and other fields."
"It's pretty incredible, and this is just chat GPT 3.5. In future iterations, when they make improvements, I probably will be making more videos."
"They want something better to be on the horizon."
"I'm really not worried about Social Security. I'm 40 years old. When I get to 62 or 65 and Social Security, I fully expect that Social Security will be there."
"2022 gonna be one for the books as well you thought 2020 was something 2022 was like hold my beard"
"Life will eventually go back to normal or the new normal that is this is certainly nothing to be toyed with."
"Whoever's coming towards you... they're gonna be wanting to commit to you."
"I really do expect big things from them in the future."
"The best way to play is to bear in mind the 20."
"Giant love [ __ ] giant love. And tomorrow we see how green we become."
"They are trying to make Payday 3 the best of the series. We will see what the future holds."
"Be grateful for things that you haven't got yet because they're on their way."
"Thank you for inspiring us and making us even more excited for the future."
"We're going to see a lot more unity in the world in places we haven't expected."
"I'm really looking forward to seeing what they have in store for us for next gen."
"Yo guys where would I go on here I I don't I don't belong on here Max what yeah, y'all will see Matt you you will see me in a maximum level with some of these people when everything completely downfalls in some way."
"I think Dustin Daniel is a genius I think he's up there I think he's the next Ryan Coogler when it comes to Marvel so I feel very good about the Kang Dynasty"
"I'm very excited to see what From Software comes up with next. It's going to have some very large shoes to fill."
"You guys have so much great happiness coming in your future."
"You gotta be careful, my dad is gonna be king one day."
"There's going to be a point in which the level of power is going to be nearly indistinguishable."
"You cannot rely on the Supreme Court to self-correct with the ages of the justices and the balance that the court can look forward to."
"Great things shall come to pass for you in this next quarter."
"It's going to be an exciting few months ahead."
"You're gonna get your treasure, abundance in love, money, prosperity."
"This year is going to be a word that's going to be Beyond you."
"I love seeing a vision for the future of gaming that's kind of what I'm here for."
"It's the future. We supposed to have the future in 2000. It's 2024 and we still ain't got nothing futuristic yet."
"I'm excited to see what the rest of my life holds. Getting older is a privilege that not everyone gets."
"Your life will be better than you think it is."
"I hope that this reimagined, revamped ROH is successful in whatever it's going to look like."
"And what a time it will be when Jesus comes as the Messianic King to rule the nations from Jerusalem."
"Excited props to Ed too. If he can continue this in future windows, he will slowly change my opinion on him," says Rezzo.
"So, Mr. Zelensky, this award is a way to recognize all your work in 2021 and to give you reason not to disappoint us in 2022."
"We think this thing has really amazing capabilities now, but you can expect them to be getting pretty rapidly better."
"I know good and well that I'm going to wind up in a better place."
"But if he shows himself to just be a guy who's not serious then of course, you walk away, don't look back, keep your head up because there will be a man who wants to pour everything into you that you need and desire."
"Our country will survive it and I really believe we're going to be greater than ever before."
"Thought Tesla was a money printing machine today? Just wait till Q4. It's going to blow everyone away."
"There is so much life that is meant to happen for you."
"We're obviously closer than we were 70 or so years ago, but I think it's still very far away."
"So that's what we can expect in 2024 starting in early 2024 and then going throughout the year."
"I think the next couple of months are going to be very interesting for the tier list and I'm curious to see where all of those characters and buffs are going to land."
"There's so much stuff to look forward to already."
"There's an expectation that things will be changing in the relative future."
"Some amazing things are about to happen in 2020. I'm excited."
"Now I can think of those things and look forward to a future with a reasonable expectation that can happen."
"Good times ahead, even if they're a bit distant."
"We hope for so much from the future because our present seemed so empty."
"This will be a team we're going to see in grand finals fairly consistently."
"I have faith that one will grow before the end of the year. It's gonna happen. It's got to happen."
"I'm really excited to see five years from now how that all improves."
"I think what they're gonna build up to... is going to be three times as big as what we've already seen."
"Let's hope they deliver results in the coming months."
"Abundance, happiness, and bliss are coming your way, manifesting your desires."
"That's a record by a long shot bro, I don't think we're ever going to beat that again."
"I think we're going to have an explosion of creativity."
"It's going to change fast after that and it's going to be a very beautiful positive thing."
"2022 is going to be a year of glory, power, and change."
"I'm excited to see what the future of RVs hold."
"Chiefs won the Super Bowl or going to the Super Bowl."
"I'm excited to see what 2020 and the rest of the decade to come has to hold."
"Just because something happened in the past doesn't mean it's gonna happen again."
"Something very good is coming to you. You have not been forgotten about. Do not worry. It's just been delayed because something else needed to be ended first and be fully let go of and processed and transformed."
"Add expectation to that expectation. Expectation is a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future."
"It's very important for you to not give up hope that things can get better for you. Like, you are gonna start looking forward to the future again."
"I definitely do believe that we have a bright future."
"Things are going to start moving forward a lot faster."
"I think next year is going to be probably the best year for my content ever."
"Success, although the next edition next year will no doubt see even more participants."
"Things are going to get a little worse before they get better."
"Remember when I was having these rush energies, I feel that's how many of you will feel in the next few months."
"2022 is going to be a year for big answers to big prayers."
"At the end of the day, speculation is going to be wilder from here."
"I hope that this is a sign of things to come."
"I hope they don't forget about this mode. I hope it continues to grow and expand and evolve over time."
"It's not going to be bigger or better it's just going to be different."
"I feel like I'm on cloud nine and I cannot wait for what the future holds."
"Hopefully, Suge will do his time, he'll end up living through this very lengthy sentence, and he'll come out and embrace being a good businessman."
"We believe we're about to see a great awakening."
"I think next year is where graphics are going to get pretty exciting."
"I think sometimes the hardest thing to get over after a lost relationship is the alteration of what you expected your future to look like."
"Science is the belief that the future will behave like the past."
"Surely there is an end, but your expectations shall not be cut off."
"The past is a memory experienced now, the future is an expectation experienced now, they are never anything other than that."
"Hope is grounded in something that has happened and something that will happen."
"Jerome Powell stated that he does not expect 75 basis point hikes to be common this year."
"They've got a very strong positive attitude; they think the future is going to be outstanding for them."
"The market's job is to reflect what will expect to happen in the future."
"We're looking forward to more in 2024."
"A secure internal working model means that relationships later on should be secure."
"I'm guaranteed to find some more five stars in the coming months unless I've just gotten really lucky."
"I am so looking forward to what's gonna happen."
"The big change with the SHRM BASK is that it reflects SHRM's expectations for the future of our profession."
"I've got a good feeling about it, and I've got a pretty good feeling about 2023 as well."