
Ancient Wisdom Quotes

There are 222 quotes

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. You've heard that many times. I think we're rediscovering, in fact, what the ancient Greeks really knew."
"Imagine how different our lives would be if we had access to ancient wisdom and technology."
"The ancient one who has lived many lives through countless eons since time began, you are the deathless one who creates worlds and strides the universe."
"Your life purpose is to be a spiritual teacher...you are an old soul, an ancient soul, and you were sent here with a highest soul's purpose."
"Our dream world is real. The ancients knew that; it's just another dimension, another reality, but it's all real."
"The archaic mind understood and perceived that nature is a living intelligent entity with which we are in partnership, not set against."
"The wisdom contained in the Emerald Tablets is the foundation of the ancient Mysteries."
"This is a modern sickness that can be cured with ancient wisdom."
"Under the rule of these immortal custodians, civilization took root with intelligence and producing craft and architecture humans of the modern era could only dream of."
"The masters of ancient wisdom are supposed to be a group of enlightened beings who are credited with godlike powers such as that of teleportation, levitation, passing through walls, telepathic communication, and, of course, the ability to live incredibly long lives."
"We're trying to bring ancient wisdom with modern methods."
"Your dreams are real. That's what the ancients knew."
"You learn the ancient truth that the truth is Redemptive."
"Know thyself, the most important dictum in ancient Greek philosophy."
"This is the new health system. It's ancient, completely natural, and that's going to be our health system going forwards."
"It's really fantastic to see ancient wisdom suddenly being of interest to a new generation of people."
"While this method may seem bizarre and unorthodox, it stands as a testament to the lengths ancient cultures would go to unravel the mysteries of life."
"Blavatsky described a group of enlightened beings she called the Masters of Ancient Wisdom. As one of these so-called masters, Saint-Germain is believed by Theosophists to have many magical powers."
"Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food." - Mr. Hippocrates
"The emerald tablet becomes a source of primordial wisdom surviving even the flood and bridging Athens and Jerusalem."
"Ancient wisdom around 'eat these things, feel better.'"
"In this world, hate never yet dispelled hate. Only love dispels hate. This is the law, Ancient and inexhaustible."
"It's your instincts it's an instinct that right so much older than you it's probably older than god."
"Plato says that Egypt has recorded and kept eternally the wisdom of the old times, all coming from time immemorial when God's governed the earth and the dawn of civilization."
"The most central command of ancient philosophy: 'Know yourself.'"
"If your enemy is trying to retreat, build them a golden bridge."
"Bringing ancient wisdom into our modern world offers fresh perspective and new hope."
"Lots of ancient people already knew what we're trying to find out today."
"Man know thyself and thou shalt know the universe and God." - Pythagoras, you know, that triangle dude.
"Legend has it inside that library was stored all essential knowledge of alchemy astronomy mathematics magic and medicine."
"There's an ancient teaching which tells us that right now within each one of us there's something worth finding—it's more beautiful, joyous, and wonderful than anything you've ever known."
"Our ancestors soon learned the wisdom of underground dwellings sheltered from harsh light and climates."
"They must have known something; they must have had access to a higher wisdom and intelligence."
"He showed that man could value both modern technology and ancient wisdom."
"Water: the great connector, the carrier of ancient knowledge."
"It's so cool to see ancient wisdom being merged into modern-day."
"Embark on a transformative journey with our Soul Wisdom Channel, a sanctuary where ancient insights meet modern understanding."
"Mankind had certain abilities, certain powers, certain ways of being able to manipulate the world that didn't require the scientific technology that we have today."
"Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as the night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt."
"Ancient people already had some idea that all life on this planet was connected somehow."
"There's a lot we can learn from the ancients, including how to battle depression, reduce pain, and heal our symptoms at the root."
"The Great Pyramids were designed to convey knowledge into a future world."
"You are old ancient beings who carry within a great deal of experience."
"It's ancient wisdom that has been encoded into parable. It's actually brilliant."
"You are here to Anchor light, disseminate ancient wisdom, and guide others through the process of Spiritual Awakening."
"I'm in the Emerald Tablet number one, and Thoth said, 'But in a time yet unborn, I will rise again mighty and potent...'"
"These ideologies and archetypes are all going back to the original teachings of Thoth from the Emerald Tablets."
"The ancients knew vast amounts that we don't know right now, vast amounts."
"Know yourself; you need not fear the outcome of a thousand battles."
"Nothing comes into being out of what is non-existent." - Epicurus
"The ancients have said the time of awakening is here, let the dawn come, let the men of wisdom return, be not afraid, be strong, be good, and love."
"What it sounds to me like with that explanation is that science is starting to catch up to what spirituality and gurus have been talking around for thousands of years."
"Mental transmutation is really the magic of which the ancient writers had so much to say."
"Unveiling ancient insights shifting our Focus to ancient wisdom about death and the afterlife."
"The rediscovery of ancient sacred science is as important as it gets."
"I'm a big believer in ancient wisdom, I truly believe we don't know anything."
"We're here to bring another perspective from the ancientness that we are."
"What is your heart being drawn to and for the ancients, the classical Greeks, Romans, Christians? Whatever your heart is being drawn to, it is good only if it is true."
"Delving deeper into the mysteries of ancient texts, discoveries like the Tuli Papyrus and the Book of Thoth add to the awe-inspiring narrative of ancient wisdom."
"There's wisdom and Truth in Pagan literature."
"It is such a gift to have humans dedicated to studying the ancient Traditions, shedding light into this beautiful well of wisdom."
"We are rediscovering what it means to be a human being. We have lost our ancient wisdom over this patriarchal period."
"Everything really is connected... The information in the ancient secret of the flower of life... is true."
"More laws, less justice." - Cicero or Tacitus
"You're tapping into an energy source, almost like ancient knowledge."
"There is nothing new in this idea. Ancient Rishis have said this thousands of years ago."
"Metaphor and symbolism reveal brilliance in ancient cultures."
"Science is finally catching up with ancient wisdom."
"It's the same advice that Alexander the Great and many of the Greeks of the Classical Age went to Delphi to discover: know thyself."
"We live in a really exciting time where we can learn all these ancient ideas."
"The Emerald Tablets tell you the key to immortality."
"The ability to self-regulate our own biology...is a Godlike ability that the Ancients talked about."
"If you want to stop being confused then emulate these ancient Folk."
"The ability to project both strength and warmth is believed to be so rare that the ancient Greeks called it the divine gift."
"It is as if the ancient Eastern concept of Oneness was recognized by our forefathers long before the Arcane physics of quantum mechanics demonstrated its reality."
"The most ancient examples of history actually echoing future concepts."
"The Emerald Tablet is supposedly made of solid emerald and is inscribed with the very secrets of the universe."
"Imagine a path illuminated by ancient wisdom, where each step brings you closer to a deeper understanding of your being and the universe around you."
"The way is Ma'at: balance, truth, righteousness, and wholeness."
"The ancient world had the right attitude to this kind of thing and the modern world does not."
"Hippocrates once said all disease begins in the gut."
"Magic exists without a doubt; modern science now knows, and the Ancients have always known."
"It makes you think that the Platonists and the Pythagoreans were onto something."
"It's a question that goes back at least two and a half thousand years, to the ancient Greeks."
"The concept of reincarnation, the belief that our souls experience multiple lifetimes, has captivated the minds of mystics, yogis, and ancient scholars for tens of thousands of years."
"Ancient Egyptians call it dwelling in the divine."
"...how applying ancient wisdom can be helpful with modern mental health or health struggles."
"Everything that we need to be the healthiest physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually has been hiding in plain sight for millennia."
"hate anger and retribution are ancient ideas"
"Science is catching up to something that's been talked about for 3,000 years."
"The key to that kind of life has been around for thousands of years, just waiting for you to find it."
"The ancient alchemists really knew what they were talking about."
"The stars are speaking to you. They are speaking about ancient times, ancient yet new time."
"...these words are just rich with meaning even though they were written thousands of years ago they're full of meaning for our worlds today for our lives today."
"Each page is a portal to the ancient wisdom of herbalism and Alchemy."
"The challenge is to actually decipher what the ancients are trying to tell us."
"Everything is lining to think that which was written more than 2,000 years ago or 3,000 years ago is still lining with what's happening in this day and age. It's just amazing."
"These structures could thus be seen as keys to unlocking the mysteries of reality, embodying a worldview that perceived the universe as an interconnected whole governed by geometric and mathematical laws."
"Even the word 'healing' comes from the root to make whole. You know, Yoga comes from the Sanskrit meaning to unite, to bring together. These are really old ideas that we're rediscovering."
"He realized that the scribe would not have written the individual phonetic sounds as a glyph but instead would have captured the entire syllable in each glyph."
"Feng shui is around for 4,000 years. I always trust things that are around for a long time."
"Exploring ancient texts reveals layers of meaning."
"To the ancient peoples elucidation was a vision of another reality, the visions were not our imagination but the window to another dimension."
"What you are discovering in physics is what these ancient Indian scriptures have spoken about for a long time."
"Ancient people were smarter than some would have us believe."
"The exchange of DNA through sexual energy. A potential gateway to unlocking ancient wisdom."
"Out of our four famous stoics, we have Epictetus and Seneca left."
"Enchantment like that is the oldest form of Medicine."
"Contemplation is the most ancient and forgotten of all arts."
"These 7 Laws are among the most ancient and influential schools of thought, and they will expand vistas, broaden horizons, and assist one in the pursuit of a better, brighter, more meaningful, and longer life span – as much today as they had been before."
"'Hatred never ceases by hatred but by love alone is healed.' This is the ancient and eternal law."
"According to the ancient rishis, the universe is not self-existent, nor is it the highest reality."
"But if they have honed this recipe over thousands of years and they are attributing that beautiful growth to it, there might actually be something to it."
"...is something that rarely has ever been taught if taught at all if you are a person that really is passionate about this anaki this this ancient information this ancient wisdom and knowledge these ancient mystery School teachings and so forth."
"Could the pyramids be repositories of ancient wisdom waiting to be unlocked?"
"Understanding the ancient hermetic, platonic, Pythagorean philosophy that was behind the establishment of all of the doctrines and teachings of astrology itself."
"I love you unfaintedly, and admire your ancient muse."
"We wish to help in revealing all secrets that would help uplift Humanity to the next level of Consciousness and the Great Pyramid is one such secret."
"Your body is sacred and ancient, okay? Ancient goddess, ancient god here."
"Based upon very, very old writings on metaphysics and mystical involvement with what they refer to as the cosmic."
"It is high time that governments, policymakers, and environmentalists gave the conservation mechanics employed by ancient Africa the prominence it deserves when it comes to environmental sustainability."
"The effort in ancient religions was to bring humanity to a place where we cease to do harm."
"The fullness of the Everlasting gospel was contained in it as delivered by the Savior to the ancient inhabitants."
"My own commitments and efforts have always led me to want to restore to philosophy the wide set of concerns that it had in the days of the Greeks and Romans."
"Their heart must be as light as a feather."
"There are many secret truths which the ancients have passed over that are yet left to make some of our age famous for their discovery."
"Know thyself, that is an ancient Kemetic term."
"You need to read some Marcus Aurelius and have some fun."
"The ancient enlightened ones were the first martial artists to understand the Divine Dao."
"The Sphinx, mute, sardonic, and wise beyond mankind and memory."
"We stand at the precipice of a new era, one prophesied by ancient wisdom."
"These hidden teachings trace back to one core principle about how the universe operates that's over 10,000 years old, and that's the law of magnetism."
"Your hands hold ancient power; they are very powerful, they are very healing."
"The modern world may know a million secrets; the ancient world knew one, and that was greater than the million."
"From the very beginning, the Egyptians were masters of making sense of their world."
"The wisdom of the ancients was to continually introduce and initiate the worthy into the real purpose of the plan."
"Everything in moderation, and nothing in excess." - Attributed to Chilon and Cleobulus
"They use geometry and taught Pythagoras the Greek mathematician all of his theorem."
"Imagine you could practice dying, that's what the ancient mystery systems are all about."
"There is a not so remote possibility that they knew things that we don't know, that they may have understood things that we don't understand."
"The bright light of the soul is the new paradigm that's also ancient that you don't remember now, but you're super excited."
"What are the ancients trying to tell us?"
"This is an ancient solution to a modern problem."
"Know thyself; such is another ancient saying that comes down to us from the past."
"The Dacians took their knowledge from an influential priest initiated in Egypt to the same degree as Pythagoras and Plato."
"For the aspiring mage, this text is like a time capsule to the world of 4th century pagan religion, ritual, and philosophy."
"Together, this union of the sun and earth produces something beautiful and sacred to the ancient architects of this chamber."
"In the vast and captivating realm of metaphysics and ancient wisdom, we are introduced to a profound principle that unveils a timeless truth."
"What we do have is just a wealth of information from all these ancient cultures and the things that they went to great lengths to communicate to us."
"Know thyself - that's the most important piece of knowledge that Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates taught."
"The wise men of the ancient world...taught and demonstrated the profound effect of music upon the body."
"They knew the cosmic laws of the universe; they practiced a concept that is known today as the Ma'atian principle or the principle of Ma'at: truth, justice, peace, love, and wisdom."
"This was rediscovery of some very ancient maps of Consciousness that we have sort of rejected somehow during the Industrial Revolution."
"Acknowledged by the Chinese monk Shen Nong in his book The Shen Nong Ben Chao Jing written in 100 BC, it was described as the king of herbs and a precious gift of nature."
"Awakening ancient wisdom, deep inner knowing emerges within me."
"To recall the wisdom of the ancients, if you will."
"If we get too full of ourselves in our modern world, too conceited about who we are, we actually close down our ability to gain from these ancient teachings."
"Our words are powerful and how in ancient times a man and a woman were so sensitive to the words that were spoken."
"Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths where the good way is and walk in it."
"Look at ancient practices as a way for you to tap into the information and the blessings from the universe."
"Ancient man had not yet lost his awe of nature and being."
"The idea of following the extremely healthy eating plan that God designed in the ancient days will still benefit us today."
"As above, so below; there's this kind of harmony in these ancient cultures, mythological symbolic harmony."
"We have heard that the human soul was once endowed with a kind of primeval wisdom."
"The vastu Shastra was an understanding of the environment originally."
"Living from generation to generation, being about to pass into the halls of Amenti, set down for the guidance of those that are to come after, these records of the mighty wisdom of Great Atlantis."
"Close your eyes and conjure the power of the ancient priestess."
"Our spiritual systems come before the others, and if you want to live a prosperous, divinely balanced life, there is no better description of doing that than looking at the 42."
"Listen closely for ancient ones are guiding you; their wisdom will illuminate your path."
"It is so hard to be yourself... but this is one of the most ancient precepts of happiness: know thyself."
"Faith is important to me because it helps me counterbalance and offset what the world is trying to convince me of versus what the ancient writings are telling me."
"Pharmacon, an ancient Greek word meaning both poison and the cure."
"Humanity possessed a primordial revelation in ancient times, a primordial wisdom."
"...the religious genius of these ancient Hebrews that they understood the transcendence of God over the created order."
"The ancient secret for happy living was the act of blessing."
"I am ready to awaken ancient wisdom within me."
"Christ's Consciousness is the highest level the ancient sages knew this."
"These people that were here for 2,000 years knew the code to sustainability because nothing was brought in."
"The original Jedi were not the ones in Star Wars; they were d-j-e-d-i, Jedi wisdom keepers of the ancient land of Kemet."
"Know thyself, the most ancient saying in the spiritual life."
"Your highway from now on is the royal road of the ancients."
"These men of old, they spoke inspired by the Holy Spirit."
"The ancient new ideas they bring will be happy consequences."
"The Hermetica itself is really an insertion into the Platonic Western tradition of some ancient Egyptian ideas."
"This is an ancient knowledge... I gave this knowledge at the beginning of creation."
"Know thyself, nothing in excess, and make a pledge and mischief is nigh."
"Powerful energy shift. Ancient wisdom."
"Wouldn't you at least explore the possibility that these ancient truths that we've been living with for thousands of years are transcendent?"
"The universe is always seeking balance and moderation, the ancient Greeks always said panmetron ariston, everything in moderation."
"It's not by happenstance; they're ancient knowledge encoded to both to be to conceal as well as to reveal."
"Wisdom also for the ancients implies this idea of practical knowledge."
"As modern science begins to validate these ancient teachings, we are presented with a powerful opportunity to reconnect with our body's innate wisdom and unlock the secrets of longevity and vitality."
"In our journey to unlock the secrets of longevity and vitality, the ancient wisdom of the East offers us a powerful roadmap for transformation."
"How can 2,400-year-old writings be so relevant for our lives today?"
"Imagine if ancient cultures were onto something profound; what if they sensed a cosmic harmony that resonates through all creation?"
"You're figuring something out but you definitely are accessing ancient wisdom here."
"You've combined the yin with the Yang the way the Ancients taught it."
"We are going back to those times in Mystery Schools... where nature was seen as one whole and we were part of that one harmonious whole."
"You hold the answers, you know the truths, ancient ones await behind the doors of the mind."
"Something ancient is waking up within you."