
Societal Choices Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Life is better now than it was several centuries ago because people made certain choices. They built certain things, they discovered certain things."
"The United States is at a crossroads right now, and whether we pivot towards coexistence or pivot towards conflict depends on what we as people understand what we are and what our leaders actually pursue."
"Decline is a choice, and we have a binary choice: do we want law and order, do we want people to flourish?"
"Inequality of despair is not destiny. We can make different choices, and that is the silver lining that we can have a more moral, just, and inclusive society."
"In general, we're all pretty complicit in the annihilation of our own privacy. We had a chance to defend it but we chose convenience instead."
"Our culture has just two options: Christ or chaos."
"Do we want the ladder of opportunity or do we want the rope?"
"There is no pure ethnicity, national culture, and the ethical choices we have today are far wider than being forced to choose between racist right and religious right visions."
"I think we're still facing those choices right now which America do we want to be"
"Our country is incredibly divided, and it's up to all of us to decide which way we want it to go."
"Take your choice you want to open the bars or you want to open the schools."
"The choice is either up or down. We either go up to the eternal rules of right and the principles that are found in the scriptures that history shows produce maximum human flourishing, or we go down to the ash heap of totalitarianism."
"We're getting to a fork in the road in society... do we have laws or not?"
"The average person looks at the choices: hard work or free stuff. Free stuff, bro."
"The question remains: Will humanity choose evidence and logic, or money and power?"
"Decline is a choice it always is by every society."
"It's either we want freedom or we don't, either we want to take humanity into the direction of free and fun with technology and betterment of society or we can just do nothing."
"Choose someone who represents something, not just someone who's famous."
"When we make the rules of a game, we are always making choices about what kind of competition we want to have."
"We choose freedom and poverty over wealth and slavery."
"The film seems to argue that assimilation is preferred over annihilation."
"It's an existential question, what kind of country we're going to have."
"As a society, we really don't elect intellectuals to office."
"We either live in this country and accept that's what it does, or we go somewhere else."
"Do we actually want to live in this kind of world?"
"This is a turning point in humanity whether we continue to become more free and open or if we regress to total totalitarianism."
"White women are gonna have to choose between their sons and their daughters."
"The wise built bridges, while the foolish built barriers."
"Violence is bad, but if solving them peacefully will take longer."
"Research suggests that as alien civilizations evolve, they will face a choice: collapse from burnout or redirect towards prioritizing societal well-being."
"The answer to the fermi paradox: civilizations either collapse from burnout or redirect themselves to prioritizing homostasis."
"Humanity is at the point where they have to face either unyielding growth or self-destruction."
"We have the choice to rally together as a country or let this tear us apart."
"These guys would rather take away our civil liberties to stop another attack. I would rather maintain my civil liberties and risk another attack because the civil liberties are more."
"I think it's this is a great time. We have the choice right now to either rally together as a country or let this shit tear us apart."
"What's it going to be: a brutal dystopian unlivable future for the majority of humanity, all so a few executives can keep their profits? Or a brighter, fairer, sustainable future for us and for our children?"
"California has chosen to put the interests of criminals over public safety."
"America faces a choice. We can have great wealth in the hands of a few, or we can have a democracy. But we can't have both."
"People should not have to choose between health and democracy."
"The coming years will either be defined by a utopia we build or they will be defined by a hell we build."
"I'd rather see everyone in masks walking around like zombies than seeing everyone dead because that's the other thing we have to consider right now."
"Either we can accept grace, work as best we can to improve our lot in our country and our moral behavior and offer that grace to one another, or we can commit national suicide."
"We're living in a key time where we could either go on the path of total freedom or total technocratic slavery that choice that decision could be as simple as you deciding where you decide to spend your time."
"We have two Futures ahead of us: one organic, one synthetic or Divergent."
"It's up to us what happens right now whether it's the collapse of modern society and possible Extinction the development into a SL framework or the creation of a new Earth and a United planetary civilization it's up to us."
"It's a choice that we've made in this country."
"We all have to make choices about who deserves to feel safe."
"Do we want the facts, or are we content to blindly accept our own version of events?"
"I think humankind is standing at a crossroads."
"How the hell did someone like Hitler rise to power? What kind of country chooses a sociopathic Charlie Chaplin look-alike to lead?"
"People aren't forced to make these choices if we have adequate welfare services."
"We're actually poised between Utopia and dystopia."
"We are truly at civilizational crossroads right now."
"People are going to have to make a decision: what comes first, culture or economy? Faith or freedom?"
"As a society, we have to make a choice about what kind of society do we want to live in."