
Wealth Inequality Quotes

There are 277 quotes

"It's easier for every individual to be like 'I've got a YouTube channel that says every week listen, things are going to [__], we can fix it, we need to work together to reduce wealth inequality.'"
"The best way to address wealth inequality is through creating an environment where being poor is statistically unlikely."
"The 62 wealthiest human beings in the world—their combined wealth equals the accumulated wealth of one half the human population living on Earth."
"The richest 1% of the country own over half the entire stock market."
"We're going to talk about income and wealth inequality and what it means morally and economically when three people in this country own more wealth than the bottom half of America."
"The billionaire Jeff Bezos sleeps peacefully at night while many of his employees are underpaid and uninsured."
"The importance of wealth in our economies and the inequality of that wealth have been going up for decades, but the tax revenue raised from that wealth has not followed suit."
"The college degree is the number one grower of wealth inequality in the United States."
"This Blockbuster investigation vividly demonstrates how the ultra-wealthy and powerful live under a different set of rules than everyone else."
"The richest 85 people in the world equal the wealth of the three and a half billion poorest people in the world."
"The 62 richest people in the world...together have more wealth than the bottom half of the population of this planet."
"The fact that a small handful of rich ghouls owns most of the money and we'll all die of starvation and exposure if we don't get some of it... That's a big problem."
"The problem is if somebody owns all the robots, they have all the power and all the money."
"Wealth inequality is something that I've been worried about for quite some time. I think I first started speaking and writing about it in 2010, about a year or so after the financial crisis."
"This is sick, this is sick that the ultra wealthy can do this, and I for one won't stand for it."
"The Fed is only making wealthy people richer by propping up the stock market right now."
"If all of the land in the country is concentrated in the hands of a few rich individuals, we're essentially headed back to the Dark Ages."
"We can all agree that economic instability and growing wealth inequality has led to growing rage in America."
"The GOP tax scam where 83% of the benefits went to the wealthiest one percent and saddled our children and grandchildren with 2 trillion dollars worth of debt unnecessarily."
"A good economy helps with wealth inequality."
"The degree is the number one grower of wealth inequality in the United States because people with college degrees are out-earning everybody else so much."
"The three richest people in the United States have more wealth than the bottom 90% of the population."
"What rich people do at home or in their car or on their private jet pales in comparison to the exploitation of labor and the wrecking of the earth that generates the money they enjoy."
"Rich people whining about being richer isn't the issue; it's about everyone getting their fair share."
"Capitalism has gotten to such an unmanageable level of wealth accumulation that it certainly has not trickled down to the other quintiles."
"500 people own six trillion of the world's wealth. The top 1% owns nearly half of all the wealth in the world."
"People born into wealthy families are more likely to be wealthy; people born into poor families are more likely to be poor."
"Whenever you see wealth inequality...there is a Tipping Point when eventually the people say enough is enough."
"I think it's indicative of a lot of problems that we have in this country that wealth inequality creates this dynamic where people...feel this undue pressure to excel and to have status."
"In the wealthiest nation in the history of the world, top 1/10th of 1% should not own almost as much wealth as the bottom 90%."
"The top 20% of wealthy people in this country were controlling more than 80% of all the money."
"Enough is enough. We don't need in my country three people owning more wealth than the bottom half of society. That is obscene."
"Most data on wealth inequality on widening wealth inequality just compares the top and bottom quartile at one point to the top and bottom quartile another point without acknowledging that they're not the same people."
"Historic wealth inequality cannot be enforced solely with persuasion...over time, it must find more forceful weapons to maintain its existential imbalance."
"Landlords who say that they're having a tough time...they own so much more than us and are quite literally making money off of our paychecks."
"There's a finite amount of money in this country; for any one person to have so much more than they need, there must—mathematically—be thousands of people with less."
"This truly is about trying to close that wealth gap."
"The billionaires of the new aristocracy are no different than monarchs."
"If they are people they should also be held accountable for their actions and maybe not sit upon and hoard billions of dollars holed up in their estates, traveling on private jets and yachts."
"Trickle-down theory works wonderfully if you're at the top, kind of like an MLM, you know, or like a scheme."
"The very richest...pay fewer taxes...because they have most of their income from capital gains."
"In a modern moral and wealthy society, no person in America should be too poor to live."
"Jeff Bezos earns more in two minutes than most of us earn in two years."
"Inflation in short is a good deal if you're rich and a bad deal if you're poor."
"It's truly a message that the elitism that governs our national conversation is simply a means to acquire more wealth for the few, not making life better for the many."
"There's deep passion surrounding screwing those billionaires who screwed everyone else when they played casino with the economy."
"We've seen a massive transfer of wealth... You got three people on top owning more wealth than the bottom half of American society."
"Complaining about how victimized you are when you're a billionaire being mocked for advocating against civil rights is the height of cry bullying."
"Such a focus, and people don't realize if you eliminate a lot of this wealth problem, a lot of these racial issues will disappear as well."
"Billionaires shouldn't exist. That doesn't mean certain people should not exist, it means no person should have a billion dollars." - Alex
"The rise of affluence lifted all ships, but since then, we've entered a place of almost grotesque income inequality."
"You have two sides of the same coin here, right? Massive wealth accumulation from the rich is mirrored by loss of assets for the middle class and increase of debt for the middle class."
"Bitcoin is going to get so large that it is only going to be for the wealthy."
"Occupy Wall Street popularized the term 'the 1%' – the notion of a nebulous ruling elite that holds a wildly disproportionate concentration of wealth and power."
"There's no amount of money that solves homelessness truly, there's no amount of money that solves inequality truly and also is it right to actually just take from whoever you want to take."
"A lot of the billionaires are getting richer... Jeff of Amazon and Elon Musk, they also have gotten quite a bit more money."
"Here's a little something to chew on: a new report from Oxfam says that over the course of the pandemic the world's billionaires increased their wealth by 3.9 trillion dollars."
"It’s a choice. The billionaires at the top of our economic system choose to hoard wealth and the millionaires under them enable it."
"The rich is going to get benefit from this more than the poorest."
"The Walton family, six people, own more wealth than the bottom 41.5% of our population."
"We need to demand policies that prevent guys like him from amassing so much money to begin with."
"Rich people and massive wealth require the existence of poor people and exploitation."
"It's the war of the rich against the poor and the working people middle class."
"The rich are wealthier than they've ever been since the 20s."
"50 years of tax cuts for the rich failed to trickle down."
"Every dollar of increase in income for whites added like five dollars in wealth. Every dollar of increase in income for black families added like 70 cents in wealth."
"You're competing against billionaires, hedge funds. They're robbing you, brokie."
"Why should he be the richest person in the world?"
"Wealth inequality grows as heavy taxation destroys prosperity."
"It's not about demonizing rich people, it's a systematic problem."
"As a society, we should spend more time interrogating how easy it is for billionaires to shape our world."
"Globally, the top 1% now owns more wealth than the bottom 99%."
"You're the real socialist. The problem is it's socialism for the rich." - Bill de Blasio
"The whole system is set up to create income and wealth inequality."
"This is why I believe that term Rich stay Rich the poor get poor because it's information like this that is always gatekeeped by the most rich and successful people."
"What matters is when wealth inequality gets to a certain level, people revolt. Period." - Tim Pool
"It does raise questions about whether we have a dual-track of justice in the United States for folks who are exorbitantly wealthy."
"Just the amount of wealth concentration is just incompatible with democracy let alone socialism."
"The ruling elites, the billionaire class took everything they could for themselves."
"Billionaires in the UK have more than £683 billion between them. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer."
"Overall you say hey we added 20 trillion to the economy but what it doesn't tell you is actually half the country suffered and went backwards and only the top one percent gained."
"You can have large concentrations of money among very few people or you can have democracy, but you cannot have both."
"I don't think the world needs another billionaire."
"It's unraveling and criticizing wealth inequality at the beginning of the 20th century."
"Because what does it mean for us as a society, what does it mean for me as a member of society in the wealthiest country in the history of the world to blindly be stepping over homeless people on my way to whole grains?"
"At the end of the day, the 1% may have enormous wealth and enormous power, but they are just 1 percent. When the 99% stand together, we can transform society."
"The top 1% now holds more wealth than all of the middle class combined."
"The rich don't get richer through innovation, some do, but when we're talking about the billionaires who made a killing during the pandemic, that is not what we're talking about."
"Millions of people can actually go up against the billionaires."
"The richest 1% make twice as much as the rest of the world."
"A big issue in America right now is wealth inequality."
"Enormously wealthy people who want to screw over the students - that is an absolute unquestionable fact."
"The reason why the rich are getting richer and why they're going to continue becoming richer is because they understand these two things."
"Her rich family could even pay for the whole four-year education for someone else who deserves it."
"We must attack the materialism of our culture and the mal-distribution of the nation's wealth and services."
"Rich people are getting richer during this pandemic."
"America faces a choice. We can have great wealth in the hands of a few, or we can have a democracy. But we can't have both."
"Billionaires should not exist because it is absolutely unjustifiable to have people with that much wealth when we still see people sleeping out on the streets."
"Billionaires aren't Our Saviors, they're our mistakes."
"The one percent got out and they're going to leave the 99 holding the bag."
"I don't like the idea these ultra wealthy individuals who think they're smarter than everybody are gonna tell us what to do and then buy elections by flooding the zone with with cash for commercials and super pacs and lobbying."
"In the context of incredible wealth, poverty and income inequality go hand-in-hand."
"In a time of crazy wealth inequality and non-stop revolutions against a class of Rich parasitic Aristocrats it's no coincidence that the vampire became a cultural phenomenon."
"The easiest way to make a lot of money is just have your parents give you a lot of money."
"The richest three people own more wealth than the bottom 160 million Americans."
"The protesters are back outside of Bezos' house, and they've got another guillotine."
"You're going to see more there's going to be more separation between the rich and the poor."
"Blame billionaires, blame politicians in their pockets."
"FDR was a traitor to his class... that is very different from a lot of the billionaires who run today."
"This is why the people that benefit from inflation are the wealthy, the financially educated people."
"That's a bizarre standard to place upon people. If somebody has more money than you, then you're not allowed to criticize their behavior."
"Income inequality has been dramatically worsening since 1980."
"If our stock market investment participation rate was the same as our voter participation rate, a big chunk of the wealth gap would disappear in one generation."
"Literally, if we invested as much as we vote, that would literally do more to shrink the wealth gap than any politician ever could."
"I will not tolerate for one second the kind of greed and corruption and income and wealth inequality."
"A rich man buys one loaf of bread a day and you would get rid of that one problem."
"The number one thing that people are talking about is the widening wealth inequality."
"I think we have to be concerned about the wealth gap and the consequences geopolitically."
"Some of the fights that you want to pick are with the billionaire Elite Class."
"It is absolutely shameful and disgusting to have a city with such obscene amounts of wealth and have people treated with such little human decency and dignity in these ways."
"Republicans are doubling down on their mega mega trickle-down economics that benefits the very wealthy."
"The reason why this is so important to understand now than ever before... the rich and the financially educated are becoming richer while the middle class is getting wiped out and the poor is becoming poorer."
"There's a rising gap between the rich and the poor... many people live in very poor conditions."
"Only the little people make profits. If you're a billionaire, you don't want to make a profit."
"If you raise the cap just to make sure that super rich people aren't getting a huge tax cut here, that seems like it would be pretty important."
"There's a long history of black men and women who've acquired massive amounts of wealth where white people realize, 'Hey wait a minute, we could just change the law, we can break the law, we can go get that money.'"
"This recovery did not help anybody except the 1%... this is your future."
"One percent of the richest people control 44 of the entire world's wealth."
"Is it moral that the top one-tenth of one percent owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90%?"
"We are heading into a future dominated by inherited wealth as capital concentrates in fewer and fewer hands, giving the very rich ever greater power over politics, government, and society."
"In the United States today, we have the most unequal distribution of wealth and income since the 1920s."
"When you have this very high level of wealth inequality it sucks the rest of the wealth out of the economy."
"What about those who inherited enormous wealth and land from their white supremacist ancestors?"
"New Zealand is getting sick of all these billionaires."
"We're witnessing record wealth inequality take place, ladies and gentlemen."
"Wealth inequality is getting worse and worse and worse and I think it's like the defining thing about Britain these days."
"Media like Squid Game and the conversations it fosters are gonna be very important in the struggle against wealth inequality."
"26 billionaires now own half of the world's wealth."
"The rise of populism as the rise the fiat money system is designed to do just this: income and wealth inequality."
"We live in a country where the top one-tenth of 1% now has as much wealth as the bottom 90% – a wealth gap that we haven't seen in a hundred years."
"Last year during this pandemic, you had the wealthiest billionaires in the nation. They made another $700 billion."
"A few people with massive amounts of wealth can distort and skew statistics across the whole medium."
"Over half of Americans see a wealth tax as a way to help solve inequality. Groups like the International Monetary Fund have called for one-off wealth taxes."
"Nobody earns one billion dollars. We have a system that funnels the value created by working-class people to billionaires."
"The richest 1% on this planet own more wealth than the other 99% combined."
"A system where the immense wealth of a few people comes from the suffering of everyone else... needs to be done away with."
"Elon Musk has enough money to end homelessness and hunger."
"The worst people on the planet, monsters who are gobbling up the earth's resources so that they can log a high score on the global money leaderboards."
"Bernie Sanders... has shed a light on wealth inequality."
"It's not good for the majority of people for a minority of the ultra Rich to get wealthier and wealthier and wealthier."
"Rich people... they're not supposed to own a bigger piece of our democracy."
"Three people now own more wealth than the bottom 165 million Americans."
"Ultimately, whether wealth is inherited or gotten through extreme corporate maneuvering in one single generation, we simply shouldn't have the level of extreme wealth and inequality that we currently do."
"The rich just get richer, it's true, yeah, from the beginning of time, they were staying rich because they did these things."
"Confidence is a con job. Have confidence in the financial system because it works? Oh yeah, it works for the really rich people. Everyone else, you're getting wiped out."
"It hits everybody. Poor people first and more deeply, but ultimately the ultra-wealthy will be hit as well."
"We have an economy for the top one percent... and then there's the economy for everybody else."
"Enough is enough, I'm tired of feeding other people."
"The richest people on this planet saw their wealth increase by 3.63 trillion dollars."
"Is Elon Musk truly the richest man in the world or does the richest person not have their name on a piece of paper because they're that rich?"
"I believe what we need is people in his position to continue to address the wealth gap."
"It's inequity that is driving the destruction of this system." - Critique of wealth inequality and its consequences.
"We refuse to live in oligarchy. We refuse to accept a society in which so few have so much and so many have so little."
"The top 1% owns more wealth than the bottom 99%."
"I don't think anybody needs to be that rich when you're talking about billionaires."
"Paper is a mortgage on wealth that does not exist, backed by a gun aimed at those who are expected to produce it."
"Excessive wealth is not generated by hard work or by pulling yourself up by the bootstraps."
"I believe in democracy, not billionaires owning the system."
"It is immoral and obscene for 1/10 of 1% to own the same amount of wealth as the bottom 90% of the country."
"We're going to continue our effort to tell the wealthiest family in this country."
"The root of the wealth gap is fundamentally the income gap."
"I think what I want is kids from ordinary families to be able to get well-paid jobs and afford decent decent homes and have families and raise their kids in security and dignity and I think the only way to do that is to tax the very rich."
"Wealth inequality is at Gilded Age levels or Beyond, and most people are starting to realize that when it comes to things like massive student debt, The Limited job market, stagnant wages, and a basically rigged Financial system, we are not playing on Fair terms."
"The upper 1% control more wealth than the lower 67%."
"The disparity of riches in America was striking: in 1897, the richest 1% of the population owned 51% of the wealth of the entire country."
"We must demand that the extremely wealthy pay their fair share, period."
"I spend a lot of my time fighting against the greed of the billionaire class which has resulted in the top 1% in the world owning more wealth in the bottom 99% can you believe that top 1% owning more wealth in the bottom 99%."
"People are literally starving to death because the wealthiest have hoarded so much money."
"We've got to coalesce in our critique of oligarchs and oligarchy and plutocracy without hating oligarchs."
"That's one of the reasons I did the book. I kept hearing these wealth inequality arguments and the system is broken and all the Marxist garbage that's out there, and it's just not true."
"The richest have more money than the entire least wealthy half of the world. Is it fair?"
"If the government gives you 100 quid and gives the rich 100 Grand, that makes you poorer."
"Demand that wealth inequality comes down."
"If billionaires are worried about a wealth tax, they should get a second job and stop buying coffee and avocado toast."
"I hope that they're actually doing things to help Humanity, but something tells me that they're just trying to make that money, set the agenda, and the rich get richer and the poor get poorer."
"It breaks my heart for people that are out there working two to three jobs and will never have the kind of money or even like a tenth of the money that Jeffree Star has and would do anything just to take a family vacation."
"The wealth inequality in the US is just insane."
"The wealth inequality is just dangerous to a society and it will bring it down."
"If you don't demand reduction in wealth inequality things will get worse but if you achieve reductions in wealth inequality things can get better."
"Wanting to reduce wealth inequality... it's not about the politics of Envy... it's because I do not want the Ordinary People of this country... to fall into desperate and abject poverty."
"We can probably expect wealth inequality to increase, driving further polarization."
"If you look today, the top one-tenth of one percent of the population's net worth is equal to the bottom 90% combined."
"I think at the core of it is the same reflection that's happening in crypto with people gambling on Meme coins, and really what it is is that we're seeing a world where wealth inequality is significantly increasing."
"If we want wealth equality but also to be wealthier on average what we do is we take the poorest and we kill them."
"I don't know like it's it's the billionaires they're coming in and with all their money they're making wealth you know like inequality worse if there were just fewer billionaires then we'd all be more equal."
"Equatorial Guinea has been called the North Korea of Africa as it has so much wealth but none of it goes to the people of the country and instead feeds the leaders absurdly lavish lifestyles."
"The problem of course is not that the rich are getting smarter it's that the rich are getting richer and can increasingly rigged the system to their own benefit."
"Eat the rich. This is why folks in here snatching G wagons up every week in Atlanta because y'all just stupid as hell and I don't feel sorry for y'all."
"Violent upheavals have been the single most important means of levelling wealth and income inequality in human history."
"We should be a lot more angry at how the ultra Rich are able to accumulate massive amounts of wealth."