
Affirmation Quotes

There are 19299 quotes

"I can do this. I'm awesome, and I can do this."
"If no one's told you lately, you are loved, you are worthy, and you matter."
"Say nice things to yourself because you're the only one listening."
"Start your day reciting a positive affirmation to yourself... It really sets the tone for the rest of your day."
"Put some respect on my daughter's name. Period."
"You are an amazing person. No one is a better version of you."
"I love me. You remind me, and I'm beautiful. I'm strong."
"Looking at yourself in the mirror every day and complimenting yourself, 'You are beautiful, you are loved.'"
"I am loving kindness in action and a healer. My body is whole and healthy, and so it is."
"Put yourself on a pedestal and affirm your worthiness regardless of external opinions."
"You are worth it. You're worth it. I hope you can see that."
"We all have fundamental emotional needs to be seen, to be heard, and to be loved and celebrated for the unique human being that we are. When those needs are met, you feel affirmed, confident, and whole."
"The moment you raise your hand to high-five yourself, you can't high-five yourself in the mirror and go 'I hate my face.' Your brain won't allow you to."
"When you high-five somebody, you're affirming that somebody exists, you are saying I see you."
"You deserve love, you're worthy of love, you have a lot to give."
"You deserve happiness, you are someone who deserves positivity."
"You are a very valuable person, you are somebody who works very hard in life."
"Let these messages serve to confirm the things that you do know but have forgotten."
"It's our own voice, and we just want to sort of acknowledge that it is good enough."
"Imagine everything that you're trying to manifest and start saying it out loud what your life is now like."
"No matter what age you are, you still want that affirmation often from your parents or your parental figures in your life."
"Let your prevailing thought be 'I can and I will.' Think 'I can and I will.' Dream 'I can and I will.' Say 'I can and I will.' And act 'I can and I will.'"
"Nothing is wrong with you, quite the opposite, in fact."
"You are loved and you matter because it's true."
"I need you to know that what we had was real."
"Our prayers and affirmations are for the purpose of bringing our own mind to the point where we can accept the gifts which were given to us from the foundation of time."
"Rewrite your inner narrative... affirm yourself in a positive way."
"When the request is right, the timing's right, and you're right, then God says go."
"Every day in every way I am becoming more and more prosperous."
"My prosperity is unlimited, my success is unlimited now."
"If happiness is what you want, then happy you shall be."
"Confidence in your choices is a reflection of your intuition affirming that you are on the right path."
"The only thing you need to do to find love is first of all every day say, 'I'm worthy of love. I am worthy of being loved. I deserve to be deeply loved and I am worth it.'"
"God is good, all the time, and all the time, God is good."
"You are enough, and then some; you're more than good enough."
"I don't want us to repeat that story with our trans youth. This is a time where we can offer them the support, the resources, the affirmation, and validity of their existence to ensure that they survive."
"Pour life, love, and interest into this affirmation, and you will have chosen happiness."
"Thank you, dear. You're right. I deserve better."
"Everything and everybody prospers me now, and I prosper everything and everybody."
"For every 15 minutes of reading that you do, you should speak for success words and success statements for five minutes."
"You are an incredible person, and there's nobody else like you on this earth."
"Life has value, and your life has value too."
"When it goes right, it can be life-affirming."
"If somebody doesn't affirm you, you can never live affirmed."
"In the act of affirming, we're literally lighting up a new neural pathway in our brain."
"I give and receive love freely and fully in my relationships."
"The church in the end continued to affirm that Christ was God come down, that it was God incarnate."
"This is absolutely beautiful. This is exactly what we need."
"You're worth the whole damn bunch put together."
"I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the universe."
"I am perfectly capable of loving myself unconditionally."
"I deserve to be loved. Instead of saying 'I deserve to be loved,' practice saying 'I am loved, I'm appreciated, I have love in and all around me.'"
"I am strong. Yes, please practice saying this out loud if you can."
"But, weirdly, the researchers found that people who already had low levels of self-esteem, they felt even worse about themselves when they were doing this positive affirmation stuff like, 'I'm a lovable person.'"
"I love you so much, you are amazing in every way and you're so special."
"Deservability, 'I do not deserve'... you better start programming 'I deserve'... in the present tense 'I am healthy, I am wealthy, I am this, and I am lovable'."
"Affirmation is a positive thing that can bring about good energy and good results in your life."
"The Holy Spirit descended on Him in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came from heaven: 'You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.'"
"Spirit wants you to know that you're on the right path."
"Hopefully you did too. Also just one more time in case it wasn't clear, coping mechanisms are typically a very good thing and very helpful in day to day life."
"I want you to know that you are beautiful, it's not just inner beauty, your inner beauty shines out though in your physical appearance and you are beautiful."
"I think it's very sad that as a society we're more likely to affirm someone's momentary desire than to consider what's truly best for them in the long run."
"Everyone is always worthy, simply because they exist."
"You don't have to prove yourself; you need to realize it within yourself."
"I want you to know that you matter. I want you to know that your lives matter, that your dreams matter."
"I express life, healing, love, and right action now, for I know all healing is of the most high."
"You are loved already, completely, unfailingly loved."
"You are valuable, you are worthy, just the way you are."
"I deserve the best and accept the abundance in my life."
"I am ready to receive the miracles awaiting me."
"I am financially independent and creating my own wealth."
"I affirm now that all of these things are accurate and true. I am immensely grateful for my connection to the infinite source of all of my creative ideas that dwells within me."
"You're amazing, you're enough, you're perfect."
"Stand in front of a mirror and say to yourself, 'I am worthy of all the good things I dream about.'"
"You deserve everything you have, if anyone does, it's you."
"Speaking words of blessing and affirmation over your family."
"Every morning, tell yourself in the mirror just one thing that you love about yourself. It can be your teeth, your bum, your kindness, your competitiveness."
"You is kind, you is smart, you is important."
"God is good, basic, right? But this is so very important because I know we say it all the time: God is good all the time, and all the time God is good."
"Self-soothing can come in the form of affirmation. We say yes, I'm upset; yes, this is horrible; yes, I don't know what to do right now."
"You've got to say yes to your life. Yes to my dreams. Yes to me. Yes, I can make it. Yes, I can."
"I think you're great. I think that you did the right thing. I don't think you're a scammer, and I think you're a great guy."
"I feel insecure... I am good enough. I'm sorry. You're so beautiful. Thank you."
"We don't get enough affirmation in this world."
"It's such an unusual thought to say, 'I love you for who you are right now.' The embrace of the very moment that you're in."
"You are enough, and you will always be enough."
"You are worthy of love. Do you not see that?"
"You are amazing and beautiful exactly as you are."
"Everything is working to my advantage, something wonderful is happening for me now, my world is taking care of me, everything is going according to plan, things are working out perfectly and will continue to do so with ease."
"Happy Valentine's Day, and I still love you. I really still love you."
"Every time I tell myself I can do it, I can do it."
"You are enough. Say that 10 times. I am enough, I am enough, I am enough."
"You're a diamond of immense strength and beauty."
"The first thing I say when I wake up is 'I love my life.'"
"You are always enough, and never forget it because when you know it, the whole world knows it."
"You are lovable, just know that about yourself."
"As always, know that you are valuable and that you matter."
"God is speaking to you today, proclaiming, 'You are my beloved child, cherished with an enduring love.'"
"I am that. Say it to yourself three times. I am that. I am that. I am that."
"You're beautiful no matter what anybody says."
"I decree and declare that it is well with my soul."
"You are free, sovereign, alive, and eternal."
"This female spirit is whispering in your ear that you are beautiful, loved, and special just the way you are."
"You're an Earth angel... nothing sweeter than your energy, baby."
"Don't let anyone take away who you are and how true you are and what you matter in this world to so many other people."
"You are so, so beautiful, you are so, so worthy exactly as you are now."
"A trust in life and an alignment with synchronicity affirm life on all levels, physical, mental, and spiritual."
"I am worthy, I am beautiful, and I am loved."
"You are perfect from head to toe, inside and out."
"They really do like you; it's not in your head."
"You deserve it. They always treat you wonderfully."
"I look in the mirror and say I love and accept myself exactly as I am."
"You're beautiful, you're strong, you're powerful, young black women."
"I choose from this day forth to be good enough now."
"Repeating numbers are just confirmation from the universe."
"God sent me from Dallas to tell you, you're wine."
"You're valuable to God and don't let anybody tell you you're not."
"Manifestation: It's coming. Well done, you did it. You asked, we heard. Here it is. No, it isn't too good to be true. It's yours. The opportunity for everything you want."
"The best days are in front of us, they're not behind us. They're ahead of us. You claim it, you speak it, and believing, we will see it."
"I do stand by it. I do believe that the United States is the greatest country in the world."
"He said, 'You're here on merit, you deserve to be here.'"
"You is important. You also matter, guys. Everyone mad me is cool."
"Cancel clear. I am worthy of everything because I've done nothing wrong. I deserve the world because I've done nothing wrong."
"God can show you your future and help you be affirmed in your identity and destiny."
"Be loyal to what you love, especially yourself."
"We need great people in our police departments and we have mostly great people. I would say that with certainty."
"Trust and believe that you deserve to feel safe. Period."
"You deserve this and you know you deserve this."
"You deserve goodness, you deserve love, you deserve freedom."
"Acknowledging the impact of Africans in the formation of American culture is an affirmation of life."
"Calling those things out, calling it out y'all I promise you and standing on it, praying about it, it'll happen."
"Our existence on Earth proves that life is possible in the universe."
"Thank you for watching this video. If you liked it, please smack that subscribe button. Ring the bell too, you know what to do."
"Seeing that you were doing it at the same time as me genuinely felt like I was so on the right path."
"You need to just realize that other people might affirm and celebrate this and my people might be in these kind of relationships and they're allowed to be and you can just leave them alone."
"The most sweeping affirmation of inherent indigenous rights ever."
"You're not dirt. You are worthy. You're a good man."
"Thank you means I appreciate you, I care about you, I affirm you."
"In case nobody else tells you I wanted to tell you that I love you I believe in you."
"There's so much power in just that statement."
"I choose to release this pain; my body is safe now; all is well."
"That's what I'm thinking, that sounds like a dead center."
"If you haven't been told this, you matter. I love you."
"Thank you affirmations are more than mere words they are Declarations of our unwavering trust in God's goodness and his unwavering promises."
"We're here, we're queer, and we're here to stay."
"Visualizing, scripting, affirming - fundamentals of manifestation."
"Let the whole house of Israel know for certain that God has made both Lord and Christ this Jesus whom you crucified."
"I'm choosing to live because your life actually matters."
"Not one of your words will fall to the ground without them coming to pass."
"Positive affirmations in the morning are critical to ensuring that you attract success, wealth, or other things that you desire to attract in your life."
"Aliens are real baby. Aliens are real." (Yes, it's repeated, but it's a good one!)
"Your life matters. It's explicitly important to say."
"You think I fell off? I'm starting, thank you."
"Player agency was very important to this game's success."
"We're healthy, we're wealthy, we're whole, we're free."
"I'm not powerless. I'm powerful. I'm a super house."
"I am enough, you are enough, just as you are."
"You cannot tell me that this man did not know what he was doing."
"As we go on we're going to see that the Quran doesn't simply affirm the initial inspiration of the Torah and the gospel but also the preservation of the Torah and the gospel."
"History today letting you know that black life does matter."
"That really let me know I'm doing something right."
"You are worthy, you are a human being that you are worthwhile to this planet and there are many people that I'm sure care about you and would be devastated at losing you."
"It's time to redeem the value of the woman, let her know that she's wanted by her man."
"Here's your reminder that you deserve the same love and care that you give to others."
"Trust your intuition this is happening for you not to you."
"If you continue to say it out loud, it's like your mind already knows."
"You're not the problem, I feel like they really see your beauty, your work."
"I am enough. You're enough. When you believe that, everyone else believes it."
"Don't let anybody filking life in general, exactly exactly."
"You're in a fabulous field, nursing is a fabulous field."
"You are funny, you are smart, you're clever, and that's who you are."
"Could you explain it as being the energy of God? Oh, absolutely, yeah. I would say emphatically, it is God."
"At the end of the day like personal Excellence is awesome and Brilliant."
"I am so blessed. And you know what? I actually believe it."
"Don't ever take anything less than you truly deserve, gemini."
"You do not deserve to be treated badly, a hundred percent, a billion percent yes."
"You are valuable and your body is beautiful, yeah, and you're perfectly and wonderfully made."
"I would say yes, definitely. This is definitely like love and a commitment."
"You're on the right path, keep doing what you're doing."
"There is love around you and you guys are loved."
"You are welcome here and you are loved and affirmed and holy as you are."
"You gotta say yes I can, yes I should, yes I will."
"It's all real. Every last bit of it. That's what I will say. It is all real."
"Reminding yourself of that every single day will bring you paradoxically Joy. I love you. That's the most important thing."
"As incredible as you are now, you have to admit what I've been saying is true, right?"
"You're loved, you're valued, you're appreciated."
"Somebody loves you. That's my way of saying look, you never hear this, so look, it's real."
"You have a value and a purpose in your life. Your life matters."
"That girl ain't lying. That girl ain't lying. That girl is not lying."
"You are amazing, you are a wonderful human being, or if you identify as anything else, maybe there's like dogs or cats watching this, you're an amazing animal."
"You're like we're best friends. Yeah, I'm convinced now, yeah, yeah, absolutely."
"It's amazing, but your point is 100% correct."
"What a legend, absolute legend." - "I think it's the right call, I don't think you stick around after this."
"You're good enough as you are, you're enough."
"I declare that I am financially free in Jesus' name. I'm no longer a slave to poverty. Thank you, Lord, for granting me Financial Freedom."
"I declare that I have great favor and blessings in my life. I speak favor and blessings into every area of my life."
"I declare that I will prosper in all that I do because of God's favor and blessings in my life."
"I attract riches honor and Abundant Blessings."
"I declare that I am blessed and wonderfully favored, the favor of God is upon me everywhere I go."
"You're an incredible human being and you should be proud of that."