
Hate Quotes

There are 862 quotes

"Love and hate are not opposites in the slightest. They are physiologically very, very similar."
"Let us use this sad event to reaffirm that we must never fight hate with hate."
"You love me, then you hate me, that's a game for fools."
"You can't eat hate. You can't teach children with your hate. Your hate is useless."
"Spread love, because there's too much hate in this world."
"Confusion leads to resentment, resentment leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering."
"James Baldwin once wrote, 'I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hate so stubbornly is because once the hate is gone, they'll be forced to deal with their pain.'"
"You cannot fight hate with hate; you need to fight hate with love."
"All that hate you want to put out to somebody else is something inside you that you got to figure out."
"I don't believe in spreading hate, but rather to try to critically analyze."
"There's no reason to send anybody hate at all."
"Hate is not criticism. Learn the difference."
"Spread love because it's too much hate in this world."
"If you look for love, you'll find love. If you look for hate, you'll find hate."
"Love will conquer hate. Love is the disinfectant of that small minority in our country that want to divide us and pit us against each other."
"Hate is like a fire. Once it takes hold, it spreads, consuming everyone. It is our collective responsibility to stand against that hate."
"The natural reaction would be disgust; people are disgusted by that and, of course, they get angry, and this disgust, in this case, kind of blended together with anger leads to hate."
"I was always told growing up the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference."
"You can't make a law against stupid; you can't make a law against hate."
"Love and hate are very binary terms, and there's this whole area in the middle."
"We've ended up buying into the illusion that there are more hateful people in the world than there actually are."
"Hate is a really difficult thing; we mustn't hate people."
"Hate can be very powerful...using it to better yourself."
"Kids aren't born with hate, it's taught by people like you, and my child will only know love."
"Our style is not to be confrontational, but when you're dealing with individuals who are promoting hatred, they need to be confronted head-on, intellectually."
"You can love and hate somebody; that's okay in terms of human beings."
"I don't really understand to this day why anybody would hate me. I just do videos on gardening, vegan food, fitness, meditation, and martial arts. What is there to hate?"
"Racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, transphobia, they're all connected. But the antidote to hate is love."
"There's only one way how to end hate, by its counterpart, by understanding."
"I'm so thankful that I was not overcome by hate so I could advocate for what I believed in, which was justice and prevention."
"As the years have gone by, there's just so much hate in society, and there's so much unwillingness to understand other people and so much readiness to dismiss offhand."
"Equality and hate...if equality is achievable, it's never through hate."
"It's always wrong to hate, but it's never wrong to love."
"These people hate America. They are the Marxist, the racists, and the perverts."
"I don't think the solution to hatred is more hate. I firmly disavow people who think that disliking men or white people or cis people or whatever improves anything."
"I think it makes things a lot worse if we're gonna hate each other for [ __ ] sake."
"Hate never comes from above you it always comes from beneath you."
"Hate only ever comes from beneath you. It never comes from above you."
"Hate is the reciprocal of love, it’s just as powerful and people can do evil acts in the name of love too."
"One of the hardest fasts that you can do is fasting from hate."
"Hate is an everyday human emotion, like love, like anger, like jealousy. It's not the police, but it's not nothing to do with the police until that hate becomes the motivating factor in a criminal act."
"Hating fanboys isn't about the act, it's about the hate when fanboys hate other fanboys."
"Kids aren't born with hate, it's taught by people like you."
"Nobody wants to be part of a [expletive] pity party."
"Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that."
"If y'all want to know the true power of hate, just remember Alan Turing."
"It's stunning just people are so you're hateful and furious and people feel comfortable talking to me on in person."
"She's a monster and a liar. I hate her. I hate everyone."
"Do not send hate to him if you know who he is or if you see a video from him don't send hate towards him it was just like a stupid situation."
"But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate to know that for destruction ice is also great and would suffice."
"Love can seemingly turn and devolve into strong hate."
"The harsh reality of life is that those who acknowledge and complain about hate only end up receiving more hate."
"Don't divide the community, don't preach hatred, don't foment sectarianism, don't teach a Muslim to have in his heart hatred looking down upon another Muslim."
"It's okay to hate, it's just not okay to act in violence against people based upon it."
"Facing hate? Been there, done that. It's nothing compared to what I've overcome. We'll stay positive, keep fighting, and keep growing."
"We shouldn't hate each other. I think and I know they're not saying you actively like hate."
"I think the enemy you are referring to... it's hate."
"Hate got us in this position but love is going to break us out."
"There's criticism, that's one thing, but that level of hate and vitriol, that's not constructive or criticism."
"Move out hatred from our community and replace it with love."
"Hate has no creed, violence has no religion."
"Hate isn't just about feeling hatred or feeling some negative emotion; it's also about causing hatred in others."
"As long as there is love in this world, there will also be hate."
"Nobody is unaffected by hate, insecurity, and the pain it causes."
"Hating people is not as overt as you seem to think, but planting seeds of bigotry is."
"Hate left unchallenged spreads like wildfire."
"We must confront it now, prevent it, and give it no space to grow."
"You shouldn't have to deal with hate toward your family, friends, or kids."
"Hate is like taking poison and hoping the other person gets sick."
"Just because you give me hate doesn't mean I gotta give your hate back."
"Transphobia is a legit mental illness...how can you just live with this much hate?"
"The year of jealousy and hate" - a tumultuous period in online relationships.
"When there is a wave of hate that begins to cascade over a part of the world, we need to build an opposing wave of love."
"Anything that brings hatred into religion isn't true religion."
"These people really hate you, they don't deserve any of your money."
"God hates abuse, but God does not hate the abuser."
"Nobody who has chosen the easy path of hate has gotten to the end of that road and said, 'Oh, what a life.'"
"I just don't believe there's hate. I just don't like hate."
"If you have hate in your heart, keep it there."
"Ending the cycle of hate, creating a cycle of positivity."
"No one deserves hate, no one deserves cancel culture."
"You don't have to hate people if they hate you. You don't have to be the victim of something if you don't want to be."
"Hate puts a lot of attention on you. Sometimes hate helps you, channels your energy to be greater."
"Some of y'all need to change your lives, man. You can't be having that hate in your heart."
"Whether they hate you or love you, if they respond to you, it's still love at the end of the day."
"Race hate isn't human nature. Race hate is the abandonment of human nature."
"The word hate is a terrible word... I don't hate anyone. I was raised in a way that is full of love."
"Condemnation doesn't stop hate, it only makes hate bigger."
"People you disagree with, you shouldn't hate, you shouldn't want them dead."
"I can't believe that someone would have so much hate in their heart."
"If equality is achievable, it's never through hate."
"We cannot let hate win because this isn't just about us this is about the world."
"The child is not born hateful to no group of people on the planet until somebody that's grown tell them they need to hate."
"Hate is always gonna be around us, and I realize it's on me to let that hate affect me or rise above it."
"Why are people so quick to judge and so quick to hate?"
"You don't need their hate anymore, you've grown past it."
"Hate is not a solution, it's a delusion that leads to awful alliances, terrible decision making, and a convoluted worldview."
"Hate always finds a way to make the world worse."
"There is a difference between criticism and literally straight up hate comments."
"The monkey hate Community is still very much out there."
"That deep-rooted hate that [__] has been implemented..."
"When things get physical, it has nothing to do with love, that's hate."
"Not an excuse for a hate campaign. Acts of hate dished out online won't result in any positive change. It only makes things worse because you don't obviously want to like levy harassment against again sad."
"If what you're listening to isn't encouraging love, if it's encouraging hate, then maybe you should be careful about what you're listening to."
"Good people's lives can senselessly be destroyed in an instant because of hate mob mentality."
"Hate comes from love, whether it be something you love to become something you hate, or something that you hate because it affected something you love."
"It's not okay to hate somebody for something they can't control."
"Once a party embraces hate, it is very difficult to unwind that."
"Love or hate, you grow on their emotions no matter what it is."
"Hatred is not the answer. Hatred only leads to more hatred."
"There is also this notion of like you can also be told a narrative and you can also be told another history and that can breed hate because you're being told this hateful story."
"You have to attack the ignorance so that you don't lead to fear which then leads to hate which leads to destruction."
"When you hate something, you're actually hating yourself."
"Pure unadulterated intense obsessive jealous hate."
"Someone that is willing to do that is full of hate and is not mentally well."
"It's all hate in their heart and it's just so vital that we approach all of this with compassion."
"Love exposes the hate, you know? It's like, okay, you can hate and hate and hate, but when you come here to hate on us for getting married and being in love, then you're the hater."
"Confederate nostalgia is dangerous. The Confederacy was a country born out of hate and subjugation."
"That's what's wrong is people are choosing to lead with hate."
"Just when people hate you, just love them. You just keep loving them when the more they hate you, just keep loving them."
"Begin writing now, create, express, and inspire."
"I love what Allah loves, I hate what Allah hates."
"Hate is a way of pointing out a scapegoat and grabbing power."
"If you hate something or someone, it has to have affected something or someone you love."
"It's too much hate in this world, all I want to do is give love, like that's just me."
"Hate never accomplishes anything. No one's ever won with hate."
"The world is so full of hate right now that we need to practice a little forgiveness."
"Everyone has their own opinion, I just feel like the world is so full of hate right now that we need to practice a little forgiveness."
"People seem to get confused by hating and realism."
"Nobody who has thought for a moment about humankind could think you could eradicate hate."
"Hate and mistreatment have no place here."
"In order to truly appreciate love, you have to understand and really have felt hate."
"Hate will hurt you more than the people you're directing it at."
"It's really hard to hate a group of people that just like keep loving you."
"The answer to hate is love, that's really what most people who hate, they just need some love."
"I try not to give people the power of hate."
"Anything other than hate is success."
"We need less hate in the world, not more."
"The thing is when hate sees love, there's nothing it wants more than to destroy it."
"This is not that type of hate; this is anti-blackness, this is transphobia."
"I get to spread my hate and have a good time."
"Don't be one of them hater women nobody likes y'all nobody not even y'all like y'all that's why y'all do it."
"Stop hating on other women it's not even worth it it's literally not worth it you just make yourself look worse."
"No cause that you have that's built on hate will survive."
"I think it's okay to hate, I just don't think it's okay to keep hating in private."
"People want to hate you but they can't because really deep down you're very Angelic."
"The opposite of hate is not love, it's apathy."
"See the innocence of a child, hate is learned."
"Hate always wins. Jesus, Gandhi, Martin Luther King... pretty sure one was crucified, the other two were shot."
"Every time I try to give y little broadcasting je y'all say I'm hating manipulative hate. That's on page one of the broadcasting [__] pet that you wrote."
"Racists don't start out hateful, they start out ignorant of other cultures and that ignorance and fear of difference breeds hate."
"It was obvious that whoever was responsible for this attack did so with hate and aggression."
"It is important to understand that as a person, that Donald Trump is driven by fear and hate... he loves nobody and nobody loves him."
"When you hate, who do you hurt the most? Hate hurts you."
"In the end, her own hate and intolerance were what brought her down."
"it was just incomprehensible how someone could hate a little boy who loves you"
"You know what it means to hate. Now you're ready to be a king."
"Fascia hated the people but loved the land."
"Let's go to America. They'll hate us without being too violent about it."
"Love rejoices with others. Hate is arrogant."
"Hate is too great a burden to bear."
"Why would you focus on somebody that don't give a [ __ ] about what you do and just wants to dog you out for being entertaining? It's entertainment folks, what is there to hate, right?"
"I think that hate is the reason why this world has become what it's become."
"When we hate on each other, we're just keeping each other down."
"...the more hate we see in the world, I think what we're seeing is a tremendously hurting generation."
"Love produces chemicals that cause you to glow, hate produces chemicals that eat you up."
"You don't have to be like them. We cannot have hate and love in the same heart. We had to choose."
"World of hate kind of just seems like a fantasy cannibal running around in a suit."
"In order to love fighting, I have to hate it."
"Love and hate, my two emotions. There's nothing else. Everything is a version of it."
"You know what? [__] it because people hate him for that [__] it bro that would drop so much money."
"...hate is louder than love but love is stronger."
"Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to a VH1 Behind the Music in the throne room."
"When they hate you, they ultimately love you."
"Racism is a sin. Racism is an utterly irrational hate."
"What if all this love turned to hate?"
"Only love can conquer hate is the entire answer to her question."
"First they hate you, then they love you."
"You can't make a statistic on how many men hate women."
"Kids are not born with hate. Kids are not born with this kind of horrible lens through which certain people view the world."
"Let us hate everything that God hates and love everything that God loves."
"I have to believe that love is stronger than hate, no matter how much I like the way the hate feels."
"I don't hate anything because I think hate, personally, collectively, individually, doesn't lead to greatness."
"That is how the cursed Blade with the remnants of love and hate was born."
"I just don't condone hating people for no reason, even if they are influencers and they just seem like the bottom of the barrel."
"...but hating love is closer to love than it is to indifference."
"No person just wakes up one day with hate in their hearts."
"In life, yes, you will be a victim sometimes, you will be victimized, you will be hated on. But sometimes you are the hater."
"I know I used to get a lot of hate, like, 'Jesse, you spoiled,' but why don't you do anything for your parents? It's like this is finally just showing you guys, like, shut up. You don't know anything about me."
"I didn't even like either of you. I hate all of you."
"When the human heart lets hurt sit in it too long, it eventually turns to hate."
"There is no religion that creates this much hate I do not believe that in my heart of hearts there is no way that there is a religion that has told you to go out and be the most hateful person you can be towards a group of people."
"Thorfin's hatred for Askeladd was his entire identity. Askeladd was Thorfin's only living Father Figure, his love in his hate."
"The President is always going to call out all forms of hate. We have seen the anti-Semitism, and we have called that out over and over and over again."
"They don't hate each other. Hate does not exist in the animal world."
"It isn't safe to hate anyone. It isn't safe because you never know what you might do."
"Love does not murder. Hate and resentment murder."
"Fear led to anger, anger led to hate, and hate led to strength."
"Don't hold Hate in Your Heart. It's not good for anybody and it doesn't do anything but bad."
"We need a classical Christian conception of hatred where you hate the sin and still can love the sinner."