
Socrates Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Socrates says there is no learning without remembering."
"Virtually all Western philosophy started with [Socrates]."
"The only true wisdom is knowing you know nothing."
"The intellectual descendants of Socrates provided us with the foundations upon which modern philosophy, as well as modern science, were built."
"Remember what Socrates said, 'See a need, fill a need.'"
"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates
"Socrates was called the wisest man in the world because he knew he knew nothing."
"Of all the great figures of antiquity, none are as frustrating for the historian as Socrates."
"Either I go to sleep forever and there's no more Socrates, or else I do not go to sleep forever."
"The only thing I know is that I don't know anything."
"An unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates
"Socrates: the happy person is the one who discovered his true self."
"Move on to Socrates. A couple of years later, 'An unexamined life is not worth living.' Once we get that far, we can say, 'We, at every instant, want to understand how the world works.'"
"Does this policy of principled disobedience vindicate or indict Socrates of the charge of corruption and impiety that has been brought against him?"
"Is Plato asking us to regard Socrates as a man of high principle, standing up for what he believes in the face of death or as a kind of revolutionary agitator who cannot and should not be tolerated by a society whose basic laws and values he will not accept?"
"Socrates demanded conscious reasons and definitions and arguments."
"Socrates was the first person who seemed to clearly know what a logical argument was."
"So socrates is going to deny that pleasure and the good are the same thing and that makes a lot of sense actually there are pleasant things which can kill you."
"So socrates is the sole doctor he gets help from gorgeous who's actually seems to have been improved by his discussion with socrates egging calocles on to continue the discussion but ultimately calculus will not take the medicine."
"Socrates is the eternal gadfly... it is good for your soul."
"Socrates is a kind of beacon that asks us always to accept our knowledge as provisional, never to allow our certainties to ossify into an inability to question ourselves."
"Socrates' favorite pastime was to argue with fellow Athenians and sting them out of their conventions and accepted ideas."
"Socrates was mainly interested in demonstrating people's ignorance, but now we are really trying to say, well, how can we make computers actually carry out these processes?"
"Socrates would look across ancient Athens and everywhere he saw people holding beliefs they could not possibly justify."
"...he wanted to prevent the Athenian citizens from committing a second crime against philosophy, which of course was a reference to the execution of Socrates."
"It is the greatest good for a person to discuss virtue every day and those other things about which you hear me conversing and testing myself and others for the unexamined life is not worth living for human beings."
"Socrates, catalyzing discussions and guiding dialogues."
"When you teach others, you kind of teach yourself. So I think Socrates said it best: 'The highest form of learning is teaching,' because when you teach others, you teach yourself."
"Socrates was the first genuine philosopher of life."
"The Socratic examination of all these previously unquestioned values turns hostile towards life."
"Socrates used knowledge as a means of learning how to live best."
"I know that I know nothing." - Socrates
"I encountered the figure of Socrates and the project of wisdom and it was like, that's it."
"Socrates sensitizes our appetite to the paradoxical."
"We always hear about how Socrates didn't write anything for publication, but how did he go about it? Well, since he couldn't always have someone at his side to subject his dogma or beliefs to examination, while he used to subject himself to examination, to test himself out."
"N wanted to play Plato to his own Socrates, to invent himself as such a character."
"Plato's ideas are from the immediate context of Socrates and the pre-Socratic philosophers."
"Socrates's preoccupation can essentially be boiled down to the question of how best to live."
"Socrates is usually not suggesting that he knows the answer of what's right or wrong but asking us to be able to really look into the story to see if it's genuinely true for us."
"In asking these questions is not making explicit claims to knowledge or judgment himself. He's not saying that he knows the right answers."
"Socrates doesn't think as a kind of dogma that knowledge is impossible or that wisdom can't be achieved by a human being. He gets up every day thinking that wisdom is possible and that it's worth striving for in an open-ended way."
"They were going to make some institutional protection so that the modern-day Socrates was not executed."
"I live by the words of Socrates who said the wise man admits that he knows nothing, so I must be a really wise man."
"This is Socrates, I got Socrates in 2005, Socrates is about 19 years old and is a Galápagos tortoise."
"We never see Socrates as a mature philosopher engaged in a serious conversation with an equal."
"Socrates is never finished, he's always striving."
"Indeed, Socrates, you do seem to me to be exactly like a prophet who has suddenly been inspired to deliver oracles."
"This bites. It's just like Socrates said: the only wisdom one truly has is knowing you know nothing."
"I follow the Socratic line which is to know thyself."
"All I know is that I know nothing." - Socrates
"I know one thing, that I do not know."
"Socrates didn't really like written words; he believed it would make people lazy and ruin their ability to use the power of memory."
"An uninvestigated life is not worth living."
"Whatever you do is right, that's Socrates."
"He maintained this attitude up to the very end, and no man ever saw Socrates too much elated or too much depressed."
"He wasn't exactly the first philosopher, but his self-consciousness about what philosophy consists of, and what philosophers do, means that he's inevitably regarded as the inventor or founder of what we mean by philosophy."
"The only thing I know for sure is that I know nothing."
"It is pleasant to stand face to face with a personality apparently so real as Socrates."
"Socratic reasoning is what we typically call it; it comes from Socrates."
"The Socratic man is the guy who comes on stage at a certain point when the civilization is in perfect tension between its metaphysical world and the coming rationalism."
"Socrates stands for sight, onset, character, radiation, associations, time, exacerbating factors, and severity."
"A life unexamined is not worth living."
"Socrates once stated that we should follow the argument wherever it leads."
"Socrates would be the greatest from among them because he was the only one who knew he knew nothing."
"Socrates... he just didn't really care about... looking cool or like people thinking he was cool or something; he was just fully interested in talking about ideas."
"Socrates was essentially rational."