
Literature Quotes

There are 27806 quotes

"The book that was pivotal in getting me out of that depressive state and giving me hope was 'The Body Keeps the Score'. It just gave so much insight into the feelings that I have been personally feeling."
"Her book was probably one of the best written books I've read both from the investigative journalist point of view and also just from the literary point of view."
"How is it that you can have people calling into question whether or not you should study 'The Diary of Anne Frank' or read the books of Toni Morrison?"
"I love writing like this, so I end up loving the books, but I just avoid it because in my head I'm like, 'Oh, it's a classic, it must be boring.' Not the case with this one."
"When I picked up this book, I expected it to be stupid and kind of camp."
"The premise of Percy Jackson is really, really good. It's gripping and intriguing."
"Percy Jackson is a story that has been so synonymous with fun and quirkiness, charisma, and excitement."
"Percy will wipe the floor with Harry so quick even Voldemort would ask for a replay."
"My life was saved by rock and roll; my life was also saved by Russian literature."
"You can get it on Amazon or Apple and so forth, 'The Case Against Reality'."
"Shakespeare...invents psychology...explaining why people think the way they do."
"In the Percy Jackson series, there's something known as a fatal flaw. Many characters in the Riordan universe have one."
"Shakespeare... also came up with the word 'swagger'."
"100 Years of Solitude, definitely deserves to be in the top 50."
"Ulysses by James Joyce, it's a very respectable work to have at number two."
"‘Battle of Dorking’ was not only an overnight national sensation and controversy - Most readers saw the idea that the greatest imperial power in the world could be invaded, let alone could cease to exist was ludicrous - but for many it was an indictment for nationalistic hubris; for even more it was an outrage, unmerited judgment and a betrayal of Great Britain."
"They were undone, destroyed, after all of man's weapons and devices had failed, by the tiniest creatures that God in his wisdom had put upon this Earth."
"This was the best of times, it was the worst of times."
"The book is available to everyone, from Shakespeare to modern education and medicine and science to civilization itself. It is the most influential book in all history."
"Her books are not only lauded as important fantasy works, they were also great introductory metaphorical discussions of the issues of fascism and supremacy narratives within our society today."
"On January 25th 2018, a Chinese-American young adult author named Amélie Wen Zhao announced her plans to release three books as part of a series called Blood Heir after securing a book deal with Delacorte Press."
"One can't believe impossible things," "I daresay you haven't had much practice," said the Queen. "When I was your age, I did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
"Matthew is a very happy man. He is so happy he wrote an entire book on happiness."
"Dostoevsky...influenced literature tremendously by having...multiple narrators and...was the first [to begin] existential literature."
"The most important book that I've read in the last year...was existential literature...Camus's 'The Plague'...it's about love, actually. A love for humanity."
"This book is very short, it's only like 80 something pages, but contained within it are paragraphs, sentences of wisdom that are timeless, based on principles that are designed to reorganize, restructure the way you think."
"A great story with compelling characters is all that really matters in the end."
"Starting Strength and Practical Programming for Strength Training are two classics everyone into weightlifting should read."
"Robert Green's books are both unique and important for several reasons, not the least of which is that they explore the interaction between the psychology of self, self-exploration, and the psychology of human interaction, all rooted in history and modern culture, and at the same time in a way that pertains to everybody."
"Theodore Dostoevsky is widely regarded as one of the greatest novelists in history, his fictional work is so rich with deep insights into human psychology, particularly its interplay with various social and political structures of the modern world."
"Whether we agree with Dostoevsky or not, his deep insights and brilliant works of literature can help remind us and allow us to feel the same beauty and depth in life."
"It's impossible to fully understand and appreciate much of classic literature if you don't know anything about the Bible."
"You can see why Charlie Munger loves this book... it helped him identify and understand when am I being tricked."
"I read a little of it every night before I go to sleep, marveling at the lucidity of its language, the atlas of its imagery, the incisiveness of its insights."
"Medicine is my wife, and literature is my mistress. When I tire of one, I spend time with the other."
"The last 150 pages of the book were so intense that I had no trouble staying focused."
"There are some films and adaptations that are better than the book. The book is not always better."
"The whole point of The Hunger Games books is about how capitalism is evil and destroying the world."
"Kashin Koji is an antihero just like Itachi."
"If the series is really popular, that lends more immortality to the books."
"The War of the Worlds was originally a serialized story released in multiple magazines throughout 1897 then published in hardback a year later."
"This book alone was enough to make a lifelong fan of Le Guin out of me."
"Your book, 'Never Split the Difference,' one of my favorite books. I don't say that lightly."
"It is the most influential book in all history, and hopefully, people can walk away with at least a sense of that."
"Romantic literature is also a staple of dark academia... Jane Austen, of course, all of the Brontë sisters."
"Pullman allowed for ALL OF IT to be revealed via context throughout the story."
"If Shakespeare were alive today, wouldn't he have written, 'All the world is a game,' because isn't it just a better metaphor for how we think about interactivity in the world?"
"Their mission is to promote new and emerging authors while also helping readers discover books they'll love."
"I study literature and creative writing and I have an affinity for the classics."
"Wilde is an impossibly talented writer and fascinating person."
"It's an absolute must-read and when I set it for the text for my book club, everybody raved about how endearing the chaos was."
"The book that made me fall in love with literature."
"It's one of the books that will get under your skin in the most beautiful way."
"This book is such a wonderful way to combine classic literature and comic books."
"There is no greater joy than giving and also receiving gifts, especially when it's literature."
"It beautifully adapted the seemingly unadaptable work of George R.R. Martin."
"A character arc will be the gradual internal change in beliefs that a character goes through from the beginning of the story to the end."
"The Coolidge effect probably accounts for like 49% of the misery encapsulated in human literature and movies and all of that."
"It is a tale of madness and treachery and is some of the best writing in all of Warhammer horror."
"Read the people who wrote the classic works, bring yourself up to date, and then familiarize yourself with as much history as you can possibly manage."
"Kafka said every man is necessarily the hero of his own story."
"Of Mice and Men is a really dark story about two friends trying to survive the Great Depression."
"Sally Rooney is heralded as one of the foremost millennial writers of our time."
"The big one today is Robert Graves' I, Claudius, which is still the single best novel written about the Roman Empire."
"Kelly Gay is an incredible author... the character writing in particular, sublime, absolutely excellent."
"There are some sections in this book that have given me chills like no other Halo book since the Forerunner Trilogy."
"This kind of seems like the way of writing the domain out of present lore, at least, which honestly is something that I'm really happy about."
"The poem seems to be mocking man's attempts at dominance and power, showing how nature, and in the opening perhaps we could say God, far outweighs the power of mankind."
"This month's release features the god of kings, a terrible entity imprisoned in a stone prison for their attempt to try to take over the divine pantheon."
"It's one of the ways that I stayed with myself...you reach out for the thing that connects you to life. For me, that was words."
"It had a really wonderful romance, it was a well-written book."
"The Literature Club is truly a place where no happiness can be found. To the very end, it continues to expose innocent minds to a horrific reality."
"Thank you for being part of my Literature Club with everlasting love."
"Dumbledore is one of the bravest characters during the seven books."
"Facing so many massive and dangerous creatures on the regular like Hagrid does takes a lot of bravery."
"Lily Evans... not only joined the Order of the Phoenix but faced Voldemort on three different occasions."
"Being in the literature club probably means I can't spend all my time doing nothing. But in the end, I guess it's been worth it so far."
"We are so absurdly lucky to live in a world where people have distilled a lifetime of experiences into a palatable, let's say 300-page novel."
"I think anyone, at any time, can step into absolutely any book and fall in love with it."
"The word profound is simply insufficient. He is the most quoted author alive today."
"Our ancestors... said, 'How do I cope with this life? How do I find strength in the face of my own mortality?'... What tool could help me do that? And so the beginning of literature... was to empower us with joy, with creativity, with resilience."
"When you read the Iliad, it makes you feel braver, it makes you feel stronger... Homer realized that when he saw soldiers marching into war, they sang songs and those songs made them feel braver."
"Literature can give you the positives of psychedelics without the negatives."
"So in 100 Years of Solitude, García Márquez memorializes the Banana Strike Massacre by combining documentary realism with fiction."
"Because I think, on some level, 100 Years of Solitude is a book about how to remember, and maybe even forget, ethically."
"Numbers don't really penetrate our defenses and often neither does language. But for me, at least, this novel's combination of realism and myth gets through my defenses."
"The greatest manga of all time, Berserk. That's right, it's time to talk about the new chapters."
"We're usually talking about what's called the literary canon, which is basically all the things that we think of as classics."
"Literature is literature because it has some kind of powerful effect on culture."
"To Kill a Mockingbird teaches us that we need to climb into people's skin."
"Literature is literature because it is beautifully written."
"The canon isn't prescriptive but descriptive. That means we have the power over it; we decide how it works; we control it, not the other way around."
"Introduction to Abstract Mathematics by Bonding Keen. This is one of my favorite books on proof writing."
"A book in a library isn't just a story; it's a mirror, a window, and sometimes a door to difficult conversations we must have."
"In her Harry Potter universe, heroes are marked by courage and compassion."
"A painfully accurate depiction of inner male anxiety coupled with profound meditations on life, death, and writing."
"George Orwell made only one mistake when he wrote his famous book... he perhaps should have entitled his book 2024 instead of 1984."
"I still highly recommend this book to everyone because it's just such a great story about authoritarianism, brainwashing, and society."
"Inferno ended with Dante and Virgil making their way out the bottom of the earth and onto a mountain called Mount Purgatory."
"She’s also considered an extraordinarily influential writer, ahead of her time, frustratingly mistreated in her profession because of her gender and incredibly good at writing the most incredible burns disguised as polite conversation."
"What's funny about this is, right, in some sense in terms of the way they try to claim they do both at the same time, remind me of that great book by Christopher Hitchens, 'No One Left to Lie To: The Triangulations of William Jefferson Clinton.'"
"There is great truth revealed in Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, and Shakespeare."
"The New Testament is the most important collection of books in the history of civilization."
"Lord of the Rings has some of the best meditations on post-World War One Europe ever we've seen."
"My favorite book of all 2021... 'Know My Name' by Chanel Miller."
"This book was spectacular; there's a bit of mystery in it and so much about family and specifically sibling dynamics."
"There's more reality in literature in a very profound sense than there is in the fractionated view of much of the scientific enterprise."
"Silence is broken only by Leon taking the safety off the MP5."
"The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham is a great book that most investors are going to start off with."
"I've never read anyone who takes moral questions so seriously as Dostoevsky."
"Something about the characters in their writing just click to make it so perfect and comical."
"I'm not going to be Shakespeare; I want to give people a great read that entertains them, that makes them laugh, that makes them cry."
"Helping Ware to design the gravestones was another man too old to fight, the poet Rudyard Kipling."
"Notes from Underground... is one of the most brilliant psychological studies of a psychologically disturbed man that has ever been written."
"This book tackles power and corruption and it's fast-paced and exciting."
"History books can be dangerous things, especially when they're brilliantly written."
"It was really hard to read. I cried. It was beautiful."
"I'm reading to read. I definitely understand the Raven Boys influence."
"I've never stopped liking English literature."
"The enthusiasm and energy that comes from the best writers is still there."
"There were just like moments throughout the entire book that I think were just so well written and just were really impactful."
"Dante's Inferno is basically Bible fan fiction and it's critically acclaimed."
"The story of King Arthur is not a happy one."
"This is the diary of a young girl. It is her growing up, and it really has this vein of hope throughout this entire book."
"This book is about family, and belonging, and your sense of home."
"I'm giving people something that's not out there, a kind of realism. A lot of people are inwardly very tired and very sick of all the kind of coddling that goes on with readers and in our culture."
"This case was so impactful that author Stieg Larsson used it as inspiration for his best-selling 2005 novel, 'The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.'"
"There's absolutely nothing judgmental about people questioning why work that centers abuse, toxic relationships, and romanticizes those abusive toxic relationships is popular."
"Gabriel's Inferno... It really was that slow burn that you could get into and it had such pained but beautiful characters."
"Enemies to lovers is a trope I'm obsessed with in any romance novel."
"This video was by far, out of every experiment video I have made, the most successful one because I enjoyed every single book I read."
"This has definitely restored my faith in romance as a genre or at least my enjoyment of romance as a genre because now I know that there are plenty of books that I will love and will enjoy."
"It is rare for books to make me feel this way, and the 'Cruel Prince' Trilogy accomplished that."
"It's just so sad, and you know I love sad books, and it's also just like a book that makes you feel something, which I felt is really special."
"I really could not recommend it enough if you want to read a sad book and something deep and meaningful."
"While the book doesn't focus around Viola being trans, it's definitely a significant part of the story, but it's not really about her being trans. That's just a part of her life, but the story is about so much more than that."
"It's a romance story set during World War One, which is something that you don't see that often."
"It's just like something about that is so wholesome, and watching the relationship unfold over these pages, you're like, yes, like I want it to happen."
"We're combining the supernatural or fantasy with some more explicit elements."
"Is the first supernatural romance Jane Eyre?"
"Vaginal fantasy books are better when written by any gender."
"The scariest thing about Sauron is that you don't really see him even in the books, but he has a body."
"The premise of Storybook Cosmetics, which is a great premise by the way, is just doing makeup based on like you know, Little Women, Sherlock Holmes, Harry Potter collection."
"I love this book so much, and it actually made me want to read more snobby, prestigious books."
"Okay, romance - so 100% the focus of this book is not romance, in fact, it's a very minor minor minor thing that happens on the sidelines. However, I loved the way it turned out."
"Every now and then a romance is written in a way that I'm like oh, I'm so glad that was here, it was really cute, and I was invested in it."
"Every time they get a scene together, I'm eating it up, which is so uncommon for me, and I love it."
"I think that their personalities compliment each other quite well, and I really like this pairing."
"We got to see them as friends and really used to being around each other, and it was a really sweet friendship."
"So I have five books that did romance great and I have five books that did it pretty awful."
"It's called 'Self-Made Man' by Nora Vincent, one woman's year disguised as a man."
"The knowledge of the Holy by A.W. Tozer is a genius book. I love this book."
"The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller; her writing is impeccable."
"Anxious People by Frederick Backman; his writing, I definitely understand why he's such a great author."
"The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern; it's about this very magical circus."
"The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood; if you want a good romance book that will give you butterflies, read this."
"Revisiting 'Harry Potter' reminded me of the timeless appeal of a well-told story, regardless of the reader's age."
"Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty together again."
"If you haven't read my latest book, Balance, if you don't have it in your life, you're missing out. It's changing lives all over the world."
"The books have been a hit since more or less day 1."
"The books are just fun soap opera dramas set within a fantasy animal framework."
"I've spent a lot of time ragging on the books because it's fun to criticize old nostalgic media, but in my opinion, a lot of them still hold up as really interesting pieces of fiction with strong world-building and some really great writing moments."
"These books really resonated with a lot of people, kids and adults alike, and for a book series to captivate that many people, it has to be doing something right."
"Erin Hunter's magnum opus of a franchise truly struck gold."
"The imagination is a privileged realm for Nabokov, and it is a realm that always has about it that golden glow."
"You can escape into a book, you can escape into a show, you can escape into a movie."
"The secret to Jane Austen's modern success lies in the timeless quality of her novels, having universal themes that are just as relevant today as they were 200 years ago."
"The overall tone of the novel is exemplified by one of its best known quotes: 'I am half agony, half hope.'"
"It's just one of those books I think that you go back and you'll look at it and you just think about that journey and you'll miss those characters."
"Ender's Game, I think, is one of the most amazing books because it teaches you valuable lessons like teamwork."
"This book is everything I think that you want in a historical fiction book. It's got action, it's got love, it's got revenge, it's got betrayal."
"Literature is the last thing that can tell us how we really are. Literature is a thing that can reflect to us who we are."
"Its use of symbolism and literary references as both thematic and narrative tools is nothing short of genius."
"As someone who grew up absolutely loving Greek mythology, this series was darn near perfect. It actually managed to tell a fun, new, modernized Greek myth story while still constantly referencing the old stories in an accurate way."
"It was actually Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula which would go on to provide the basis for the modern vampire genre."
"One of my personal favorites is Stephen King's 'It,' which they're making into a movie again."
"We'll also be looking at C.S. Lewis and his continuing legacy after 50 years from his death."
"Sleep is good, but books are better." - George R. R. Martin
"Inside the pages of your favorite book lies a wondrous fairy tale world where dreams come true and wishes are granted."
"The Lord of the Rings is often imagined as being a massive sprawling epic... but at its core... it is a beautifully tragic tale of death and decline."
"Of making many books there is no end; Ecclesiastes 12:12."
"One of the best books on painting you could probably ever buy and it's the most articulate books, the most insightful that I've had."
"The iconic opening line of Neuromancer, 'The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel,' is an image that requires a memory of broadcast TV before it went digital."
"Atticus, we chose the word, the name Atticus for him because of the book 'To Kill a Mockingbird.'"
"God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom; and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams."
"What does success mean to you? The happiest thing for me is when young guys like you tell me they read the book."
"Hope, a reminder to all the prisoners in Shawshank that there is still beauty and freedom in the world, even if they are kept apart from it."
"It's a page-turner. In fact, we loved it so much that the talk in the book club turned to movie rights almost immediately."
"Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen. I really enjoyed reading this because Jane Austen has this incredible ability to create characters you just despise."
"Terry Goodkind's writing voice is strong... within the saturated fantasy genre."
"The universe Frank Herbert created has extended well beyond the page into the hearts and minds of millions of fans around the world."
"Immortality is a very popular, very old trope. How old is it? Well, appropriately, it's a major part of the oldest surviving work of literature, the Epic of Gilgamesh, dated to about 1800 BCE."
"Proper good world building can be one of the greatest compliments that enhances an already good story and good characters."
"Reading Jane Eyre or Great Expectations... it still can provide that sense of escapism."
"The book has received a great deal of criticism, specifically for reinforcing negative, harmful, and racial stereotypes in its handling of the Horde races and characters."
"You take the racism stuff, like any political correctness stuff, off the table, the book sucked."
"It felt like a love letter from start to finish."
"It's those kind of revelations that we can have through again, the written or spoken word."
"The Witcher is probably my favorite medieval fantasy world because it has things you associate with high fantasy but uses them in a way that is sort of unlike a lot of other high fantasy, Tolkieneque fantasies."
"Despairing over how boring and poorly written and thought out and samey they are, if you watched my review I did the other week on the Prince Caspian book, this book's basically the complete opposite of that, and so it was just completely refreshing for this book to come along and remind me no, these books can be really good when they're written by someone who knows what they're doing."