
Dynamics Quotes

There are 2089 quotes

"The Elixir Golem changed the entire dynamic of the match."
"The relationship is a figure eight; it's what I do that makes you do something that then makes you react to me a certain way."
"Enchanting Grom Fright... not only is their dynamic adorable to watch on screen, but like all good relationships, they both succeed at making each other better."
"I think things are going to get quite spicy within the connection."
"Relationships are totally about compromise sometimes."
"Suddenly an Echo flies around to another side...then things get a little bit crazy."
"The world is changing dramatically right before our eyes."
"The relationship handling is above-average... they have real dynamics to them."
"The only way to be powerful in a relationship is to accept influence."
"You don't have to ask permission to be hot online. You can take up space and perform and create your own power dynamics between yourself and your audience."
"Women like toxic men because they like a man who does man up."
"They're not really the villain-victim dynamic that some people paint them out to be."
"All human relationships are interesting and dynamic in a way."
"When a relationship works, it's incredible. But sometimes relationships just stop working."
"The golden child and scapegoat dynamic... is to divide and conquer."
"When unstable systems start to falter, the pace at which they unravel speeds up."
"A villain's dynamic with their minions can show us who they really are, outside the moral dichotomy that makes up the hero-villain conflict."
"We were a unit; a loud, messy brawling, loyal, loving, lasting unit."
"I mostly love really great character and character dynamics."
"It's the push and pull that made them such a powerful band."
"Yo just when you respect a bushel for days we give you Drake for days different dynamic." - EJ
"They all act in unison, at the very least can we all acknowledge that there's a different dynamic of checks and balances when there's at least one lone conservative voice?"
"Planet 9 is generating this type of dynamics."
"You got two people that want to wear the pants, man. You know, take turns, pass the pants back and forth."
"A picture that behaves like a skipping stone."
"For a star to go ballistic takes a very specific set of circumstances, and in fact, it requires two stars."
"Contradiction in that sense is the very moving principle of the world. It's ridiculous to say that contradiction is unthinkable."
"Game-changer! That's how quickly potentially a Premier League game could swing against you."
"I love spending time with these characters and their dynamics together as adults."
"That could be pretty spicy, and let's be real, Sylvanas and Tyrande, they're totally characters who would betray each other in an instant."
"The feeling of gaining momentum while dodging objects and taking out your opponents is remarkably satisfying."
"The quantum vacuum, despite its name, is not an empty void but rather a dynamic entity in its own right."
"Earth, a unique planet, restless and dynamic."
"I think it adds a little bit of spice to things. I enjoy having Ian on to push back and for me to push back on it."
"Every second early game the game is in a really snowball heavy state."
"Change is the dominant factor in society today."
"I wish that development had taken more time to focus on that because that is actually a really interesting dynamic."
"Dynamics are a crucial part of humanizing drum parts, and the drummer is in charge of a song's dynamic roadmap."
"Geopolitical dynamics reverberate across continents."
"Differentiate between Dharma and religion; Dharma is pure spirituality, while religion is practice."
"Friendships are a complicated thing, you know? They're a living thing."
"They're losing right now... the narrative is falling apart for them."
"The relationship between Jen and Will is essential."
"There is a physics to destroying the establishment."
"My relationships be perfect until I'm ready to leave."
"There's a consequence to every action which creates a constant conflict in which the situation is always changing."
"I feel like a lot of the things that you're seeing, obviously because there's a lot of moments, there's a lot of constant moving."
"Everybody's relationship has its ups and downs."
"Maintain the fun dynamic and preserve Marco as a character."
"When the stern hits the bottom, the stern was still turning."
"The ship was moving through the water at 50 miles per hour."
"But there's other comedians who like want to fight you but this is yeah which is ridiculous not new there's always been consequences."
"This is not healthy, this is not a good dynamic at all."
"Spawning enemies randomly across the canvas makes the game dynamic."
"Those core features of an interesting and dynamic spell and combat system."
"We're moving from a static influencer model to something much more dynamic, and Gen Z are leading this charge."
"The day and night cycle changes add variety."
"Social media is just a big high school. You got the cool kids and they decide what's cool."
"The relationship between the media and the political class should be about predator and prey."
"She really crazy for sure but the video was hilarious because Trump was treating it like he got to keep him chasing after you you got to feel him with some anxiety you got to keep it behind you you got to keep him on their toes."
"It's always gonna be this up and down. It's always gonna be this on and off."
"The conflict in Ukraine is rapidly evolving into a war rife with spies and deserters on both sides."
"Nothing becomes dynamic until it becomes clear."
"There is an unbalanced power dynamic right now."
"What makes it really good or even outstanding is the musical intricacies and dynamics integrated into the composition itself."
"There's a fluidity going on here that this is fluctuating energy."
"They need a guy rougher on the edges... that polarizing energy that women respond to."
"Relationships are about two things: entitlement and expectations."
"I love dynamics. I just love anything that can make you emotive."
"This person feels like nothing has changed between the two of you, or if you're not with them, they feel like you're not an option."
"I think there's a lot of different things happening."
"Social media is all about waves, troughs, and peaks."
"Trading culture: each market has its own dynamics."
"Just as water spirals down a drain in a whirlpool, matter and light spiral at high speed into a black hole."
"Leadership is not just down, leadership is up too."
"It's our duty as Anderson's to be a thorn in his side."
"The dynamic between you and someone else... family member, friend, coworker... take it as resonates."
"I think couples have a fallout a lot of the time because you get this euphoric high from the beginnings of a relationship."
"From annihilation to reanimation, the ebb and flow of battle is relentless."
"If you treat a woman like a celebrity, she's going to treat you like a fan."
"Exploitation and domination will at some point breed resistance."
"I guess that would have been because most of the team was there with me as some of them kind of go off and do their own thing including me."
"There's a Synergy to what we're seeing here today."
"You're gonna be developing a different perspective on what is okay and what's not okay, and like how you should and shouldn't handle certain dynamics moving forward."
"The family Dynamic is so important when it comes to well-building."
"Push and pull and perhaps they just saw you as a bunch of temptation but honestly, uh, there was a mirroring element here."
"The tucson proudly stands in our lineup as the most dynamic suv designed and conveys the trend-setting spirit with dare to challenge conventions with an experimental design."
"If you're doing most of the talking, that means the other person, the interviewer, has to sit there and listen to you."
"I was often frustrated with the reverse dynamic as well."
"This is a story about family finding family, protecting family, failing your family, and forgiving your family."
"It's got some cool dynamic elements... I give this one like an eight out of ten."
"The more she kind of puts him off and is like, 'Well, I'm not interested in you,' then the more he's like intrigued and then he realizes that she's not just being a jerk to him."
"Once you tap the first domino, the rest obediently give way."
"The way that Asuma runs jumps and attacks his enemies can be quite breathtaking at times."
"You don't have to agree all the time. I like a little pushback. Makes things really interesting."
"We're getting post-woke so they're getting more hysterical."
"A strike is happening, rather than having everything just sort of be nice and flowy."
"He dies to air, and it's dynamic. Notably, Ben's air, so Aang has no problem with SpongeBob, which is a weird thing that we need to say."
"It's not like putting a thousand bricks together; it creates a collective structure that has collective power but then it can disperse very quickly just as it formed very quickly." - Austin
"In a relationship, no matter what kind it is, both people are gonna be right at times and both people gonna be wrong. It's inevitable, it's how relationship works."
"Everything is driving very clearly to a point while still maintaining a wild kind of chaos."
"Women fall in love with men when they're doing for us, not the other way around."
"It's not about a label as much as it is about understanding the dynamic."
"Everything is in waves and you can actually see it there at the bottom left."
"It's more than just one person or one organization at play here."
"The more they become intimate, the more adversarial the relationship becomes."
"It's going to be so exciting because it's not really a dynamic we've seen with Lewis Hamilton with a younger teammate."
"People hear turn-based game and they're thinking slower but everything's moving really quick."
"Verbs carry all the energy of your writing, all the passion. They slow things down or speed things up."
"That's what makes it interesting on the knockout side, they have gears."
"The dynamics are really impressive in this car."
"If you don't support the person you're with and you're trying to one-up them, then it's not really coming from the right place."
"It definitely is more dynamic than something like the Escalade or the Navigator."
"The real strength and heart of this film is the dynamic between Channing Tatum and Sandra Bullock."
"When a woman respects you, she's naturally going to submit to you."
"Anyone could come in and change the energy of an entire dynamic if they chose to."
"They were hot on your ass in the past, then you became the chaser."
"The moment you take and place them on a pedestal all they see is opportunity. Stop giving them opportunity."
"They're seeing you as beautiful, sexy, very accomplished, someone who brings a lot to the group dynamic."
"The tables have turned, they're now pursuing you."
"The weight of the car is really nicely delivered here - it's subtle enough and lively enough to make you think that it's not a real beast, but you feel the weight."
"They want attention, they like the chase you gave them."
"Sibling rivalry: a journey through the ups and downs of family dynamics."
"A good understanding of how structures behave when vibrating is what allows engineers to build rotating machinery, to launch sensitive instruments into space, and to safely design buildings in seismic areas."
"Interesting times within the cryptocurrency space as always."
"A massive shift in a rise of the feminine and a fall of the masculine."
"Chemical equilibrium is a form of dynamic equilibrium. It's not static because things are happening even though a system may be at equilibrium."
"There are some men out there who have always had someone there, all right. Girlfriend, situationship, something's going on. But even more specifically, a relationship."
"When friendships form, powerful forces are engineered."
"This is a very very big deal because it really changes the Dynamics potentially in a permanent way."
"Do you not think while politicizing and interjecting power dynamics into your relationship it might have been derailed in that way?"
"Respect always translates to sexual attraction when it comes to male and female relationships."
"He hovered behind me for several long moments, knife alternating between pressing even harder into my back, hesitant and pulling away."
"Only the essential is present: you, Sonic, momentum, and the water."
"It's not about submission, it's about her having genuine desire for you."
"We might just have to drag him along as a prisoner."
"Agree to let go of something... and be honest in the assessment of how you are participating in the stuck dynamic."
"There's still an exploitative dynamic that is never going to go away."
"You can literally take this exchange that they've sexual tension."
"The camera often drags behind it to in the AVA series to give them a better sense of speed and force as well as to really add to the extreme light like they're so fast and so heavy that I can't even follow it."
"In accelerated motion, velocity changes either in magnitude, direction, or both."
"It's power dynamics. It's not about logic. It's about power."
"The show has such a great dynamic with all of the characters."
"Relationship Dynamic must change now now you have to figure out how do we work together as a unit because it was what it was so one-sided before."
"It was the unspoken communication, the tender dynamics between the two of them."
"Control is an issue in all relationships."
"We absolutely know that we can produce manifolds from these underlying dynamics."
"...the solar system is not like a complete outlier but perhaps one of the quietest dynamical systems."
"His family is normal and sweet, though they sometimes argue."
"Galaxies are not the static systems we once believed them to be."
"That's what makes Super GT, this ebb and flow of the race."
"I can see how Opposites Attract and I can see how this dynamic... could lead to two people who are actually well equipped to lift each other up in different ways."
"The chemistry has definitely become different."
"Quantum physics shows us a universe that is far more dynamic and interconnected than we could ever imagine."
"This relationship has actually changed the dynamics within this person."
"I had to learn the beauty and value of dynamics."
"You had two guys whose strengths and weaknesses matched up in the kind of way where either could go from absolute disaster to dominating the fight in a second."
"I suspect that everything was okay at Red Bull with the whole Christian Horner factor until the lines were crossed."
"After 18 years of Christian Horner massaging and maintaining the most successful partnership if you like in Formula 1 history, it looks like it's come to an end because of that messy business."
"...he was the only one who understood my dynamics and what I was dealing with..."
"Relationships have a life of their own."
"Every relationship involves three living entities: you, the other person, and the relationship itself."
"Offers great performance, a wonderful 6-cylinder engine, manual transmission, rear-wheel drive, and great driving dynamics."
"Almost honeymoon-like, I would say, they seemed fine with each other."
"You would also be the type of couple that plays pranks on each other um with this seven of Swords like there's a little bit of a sneakiness um and it's very playful here next to the page of Swords."
"The specificity of the dynamic and the personalities."
"You're sticking to Tina to get back at Zach, and I'm getting back at Anita with Zach's help."
"We never had like crazy fights or anything I could remember, it was literally just a family dynamic."
"We're really young, so many newcomers, so many moving parts."
"We are one of the most dynamic teams to watch in the league."
"It's always a girl situation, it's always a girl."
"It's all rhythm and dynamics. As drummers, we don't have melody and harmony to deal with, we have it extremely easy compared to other instruments."
"Love overcomes as overcompensating. Love often translates as oversolving, overfixing, overdoing, and overwhelming."
"It's almost like there's some kind of competition going on that nobody knows about you know who can tank the party fastest."
"All relationships have peaks and valleys, this card indicates an upward movement to a new level of dedication and intimacy."
"They are not looking at this situation through the lens of power dynamics."
"There's a lot of uncertainty when you start a business, a lot of scarcity of people, capital, ideas... everything's dynamic."
"For every good woman, there's two outlaws."
"I think that in the future there will be more sugar mama type situations."
"Montpellier is a dynamic and youthful city in the south of France."
"Usually, if you're the oldest, I'm not going to lie, usually you're the snitch."
"The law of fickleness dives into the unpredictable and often fleeting nature of human emotions, opinions, and allegiances."
"Even the most doting, godly, sexually generous women will have a man who 'pulls away'."
"As women, we intentionally push our husbands away to have an excuse to leave."
"Women will rarely break up the relationship themselves, so they push their husbands to have an affair."
"The fact that this water Channel model is able to so accurately depict the Dynamics of electricity, a completely different system and one that operates on time scales that are orders of magnitude faster than water, is just really amazing to me."
"Close opposite gender friendships often turn romantic."
"What I got from this show is that a relationship has ups and downs and ties and flows."
"You never really know what's going to happen when they're together."
"He loved me to come here and was forever sending for me and yet if his wife and I talked together or there seemed any sympathy between us a kind of wave of jealousy would pass over him."
"We're all in a relationship of some sort... trying to figure out how to work and live amongst each other in vibrant healthy humorous ways."
"But there are two other people in the organization. Grace's children."
"Relationships where we feel something we can't quite put our finger on often have underlying dynamics that aren't obvious."
"...an attack and release determines how fast it reacts... much faster kind of result."
"Great friendships don't have a power dynamic."
"I think absolutely nothing traditional about it. They fake to have some ideas from the old Quran but they are in their mode of organization and Ultra I would say postmodern extremely Dynamic group."
"Eternity is not static, it's Dynamic."
"The more you chase a guy, the more he's going to run away from you."
"...the friendship between Anakin and Obi-Wan is fine here."
"The love triangle between Jack, Kate, and Sawyer is possibly the most important aspect of the entire show."