
Overcoming Adversity Quotes

There are 2308 quotes

"Eventually, you just have to grow out of feeling like there's bullies and feeling like things are unfair in order to get past high school."
"It's like, you can't help where you were born, you can't help the situation that you're in, but you can help how you react to it and what you do moving forward."
"We all come from different circumstances and backgrounds, but we have the resources within us to overcome a lot of this stuff."
"Adversity into success is a huge component of fulfillment."
"The triumph over injustice was made possible in no small part thanks to one deaf therapy dog named Carl."
"Jake Patterson can never take away my courage. I was brave, and he was not."
"You're not a victim, no matter what's been done to you. You can be self-reliant."
"Naruto is a story about overcoming the circumstances of your birth, a story about how a person with enough hard work and goodwill can achieve anything they want in this world."
"Stop letting the status quo bully you. Stop letting the enemy steal your lunch and walk on you."
"Being positive doesn't mean that we deny the existence of problems or difficulties, it means that we believe that God is greater than our problem."
"Hold the victorious attitude toward life and you will overcome all unfavorable conditions."
"Together we will get through this; together we will overcome this."
"How do you overcome the suffering of life? Be a better person. That's how you do it."
"Greatness to me is found in everyday people, the people that alchemize from the ashes and become cycle breakers."
"Use the gift of your own trial and tribulation to propel you beyond the common limits of average human existence."
"Attitude is more important than circumstances, more important than failures, more important than success, more important than what other people think or say or do."
"Life isn't always calm seas and sunny skies, but if you let it, it will teach you to weather any storm."
"The story of Black America should be a story of unbelievably brave people triumphing over systems that sucked."
"It's wrong to let a bad situation create a bad life."
"If there's anything to know, it is that my world has burned a few times, and I have risen every time."
"I grew up poor and black in South Carolina, so if you can get the love part right in that house, anything else is possible in life."
"In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart; I have overcome the world."
"Leaders never see themselves as victims. Put them in any situation, yes, it's going to be painful, yes, you're going to go through tough times, but somehow, someway, leaders figure out a way to go through it."
"It's time for you to let go of the shitty year you had, see the blessings in it, and see the growth in it that you need to see, and it's time for you to move forward."
"The deepest lessons can be learned only in retrospect, once the storm has passed."
"We get through it and we get to the other side."
"Remember how powerful you are. Don't allow circumstances and failures to convince you otherwise."
"A person doesn't drown by falling into the ocean; a person drowns by staying there."
"I danced with darkness and learned its moves; now I stand in the light and can no longer be seduced."
"Don't become a victim of yourself. It's possible to become a victim of tragedy, it's possible to become a victim of gossip, but here's the most important thing: don't become a victim of yourself."
"The obstacles that she's overcome in her life, the courage that she's displayed, the determination she has shown in overcoming some really, really difficult obstacles and challenges in her life, I thought was certainly worthy of sitting down with her."
"A paladin needs to understand that petty infighting is only a tool that the forces of evil are using against you in your quest. Rise above it, come together, and fight for the truth and justice in the world."
"Life is suffering, right? Indisputable. What do you do about that? You voluntarily accept it and then strive to overcome the suffering that's a consequence of that."
"The pain, the fear, all of that, it's not going to prevent you from living a solid and capable life."
"Life is never going to be perfect but it doesn't have to be as horrible as the situation you're in right now."
"Your story is a testament to human resilience and strength despite many odds against you."
"The pain you feel now will become the victory you feel tomorrow."
"The devil tried to take me out. I kicked the devil in the balls and got approved for surgery."
"I am an extremely prideful person, and the fact remains that I got out of homelessness by my damn self with my partner."
"What is ahead of me is greater than the inconvenience that is in front of me."
"We have an innate desire to break the shackles of adversity we face, to prove ourselves better than our limitations."
"Instead of sitting around and blaming what happened to you on everybody else, say, 'Hey, that's how things turned out, now I'm going to turn things around.'"
"Champions are made not by winning squashes but by overcoming adversity."
"We need to let go of the victim mentality to move forward."
"You are blossoming, you're thriving... despite any setbacks, despite any sadness or sorrow."
"You can be a victor in circumstances of oppression."
"Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; when I fall, I will arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me."
"Sometimes light is what you need to face the darkness."
"The first point in overcoming any difficulty or any problem or any crisis is to have the faith that something better is possible."
"What makes us human is to overcome, it's to push through dark times, it's to grow."
"You will rise like the phoenix from the ashes after that process."
"When things are at their darkest, when he feels overwhelmed, it takes a moment to remember all that God has done."
"Intensity and discipline have gotten me through any bouts of exhaustion, poverty, or bad circumstance."
"Got through all the doubters, all the haters, bro, and came out with the championship ring."
"The reason it's important to start is because all of those stories, that self-narrative that you've been saying in your head, the excuses are valid, the world isn't fair, but guess what? At the beginning, it is going to be tough, but the only way out of it is to start."
"You can't help but empathize when someone talks about being bullied and feeling like a loser, only to conquer it all and make stupid amounts of money doing so."
"I lost my dad when I was 12, I was sexually abused by a coach as a teenager, and these events nearly crushed me, but by the grace of God, I was propelled to a life of service."
"There is absolutely nothing in your life that cannot be overcome through wrestling and prayer and believing and availing yourself of the promises of God."
"And you're not a guy who is destined to be poor because his parents were, no. Or a bankruptcy or whatever, you know, all that kind of stuff."
"In the world you will have trouble, but be of good courage; I have overcome the world."
"Everything negative - pressure, challenges - is all an opportunity for me to rise." - Kobe Bryant
"To do things that you hate to do, on the other side is greatness."
"Once you get through it [a mobbing] and survive, you will be stronger on the other side."
"America is America because we overcome adversity and challenges. That is how we were born. That's what we have done all our life. We overcome challenges."
"He says, 'But as for you, you thought evil against me, but God meant it unto good.'"
"Asta and Liebe manage to unite, shining within the darkness."
"Never let what situations you went through dictate your future."
"Are you gonna push through the pain, or are you gonna be a victim, complacent in your mediocrity?"
"No matter how terrible your childhood is, no matter what upheaval or chaos a person may suffer, it is never too late for them."
"My son, like a lot of people we know at home, had a drug problem. He's overtaken it. He's fixed it. He's worked on it. And I'm proud of him."
"We can't get stuck in pain. How do we actually show the beauty of this time?" - Mara Brock Akil
"The incredible resolve and strength it would have to overcome these burdens is absolutely incredible."
"These guys come from villages where they might grow up in a shack... and then for them to have 900 million people watching them win a gold medal and not crack under the pressure is just breathtaking."
"I've always been really inspired by people who, even when the odds are stacked against them, even when they're predisposed to fail and it shouldn't work, they just push through and work their butt off and make something happen."
"In a year that looked hopeless... to salvage this says a lot about Tomlin and the culture they have in Pittsburgh."
"There's a power within you to help you overcome your most daunting challenges."
"This truly is the most amazing country on earth where a guy whose raised in a single-parent household mired in poverty, not doing well in school, everything seems to be going against you, and then through the prayers of a mother, the help of a mentor, all of that turns around."
"I developed a way to get over the victim's mentality. It was through callousing my mind."
"By going to war with myself every day and putting these challenges and these goals and these obstacles... I started feeling victory."
"It's also a masterclass on mental toughness where it comes from, how to develop it and the power we all possess to endure the unimaginable."
"This is an enormous challenge for this country, but I think the people of this country understand what they need to do to beat it, and they also understand that we will beat it together."
"At the end of the day, my friends, even if it is a long day, and this is a long day, love wins always. And it will win again through this virus."
"This is the story of how he got from being in a burned-out town with a drug addict mother to being at Yale Law School."
"It really is not political. It is just an up by the bootstrap story."
"You can probably hear it in my voice, yeah, the passion is hearing him... interesting stories, hearing people that have had these road bumps, found a way to get back up after getting hit in the mouth. Oh yeah, got backed up and got going, and that's the stories everyone wants to hear."
"It's the getting back up that counts. And you must do something with it. Don't just lay down and let the world trample you."
"I refuse to buy into that narrative. I'm a victim because I'm a woman. I go and I work, and I get a job, I work and I get into university. Abandoning the victim mentality is probably the most empowering thing women can do."
"Robert Smalls was born into slavery and became a skilled sailor and expert navigator."
"I've survived being shot, watched my brother die, mother on drugs, twice in foster care... I am proud to be everything I am and everything I've gone through."
"Life is brutal, and what you have to set against that is possibility."
"Ali Husin Khan: born with Progeria, defying odds at 14."
"I found my way out of that and so can these people."
"There is nothing impossible in life... I've been an underdog all my life."
"What makes me happy is to see people overcome adversity, to grow, to find a good place in life."
"Yeah, sucks to be Jonathon, but good news--- This isn't the story of a guy with epically bad luck, but an inspiring glimpse into the mind of a person after he decides to become whatever it takes to defy the odds."
"Just do once what others say you can't do, and you'll never pay attention to their limitations again."
"I am not what has happened to me as a human being. I am what I choose to become."
"It's important that we realize the goal isn't to get stuck in 'what happened to me'; it's really to find the ability to move through 'what happened to me.'"
"You can overcome some incredible barriers and challenges in your life and you can come out the other side and actually turn it into something that makes you a better person."
"Converting struggle into success, prosperity rising, giving you name, fame, and establishment. No doubt about it."
"And you don't know how to stay down when you're beaten."
"A story about Calamity and how people can endure and overcome the unexpected disasters we are all bound to face throughout our lives."
"You need a reason to get out of bed in the morning, especially on a rough morning. And if you have adopted the responsibility at an individual level to make things better, given how bad they are, then you have a reason to get up."
"Adversity can push us to the next level of our destiny."
"No matter what circumstances you've gone through, it's all in your control."
"I don't want to keep me down. I just want to be an inspiration to people out there."
"We do not give in to fear. We pull together, we persevere, and we overcome."
"The greatest tragedy in your life is not to fall down, the greatest tragedy is to stay down."
"Adversity is not meant to steal things from you... it's meant to help you find the giant within."
"Victoria has traveled a long road to freedom. She was born in a country at civil war, survived becoming an orphan, escaped becoming a suicide bomber, but the hardest ordeal was the last: having the courage to free the person she truly is."
"From that failure came my resilience, came my ode to excellence."
"Misery just said, 'Become a beacon to heal others.'"
"She's Heaven's Angel, so strong even in struggle. When life comes like a storm from every angle, she rises above it all."
"I had shame, I had self-doubt, I had confusion. I felt lost for almost two years. I slept on an air mattress that had a f***ing leak."
"Despite heartbreaking losses, there are sounds of progress and hope abounds."
"No matter how low you get, you better talk to the clouds. No matter how bad life gets, no matter what happens, they might come for you, you can always get back up even better than you were before and do things better."
"We are more than our traumas, our heartbreaks, our breakups - we are more than all the bad things that happen in our life and we are more than the self-scrutiny, the judgment, and the labels we carry."
"Tyler Perry: Transforming tragedy into triumph."
"Meaning is actually the instinct that helps you guide yourself through that catastrophe."
"Our faith is the victory that overcomes the world."
"We become our own Heroes because we find meaning in the pain."
"Unity is the only option we have to defeat this virus. With solidarity, humility, and assuming the best of each other, we can and we will overcome this together."
"To endure is greater than to dare; to tire out hostile fortunes; to be undaunted by difficulties."
"You know, there was a time when my bank account went to that financial predicament."
"We came from pain, but we're still standing."
"Just listening to his story makes you realize that you literally can do anything and you don't have to be a victim to the circumstances that you've been given."
"Hard work and dedication always pays off, no matter how much adversity you face."
"Life is not about having good cards but about playing a bad hand well."
"You just have to go for it, no matter what your circumstance."
"He did prove that perseverance in the face of adversity makes the most amazing things possible."
"Recognizing that you can overcome any challenge that's set to you as long as you've got that motivation, that drive."
"Life is not fair you make the best of it and speaking of height and speaking of these things look at Mosley Muggsy Bogues Munchie bose I think he was like five six he made it an NBA dunking on people."
"Every time you take a setback or you fall, you gotta come back and get better."
"When your back is against the wall like that, you suddenly find energy and ideas and a whole other level that you never suspected was inside of you."
"When things get hard... that's when the real things start to come together."
"If you're born a refugee, don't let it stop you from playing soccer."
"I'm not gonna let the fact that I didn't have that in my life hold me back."
"My biggest fear was not being broke because when you're at rock-bottom and you're on welfare you can still like afford food."
"Fortunately, despite this uniquely Jagged start to the year, great events also took place."
"Because despite this cruelty you have an immense space for compassion and empathy."
"I think one of the greatest gifts of dealing with personal tragedies like that is knowing that you can come through it and knowing that your experience can help other people."
"Congratulations for surviving through hell, you get a few gifts."
"Don't let this world bring you down and stop you from achieving your goals."
"The worse your past is, the more limitations you actually have to overcome."
"We have overcome so much more in this country than just losing to someone who is a bigot."
"Through collective action and shared sacrifice, national determination, we will overcome the threat of the virus."
"Girls with dark pasts and secrets bravely stand up to evil."
"A survivor who has been discarded and has nothing left to lose is capable of every success imaginable."
"The hidden blessing of being with a narcissist: you are now certifiably strong."
"Losing his sight was part of what made him stronger."
"Something good can come out of a bad situation."
"I refused to look back at 2020 and for it to be this like horrible thing in our life that I just did nothing."
"When you accuse us, we triumph over the accuser with the blood of the Lamb."
"But someone kept pushing me into the light. It doesn't hurt anymore."
"No matter what happens, we will come out of this, we will fight through this, we will get stronger."
"The darker the Darkest Hour, the more cathartic the victory will be."
"But they may go one step further and they may say, 'Well, she's special, she's got a superpower. I'm not like her, she was able to overcome what she went through and come out the other side, she's stronger than me.'"
"Even when you're born into the most challenging environments there's always a way out but you have to make that decision to break the cycle of crime and violence."
"She conquered the lies in her life and the norm and she did not let her circumstances define her."
"The beauty of Life lies in the trying challenges that push us to be better."
"Three years of drama and torment, let me see. And your boy came out on top. It's very nice. It's like the communities are growing up and they can no longer be manipulated into false narratives."
"The Bible assures Believers that God is greater than evil and that he has overcome the world."
"Every yoke will be broken, every stronghold will come down."
"This man suffered severe burns as a child and still became a firefighter."
"I shifted, if I can do it, even if I was homeless, came from a poor family, I was an immigrant, if I've done that, everyone can."
"Coming through difficulty and prospering, just like the dung beetle."
"He never let it define him. He never let it. He overflowed all those boundaries, brother. That was a remarkable clip."
"He's been a great advert for what you can do coming from problems in your past and better in your life and using boxing to do so."
"True talent always shines regardless of age or circumstances."
"How harsher could the odds be—and thus more compelling the story—than the idea that a character could, through boxing, rise from abject poverty to fame and fortune?"
"We all go through pain, we all experience heartache. You have to face it, you have to face your pain, you have to purge through it, you have to heal through it."
"I promise you no one wants to stay in victimhood."
"When you get back home when you get back on the job when you get back to them kids when you get back to your life when you get back to your hard place when you get back to your struggle tell them again, keep digging."
"When you hit a storm, you think it's the end. Whatever that voice is that's telling you that you are going to be defeated by the Moabites is lying."
"I declare that I will overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony."
"Showing just how rare it is to fight your way out of a life of crime into legitimate success."
"You got little victories in situations where a big victory is impossible."
"You'll have bad times but they will always wake you up to the stuff you weren't paying attention to." - Robin Williams
"The harder the time that you make it through, the sweeter and the better it is when you come out of it again."
"We stop playing victim and start being victors."
"In the face of absolute defeat, he had the strength and the courage."
"It's all the little things. It's finding a way to overcome adversity consistently. It's like I said, it's going to class consistently, it's getting the meetings on time, it's having your phone turned off in the meetings."
"We're all on a journey, and my story may have started inside of a prison cell but that's not what defined me."
"I want a fresh start. I'm tired of hiding my house, tired of hiding my bad relationships. I want a fresh start."
"It's just understanding truly, truly that we are powerful enough to override and overcome anything."
"We are now completely countering the scourge."
"It's when we most want to turn around that we must keep going when all we see is darkness that we must have faith in the light."
"I've learned to love the thing I wished most had not happened."
"Sometimes you may need to go through all the bad stuff, all the pain, all the misery, the loss of your father to help you to have a turning point where you go, 'That's enough, son of' and then it changes you."
"You did the hard miles you got burned and you have emerged a Survivor and let's face it survivors are always the most interesting people at the dinner party"
"Danganronpa was from the very beginning a game not just about the worst humanity was capable of, but also its undying capability to face those things head-on, to identify and acknowledge them, and to overcome them."
"The darkness will be defeated and the madness will end."
"Chie's character arc is that of a good-hearted girl who desires to be appreciated and looked after after being bullied and passed over."
"The people of Hungerford refused to be defined by a day that caused so much pain and suffering in such a short space of time."
"From a troubling childhood, he will come out there and put us in the corner and put our hands up to Greatness."
"First, the gates of hell shall not prevail against you."
"They won't prevail against you because you're gonna have the power and the ability through covenant and ordinances and commandments and law to not let those gates of hell prevail over you."
"Don't let pain stop you... feel it and keep moving."
"Do not let tiredness or fear be the winner of this war."
"Despite challenges, like my uncle's car accident, we'll pull through as a family. We got this."