
Political Activism Quotes

There are 950 quotes

"We have all the power in the world to take petty politicians out of their seats and put new politicians in their place; we're just not mature enough yet to want to admit that."
"An end to the occupation means the liberation of Palestine, and it's an incredible thing to see this global movement taking root."
"We will save us by getting to the polls in November in numbers too big to rig and too real to steal."
"Watching people turn out in such force in the face of such repression was nothing short of inspiring."
"Protest works. That's why they're trying to shut it down in your country and in mine."
"Vote, and support candidates that are gonna do something about climate change."
"We have the largest ethnic group to condemn Nixon were Black people; we've always been in the vanguard."
"Environmental justice, which means environmental issues are race issues, is using environmental protection for unrelated political purposes."
"This is our government, this is our constitution, and we're going to stand up for it against Donald Trump and anybody who follows him to the path of oblivion."
"The far-left needs people like Destiny who are doing the work to de-radicalize fascists, something I admire about what you're doing, Destiny."
"I don't think a lot of people understand how much I care about the left space succeeding broadly."
"The core fundamental fact, the consistency in their approaches to persuasion being non-violence."
"We believe in armed self-defense, not because we like violence. No one likes violence."
"The need to go into the Panther Party came as I watched and observed the interaction of people, the interaction of party, and what the police was doing at the time."
"Every single person involved who watches this video should a) figure out who their house representative and senator is, b) contact them, and c) tell them that they will vote for their direct opposition in any election regardless of how much they hate them if this comes to pass."
"The right is motivated by very little; this is one of the big issues that has motivated them to actually get out and protest."
"The American people are rising up to say that they will no longer tolerate it."
"I don't know if I have the power to convince fascists to stop being fascists, but I can convince people who are not part of this fascist movement to accept that this is a fascist movement, that we should treat it as a fascist movement, and that avoiding the term 'fascism' is unhelpful, even dangerous."
"Eventually, if you really want to change policies, you've got to run."
"Workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains."
"I've been having these quiet conversations with members of Congress for the last two months. I'm tired of being quiet."
"Unless there is sustained mass civil disobedience to put pressure on two political parties and a system that is completely captured by corporate power, then what's coming...will not be good."
"Eliminating the Chinese Communist Party is a matter of justice."
"It's up to you to flush the pipes clean and retake our government so it starts working for us and not the corporate interests."
"I claim the right to speak for the uninflated women of the country and denounce myself as a candidate for the presidency."
"If you don't like what you're seeing right now, take ten, fifteen, twenty minutes today, find out who's in your district, find out what they stand for, and go support the ones you believe in."
"The time to fight against corporate Dems is all the time when you can, and not when you can't."
"It's a political message that I've agreed with for quite some time now, and I feel like more people should get on board with."
"If you have not given us a standalone bill that gives us a rent eviction moratorium, stimulus checks, and succession of unemployment benefits by September 1st as a standalone bill, I'm asking all the viewers of this channel to ask that all incumbents be thrown out of Congress."
"We have lost that republic. All of us have to act to get it back."
"Our members realize they have a job to do in Parliament, opposing what this government is doing but above all, promoting a radical social alternative. Surely, that's what's necessary at this time."
"If you want to actually pressure the Democratic Party to do the right thing, you're going to need to organize."
"Thanks to backbreaking organizing by black women like Stacey Abrams and Nyki Robinson, over 75 million people decided to vote out the orange bastard in chief."
"The Democrats will fight this decision for as long as it takes. We will fight; we'll fight like hell."
"We've got to stand up and fight for an economy, a political system that works for all, not just a few."
"We need a movement of workers in this country to carry through our agenda."
"Media everywhere is mostly liberal... we've become political activists in a sense and some could argue propagandists."
"The only thing we have that is the truest, most powerful lethal weapon that we have is the collective voting of our community."
"British lawmakers urged the International Olympic Committee to reconsider Beijing's host of the 2022 Winter Games."
"Help it be the government that you won't fear. If this many people around the country would do this instead of watching Super Bowl Sunday, our nation would be controlled by the people, not by the corporation."
"The ultimate goal is to get that post banned to prove that the Chinese Communist Party can't even deal with something like this: a redacted blank article."
"We need to organize, meet, protest, and especially, don't vote for the guys that are against Internet freedom."
"You have to show strength and you have to be strong. We have come to demand that Congress do the right thing."
"You have to get your people to fight. And if they don't fight, we have to primary the hell out of the ones that don't fight."
"I will not stand by and watch the most fundamental freedom in this country, the freedom to vote, be taken from you."
"They are not going to do this to America. There is more of us than it is of them and we are going to fight."
"What a great look by the way; they were chanting at Rand Paul 'say her name.'"
"Voting is our shield, but organizing is our sword."
"We've got to get politically active to ensure that they are doing that job, and when they don't, we've got to vote them out and say goodbye."
"There was an appetite for seeing people fight for working people."
"As a trans individual, Pride is still very much political."
"We need justice, safety, facing multiple crises, emboldened white nationalists."
"Voting is a waste of time until you organize."
"The only way this thing turns around is if good people fight for freedom."
"Let's restore the Voting Rights Act and ensure that our democracy belongs to all Americans."
"Trying to save your democracy is a noble ambition."
"Vote locally, primary the establishment, and create a more rational and coherent political landscape."
"Mock them, vote locally, and primary the establishment to create real change."
"We helped Alexandra Castillo Cortes win. We're super proud of that. We're on the Bernie side, and we're gonna take that fight to the corporate Democrats like Pelosi and Schumer."
"Drag is an art form that seeks to subvert norms at its core, and is inherently political."
"We must understand that, as we go forth to try to move the reprobate politicians, our cowardly Congress, that jive, double-lip talk and Nixon."
"This is a galvanizing moment for Democrats in Tennessee and across the country."
"The momentum is with us and people are fed up and fired up especially younger voters around this issue."
"We have to defend democracy such as it is in order to move democracy forward."
"Every attack now made on Julian Assange and WikiLeaks was made against me and the release of Pentagon Papers." - Daniel Ellsberg
"Julian Assange is possibly the biggest hero in the world in my opinion who should have a parade and a day named after him."
"In recent months, the Democrat Party has also been aggressively pushing extreme late-term abortion."
"The reality is that the amount of funding available for generally left-wing community organizing and activism is enormous."
"I'm focused on addressing these things on a federal systemic level."
"We should boycott the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics."
"Hong Kong's protests started in June against plans to allow extradition to mainland China, hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets."
"The threats to democracy are real, and the only way to defeat them is showing up and voting."
"I don't think these are small things. I think the battle for freedom of speech... the battle against this woke fascist mentality... has got to be fought and won."
"The world's upside down when Dutch farmers are protesting and Canadian truckers take the political lead."
"Yes, we should be condemning the regime, calling them out and bringing them to account."
"Maxine Waters has been promoting violence mass violence in the streets."
"People want change, people want policy change."
"I went literally door-to-door for Obama, got to move 500 votes there, knocking on doors, grinding for him because I just felt in my heart like this is going to be a new beginning."
"Tumblr in its prime: 'not just a blogging platform, but a staging ground for an array of political movements.'"
"My father's a Black Panther, my mother was arrested... to fight for us to have the right to vote."
"Your right to vote is not guaranteed, it is still under attack every day."
"Nast's campaign to shine a spotlight directly on the rampant political corruption that dominated the institution started by his calling them on voter fraud."
"Proud mamas have saved America from Donald Trump. None of this is possible without you."
"Every hand should be on deck to elect leaders who can be more responsive to the yearnings of Nigerians."
"This is their fight, this is all of our fight, this is what matters in this election."
"Taking down the CCP is the unfinished work of the 20th century and it's another dictatorship that's got to be kicked into the desperate of history."
"If every single person who opposed the far left insanity spoke up, there would be no conflict, no riots, no war."
"We're going to keep fighting for every legal vote in America."
"If I hadn't met Julia, things would not have played out as they did."
"It's remarkable to see left-wing activists just as outraged and for the same reasons as the right-wingers."
"Messages like these and people standing with messages like these are actually going to turn the tide for us to get our [expletive] country back."
"It's political resistance is inherent in this."
"We are likely to see a resurgence of Occupy movements and Tea Party movements when arguing for better wages, safer working conditions, and a redistribution of wealth."
"Stacey Abrams and Latasha Brown and NSA and all of these people, like all of these people who worked so hard in Georgia, have finally succeeded because they put in the work for so long."
"We need to have the same focus, the same zealotry for freedom that the left has for government."
"We are not bystanders in this ongoing attack on democracy. There are far more Americans from every background and belief who reject the extreme MAGA ideology than those that accept it."
"I bring that same Vigor to a fight in another battle and that battle is for the future of our country and the soul of our party."
"If you love your people, stand up now and join others and demand that the best to do no, it's not election, no it shouldn't be an election, it should be conversation around if you want to be part of Nigeria and under what condition."
"Kamala Harris literally tweeted out a website so you could donate to free people who were arrested for rioting and looting."
"There's no reset with the Donald Trump administration. Black people, the only reset is on November 3rd and voting his ass out. That's the only reset we get."
"Or we're going to lose it. This is where freedom rings. If you believe in America, if you believe in the Constitution, the Constitution empowers us."
"Now you're going to have many left as an activist using it as a left-wing activist hub. That's all it really is."
"Man hating is an honorable and viable political act."
"We have no choice but to continue the fight to save our democracy."
"We don't have to wait for the laws to be dictated by the court, we have another branch of government, the Congress, they are called lawmakers."
"Portland protesters launch mortars at federal buildings, smash windows, and burn American flags."
"Hey look, there's political power out there, you can grab it and organize it, and you can make a difference."
"This is the moment if you care about our democracy to fight for it."
"How to destroy America in three easy steps... It really is an activism manual philosophical activism manual for how to fight back against the leftist lies about the disintegration astray is what."
"Those of us that are worried about that eventuality, we have to push harder than anybody else. We have to keep people motivated and make sure they understand it doesn't end just because Trump's out of office. All the problems are still there."
"Sometimes we're gonna have to be very tough and we're gonna have to fight [the NRA]."
"Plan B: Write emails to your representatives, get involved."
"What this means is that no matter how loud you protest, no matter who you elect, and no matter how robust International Agreements are, ultimately it will all be blocked by three corporate lawyers in a room."
"The will of the people is being undermined by some very powerful despicable entities, and we're here to call it out."
"He has ignited an irreversible wave of political awareness amongst Nigerian youth."
"This election was rigged, and we can't let it happen again."
"We have so much power. We have to get out there and vote."
"Thank you for watching. 35 days, let's take this to the finish line. We're almost there."
"They're talking about kicking out all the Dreamers. It's time to make some noise."
"If you're funding a company whose founder is donating to political campaigns that you fundamentally disagree with you have every right to not support that company anymore."
"Send a message to young people: if they don't want you to vote, what you gotta do is radically increase voter participation."
"The shift in political activism in the digital age."
"Secretary Clinton cannot ignore the voices of activists asking her to reject fossil fuel money."
"We are an um of Justice and we are um ready to struggle for justice and November inshallah you will show that to the world."
"What Jeremy has done in the UK, what Sanders has done in the US and others that have sprung up in the last 10 years, it's an invaluable service to working people across the world."
"We are going to tell them we did whatever was necessary to remind people of what is at stake, to remind them of their power, and to remind them that ours is a country worth fighting for because we love this country."
"Let's register some more Democrats and swing States and districts and save the world in 2024."
"Donald Trump has joined the free speech cause. He's joined the Free Speech Movement online."
"The left needs to embody the slogan 'not me us' going forward."
"Ben Cohen is one of the great heroes of not only the progressive movement but specifically getting money out of politics."
"I voted for the guy and I'm speaking up every day about how we need to defend our freedom and our rights."
"Freedom isn't free and neither is the free Hong Kong T-shirt, but it is a good investment." - Ian Crossland
"Start bringing the ruckus on the Democratic Party." - AOC
"This is a great moment for the left. People are figuring out, 'Oh, we're gonna have to fight, huh? Yeah, you're gonna have to fight if you want healthcare.'" - Jimmy Dore
"I've always been very politically motivated to stand up."
"If we don't seize this opportunity that we have, we will lose this country."
"Every single one of us that stays home means that one of these people's votes for Trump will go unopposed."
"Left-leaning political identities may be more likely to protest in general."
"Revolution is always an act of self defense." - CT Vivian
"The only upside for these corporations is to support the wokeness. If conservatives start boycotting legitimately hardcore boycotting being like I will never buy from you again, they'll feel the pain and they'll apologize."
"Abolish landlordism, dismantle capitalism, and begin the construction of socialism."
"Without making the occupation costly, nothing will change. Without making the occupation costly, the occupation will go further to torture Palestinian and to confiscate more Palestinian land."
"I think that we have all this political energy online. We should do something with it."
"Big supporter of BLM, but not sympathetic to looting and violence."
"There is no such thing as being pro-life while supporting laws that let children be shot."
"This has got to make the anti-gun movement very upset because all their efforts in these legislators to violate second amendment rights are basically going up in Flames."
"History will have been made and we will begin anew with our pro-democracy movement and we're going to continue to fight for freedom and have fun doing it."
"We've got to stand up Republicans are Banning abortion rights tearing down democracy blocking progress."
"I think any type of political action you can do that involves getting people to actually show up and do things is going to be incredibly effective because that's just so so difficult to do in the real world."
"I obviously would prefer my pop stars to be political so as an example um literally my favorite artist like the last few years is Ethel Kane."
"We must have an all-out war fighting for voting rights."
"Lindsey Graham is a disgusting human being who deserves to be retired for any number of reasons pick one and then help make it happen that's what I think thanks."
"We're launching a campaign to get out the vote and amplify Progressive candidates."
"He was shaking the system, challenging the bureaucracy."
"As a radical leftist, we need to put our differences aside and work together towards a common goal."
"You should be happy that you have the right in the United States of America to show up to a politician's office and tell them exactly what it is you think about an issue."
"Even the governors may not be able to come out openly and do this, but the Yoruba will rise."
"Bernie Sanders finally speaking out on what Status Coup has been reporting for weeks."
"Bernie's out there. He's going to take on corporate greed, take on the pharmaceutical companies."
"Edward Snowden? He's a hero, a patriot, risked his own freedom."
"The squad led by Rashida Talib has signed a letter asking the Biden administration to drop charges against Julian Assange."
"It's about fighting for liberty and the right to take back freedom by force if necessary."
"Iranian women are rising up to demand Freedom, are we listening?"
"It is an important moment for us to recognize the power that we have as Americans to hold accountable the corrupt and to have the knowledge of these institutions collapsing around us..."
"Black voters are enraged and outraged in a way that the only time I've seen this is when David Duke was running for governor of Louisiana back in 1991."
"This is war, the war to save the American system, and it's time to take it seriously."
"So if we are sans and as people don't stand up you know for what they happen at this we country today, you know don't show say we ready for Rise Against Poli politicians and everybody."
"I believe in a progressive revolution... stand up for our values."
"We became paralyzed by the NRA we did not hold our elected officials accountable as they were loosening the sensible gun regulations that were keeping us safe instead we chose to burden our youth with the responsibility of saving their own lives."
"Consider it a patriotic donation in the fight for freedom over tyranny." - George Takei
"We don't want to celebrate firing tomahawk missiles into a foreign country. We want to celebrate us standing up against the largest empire in the world saying fu, those are our bombs, get out of our country."
"My greatest fear is that we're going to lose the one last opportunity we have to save this country."
"From their perch in Moscow, the folks at Yes California said they explicitly support and encourage Californians to stand up and take direct action."
"Americans need to stand up and say no, you know what, I've had enough, I've had it."
"Get out of New York get out of New York get out of Connie fornia get out of New York get out of shy town get out of these states these states are politically weaponizing every tool available to go after their political dissidents."
"If I just fought with every uh contention I had with like the online left I'd never get any work done like against the right you know."
"They're coming for everything. We need to blow this out."
"You ain't gonna change reality... unless you go out here and get politically active and organized."
"It is about joining together to overthrow them."
"We can... check out Fair Fight which is Stacey Abrams' organization. Stacey Abrams, in the time that she ran for governor and had that governorship stolen from her... she was able to register 800,000 voters."
"Now whatever the gender of the participants, there are women of color colleagues who are standing up to this government's reckless gamble with Britain's future."
"We the people have the possibility and the responsibility to change the narrative of this country. Whether we're talking about climate change, free college tuition, or rebuilding our infrastructure, it's all real and it lives within our hands."
"Voices that attack the establishment, that attack the deep state, that attack the corporatization of America and indeed the world are necessary at this time."
"I definitely wanted to provide a lane that slices through the alt-right fascist outlook of Candace Owens and that MAGA crew that has really devoured and delighted in BLM's demise, a means for their own grifts to profit."
"The number one goal right now is to reclaim our democracy."
"Conceding the vote is not enough. You've got to do more than that."
"They're fighting for your healthcare, we're fighting for your social security."
"The only thing more powerful than the lobbying actions of corporate benefactors is people in their millions threatening their power by democratic action."
"It's time that we reclaim democracy for the people."
"Perfection isn't real anyways unless you're menchie. You scared her."
"We're gonna look into becoming the first crypto lobbying group. The BitSquad lobbying group." - BitBoy Crypto
"I want Britain to be a better Britain. That's why I fight for it."
"It's important that we push back against suppression laws."
"We can do great things; the issue is manifesting the political will to do those things."
"Iranians are risking their lives as they cry out for freedom throughout Iran."
"It's important to have elected officials speak out about the FBI's traditional role in subverting any vestiges left of democracy."
"Elon Musk is willing to do what only he can do. He's putting a substantial chunk of his vast fortune on the line to save free speech in America."
"I mean when Baird finally managed to get a congressional hearing on the stock act almost no one showed up."
"If we don't stand up now, if we don't weaponize our vote now, in 20 or 30 years, we will be a rarity."