
Terminology Quotes

There are 1227 quotes

"We need to stop calling these things mental illnesses and start treating them as brain health issues."
"Even though average world only talked about the motor functions, motor functions of basal ganglia actually is a misnomer."
"It should not be called ganglia because by definition, ganglia is a collection of cell bodies in neuronal cell bodies outside the central nervous system."
"We call these longevity genes, do not call them anti-aging genes. We don't talk about anti-aging, we talk about longevity and healthspan."
"This vulnerability enables what's referred to as RCE, okay? It stands for remote code execution."
"Just remember: meteoroids are in space like asteroids; meteors make it to the atmosphere, and meteorites have the right stuff to hit the ground."
"Self-Love Deficit Disorder is a term I created to replace codependents and codependency."
"I've signed myself up for both a motorcycle crash course. I guess that's not the best term to use. It's not a course where you learn to crash."
"So many young, beautiful, innocent people living and enjoying their lives, murdered by evil losers in life. I won't call them monsters because they would like that term; they would think that's a great name. I will call them, from now on, losers, because that's what they are. They're losers."
"But if you wanna try to understand terms, terminologies, parts of language, ideas and identities, then history can be a great guide, because history brings something to the table in terms of understanding the present, which can explain things that otherwise would be really, really hard to explain."
"If you were to pick one phrase that belongs to gaming the most, I don’t think you could find one better than ‘Level Up’."
"Par is a social construct. It's merely a word."
"Psychedelic is a term coined... it means mind manifesting."
"The US military loves its extremely broad and rather unhelpful terminology but also loves its acronyms."
"A baby is a cultural term; it's not a scientific or medical term."
"Biological sex is real. To say there's no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth, I don't like the phrase 'assigning' it."
"Social distancing in Islam is haram. The right word and the more appropriate word is physical distancing."
"Instead of calling this maintenance, in our inner circle we call it momentum."
"The phrase 'final girl' is from a specific place and a specific person."
"This so far as anybody remembers, is where the term 'Let's Play' originated from."
"We shouldn't call it food; we should call it food-like substances because it doesn't resemble food."
"It's kind of culty, the incel world in its invented terminology."
"In 1995, I had coined the phrase narcissistic abuse because I could find no other equivalent in any other form of abuse."
"Sometimes words like this can launch entire fields."
"Maybe we can repurpose the terminology and... we'll just sort of have like DEFCON levels for racism."
"We've been working on a new term for common sense because, by God, it ain't common."
"It's a ransom, you understand, not a reward."
"Assault rifle is an entirely real thing... Assault weapon is a term that originates in U.S. law and that's the one that really doesn't have any actual technical merit."
"What we see here is the government trying to use sort of clever terminology to give themselves powers that aren't actually in the legislation."
"Assault rifle is a term; assault weapon, however, is a made-up political term."
"In programming, the word 'string' is incredibly common; it's not a CS50 idea, but in C, there's technically no such data type as 'string' by default."
"Eureka comes from the ancient Greek word Eureka... loosely means 'I found it.'"
"It's not about wokefulness, it's about woefulness."
"These ideas and terminologies sound very familiar to Christians and they've really gained a foothold."
"Men on average receive prison sentences 60% longer than their female counterparts."
"It's like calling water dihydrogen monoxide just to scare people."
"Jargon is the use of specially defined terms to exclude people from a conversation."
"Waifu, a variation of the word wife, is used commonly in anime circles to refer to one's favorite female character."
"These are terms that I want you to understand whenever they come up in future lectures."
"When we use the word 'transphobic,' we're describing something that's presenting a false understanding of science and data that perpetuates dangerous myths."
"The accessibility of the cosmos to the public is magnified by the fact that the vocabulary is not in the way."
"Abortion is a euphemism. What's done isn't an abortion, the only proper word is murder."
"I'm gonna call this, for 4D, this is rotation X, Y."
"Elohim is the word for God or gods, so it's not a name, it's a... that's just what it means, God or gods."
"There's a difference between the statement 'Black Lives Matter' and the organization 'Black Lives Matter.'"
"All these people that we are now calling ourselves some skin thews iasts which I love that word it's such a good word to describe who we are because we're people that just love skin care and love taking care of our skin."
"Quantum tunneling is just a fancy name for phasing."
"It's a call to precision in the use of terms, respecting the text."
"A Mcguffin for those in the back is a term made famous by Alfred Hitchcock but coined originally by screenwriter Angus MacPhail... generally a MacGuffin doesn't melt Nazis."
"The excesses of capitalism" will now be referred to as "the excesses of capitalism."
"The Ten Commandments are called the decalogue."
"After the creation of this rule Kaku refers to the rule itself as insurance which makes sense but it's also an interesting choice of words."
"They were not rigging the election, they were fortifying it."
"Gaming is littered with acronyms, like RPG, MMORPG, RTS, and MOBA."
"Cheesing in the world of gaming is the name for an underhanded tactic or doing something easier not intended by the developers."
"Noob is used to describe someone who is new to a video game."
"We're asking people not to work. Social distancing. That new term that has become probably the hottest term there is."
"I'm in somewhat of a rebuild a soft rebuild... now it is a remodel."
"Equality of equals. So it's equality of equals."
"The 'tomorrow and' problem, as it would later be named, was that any grounded vision of the future will eventually come."
"The Deep state... essentially a collusionist fascist regime."
"I've started calling this stochastic totalism."
"GPS is now kind of a confused term people use it to refer to all kinds of geolocation data all kinds of tracking all kinds of surveillance."
"Teaching is full of preconceived ideas about pretentiousness. So, I just remove the word 'teaching' and put the word 'share'."
"Shorting relates to a stock; options is like a whole, I guess, different thing."
"Instead you hear them call it diversity training or racial sensitivity training or anti-racism training but they very rarely will actually call it by its name critical race theory."
"It's not a new world order, it's a new government order."
"Stop calling it the China virus, call it the real-life affluenza."
"Given me the greatest gift in the form of my godchild whom they insist I call my niece as I am family. Love child feels like a slur against her and I am not cool with that."
"It's not the entertainment business boom it's a business of entertainment there you go."
"Let's talk real quick about two words: necessary and sufficient."
"Used versus refurbished... used suggests damaged goods, it suggests maybe it hasn't been tested, maybe it hasn't been wiped, maybe it's not complete."
"Positive correlation stick in that word correlation there."
"You can make a case that almond milk shouldn't be labeled as milk because it's not milk."
"Pop, soda, coke, cola: Fierce debate, folks!"
"It wasn't artificial intelligence for them, it was augmented intelligence."
"Trend precedence and market structure: understanding trends beyond cool-sounding phrases."
"My wife is not my property, Jesse. Partner. Partner. Partner. Crime stick together, love each other. No, that's there, buster. That's a term that homosexual."
"The people advocating for the term's retirement are following the same logic murderers go by when they want to bury the body."
"Advocating for the retirement of terms like 'ludonarrative dissonance' ignores the importance of precise language in criticism."
"The biggest debate is on this term 'subsists'... It's almost like a Platonic form of the Church, and it subsists in the Catholic Church."
"Options and warrants have overlapping terminology."
"It's amusing to note that the original founding statutes of Eton College describe it as a grammar school."
"Jihad is a positive term; if anyone is misusing it, we have to condemn them but not the beautiful faith of Islam."
"Occupy Wall Street popularized the term 'the 1%' – the notion of a nebulous ruling elite that holds a wildly disproportionate concentration of wealth and power."
"So now we're calling an epidemic that is affecting countries pan-globally a pandemic, nerd!"
"Physician-assisted suicide has received a bit of a rebranding in Canada as 'medical assistance in dying' (MAID)."
"It just feels like a buzzword trying to disguise the true nature of these games."
"When you get to be a certain size as a creator, they assign you a retard. It's not my choice of words, it's a legal term."
"You don't need to use big words like 'hypertrophy' and 'central nervous system.' Tut, superset, drop set. Yeah, it's all great advice, but does everyone understand it?"
"2022 was the year AGI arrived just don't call it that."
"He's an anti-racist in his heart too, he's old-school, he doesn't know the buzz words."
"Actually, it's magma when it's above ground, not underground."
"They're people, for fuck’s sake. Humans. Not human resources, but human beings."
"By this time he was being labeled with the term misog which is a word that describes a deep-seated dislike against black women."
"Being disabled is not a bad word. It is a disability. Just say disabled. It's not a bad word."
"Let me introduce you to our newest term review."
"Multicultural ethos is just a code word for a whole set of things, primarily what you meant before."
"That's almost as descriptive as our foodie terms."
"I would propose the general term online violence."
"Academic writing in the humanities is often complex because the use of new and initially obscure terminology that most people wouldn't be familiar with is necessary to express new things about the world around us."
"The whole idea behind this great resignation was really coined back in 2021."
"We have a sick care system not a health care system."
"Honestly that was quite a brilliant way of using their own terminology against them."
"Social media, of course, I call anti-social media... it's been so disastrous."
"The fact that they're using the world economic Forum terminology just says to me like outright I don't trust them."
"Explicit photon count is a fancy term for vision cameras."
"This was an insurrection, you know, let's call it what it was."
"The self-reflective statement gave rise to the term 'Pyrrhic Victory,' which is when someone pays an immense price to win."
"I'm not claiming a monopoly on certain terminology."
"Keep in mind, upstart is often used as a tool for traders."
"When we use terms like the Chinese virus, it's correlated with an uptick in hate crimes directed at Asian Americans."
"Social justice space, the term space in higher education at least is what we start to signify the tone of a space or an environment."
"The term contract of employment only entered general usage in the 1880s."
"That's not what we would call homosexuality, that's what we would call brotherly love."
"The reason why I call this Kaching syndrome is because it's a very similar situation for Kaching."
"Feminists changed the word job to career to make it more appealing to women. Job sounds so boring."
"Does it matter what Minecraft themselves call a biome?"
"It's not like a hive mind cheat, it's a cheat in the hive mind way."
"Please do not call them protesters even if they are in fact rallying in the streets please do not call them that there is a very important reason for why and I'm gonna explain it so they go by the term land defenders"
"Civil disobedience riots, the Rodney King stuff, absolutely was Insurrection."
"It’s one of the many reasons why in German, the war is often called the Urkatastrophe of the 20th century."
"And ReLU really stands for rectified linear unit."
"When you're down 10 percent real GDP, that is not a recession, that is a depression."
"Can we name hook shots? I think you can name anything you can play."
"People needed a new word to describe something new that happened in emergent reality."
"Afixes have always been exciting in a core part of Diablo."
"Gen 5 is when the fan term, 'Shiny Pokemon,' became official."
"I think my generation was the generation where we popularized 'cool' as the go-to."
"I feel like my generation was the generation where we popularized 'cool' as the go-to."
"Don't go there to prayer just because you feel guilty but because you feel hungry."
"These two terms psychopathy and sociopathy are used in the popular culture differently than they're used by scientists."
"Evergrande's bonds are junk, which surprisingly enough is actually an official term."
"It's kind of hard to tell what's even considered a remake anymore."
"The word Nazi doesn't have multiple definitions. Nazi means one thing and one thing only." - Ana Kasparian
"Unreal automatically generates irradiance volumes, except they're called volumetric light maps."
"Blackmail though, such a perfect wording for what it is."
"There's always going to be some harassable sea dogs running around."
"The translation for the word 'condition' is 'enfermedad' or 'estado.'"
"New strat unlocked, called bootstrap. It's called a move strap."
"Don't call it a horse dewormer guys, you all sound dumb."
"That is corruption. That is institutionalized corruption."
"Faith of course is so vital to Christianity that sometimes Christianity isn't even called a religion but it's called what, the Christian faith."
"The great resignation is what economists are dubbing it."
"I prefer the term ex-Muslims over Islamophobic."
"In the world of cheese, we would call these bloomie rind cheeses."
"Don't call it narcissistic abuse, that term throws people."
"Gender specific terms such as policemen or housewife were replaced by police officers and stay-at-home spouses."
"He thinks out of the box long before the term becomes popular."
"Labeling racism wherever they see it... misuse of racism as a term of art in order to slander political opposition."
"Cancel culture as a term is absolute BS that doesn't actually shed light on anything."
"Tabs, Ribbons, Groups - important terms you'll need to know."
"There's a big difference between being on a cell and being in a cell."
"The internet really seems to overthink this one... in my testing I have determined that this should actually have been called the sharpness overlap setting because that's what it seems to control."
"I always say I get this question all the time: would you ever do that celebrity box and stuff? Dude, ease on the term celebrity."
"So when it comes to SSDs and storage in general, there's actually a lot of different terms that are out there right now."
"Bucket and pail are pretty much the same thing."
"Remember, there are two ways that Sunday tries to firmly differentiate psychometrist from psychometrician."
"I think the definitions of left and right are not very helpful anymore."
"That absolutely is the definition of gas lighting."
"Superman fanboys love throwing around terms like 'unlimited'."
"It's like, what the hell is simulated gambling? It makes no sense."
"Quit describing a stand for peace as anti-war."
"Activating relocator just sounds really dramatic."
"So this is why I call them Quranic Nazarenes. Okay?"
"Get ready for your poggers. Is that a dual-class card?"
"Raptor Lake is the code name for the 13,000 series. It means the same thing to say 13,000 series, 13th gen. It's all the same thing."
"Incredibly ancient in video game launch terms."
"AVPU scale: A is alert, V is response to voice, P is response to pain, U is unresponsive."
"This is key and contrast. Now these are two terms that normally you would hear separately but once you start thinking of the two together as a pair, that's when it starts to make sense."
"I don't think we should talk about ska waves because it doesn't create an accurate picture."
"It is the first time which GPU became a common acronym to describe 3d accelerated cars."
"This is an approach to military history sometimes goes by the name the physics of the battlefield."
"Meme placement. That's the new term for all the marketing classes."
"I think that roguelite is a great term that can be used alongside other more traditional genres like say RPG or platformer to give an accurate description of what a game actually is."
"The word 'witch' just means wise and intuition. It's just your intuition."
"There is nothing more infuriating than that word 'credibly accused.'"
"People sometimes get offended when people call things like guilty pleasure or trash but really it's the best way to say it."
"Destiny is about to change majorly and that's due to a term called Sun setting."
"All machetes are knives, not all knives are machetes. What makes a sword a sword? The instant when a machete is wielded like a weapon."
"Let's start using the phrase 'brahmophobia' to discuss this phenomenon."
"Let's stop referring to it as the skeptic community."
"Modern Warfare 2 words that apart don't mean a whole lot but together are legendary."
"This is the rect OPFOR which is clearly some sort of AR-15 styled kind of variant from the rekt people."
"It changes the complexion entirely of what the word 'monster' means. For Chopper, it's only ever had negative connotations, it's only ever meant pain for him—the idea of 'monster' as others have ostracized him."
"I hate that term minority, it just makes you feel like you're less than."
"Mass shootings happen all the time, but 'mass shooting' sounds horrible."
"Concentration camps have no Nazi connotations at all."
"We can't settle for redefining the word racist."
"Gaslighting to bamboozling: a sudden change."
"Calling someone a 'gusano' is not racial, it's not even remotely on the same level as racial slurs."
"Chances are, if you’re improving at Smash, your knowledge of terms will follow."
"Enhance sounds like a compliment, mutant is like yeah."
"People threw around the word criticism so loosely."
"They're actually not called graphite pencils at all."
"The reason that punch is called the ghetto whopper is because that punch is thrown in the ghetto at three o'clock in the morning."
"Woman is a gendered term, and female is a biological term, and neither one of them mean what a lot of people think they mean."
"So i think if we want mass adoption we have to stop calling it to someone who's in normal gaming it needs to be collectible game items we can't call them nfts to the traditional gamer."
"Grush never said extraterrestrial or alien, he said interdimensional."
"Do not believe these look-ism in-cell weirdos who are actual insults by the way in the proper term not in like a [ __ ] I'm not using as a pejorative."