
Mistake Quotes

There are 1961 quotes

"If you hear that the brush rustling at all, you're gonna get scared, and if it rustles and some lizard runs out, you may well briefly see a snake where there, when there is in fact a lizard."
"I believe that you are making a huge mistake of historic proportions."
"I love baking so much but I always add way too many of some ingredients. One time instead of sugar, I used salt in my cookies and I accidentally made the entire Village really really sick."
"I made a mistake, I'm admitting to it. Let's push on."
"Whoever sets out on the high road and takes a wrong turning does not go where he intends to go but where the road leads him."
"I have made possibly one of the biggest mistakes in my entire career."
"We are not a mistake. We are simply mistaken. We've been blinded to our brilliance, shorn of our strengths, ignorant of our genius, unaware of our true power and magnificence."
"I know I really messed up, bro, that's why I asked can I take the thing off my check."
"This was not dropping the ball; this was picking up the ball and running in the opposite direction towards the opponent's end zone. You know, this is worse than a fumble."
"When a 38 caliber revolver failed to fire at his intended victim during a holdup in Long Beach, California, would-be robber James Elliott did something that can only inspire wonder: he peered down the barrel and tried the trigger again."
"If someone you know does something wrong by mistake, you just need to work to fix that."
"The first time I got really lean, I went from this to this. While you might look at this and think this is a really awesome result, I did absolutely everything wrong."
"You ever make the wrong turn, and next thing you know, you're in the hood?"
"Personally, I think they made a horrible mistake. They didn't want to admit it."
"There has to be some kind of mistake, I didn't do it."
"What a terribly sad story, did you forget the ears too?"
"We made the wrong assumption about the order of events all because of those justice hammers. So you know what? I think it was Celeste."
"Bob's brain always seems like a good idea and then later you die and you're like oh what killed me."
"I messed up royally and I'm going to try and make up for it"
"Things did not change and in fact I had the complete wrong idea."
"When I do something stupid and it costs me money, I call it stupid tax."
"Woman stranded at Croatia airport after arriving for a flight a year early."
"If you ever see something that looks either like an Oreo cookie or an ancient coin with a quaint design, you better put on your glasses before touching it."
"You rushed in impulsively about something in a panic and dramatically overpaid."
"Then he made his first and last mistake. He allowed Caesar to trap him into a direct confrontation."
"We all at one point definitely called the teacher mom gotta be done."
"Every dumb thing a person could do, I just did. And the entire end was like, 'Hey, keep doing that.'"
"I just ran into the um cloak room in the hallway and nothing was plumbed in and I went in and I crapped in their toilet and it wasn't plumbed in I ran out of there so quick."
"I don't want you to paint yourself as this monster. Maybe you made a mistake."
"You just redeemed your code to yourself. You just redeemed it for yourself."
"Anson Mount accidentally reveals Pike's detailed knowledge of the 24th century."
"They had a tower moment, realizing their mistake."
"Make sure that you're living bigger, better, and bolder in honor of the one that you love."
"This is a game where you need to accept you're going to be wrong."
"Please don't erase queer Creator something that he acknowledged was wrong to have said."
"I think this was a screw-up...but I do think that a lot of the initial reaction was justified."
"You cannot be guilty of a crime that you have acted in a manner that is by mistake or without intent."
"Absolutely horrible play on my part. A bit of a waste of the eject. I thought I was in my defense, I thought I was Snorlax again."
"Sometimes finding out how not to do things is better."
"The only way you die in League of Legends is by making a mistake."
"One of the biggest mistakes that I have ever made personally in this hobby has to do with that Malawi tank right over my shoulder. I didn't trust the process." - Unknown YouTuber
"You are 100% correct. I have made a mistake here."
"Only person whoever makes a mistake is the one who doesn't do anything."
"Should have put it in reverse, but it wouldn't have mattered."
"The dark throne and they were going to put be Co Wayne I I also think."
"You can't be afraid to make mistakes because if you're actually trying, you're going to make mistakes."
"They actually did send me two of the same things, so this will be the first giveaway."
"Oh, he clicked the tree and just destroyed his own units. Oh boy, we've all been there, Blue. It's fine, OK? We've all been there."
"It's long past time to correct this egregious mistake."
"It's only a mistake if you don't learn from it."
"I should have thought about this before. Mistakes were made."
"Flash and clear! Oh, I shot my own. I'm so sorry."
"I think it's important to take ownership of that situation and say, listen, we effed up."
"I kind of feel the same way about high schoolers, like if I'm in front of an audience of high school kids and I'm like screaming at them, then I've probably [ __ ] up."
"Line that was poorly researched and I shouldn't have said it. It meant nothing, it affected nothing, and I based none of my claims on this fact. Still, I owe everyone and especially Gerard an apology."
"Another mistake by Italy, this will be three."
"How tragically things can end if you make one simple mistake."
"All it took was one mistake to change everything!"
"That was a bad idea making my house on sand like that."
"Maryland man mistakenly bought two of the same lottery tickets and doubled his winnings."
"On her DeviantArt page, Lauren Faust explained that Derpy Hooves' cross-eyed appearance wasn't intentional; it was originally an animator error."
"You have to have credibility behind your words, or you just [ __ ] up."
"I thought I was on my foot on the accelerator but then I processed, no, that's not right."
"Blinded by this rage, she makes a huge mistake."
"Manchester United beginning to dominate the ball, this saw Rashford make the run but he'd gone too early and straight offside."
"That's an easy mistake. Okay, I'm going to make this a spa."
"Take this one without much issue. Hard to collect this many times in a row though quickly, but it's going to die. I kind of screwed up my clicking for a second."
"The Iraq war was a mistake, a strategic blunder of massive proportions."
"Michael Sussman's lie to the FBI is not a lie, it's just a mistake."
"We're all a bunch of c**** really, just make a mistake and carry on with life."
"Whether the most recent instance of it was something that was productive or if it was like oops it was a mistake and we called it the wrong person."
"For all we know, the Velocity might've mistaken the collection of stones as a landmass in the distance and eagerly documented it before properly examining the so-called island."
"If you don't admit your mistakes, you're gonna repeat them."
"You guys want to see how I almost vandalized my own car?"
"Accept the responsibility, I accept the fact that I made a mistake."
"You choke so hard okay I [ __ ] up right here because right here like five seconds I had five seconds four three I made a move two and then I popped off out of the chair but I didn't think he would make his move so fast."
"I just threw that game so hard, Ross killed Quig right in front of me and I said, 'He let him go with it.'"
"Dropping Preston would be the biggest mistake they could ever make."
"I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. I thought they were vitamins."
"I must admit I made a mistake... I said Johnson repeatedly... it happens even to the best of us even to me."
"It's very easy to mess up, which I just did."
"I just overdrove it and ended up being... second."
"If they pick somebody else, they made a big mistake in their life."
"Oh good we'll have the wrong guy to kill I'll just gon let the place you guys enjoy."
"I did not mean to sign it, right? I'm an idiot."
"Big boss at the end, the Dr Pepper. It would be funny if I got that one wrong."
"No one is above the law and this should have been handled as a DUI. We know now that we dropped the ball and did this wrong."
"It does live on as a legendary blunder for the company."
"Pressing start when you're supposed to press select or pressing select when you're supposed to press start."
"I just hit the freaking p-switch, I'm an idiot."
"Using the same resume to apply for every single position you go for is a huge mistake."
"I thought I was still Link and I tried to ground pound that block. Why am I so dumb?"
"I'm your daughter, Nora, from the future. And I think I made a big, big mistake."
"He's an idiot, because when he first got out, he showed his address."
"Joey missed the spell and trap zone when he tried to set his cards."
"I looked and like an idiot I was taking I had 200 milligram per milliliter deca and then I had another bottle that was like 400 or something and I got them mixed up so I was doubling up on deca."
"Being wrong is not a sin. Staying wrong is a sin."
"It kind of feels like one big mistake that hopefully they've learned from."
"He didn't just shoot himself in the foot, he shot himself in both feet."
"They know that they picked the wrong person or that they made a mistake with the way that they were treating you before."
"Sometimes when one accidentally is their whole Protoss base."
"The longer quote... is 'Yeah, I screwed up.'"
"Even a Challenger player wasn't aware of that and dies an avoidable death."
"The danger is not putting hot water on your corn flakes instead of milk."
"You don't get to make a mistake and then be upset at other people for the mistake."
"So, what happens if you've accidentally bought the blade out a little bit too much?"
"You don't get an oopsie takesy baxi for this."
"You work on commission, right? Big mistake. Big. Huge."
"Regulators have made the same mistake they made with subprime."
"I'm observing this game. I've never won this game because I voted on the wrong impostor."
"I'm going to admit when I'm wrong, I was so wrong."
"Could you imagine that goes OB? You shouldn't have done that."
"I realized that I was wrong when she told the story about her lost sister."
"I think this might be Jay-Z's biggest public mistake."
"I'm deeply sorry that I made my mistake and I hope today clears it up some."
"When you push a pull door and someone says you have to pull it, like yeah, my next plan was to start lifting it from the bottom."
"I'm sorry that I had some unrealistic expectation with you, I thought that I could have my cake and eat it too, I was wrong."
"When he makes a mistake, he will apologize."
"If you ever fall for a social engineering attack, you must be stupid."
"She was intelligent, careful, and tenacious, but she made one mistake: she ran away."
"His greatest mistake was believing that he had a choice at all."
"At this moment, he knew he messed up."
"You try to rip something off but you do it so wrong that it ends up being original."
"He made a really stupid mistake and you're praying he can learn from that and mature."
"Some people learn from mistakes like this, some people don't."
"It's so easy to take that wrong turn and then it's so easy to be prideful and not want to correct things."
"Every mistake is an opportunity to learn and grow."
"Remember, every mistake is an opportunity to learn and grow."
"I'm sorry for giving you the wrong information."
"This is what I like to call a happy accident because even though it's objectively a mistake, it made the pattern look cooler in the end."
"When the Stormtrooper bumps his head on the door, people today look at that moment and laugh as a silly mistake that was made."
"Some of you I feel like this person feels like they messed up."
"How do you f up a winning formula? Fantastic question."
"The biggest mistake I made when I was younger was believing that the reason I was inconsistent... is simply because I lacked the motivation."
"Who am I to say who live and who died? I [__] up and I can admit that."
"I allowed myself to look up and listen to someone with far more success and fame, that was not the right thing to do. I regret it and it won't happen again."
"I think I got that one wrong... I'll hold my hands up to that."
"Not knowing that his arrogant mistake would cost the lives of millions."
"I had misread the situation," I swore under my breath.
"You guys screwed up big time, can I just go home now?"
"He caught that number two car right in the wrong spot and just lost so much time."
"I have no idea how a mistake like that gets made."
"It grinned widely as if it was my mistake for ever gazing upon it."
"If you're gonna make a mistake, do it with two hours and 35 minutes left to make it right."
"It's not my fault the truck don't surf, and I thought I was in England."
"Oh my gosh, I made a huge mistake. What is wrong with me?"
"I got a little bit frustrated with myself, I was sort of pissed off because I was like, 'Oh man, what have I done?'"
"You could see how this seemingly little and insignificant mistake by conceding the center allowed White to mount this huge attack."
"I'm actually very happy I made that mistake as a kid."
"This was definitely a stupid thing for me to be involved in."
"That's the worst thing you could have done."
"They were loyal to the wrong people; they should have listened but they were blind."
"I realized in that moment that I made a really big mistake."
"It sucks to be wrong, nobody ever likes being wrong."
"You just messed with the wrong athlete."
"I accidentally adopted a chicken thinking it was a tiny dinosaur."
"Have you ever made a mistake so big that you just want more than anything to get that five minutes back to rewind and get a do-over?"
"Anyone who doesn't respect the audience is making a big, big mistake."
"I think they messed up with some stuff they weren't supposed to."
"You just can't make the same mistake twice, you got to learn from your mistakes quick."
"He really stepped on his own tail there."
"The worst mistake is one we do not recognize as such and therefore do not learn from."
"If you're not using AI as a content creator, you're making a big mistake."
"It's not a failure that we're a bad person; it's just a mistake and it's something we can learn from."
"It's a dragon wagon, two wrongs don't make it right."
"Stalling the bike... just happens to the best of us."
"You dropped the ball, I handed it to you, you fumbled it."
"The first mistake I see a lot of gardeners making is amending their soil too early"
"The mistake that most people do is that they focus on things that they do not control..."
"Yes, you were wrong. Yes, this was a one-off mistake. But it doesn't exempt you from being an a-hole."
"A beekeeper? He knows Derek f*cked up big time."
"I was wrong, and I'm willing to sit here and say, I was wrong, and I had no idea what I was talking about."
"For these reasons, it is likely that the few classified documents found in Mr. Biden's Senate papers at the University of Delaware were there by mistake."
"I have a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment."
"I don't think I'll ever cheat again. I've learned that the right situation and the wrong time can lead anyone to make a mistake."
"I learned a lesson now, it made me better because next up I know to make sure my fence is straight."
"Guys, we almost pulled a big mistake."
"Mom, you're making a huge mistake."
"I feel like this is an excellent idea. I have done this multiple times. Sometimes a mistake is a happy accident."
"Fear of making a mistake starts to lose its power when we look at choices in this way."
"A double bogey is a bad shot followed by a stupid shot."
"Oh, [expletive], you sent me to get the wrong Mumbo sauce."
"I hope this mistake is enough of a lesson for him to communicate next time."
"Unbelievably the gang had used their own names."
"He made mistake after mistake causing the division to lose millions."
"One mistake is on the builder's fault."
"I got trou last time this that's messed up"
"I ended up kissing her sister, which was supposed to be a peck but it ended up being a pretty long intimate kiss."
"How could a pair of highly trained pilots flying one of the world's most modern passenger aircraft make such a simple mistake?"
"I've done so badly, I've bungled up. I've done Simon says."
"If you make a mistake but then you tell somebody about it, it's a learning experience. Don't do it again. Mistakes happen, etc. etc."
"That's not just a mistake; that tells them a lot about your character."
"I don't belong here. This is all a horrible mistake. I've gotta get back to my own time period. I've gotta go."
"The whole of the wind was a sheet of light and a hot wire I said oh you better close that because sir we don't know what's that included laughs then I realized that you know something was dramatically wrong."
"I think you're making a huge mistake. And yeah, maybe I wanted to wear something that would turn your head and draw a little attention to me, so that you realize that you fucked up."
"It's a huge mistake to theorize before one has data. Inevitably, one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
"Harry has been in a five-year relationship with cat. Sorry, Kate."
"They missed by a billion dollars."
"Have I literally just filmed that whole video with black on my face? I may have done. I'm okay with that."
"I think Matt Groening later admitted or one of the writers said, 'Yeah, that's one of the worst mistakes we ever made, we can't believe we tried to do that so early. I'm an impostor, that man is the real Seymour Skinner!'"