
Civic Engagement Quotes

There are 1539 quotes

"Mindfulness meditation can, in this sense, make you a better citizen."
"The beauty of a democracy, really the American Republic, is having the people as the power."
"We're going to do everything we can to protect democracy. But here's what we can do with this democracy. Here are the things that we can achieve if we are able to protect this democracy."
"I want to empower the people of this city to be part of the solution here."
"We have to figure out a way to do this together, and we have to figure a way to actually persuade our fellow Americans."
"We have got to bring our government back to We the People."
"You haven't lost your right to vote. Don't act like you're a felon."
"The right to protest doesn't just exist as a let's give people the right to vent; it exists on the grounds that democracy includes giving people the right to organize and put pressure on accountable politicians."
"It becomes necessary for every citizen then to be in some degree a Statesman and to examine and judge for himself of the tendency of political principles and measures."
"People are grabbing the reins, showing that they're not just spectators in this circus of power."
"The biggest con out there is 'Hey, just vote.' No, don't just vote, make an informed vote."
"Understand what you're voting for. Don't do this voting for a ballot. Go to the polls, make your voice known, understand on a healthcare level what you're doing."
"Politics is something that we all own. It's for everyone."
"The real point of politics is to come together to try to fix our problems and improve everybody's life."
"It's like healthy civic society; you need those protesters."
"If you want the laws to change, that's something we all have the ability to do."
"In order to have a democracy, we need to speak about these kinds of things and it's important to mention them and address them with our government officials and public servants here, as I'm sure you all can appreciate in this great country of ours."
"There's a ripe conversation to be had about the revival of civic service and civic duty in this country."
"We are going to have to get out and do things like vote and get on knock on doors... We use them as tools. This is consent to the government. We're the Govern, they operate on our consent."
"They want to take more money from the citizens... and use that money to pay for something that doesn't benefit the citizens."
"If you think your vote doesn't matter, then it won't because you won't vote."
"If people will lead, the leaders will follow."
"American democracy relies upon an informed and engaged citizenry."
"A system that is self-correcting where the American people have a say in how they're governed."
"America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad because it's gonna put up a fight."
"Eventually, if you really want to change policies, you've got to run."
"If you don't like your state, well, do something about it."
"Voting is the best way to have your grievances addressed in our system."
"The proposed navigation Center Grant was accepted with a vote of 10 to 1."
"We give the authority to the government to govern over us; if we don't believe that the government or the governing body is doing what they're supposed to do according to the constitution, then we take the power back."
"Doing something was one, better than nothing but two, so so powerful because no one's doing anything."
"Educators and civic leaders should not play along; instead of arousing easy antipathy, they should strive to cultivate the robust exchange of ideas across differences." - Michael Roth
"Vote. I don't care who you vote for, just be active."
"We all participate in politics each and every day."
"We should try and renew our belief that this is an important democratic moment and give people a chance to do better."
"It aims to identify and celebrate teen poets who exhibit a commitment to artistic excellence, and to civic engagement, youth leadership, and social justice."
"If every single person who listened to this show went and knocked on one door and said, 'Are you registered to vote yet?' then you'd end up with a lot of people registering to vote, making a big difference."
"It's not easy and I think it takes every generation now stepping up to do our part."
"The hard part is figuring out what that is, but once you figure that out, then you have a duty to say, how am I going to use those god-given gifts to do what is right, including what is right for this country?"
"According to surveys conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, many people don't vote because they are either too busy or have conflicting work or school schedules."
"It would increase the availability of poll workers, and especially if we have it as a national holiday, it would create sort of a civic spirit."
"American democracy is in a really fragile state right now; it needs all of us standing up to protect it."
"It's not just about voting; it's about being part of the process. Voting is important, but getting involved is just as important."
"Religious Americans give more to charity, volunteer more, participate in civic processes more, attend more meetings, are more likely to vote, to volunteer, less likely to drink, to do drugs."
"No one person either in the presidency or in Congress is going to be able to fix the problems that we have in our country or the problems that we have in the world. The way that it gets fixed is with an engaged, active citizenry."
"Maturity, responsibility, duty, tradition, commitment, industriousness, and civic engagement... are the daily virtues of attitude and habit that stabilize, provide hope, and unify."
"You want to create a society that the most number of people would be happy to live in and actively engage in."
"This takes a lot of action on your part, and that comes down with training and education and also getting involved in your local politics."
"Democracy isn’t automatic. It has to be nurtured. It has to be tended to. We have to work at it."
"Is the appeal to identity politics a way to win elections? Does such a focus serve beneficially to organize and mobilize citizens whose interests and very presence in politics tends to get marginalized?"
"This is a big complicated country, and democracy is messy. It doesn't always work exactly the way you might want, it doesn't guarantee certain outcomes. But if you're engaged and you're involved, then there are a lot more good people than bad in this country."
"If we don't have time for democracy, we don't have time for ourselves in the most fundamental sense."
"It is time for us to make a decision to become an impactful citizen, not just a reliable citizen."
"Every single vote matters...especially in your local elections and your state elections."
"The public needs to decide whether these programs and policies are right or wrong."
"I urge the mayor to abandon this counterproductive and cruel tactic and instead pursue more sound management."
"This is our country at stake. We got to get out there and bring people with us to the polling place."
"Be involved in your local elections, be involved in your local community."
"Vote, vote, vote! When you allow people to change the world, vote."
"A healthy democracy can't function without the input from every citizen."
"The only way that real change is going to take place is when millions of people get involved in the political process."
"Democracy is not automatic; it takes work every day."
"I believe in a government that is of the people, by the people, and for the people."
"Please register to vote and please become an active member in your democracy."
"The power of government comes from the people."
"We have to find a way to get a democracy that's responsive to us."
"If you don't trust your government, it starts here."
"Our voices matter, that our opinions matter, and that we can exercise those voices and opinions by voting."
"The most important office in a democracy is the office of citizen."
"Your votes are very important. Make sure you go out vote."
"We need to have elections rather than selections. This isn't a party thing, this is a people thing."
"We need more active engagement from people. To give back power to the people through education is paramount."
"If your vote didn't matter, why are they working so hard to keep it from you?"
"In principle, no politician actually cares. You have to make them accountable for them to do things as if they care."
"Sometimes all it takes to get a response from your elected officials is a massive class action lawsuit."
"Debate is at the core of our constitutional republic. Shared ideas inspire collaboration and innovation."
"The whole idea of this country is that the power actually belongs to the people."
"Working toward a better city and a better nation, I want to thank everybody who has expressed their views peacefully and who has worked for change in this long, complex week in the city and in this nation. I can tell you that it is making a huge difference."
"Democracy is not a moment frozen in time; it is a process."
"Without it, no tangibles, no vote. That's the nice way of putting it."
"I worry that some people might have lost the fire and the passion when it comes to actually making your voice heard."
"Voting is good; local elections are important."
"Huge turnout for early voting today in four states, people waiting online for hours to cast their ballots in person."
"Can you vote early? Can you walk in your ballot? Do you have a plan for voting?"
"The battles that we see in the streets matter, the courts matter, the halls of state legislatures and Congress matters as well."
"We need everyone to do their part. So speak up, speak out, get engaged, vote, vote, vote."
"Too many of us are just totally checked out and we're asleep at the wheel."
"We're going to show Americans how you can be outraged about an issue but still keep your dignity and discipline."
"This would have a considerable chilling effect on civic engagement and free speech."
"Everybody's hung up on congress and president, but your county council guy is the one who makes or breaks your life."
"There should be opportunities for them to reap offices."
"The overwhelming support from Americans is evident in the remarkable voter turnout and enthusiasm."
"Get involved, stay focused on election integrity."
"We don't have the luxury of sitting out the election to feel morally pure."
"If you have a problem, you demonstrate. That's the design of the system."
"Governance is only as good as the people who get involved in it."
"If you don't get involved, we got no one to blame."
"Unlocking milestones: shaping our city as we want it."
"Voting is a waste of time until you organize."
"I think it's another data point on the journey of American, we have a government of the people, by the people and for the people."
"It's important that people get out and vote, not just in the congressional elections but in your local elections as well."
"I can't think of a more important time for this."
"What do you want from our country and our government? What are the expectations?"
"This is not a regular bill going through this is literally the right to vote."
"You do not have to be in government to make a difference."
"Love the Sunshine Law, every state should have it."
"I want to give back. I want to do God's work. I think one day I want to have like... I want to feed the homeless, have events where we give pocket constitutions to people."
"It's also time for you to march to demand that every person you elect fully understands this policy."
"You gotta get involved. You got to vote. You got to participate."
"Voting is one-two in our battle, but this is not American Idol. This isn't a popularity contest."
"Fix it. We don't want disenfranchised voters."
"Your voices matter, they are the lifeblood of a functioning Republic."
"Voting is not the only answer, but it's a powerful tool we have for change."
"Democracy is more than showing up at the voting booths every four years; it is a lifestyle."
"My message to those young people is: you have the full capacity and power of the federal government. Your government is going to work with you."
"We need to start running for office and stop hiding from responsibility."
"No matter what you do, go out and vote. Make sure your voice is heard."
"Every one of us taking action to Breathe new life into the Open Marketplace of ideas that is at the heart of a thriving democracy."
"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts."
"An educated citizenry is that clear? Are you excited?"
"The threats to democracy are real, and the only way to defeat them is showing up and voting."
"Individuals should act, not government. We need participation, we need activists."
"I think we just go out there and just vote people out, you know?"
"If you're an Arizona vote, bring three of your friends with you."
"Americans got to keep asking the question are we safer in the dark." - Safety in the dark.
"Voting is how you have a say in how your tax dollars are spent."
"I believe New Yorkers should have a say in their government."
"They clearly are not interested in the pillars of democracy."
"Pros of federalism: opportunities for political participation and decentralized policy."
"Let's stop thinking that our voice don't matter and vote, not just vote for the president but for the preliminaries, vote for everybody."
"Our voices are more powerful than we ever knew, so tell me, Georgia, are you ready to vote?"
"Now is the time for people who haven't been paying attention until now to actually do so."
"It's time to get up, stand up, speak up, and go and vote."
"The survival of our democracy should get a little bit of your attention too."
"I have the right to free speech. That's a good point."
"We have not erased history, we're becoming part of the city's history by righting the wrongs these monuments represent."
"Be involved and do something big with it, don't just be a member, run for office."
"Your vote matters so much at the local level."
"The Department of Education bears the responsibility for making sure that every child in America has the opportunity to fulfill his or her potential."
"We are going to have to make sure that our elected officials are not being lazy with solutions."
"Our democracy is based upon the free flow of information."
"Now people know that their voice actually matters when they come together and they speak up together as long as they don't back down."
"To all the young people who are here today, your generation now has more power than anybody to change things."
"So if you don't do anything else please vote."
"All it takes is for good people to do something."
"Filling the streets to protest not being able to get a haircut that was pointlessly dangerous filling the streets to protest racist violence that threatens the lives of millions of Americans I'd say probably a bit more urgent."
"How in the world you're going to change something if you don't vote?"
"You've got to make a stand. If you don't care, then you might as well not be in the United States because there's a lot at stake here."
"Wisconsin voters have just done something really, really great."
"One of the easiest things anyone can do to protest is literally just petition to write on the street. For real."
"I don't want to be known as a generation that lost the republic."
"Make sure you're ready to use them in our elections this year. Register to vote in less than two minutes at vote.org/nvrd."
"If you refuse to take part in your own governance, then you're doomed to be ruled by fools."
"If you want to see low taxes, low regulations, lots of jobs... if you want the border secure, if you want the Constitution and the Bill of Rights protected, show up in public."
"Peaceful protests, my friends... thank you all who came out to peacefully protest and then went home."
"Let's deliver things to the American people, let's make sure we protect people's freedoms."
"Democracy is not self-executing, it depends on the engagement of the citizens." - Barack Obama
"Your voice matters, it makes a difference, your vote matters."
"If you love your people, stand up now and join others and demand that the best to do no, it's not election, no it shouldn't be an election, it should be conversation around if you want to be part of Nigeria and under what condition."
"Good people make America great. Good people stand up and fight."
"I do not trust a government that does not trust its people."
"The power of the people is there's no power of the people if you just sit there on your tail and don't get out there."
"Democracy is the political enactment of a spiritual idea that all of us have a spark of the divine, therefore we ought to have a voice in our democracy."
"Every vote counts, and we honor those who fought for our right to vote."
"We have to get everybody who's eligible to vote out there to cast a ballot."
"Empower the people, the politicians are not the answer."
"The people have the power to transform the state, but we have to be organized to do that."
"The more we can promote citizen-to-citizen dialogue, that's empowering."
"Our democracy is always going to be as strong as the American people’s willingness to fight for our democracy."
"It's really time for people to start coming together and fighting against this stuff because it's frankly un-American."
"Make the vote the hero, give them some agency, make them feel like they've accomplished something."
"It's important to our democracy NBA will not schedule games on election day."
"That's why it's important for any voter in any District in the country to go sort of ask the people who are asking for their vote hey what do you plan on actually doing when you're in there."
"You have the ability to determine the future of our country."
"This message from a student to students listening around the world: I want students worldwide to know partaking in elections is indispensable."
"Plan B: Write emails to your representatives, get involved."
"Elections have consequences, and are requiring of us to get engaged, to get involved, to show up, to show out through our votes."
"People gonna have to wake up and pay attention to these elections."
"Demand more out of our elected officials. Make arguments. Start to say, 'Hey, we want not excuses and we want action.'"
"Power is not given to the people, we have to take the power."
"I'd like to see partnerships, private-public. I think that's when Americans get our best bet."
"Get your friends to vote, that's what's going to change things."
"It's time for us, for we the people, to come together."
"We need cooperation from the public, and I'm seeing it in these communities."
"You have the ability through your work and through eventually your vote to determine the future of our country."
"Focus on local elections, school boards, attorneys."
"We have so much power. We have to get out there and vote."
"We must engage in moral fusion, organize for moral analysis, moral action, moral articulation, and lift our voices at the ballot box."
"It comes down to voting. Back to our white progressive friends that are upset, maybe you should turn out some votes other than your own."
"It is time to remind politicians that these offices belong to the people."
"Voting, civic engagement, these things are paramount to having the American society that we all want, that we all can thrive in. Until then, it's just going to be an every four years game."
"Vote early, vote however you gotta vote, you make sure you get the votes in."
"The American people are speaking in the most important way they can which is with their right now with their donations and their signups."
"People are standing in line, the enthusiasm, and the energy—it's because they know what you know, which is, you know, this is our country, and we love our country, and we're prepared to fight for it."
"Your local elections matter far more than your national elections on a day-to-day basis."
"Judicial Watch will continue to do the heavy lifting on behalf of you and the rest of the American people for full accountability."
"People should join juries to promote societal change."
"People's government actually makes a huge difference in their lives."
"We all have an opportunity to keep the focus on the issues and demand change."