
Evolutionary Theory Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"As a scientist, you have made decades of contributions to our collective understanding of the benefits of biological stress and the supporting evolutionary theory of why almost all organisms actually need stress to thrive."
"Explaining something from an evolutionary perspective doesn't mean that it is biologically fatalistic."
"Evolutionary theory is unbelievably falsifiable. The fact that you can't falsify it speaks to its veracity."
"Sometimes we think of this as survival of the fittest; this is about individuals that vary in ways that make them more attractive to the opposite sex and allow them to mate more frequently, and we might think of this as survival of the sexiest."
"The mushroom shape of the male penis allows the head to scoop out rival sperm and give its own sperm a better chance at reaching the egg."
"Enforced monogamy is not unknown to evolutionary theory."
"Darwin's idea that unifies everything from physics and quarks all the way to ethics and art and morality and love."
"The Divergence of each race from the other races and of all from a common stock can be traced back to any one pair of progenitors." - Charles Darwin
"Darwin made many specific predictions and some had come true even during his lifetime."
"Evolution isn't just Darwin's theory... it has continued well beyond Darwin."
"In natural selection, organisms with traits that result in high reproductive fitness tend to be more frequent in a population over time."
"Kauru sees humanity in the long view, a species using mass extinction as a deliberate means of attempting to reach the next evolutionary stage."
"Self-destruction can be good for the species, as death is necessary for evolution."
"Within 20 years of the publication of the Origin of Species, the scientific debate about evolution was over."
"Darwin was clearly remembered as one of the greatest scientists who had ever lived."
"The gradual part of this whole thing. Nothing in evolution suggests that all the changes between a descendant and their ancestor must happen simultaneously."
"Do you believe in evolution? We came from a macromolecule. You ought to be proud of it."
"Evolution... a valid scientific model... but it's not an ultimate truth."
"No scientists worth his or her salt now would say that abilities the tree of life."
"Evolution is true, it makes predictions that are substantiated."
"Snakes may have made us smarter... well, actually, snakes made some of us smart."
"We have a cultural mismatch between societal expectations of lifelong marriage and our evolutionary predispositions."
"Many leading Darwinists did and still do today believe that Darwinism does have strong ethical implications."
"We've seen how evolutionary thinking can clarify and unite diverse parts of the human experience."
"We were kind of like the star-crossed lovers of human evolution."
"If not for convergence, everything in evolution would be a single data point, and we would have no idea what's going on."
"And it sort of underlines exactly what is happening today because the Darwinian paradigm has been embraced by the academic community, the scientific community."
"Real science isn't afraid of investigation but evolution of sphere evidence creationists present."
"So to summarize, if they find the intermediate species evolution, if they don't find the intermediate species evolution, it's evolution all the way."
"Men and women have struck an evolutionary bargain that women will sacrifice their physical abilities in order to have children and men will sacrifice their lives to protect and provide for those children."
"Evolutionary science provides the foundation for modern biology."
"Charles Darwin is not the Messiah. He's someone who had a decent idea tried to come up with some of the answers to some of the questions that are raised and wrote it all down."
"The significance of the tongue child cannot be overstated; this extraordinary fossil provided compelling evidence for the theory of human evolution and shattered long-held misconceptions."
"Evolution. It's a philosopher's stone, one that will choose through DNA who shall proceed to the next stage."
"Mega evolution had the added benefit of transcending our traditional understanding of evolution."
"All of this is simply consciousness interacting with itself in a vast social network evolving over time."
"Adaptation is a much better word than micro evolution to explain the subtle changes within a given species of the same kind."
"So, what could be next? Perhaps if these organisms continue to be under increasing pressure to escape the water for longer and longer periods of time, we could be seeing the early stages of the evolution of real life 'flesh'..."
"Life was designed from the bottom up, not the top down. Natural design, not intelligent design. Evolution, not creation."
"Evolution was true way before science was even a thing."
"If the basic laws of science were against evolution, then why would all of these scientists be using the basic laws of science as laws of biogenesis?"
"Evolution is backed up by mountains of evidence."
"Darwin should give us the courage to believe in the incredible."
"Darwinism has acted as a secular religious perspective."
"Evolution isn't black and white; it's a transitional thing over long periods of time."
"The acceptance of evolution is increasing dramatically... especially among younger people."
"Tiny steps over time can mean the difference between survival and extinction."
"The mere fact that evolution requires life and thus an origin for life is something that we still need an answer to does not invalidate the theory of evolution."
"A glaring overall twenty percent DNA similarity difference between the human and chimpanzee genome is an evolutionary discrepancy that cannot be dismissed."
"The evolution by natural selection is the most powerful idea in all of medicine and biology."
"Measuring the mass of a star for the first time. Monumental discovery confirms theories about white dwarf evolution."
"The human form is a temple, a holy form perfected over billions of years."
"The core ideas [of human evolution] have remained really steadfast."
"You accept science, you accept evolution. And if you reject evolution, then you reject a significant portion of science too."
"He's saying there's a problem with one aspect of evolution, not with evolution as a whole."
"We are the product of manipulation of DNA in already evolving primates by a variety of extraterrestrial intelligences."
"The time for looking at the data and seeing what conclusion it would lead us to was way back before we had found the conclusion that the data led us to which was Evolution."
"Psychologists now believe that sleep evolved mainly to protect us from the dark."
"The monkeys bashing away at a typewriter... would take almost forever... but with a ratcheting process, it only takes about 40 generations."
"The first rule of Life: the best adapted survive."
"Prejudices are a perfect form of progeneration because it works in alignment with what is necessary to level up."
"Level one for Earth is probably the biological evolutionary process. It's like going from single cell organisms to early humans."
"Women's indignation is rewarding for women. The function of that reward was to protect her against bad reproductive choices."
"We have all these predictions of the theory of evolution; they've been verified."
"Could this creature be the missing link between monkey and man?"
"The issue in a nutshell is that we have a benchmark in the 10th grade curriculum that says students should describe how scientists continue to investigate and critically analyze aspects of evolutionary theory."
"Life originates on a planet and, if not wiped out by cataclysm, eventually conquers the entire planet. It's extremely resilient."
"It's not the strongest or most intelligent that survives, it's the most adaptable to change."
"How much of the history of evolution of life has been something cosmic spontaneous divine field?"
"It's easier to understand evolutionary change by forgetting the survival of the fittest and talking about the elimination of the unfit."
"When Darwin came along, he proposed an inversion of the standard way of thinking."
"Our own soul memories can become compromised if we don't understand the evolutionary structure of the planet."
"Evolution explains everything, everywhere you look in this world, any form of life."
"Evolutionary theory is right up here with atomic theory being even better supported than the theory of gravity."
"Human reason is evil, God's Word is great—evolution displayed as either a serpent or ribbed for her pleasure."
"Baby Yoda is an extremely evolved version of what the human race could look like someday."
"Both micro and macro-evolution are different scopes of the same thing. Macro is just a lot of micros, one step at a time."
"The survival is not the fitness to survive but the ones who adapted fastest survive."
"If you believe in an incomprehensible amount of time, given enough time, all the little changes we see will add up to the big changes for evolution."
"Cells come from other similar cells... why could it not go from algae to a simple sea sponge and so on into the evolutionary history of life?"
"He pretty much laid out the whole theory of kin selection."
"Most can conduct their work quite happily without particular reference to evolutionary ideas."
"There absolutely and conclusively was no out of africa in the sense of sub-saharan african people leaving africa and magically mutating into asians and then caucasians."
"So yeah, I think there's absolutely huge opportunities there for using that evolutionary theory to kind of come up with optimal ideas."
"Very few scientific or cultural developments in the last few hundred years at least have had the sort of revolutionary impact that evolutionary theory, Darwinianism, had in the 19th century."
"Evolutionary medicine is the field that applies evolutionary theory and data to health and disease."
"And finally, the last part of the pillar of the theory of evolution is the idea that much of evolutionary change, although not all of it, is caused by the process of natural selection."
"How do you think the fine-tuning argument even works? Those calculations are about biochemistry, and that's the basis for evolutionary theory and biology."
"Is Darwin's comparison of nature to a human breeder a legitimate analogy?"
"Darwin cleverly cloaked the agency inside an analogy."
"Women being attracted to men with many resources, high status, and a much respected soldier is quite explainable by evolutionary theory."
"Evolution is a universal acid that eats through just about every traditional concept, revolutionizing world views."
"The fructo survival hypothesis highlights an evolutionarily Adaptive mechanism that gets exploited in modern society."
"We are very confident that all living things that we've ever seen share a common ancestor."
"The evolution of life and eventual intelligence as a kind of a step process involving several extremely difficult to overpass barriers."
"Evolutionary psychology attempts to answer whether our perceptions, our language, and our social interactions are just a result of evolution."
"Minor changes gradually accumulate over time and this means that new species arrive slowly and continually."
"Both of these examples are correct; you can have lots of gradual change producing new species or change driven by sudden changes in the environment producing new species."
"Time is in the equation, the formula of evolution."
"Survival of the fittest is somewhat misleading."
"The theory of evolution is not satisfactorily explained observations."
"Convergent evolution occurs when similar environmental pressures and natural selection produce similar adaptations in organisms from different evolutionary lineages."
"You have a way to think more rigorously about evolutionary processes."
"His book 'The Origin of Species' will forever be linked to those islands."
"Charles Darwin and Alfred Russell Wallace are jointly credited with coming up with the theory of evolution by natural selection."
"If this Darwinian story is true, then nature does have all the creative powers it needs to produce plants and animals and people."
"Scrum is based on evolutionary biology."
"Evolution is not the same thing as social Darwinism."
"Evolutionary theory is ultimately a triumph in every aspect and it's uniquely unique when compared to pretty much every other theory out there."
"Survival of the fittest doesn't mean the biggest and the strongest; it means the ones that are able to survive and have offspring."
"Evolution being the one and only theory of biodiversity, most lineages are not linear but are usually a side branch from something else."
"Musings upon the whys and wherefores of polar bears... played an important but often overlooked role in the development of evolutionary theory."