
Fundamental Rights Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"Freedom of thought should be completely fundamental."
"You need free speech... without that, we do not have a problem-solving mechanism."
"Speech is the fundamental prerequisite for democracy."
"This court has recognized for 50 years that the nature of fundamental rights is that it's not left up to state legislatures to decide whether to honor them or not."
"Among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. For the last 243 years, this fierce assertion of the fundamental and natural rights of humankind to freedom and self-covenants has defined our global reputation as a land of liberty."
"Freedom of speech is the foundational freedom; it's the freedom that makes everything else possible."
"Without Free Speech, we really have nothing at all."
"Appellant faced the juvenile court that not only seized their children without compelling circumstances but also deprived appellant of the most basic fundamental rights."
"Even more fundamental than that is the right to familiar relations."
"The fundamental human right is the right to not be killed."
"Fundamental rights are supposed to protect against democratic impulse. That's what distinguishes a liberal democracy from a democracy."
"It is pretty fundamental stuff, isn't it? The ability to speak our minds, the ability to vote, and decide our futures."
"I'm heartbroken for people around this country who just lost the fundamental right to make informed decisions about their own bodies."
"The Second Amendment in the US and the Constitution, the Bill of Rights does not give you rights; it simply just says what the government cannot do to infringe on a fundamental human right or a god-given right."
"In considering the issue of abortion, we consider and must continue to consider some of the most fundamental questions of our first principles and of our constitution."
"People consider the right to retire with dignity to be really a fundamental right."
"Free speech is the fundamental idea of classical liberalism."
"Freedom of speech is the bedrock of Western liberties."
"If you do not have free speech, you have no freedom or democracy at all."
"It's one of the reasons why free speech is so important."
"Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy."
"It's a fundamental right, guaranteed by the U.N."
"Personal choice should be the underlying fundamental."
"Is freedom necessary? As far as I'm concerned, it is."
"It's not a privilege, it's a right, it's a god-given right inherent in your creation."
"The right of freedom of opinion is of fundamental importance."
"Free speech is the most important Bedrock principle."
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights."
"Free speech is the most important freedom in the world... it's the freedom that makes tyrannies tremble."
"All of us have an unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"Freedom of speech is the main right that you have. Without it, you have no others."
"It's the original sin of Man attacking people on the basis of things that they can't control they were they were born with like you can't do that period."
"This is fundamentally an issue of equality."
"The first amendment is one of the most critical principles that has ever manifested itself out of The Human Experience."
"Can we have a free and open society without free speech? And the answer is no."
"I don't care if you're conservative, liberal, libertarian, or communist... free speech, that's what it's all about."
"The constitutional right to bear arms for self-defense is not a second-class right."
"The gun represents such an important aspect of our system that has to be preserved absolutely."
"It is the most important right that Americans have."
"Without Free Speech, most of your rights are basically null and void."
"Freedom of worship is central to every human being."
"Freedom of speech is the biggest one, and the search for truth."
"Freedom of speech is a requirement for a fully healthy functioning society."
"The right to speak freely is the most fundamental right that we have."
"If you don't have those core liberties, you have nothing."
"The right to life, liberty, and security of the person."
"The fundamental commitment to free expression is there."
"Once the freedom of speech is gone, none of the rest of it matters."
"We should treat people equally as... we're all equal at a soul level."
"Freedom of expression, freedom of belief, freedom of speech is very basic human rights."
"Freedom of speech is the backbone of the American Media."
"We must defend free speech, baby. That's an absolute."
"This is a issue of freedom, a basic fundamental value that we cherish here in the United States."
"Your other rights don't mean a whole lot if you're not alive to enjoy any of them."
"Freedom of speech needs to be protected at all costs."
"The right to free speech is essential to a Democratic Republic."
"Every human being is worthy and deserves dignity and deserves to be treated fundamentally as a human being as a human."
"What's at stake is fundamental... It's about our agency as human beings."
"Rights are foundationally built by the Creator Himself."
"The right to freedom of speech is central because it's the right by which you defend all the other rights."
"The presumption of innocence and due process, those are immutable."
"Defending women's reproductive freedom is basic, it's fundamental, it's under threat."
"Free speech to be free must be completely free."
"You and I were given inalienable rights bestowed on us by our Creator."
"I mean everybody's a fundamental right freedom of thought that you should have, that you should be allowed to believe whatever you believe for whatever reason you believe it."
"Your freedoms do not derive from government, they derive from the creator of the universe."
"Hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights."
"Remember, you support Free Speech, religious liberty, sanctity of life, Second Amendment, our military veterans, and First Responders."
"Freedom of speech is the most fundamental of human rights."
"Rights come from God, no government has the legitimate authority to violate those rights."
"Self-defense is really the highest of all human rights."
"Bodily autonomy is a fundamental concept that most Americans are willing to support."
"What are human rights? What are basic human rights?"
"We need uncompromising and principled people to stand together on that fundamentally self-evident truth."
"The right of self-defense: the essential right upon which all other rights depend."
"Love, acceptance, and respect are fundamental to a healthy Society."
"If you don't believe in freedom of speech for those you despise the most, you don't believe in it at all."
"Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, that's huge."
"The rights that are fundamental to our way of life."
"Freedom of speech is so under attack right now, and if we lose that, we lose everything."
"The basic elementary right to not be killed."
"Care is a right for all, not a privilege for a few."
"Our creator gave us these rights and we're going to put them inside our constitution."
"If you don't believe in free speech for the person you most despise or most disagree with, you don't really agree with it in principle."
"Freedom of speech and press is indispensable and is a condition of every other form of freedom."
"If we can get that level of a free world-class education-- so it just becomes like clean drinking water or basic shelter and just a fundamental human right."
"The most important freedom of all is freedom of speech."
"Freedom of speech is meaningless unless it's for the person who thinks differently."
"Whether you are directly or not directly affected by Dobbs, everyone is affected by Dobbs because if the Supreme Court can decide to take away a fundamental right then it can take away any fundamental right."
"Rights are antecedent to all earthly government."
"Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and amongst that, your right to life is your right to defend yourself at all costs."
"Free speech exists... it's very important for society to hear these things."
"Freedom of speech is like a table, weaken one, weaken all."
"Freedom of expression and access to banking are fundamental to our society."
"When fundamental rights and freedoms are under attack, we have to stand up, we have to fight, we have to be strong and clear, and when you do that, people rally."
"A woman's health care, her whole future, her ability to decide if and when she starts a family, is not an election. It is fundamental to her life."
"These values of the freedom of speech, association, conscience, you name it, these values are timeless."
"Freedom of speech is the purpose of the United States of America."
"The right to life is the fundamental right on which all of the other rights rely."
"A right is something that you have that is inalienable."
"This lawsuit touches on things so fundamental in our republic, which is why I always say we won't lose and we can't lose."
"Free speech is the first freedom without it you don't have anything."
"If you don't have the right to life everything else doesn't matter."
"Freedom comes first because it is the most valuable thing we have, whether we value it or not." - Andrew Clavin
"If you don't have that right, nothing else matters."
"Free speech is the most important value there's no two ways about that."
"Freedom from domination is the fundamental kind of freedom."
"The right to life is the right to all of the rights. If you don't have life, you don't have anything."
"Where Freedom and Speech meet, you get free speech."
"Freedom of speech is not just another Freedom or right among many, it's the mechanism by which we generate the conceptions that allow us to organize our experience in the world."
"All men are created equal, and you know this despite whatever the media may try to teach you."
"Self-defense, the cornerstone of all freedoms."
"The right by which all other rights are secured."
"The key to defending free speech is defending speech that you don't agree with. That is the whole point."
"The right of self-defense is not a right that the government gives you, they're god-given right."
"Your fundamental right to privacy is a human right."
"Freedom of speech is fundamental; without it, there is no freedom."
"Freedom of speech is actually the fundamental method by which our societies manage to maintain the stability that they do maintain."
"Rights are just something you have because you're a human being."
"We need freedom. Having no freedom is illegal."
"It's hard to imagine a right that's more fundamental than the right to raise your children as you see fit, and yet that's an unenumerated right that, happily, the Supreme Court protected in Troxel versus Granville."
"Real estate is just beneath one's fundamental rights. It is a primary need."
"The most fundamental rights human beings have are the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"The right to life should not be a political debate."
"Free speech for me it's like eating or breathing."
"Protecting people's fundamental rights to vote and participate in the process... that is not a partisan issue, it should be a unifying issue."
"Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness."
"Marriage is a pre-political right based on the fact of sexual reproduction."
"The fundamental human rights that we are talking about are provided by the Constitution."
"Owning and carrying a gun is a fundamental right, not a privilege."
"The first human right is life, the right to live."
"Free speech is not just another value. It's the foundation of Western civilization."
"Without this, you will not have freedom; none of the other rights will persist without this one."
"Let's stand on the principle of freedom of speech."
"Free speech is the crucial idea which underpins our democracy."
"Privacy is at the root, so privacy is at its core."
"I think voting is a fundamental right."
"The principle of self-determination is a fundamental principle of international law."
"Free speech is the cornerstone of our society."
"In Europe, privacy and data protection is seen as being so important that it is effectively given protection as a fundamental right."
"The right to life, basic religious freedom, and freedom of speech are fundamental human rights."
"This right is a fundamental element of due process."
"Every parent has a fundamental right to direct the upbringing of their child."