
Existential Questions Quotes

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"There's a god-shaped hole in everyone's heart; we just disagree on how it got there."
"The more you realize we don't know, the more it's surprising that more people aren't troubled every night by these thoughts."
"If today is my last day on earth, do I feel like I've accomplished everything I could have until this point?"
"Isn't that what it means to live an infinite life, that we can literally live on beyond our own lives?"
"What is the soul? Where is it? Can you measure it, touch it, recreate it?"
"Whether or not we'll be able to validate the idea that there is a soul is always going to be an open question."
"The wilderness holds answers to questions we have not yet learned to ask."
"What the [__] gives you freedom? Freedom brings opportunity."
"Do we have free will? It's an old, old question."
"The biggest problem humans make is probably asking the wrong questions like, 'What's the purpose of my life?' as if it was externally imposed."
"Why was I even created? What is the point of my very existence?"
"Reality, look around, reality is like magic. It's not any different than magic. The fact that things exist is miraculous. We don't even know why. Why does existence exist? We don't know."
"Why does the universe exist at all? Why is there something rather than not reality?"
"You're made by God and you're made for God. And until you figure that out, your life ain't gonna make sense."
"In the end, most fundamentally, literally the mother of all problems is who designed us?"
"More and more people are starting to try to figure out: What are we doing here on this planet? What's the purpose of life?"
"The debate about the origins of life is not just a scientific one; it touches upon the deepest questions of our existence."
"What will be the meaning of human life when most decisions are taken by algorithms we don't even have philosophical models to understand such an existence."
"Why can't you just accept that we have no fucking idea what happens after we die?"
"Every civilization throughout history has been centered around the idea of 'Why are we here? What are we doing? What is our meaning?'"
"Don't ask what the meaning of life is; ask what is the meaning of your life."
"Our journey begins with the observation that the way we talk about nature can ultimately be scaled to a grounding cosmic metaphor which itself comes to serve as the lens through which we form our deepest questions about what we are and our place in the universe."
"The true question is not 'Is there life after death?' but 'Is there life before death?'"
"At the end of our lives, we're all going to ask, 'Did I matter?'"
"Why do you think God put all those other planets out there, and all those moons and all those other suns, and just left this one with life on it?"
"Existence is so slippery, so hard to get a handle on, yet it's the most essential thing that we have; it grounds everything else."
"Why is reality structured as it is? Our reality has a very definite structure and order, but why is it ordered this way and not some other way?"
"These ancient stories are religious for a reason because they're dealing with the deepest questions in human life."
"What does freedom mean? Where do we find it? How do we lose it? Did we ever really have it in the first place?"
"Religion addresses the question, 'What life is for,' as opposed to what caused it."
"Guide me to what the truth is, why am I here, what's my purpose? Everything has a purpose."
"You often contemplate the reasons for human existence."
"Where do we go? Is it nothing? Do we just wink out, and never even remember that we ever existed?"
"What's the point of living if you have to live a lie?"
"Ultimately, what we're all here to do is to figure out why we're here, what's our purpose."
"By now, you should be totally bewildered by your existence, and I would say bewilderment and wonder are holy experiences, sacred experiences."
"These are largely unanswerable questions, but we should nevertheless strive to answer them; that's the whole point of the human experience."
"What is existential physics? What I mean by this is those aspects of physics that concern human existence. For example, the nature of time. What changes the beginning of the universe? Where do we come from? The structure of matter. What are we made of? Constraints, limits, what can we do and what can we know?"
"Physics is so much more than what we learn in school. It is our best tool to find answers to those big existential questions."
"No matter what, in my life and in yours, we will arrive at life's existential questions. We're going deep at the beginning, but really, truly, we're going to all arrive at a place where we will ask the big questions."
"A worldview is built around four questions: origin, meaning, morality, and destiny."
"The questions of origin, meaning, morality, and destiny... will haunt you your entire life."
"People are suffering from a lack of meaning. Meaning is people always ask about meaning and purpose, and there's that really tired joke about what meaning means, but it's not a joke."
"Science is limited because it cannot answer the simple questions of a child: Where do I come from? Where am I going? What is the meaning of life?"
"If God existed, then who created him?" – Richard Dawkins
"But the main question that comes to my mind is, would you even want to come back to life, presumably many years in the future, after all everyone you knew and loved has long since perished?"
"Defining God, but you know, that is a point in that why do people say that God cannot be defined."
"If you contemplate whether we are souls or just have them, you know progress on a spiritual level."
"Science will never answer why anything exists; science can only answer how. It can never answer why. That's not its province."
"What is the most meaningful? If you're asking questions about what's the meaning of life, you're in a certain sense asking absolute questions."
"I don't know, man, but it keeps me up at night."
"We are, for sure, missing the point...if gods do come back and check on us, it'll really shake everyone."
"The Purpose Of Life. A human being regardless of who they are or where they are or what they do will have this curiosity that want to know why am I here? How did I get here? And do I have a purpose if so then what is it?"
"You're asserting something additional about death that you can't demonstrate."
"What is our place in the universe? Is it our autumn, where we are just a leaf falling from a universal tree, or is it our spring, where our story as a civilization has only just begun?"
"So why is the universe the way it is, how did life begin, and how might it end? Many of us have asked these questions at some point."
"I have been always curious about life in the universe and about questions on how we got to be here."
"We've never had an intelligence like that to contend with as humans. It will really call into question what does it mean to be human."
"What happens when a weapon becomes self-aware? What happens when a gun realizes it's a gun?"
"If we are living in a simulation and we somehow manage to prove it, how would humanity react? Would we go on with life as normal, or would we rage against the machine?"
"The ultimate question of man is not who we are but who we could be."
"Is being extremely wealthy inherently corrosive? What are the existential effects of being a billionaire?"
"I have to be doing something because if I'm not doing something, then what the freak am I doing? Why am I alive?"
"The fundamental question of whether human beings are fundamentally flawed in a way that cannot be rectified and whether we have a catastrophic destiny waiting for us as a consequence."
"The questions 'Are we alone?' and 'Are we being visited?' are some of the biggest and most profound questions we can ask ourselves."
"Spirituality is about questions and religion is about answers."
"One of the great questions facing the human species is just what the nature of our universe is: why is it here, how did it come to be, what's going to happen to it in the future."
"You have this time between your birth and your death, so the question is, what do you want to do with that time?"
"It is an existential fact that we are anomalies in our universe... the most existential question at the heart of my research is not if we are queer, but why we are queer."
"Life itself poses a paradoxical problem to you, partly because you're so conscious and because you're self-conscious."
"In the infinite vastness of our universe, it is incomprehensible to some of us that we represent the only time that life has arisen."
"The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for."
"There are so many questions in life that are left unanswered, like, 'What's the point?' 'Why bother?' and 'Who cares?'"
"Take life a little bit more seriously... It's worth just investigating and finding out what the truth is, why we've been created in the first place."
"Either everything is the result of a cosmic accident... or we are the result of a deliberate and highly skillful design, which implies, of course, that there’s a Designer."
"And these things are important issues, because it will lead to four basic questions: Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? And where am I going to go when I die?"
"One of the most challenging questions that has ever faced mankind is: Why are we here?"
"The Fermi Paradox suggests that if intelligent life is common in the universe, why haven't we detected any evidence of it?"
"Simulation theory proposes that our perceived world might be a computer-generated simulation."
"If life was really as valuable as you make it out to be, then why do you waste it the way that you do?"
"Perhaps a morbid question but it's a good one. I mean all good things must come to an end and that might include our universe itself. But maybe it doesn't. I mean we don't know. That's the whole point of this video."
"People based their entire lives on the answer to this question."
"Clearly death, and what comes after, is the most profound unsolved mystery of them all."
"Since the dawn of time, humans have been obsessed with the idea that there's something more than this."
"Who was I before I was who I am now? And who will I be next? Could I be you?"
"For Pi, it's not about what we believe, it's about what we'd rather believe in."
"For the past 33 years I've looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself, 'Yep today were the last day of my life what I want to do what I'm about to do today.'"
"Who are you? Ask yourself. Go deep, question things. What's my purpose? I always wondered this."
"Are we alone in the universe? Well, that question may be tantalizing and produce different answers from different responders."
"We all have the same core purpose for living."
"As long as there is a question mark on whether or not there's life in the universe, we will continue to fill that gap with the belief that we're special in some way."
"What do you offer the world? What do you want to leave behind? These things are something that the questions that should be the questions that motivate political action."
"What is more important to human beings than the survival of human beings?"
"What's love got to do with that? That's a question to you now."
"It's almost like asking, you know, what's the point of art or music. I think humans have this curiosity of finding what's out there and how does the world around you work."
"How can you have a great nothing for no reason, no purpose?"
"Though we have a million questions there is only one answer our Lord Jesus Christ."
"Can any doubter believe everything in the entirety of the universe came into existence completely by itself?"
"The film is about what it means to be human."
"Philosophy is born there where there is death and life oneself and other."
"Perhaps the greatest question facing the human race is to discover where we came from and to find out what is our ultimate fate."
"We're a part of the universe, and when we ask about the origin and evolution of the universe itself, we're really asking questions about the origin and evolution of ourselves."
"If we're not real, doesn't that mean that nothing you do matters?"
"There's this desire in every human to know there's something bigger, something more."
"We become immortal? What do you mean, become immortal? If we die, we die for good here, we cannot get eliminated brother."
"What are the big questions? Who are we? Why are we here? Where do we come from and where are we going?"
"What am I without my job, like who am I at the end of the day?"
"The answer is energy, really understanding who you are, why you are, how you are."
"What is the sum of life without God? It is this: a man lived and a man died. However, a life with God is a life with all of the advantages required to live fulfilled."
"I'm just looking for answers and there aren't any."
"If you die tomorrow, would you be proud of how your life went?"
"What happens when our computers get smarter than we are?"
"Is this finally the end? Is this what heaven looks like? Am I actually dead?"
"To shake off the feeling of despair and loneliness, we need to crack the mysteries of the great silence and the Fermi Paradox with a new approach."
"What happens to all the work? What happens to all the music? What happens to the songs that we still love?"
"I need to know what the reality of the universe is."
"Religion provides an answer that most people think they need."
"The question is what comes next after that, and I think that probably in the world that we live in, and in the minds in which we are embedded in this life and these bodies, I think it's probably impossible for us to even imagine."
"The question is not 'is there a god?' The question is 'is there suffering?' Yes, there is suffering, and what can we do about suffering? We can help one another and we can love one another."
"All paths have an end. Then where am I now? I must synchronize with the terminal. I need to know more about my past."
"Were we really put on this earth just to hate our neighbor and die with our bony fingers clinging to a gun?"
"Are we truly unique in the universe? Is our star the only one of the 100 billion or so stars in our galaxy to have a planet where life has developed?"
"Everything that begins to exist has a cause."
"Blade Runner 2049 raises questions about what defines life and humanity. What does it mean to be human?"
"Why are you here on Earth and/or how do you want to experience being here on Earth?"
"Everything is changing, but what happened thousands of years ago?"
"Science is now in a position to answer... why there's something rather than nothing."
"The Law of One is all about answering those questions - what's the purpose of all this, why are we here, what is going on?"
"How do you know what's real and what's not? That's the future we're moving towards right now."
"How would humanity react if we proved we're in a simulation?"
"This can't be what it's all about this we're just an arbitrary F of the universe there must be meaning there must be a reason and there must be truth must there must be somewhere that love comes from was also what I was thinking."
"What shall be my faith, whom shall I marry, what shall be my life's work."
"If something is non-existent, can it even pop into existence? Because it's nothing to begin with."
"Are we all gonna die? Because that's the first question on everybody's mind."
"There are three candidates for what this ultimate reality could be: the deepest laws of physics, some kind of god or gods, or a universal cosmic consciousness."
"Self-realization really is about answering the question, 'Who am I? What is it that I am?'"
"Art is Art and it should kind of just exist even if it's just posing questions."
"Humans have spent many centuries trying to answer why the entity wants to destroy the planet, but the limits of their own rationality made it impossible."
"The game does not provide an answer because there is no right answer; it poses a question: do you link the fire? Do you preserve the existing order for just a little longer?"
"How does all of this relate to humanity either winning or losing against these entities right these otherworldly beings?"
"Perhaps one day the human race will finally unfold all the answers to these fundamental questions."
"So, do aliens exist? They're all sitting right here. We're the aliens."
"If we are truly pro-humanity, that's the question that really needs to be answered."
"There is only the natural world, so how do you explain things like purposes and meanings?"
"At this point, the prospect of transhumanism stops being an intellectual exercise and becomes a question of subsistence."
"We are part of something incredibly special and that our lifetime maybe it's a test I don't know exactly what this is but it's special."
"If an all-powerful god exists who is capable of eliminating all the evil in the world, then why doesn't he? Why does evil exist? Why do people get cancer and murder each other and put pineapple on pizza?"
"We're humans and there's something natural about wanting to understand where we came from, how we got here, and even where we're heading."
"Where does that energy go? That is, to me, the story..."
"The search for meaning takes on a renewed importance when confronted with the possibility of an endless void after death."
"If there's another species out there, it is a big deal. But what's the point in waiting?"
"We all want to matter, beyond just the replication of our genes."
"If God does not exist, life is without ultimate purpose, value, or significance."
"It allowed me to struggle, it lets you look up at The Emptiness of space over and over and think what the hell do I do next, what does any of this mean?"
"How do you make sense of a world where each time the world gets a little bit harder?"
"You have to ask yourself, am I losing real love? Can real love be lost?"
"Everyone's just looking for something to believe in. Isn't that right?"
"You can try to deconstruct the world if you want to, but truth is, God's going to be laughing at you."
"He wanted to know the reason the universe is the way it is."
"What is the meaning? What is the point, you know? What is the meaning of human life, you know?"
"Why are you scared of death? Because this is the only life we have."
"It's like if a tree falls and wood does it make a sound, you know damn well it does."
"What am I living for and what I am dying for are the same question."
"Take the universe and grind it down to the finest powder, and sieve it through the finest sieve, then show me one atom of justice, one molecule of mercy."
"What is choice? What is consequences? Who cares!"
"The true question is what leads to the most love, consciousness, and truth."
"Should we fear death? Personally, I don't think so."
"If there's a God, that God absolutely knows what it would take."
"Is there more to existence than just us humans? Questions like these have bugged experts and scientists for years."
"What do you want of me? This is a beautiful, beautiful question."
"The question should be asked, what's the cause of the universe?"
"What are you living for? I'm living to fulfill His purpose and His plan for my life."
"What is your ideal? What are you living for?"
"The sky darkening with millions of metallic teardrops."
"Is anybody gonna die anymore? That's what I want to know. I'm really dying to know."
"He had his own dreams, his aspirations, and life. So why does he have to die here?"
"So I think that's a pretty safe thing to say, now if you're talking about something like a soul depends on what you mean by it."
"We all have this as a human character that we all want to find out whether we're alone."
"Life is the very basis of our existence, but do we know what it truly is?"
"If your God is not all good, all-powerful, and all-knowing, what good is he?"
"Sometimes I ask myself, is this world worth fighting for?"
"It'll make a cold chill go up your spine. Are demons really all around us? Are they trying to take over the bodies of innocent humans?" - Narrator
"You're under the impression that you're not going to be okay, but which you, the you that you perceive yourself to be?"
"Maybe talent doesn't matter at all. Maybe there is no such thing as talent."
"Are we alone in the universe? Is there another planet similar to Earth with conditions favorable to life?"
"If God doesn't exist, then all things are permissible in the realm of morality."
"Someone says, 'What is the meaning of our existence, or why is the universe here?' Those are real questions that real people have right."
"They have come to learn about love. They've come to learn how is it a human that doesn't even know if they exist past the point they die would die for another being."
"What's the point of our life? What's the point of our existence? What's the point of what's going on in our world?"
"What is the reason why we're having the experiences that each of us do have each day?"
"Be your Aries self my dear Aries, just one thing add that dash of diplomacy and you will see what you can achieve, the sky's the limit for the Aries."
"If today was your last day, what will you do?"
"What sort of God is it, who in the end will wipe away the tears?"
"And I don't think Tarantino gives us an answer, but he brings up a really interesting set of questions about our relationship to chance and the miraculous."
"Tell me something that'll save me, tell me something that'll change me."
"Humans desire to predict and imagine our future, whether that be the prospect of heaven or the demise of our entire planet."
"We're all looking for something to fill that void inside of us, right?"
"Would you be okay with demons existing in this world if it also meant that God was real and heaven was real and Angels were real at the same time?"
"Who are we as a species and what direction are we heading in?"
"If there's such an evil malevolent force in the world, why are they still bothering?"