
Self-recognition Quotes

There are 1126 quotes

"If you desire a confident person, you are one, and you do actually hold confidence within. It's who you naturally are."
"Empowerment really is just recognition of your own inner power, your own abilities."
"That's when you cringe, that feeling Dahl describes as 'The intense visceral reaction produced by an awkward moment, an unpleasant kind of self-recognition where you suddenly see yourself through someone else's eyes.'"
"I don't recognize myself from 3 months ago at all."
"If you look into someone's eyes and you see yourself, that is your twin flame."
"We don't know we're really a person until we find ourselves recognized by another person."
"Give yourself some credit for your intentions."
"We don't give ourselves a pat on the back for doing something small."
"Feeling truly seen is about seeing all of you."
"Don't let people nickname you... go where you're going but be able to recognize yourself when you get there."
"Once I started recognizing my own beauty, that's when the recovery became a lot easier, a lot more enjoyable to manage."
"Be sure to acknowledge things in yourself that you are proud of."
"It's about recognizing that you know what, I have created so much. I'm so proud of what I have, and I'm a human that is entrepreneurial and multi-passionate and creative."
"Keep a diary of achievements, no matter how small. Literally getting up and putting clothes on can be an achievement."
"Try to really honor your own progress instead of getting disoriented and questioning how far you've come."
"We both took a moment to congratulate ourselves on our success."
"You got to look yourself in the mirror and say, I see you, I see that you're not happy, and I'm going to do something about it."
"Oh my God, I'm a genius. I'm actually a genius."
"The real sacred time is when we allow ourselves to recognize that it's part of our calling."
"The night before my 40th birthday, I looked in the mirror and didn't recognize the bloke staring back at me."
"Spend some time reflecting on the positive at least acknowledge our wins no matter how small they will be."
"I couldn't do that if I didn't realize that I was impregnated with my own greatness."
"Not only can dolphins recognize themselves in the mirror, they actually figure out mirrors before we do."
"You kind of have to champion your own successes... it's good to kind of keep these lists and see stuff that you've done in the day because a lot of times, you just, you do loads of stuff and you still forget that you've done loads of stuff."
"Your dreams are trying to highlight to you that these things are possible, that you deserve to be recognized for the kind person that you are."
"The universe is exposing how amazing you really are."
"You are a legend whether the title will say it or not."
"You have more than you realize... you have more to bring to the table than you realize."
"Everybody's got strength, one way or another."
"Let's for once be immodest and recognize the United Kingdom is the greatest country in the world."
"Now that we know we're black we've always been black but we just didn't know but now that we know we're like okay I guess yeah black it is."
"Let's just take a second to pat ourselves on the back for finishing this course because it is a hard thing to do."
"It's a time of recognition of the divine essence that you are, the master being that you are."
"Recognize your mastery, for if you could see yourselves as we see you, there would be no discontent, only love."
"Your rock bottom with alcohol is wherever you say it is. Okay, you do not have to wait to have actually lost everything."
"Recognize yourself as a vessel in the hands of God, not the one who makes it happen."
"We're all glowing and [ __ ], yeah, we got talents."
"The balance is not going to seem completely right... but the more you give credit to yourself, the more powerful you're going to be."
"Recognizing the other person is me, recognizing that the light that I am seeing in that person is being reflected back at me."
"You made it, bro, like who you are and what you're doing."
"I can see the beauty in and adore, and love qualities of an infinite number of people if I just recognize myself in another person."
"Give yourself some credit for what you have done in your life, for the hard work that you have put in. There's nothing wrong with giving yourself credit."
"If you're watching this, you've accomplished quite a bit already. I have faith in you."
"I recognize the privilege that I have all the time."
"You are making progress even if you don't feel like you are."
"You have to appreciate that if you know that you have high empathy for other people."
"It helped me recognize it forced me to push forward like two negative magnetic fields shoving against one another the catalyst for slow reluctant progress and besides all that it's just really really good."
"Every day I wake up and look in the mirror I see a black woman, I know that I'm blessed."
"Those people, like you, like me, weird Dark Horses, we are."
"Can everyone just compliment me for a second for how great a job I did planning out this heist?"
"To admit what you see, fear, or hate in others is and could be inside of you."
"I accept my worthiness. I see myself. I see my worth, and I'm willing to receive that worth from others as well."
"The joy of seeing... that you've made progress is uncomparable."
"You are doing a good job, mama. Give yourself a pat on the back."
"Being victorious simply means recognizing whose I am."
"If you've made it this far, make sure you definitely give yourself a pat on the back."
"I get that all the time. Like, 'Oh [ __ ], that was my movie. I'm such a good actor. Most people don't know I'm in a lot of these films.'"
"You're recognizing that you had to go through these things, this journey, you had to experience this."
"We are all resilient beautiful people who have survived and we have fought to be where we are today."
"Easy to focus on a few mistakes versus all the great things you're already doing."
"We have so much more potential than we give ourselves credit for sometimes, right?"
"We're making it now, I mean, we're actually a rising star, which I guess makes sense."
"As much as I want my story to be 'I accomplished THIS by myself,' I think it's enough just to say 'I accomplished this.'"
"You also gotta remember like damn I've done a lot of good."
"Your happiness is more important, and you recognize that."
"I'm a Hunter, no, I'm not even in first place."
"You're ready for love when you have gently understood that of course you are crazy."
"When you look at us, you better see yourselves because this is the future for you."
"You need to give yourself some credit and start being the thing that you are."
"You're capable of so much right now, you're powerful."
"Short Kings rise up, doesn't mean nobody's looking at you."
"Give credit to yourself and step forward in your life."
"You gotta accept some credit, there's a certain level of humility where you're like you want to be humble."
"You are going to be recognized and successful because of you, not because you are under the effect of someone or something."
"When we acknowledge our accomplishment, when we praise our accomplishment, when we give ourselves credit or a little pat on the back, it tells our brain to pump out more dopamine."
"I mean, I'm top four in the entire world. That is kind of crazy nuts, right?"
"Actually, the real hero in all this… Is me. I am the hero. Thank you."
"I do this for a living, that's a compliment."
"I don't consider this a failure, it's still a lifetime PR more than I've ever gone in my entire life."
"Recognize your identity, recognize that God loves you."
"It actually makes me feel seen, seen. Yes, you mean it gives you a sense of worth?"
"If you write code, you are a programmer, the end."
"I beat all the North Americans again, right? I'm doing badly against the Europeans, but against North Americans, I'm crushing it."
"Just the acknowledgment that you are doing the best you can."
"The talent was always there, people knew how good I was."
"You are absolutely recognizing and number one congratulations like good for you for showing up and noticing this and doing this and it sounds like you've really really tried."
"You're above the competition. Recognize what you bring to the table; it's a lot."
"Recognize that you are really gifted and talented at what you do."
"Shout out to all the clean-hearted, good-hearted people who want good for others as much as you want good for yourself. You're a good person. Don't let that go over your head."
"Identity politics is people going 'Oh yeah, I recognize this category is me so why doesn't it tell me everything I need to know about myself?'"
"We need to stop complaining about [__] and start acknowledging ourselves."
"I'm not a hero, you know what I mean? I'd rather people call me an inspiration. I just want people to find the hero in themselves."
"Identity is identity. I'm a man, there's no sexual element in there."
"Recognize that you're awesome at what you do, you bring a lot to the table and you should be fairly recompensed for that."
"Back to winning ways, well done! Give yourself a round of applause."
"That's really exciting, very proud of myself."
"Sorry round of applause everyone, I'm very proud of myself."
"Be proud of yourself, you have accomplished a great deal."
"You could feel like you've earned your wings."
"You need to realize that you're making progress. It's popping into my head. It's a very strange message."
"We are all in our own circumstances, like, we don't give ourselves enough credit."
"The world needs all its flowers... And see if you don't recognize the flower that you are."
"Accepting your adulthood and getting that confidence, being proud of yourself knowing how far you've come after ten years."
"According to the comments, I actually got a really good score. 228 is like pretty much the highest I've seen from what people said they got in the comments, so yeah, pat on the back Matt, well done."
"Recognition of the power enables it to express."
"It's difficult to admit that you can be that person that got played."
"Give yourself a pat on the back if you made it this far for real."
"I just thought that was absolutely hilarious and very classic me."
"Recognize how far you've come. Don't forget to pat yourself on the back sometimes."
"You are killing it, give yourself some credit."
"It's just me seeing my triumphs, and to do it for a whole audience, it was pretty cool."
"I think that more and more women are kind of accepting what it is that they're good at and just going for it."
"You're more intuitive than what you give yourself credit for."
"You will be proud of yourself looking back on this experience."
"Y'all know I'm advanced yet acceptable but if I try to write my bars I'm way too technical."
"Recognize how amazing you are, how amazing I am, and how amazing we are together."
"Proud of everything I've accomplished, younger me would rest easier knowing that it got better."
"July 30th, a time for grounding, healing, and recognition of your own power."
"You're embracing your power, your determination, moving you forward, your personal power keeping you going, you're a heck of a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for, Sagittarius."
"Recognize your efforts have come full circle and it's time to move forward."
"Empresses, you are special. Maybe it took your whole life to realize that. But you know that now, and all of this little purging and healing you're doing is part of that."
"You are forgetting how strong you are as a person."
"Seeing themselves reflected in media for the very first time."
"Tywin's story is the tragedy of a man completely unable to accept anything about himself."
"Little changes matter, and you should give yourself a pat on the back if you are even doing the slightest thing."
"Now your person wants to lead the way, change, and recognize their worth."
"The key to bouncing back is just recognizing that you need to do the best of what you've got."
"You are cleverer than you give yourself credit for."
"Honestly, yeah I made it way farther than everyone thought. Yeah, no cap, you are the dark horse."
"You do not need to wait until you've achieved something great to be proud of yourself."
"You are worth so much more than you give yourself credit for."
"Just giving yourself a second to appreciate how far you've come and the progress that you've made."
"Recognizing where you've grown, be proud of yourself."
"Why compare yourself to Canelo when you're doing everything that Canelo is not doing?"
"Honestly, sometimes my genius edit frightens me."
"This is the time right here to just say you know what I'm proud of myself."
"Recognize your inner power; express yourself."
"Recognize how awesome you are; give yourself credit."
"You're reestablishing your power and recognizing that you are a force to be reckoned with."
"Recognize what you have moved through, how much you have grown."
"That's brilliant because you're a hero every time."
"Realize you're magic, you've achieved a lot. You are a hero, you are a rock star."
"You've learned a lot, accomplished a lot, and you don't give yourself credit for how far you've come."
"Recognize what you could do, what you can do."
"Admit that you built a better life for yourself."
"You hustle hard so give yourself a big pat on the back because this achievement deserves recognition."
"Give yourself plenty of credit. Take extra time this month. It's giving yourself credit for how much you have done."
"You are doing so much better than at times your human self allows you to realize."
"It's shown me that while i was trying to be good enough in all of these areas over here my essence was already doing the work over here all i needed to do was show more of it."
"You actually are incredibly intelligent, you are incredibly intuitive."
"Recognizing the god within yourself, you are a temple of God."
"Yeah, I freaking did that, I freaking went through it and I'm really proud of myself."
"I'm so proud of us, we're such big detectives now."
"You're stronger than sometimes you give yourself credit for."
"I can do that! What's that called? He knows things! I know things."
"Somehow I'm the greatest in the game in my own amazement."
"I'm already a living legend at such a young age."
"I called my album 'I Want to Thank Me' because I was like you know what I do need to."
"You did it! You really have an extraordinary machine inside your head. It's called a brain."
"Celebrate those short victories on your own, but don't be too hard on yourself."
"It's got to be worth a bit of bit of praise there. I've done a little bit of work."
"I felt like an achievement, yeah yeah, you know, I felt like really proud of that."
"You are more powerful than you give yourself credit for, more talented and gifted than you give yourself credit for."
"Well done, me! I guess I'm gonna give myself a pat on the back."
"I learned chess the other week, yeah, I can tell. Thank you, I'm a queen, yes, you are, yes, you are."
"Recognize that you are stronger than you know."
"You admire the greatness in others because it also exists within you."
"I'm just me. I hear that. But there is a talent, and that is a talent."
"Two months ago I couldn't look at myself in a mirror and now when I look at myself in the mirror I recognize myself again."
"Honoring the fact that you're moving through something powerful."
"You've earned all your stripes; own it; celebrate your hard work, Leo."
"This is the divine timing for that temperance, that you truly understand that the abundance comes with self-acknowledgment and an open heart chakra."
"It's more when I get up to brush my teeth in the morning and I go, 'Oh my god, that's me.'"
"You have to kind of train your eye to recognize that you are beautiful without makeup as well."
"An average Yoruba that is smart enough knows what is going on."
"The communication of your faith becomes effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing that is in you... everything that's already in you."
"Positivity is hard won, but it's crucial to give oneself credit for enduring life's trials."
"Know that you are so good at what you do and you should be proud of yourself."
"Commend ourselves for the progress we've made."
"Recognize what you are, and then the doing becomes more seamless."
"I mean, I am obviously massively successful, thank you."
"God's not holding anything back from you. As much as you can demand, God will provide, but not from a state of needing and wanting it to feel whole, from a state, are we recognizing within you that spiritual substance."
"Take some time to celebrate the big and small wins."
"Gorgeous individual beautiful person because the night here is a hot person I go crazy cuz I'm crazy okay no no and look at that one gorgeous gorgeous individual that you're connecting with there that's you."
"Recognize your potential, embrace honesty, and welcome those who truly see you."
"You deserve this. You've worked so hard, especially the last year."
"You've left a lot behind, and you should be really proud of yourself. It took a lot of strength, a lot of patience."
"Recognize the good qualities and traits in yourself."
"Religion does seem to help some people out, but when people are helped by religion, they should give themselves credit."
"Recognize your growth. You've come so far on this journey."
"We've won and so it is important for us to give our side a little bit of credit."
"We're not stupid. We know what it feels like to be pimped and played."
"You are a miracle when you look in the mirror you're looking at a miracle."
"I feel personally offended by it because everything I loathe about this frankly miserable slug of a woman is what I hated about myself when I was in my early 20s."
"If you do see yourself, I want you to give yourself a little pat on the back for being amazing."
"It's as if you are receiving recognition and your sense of confidence and sense of self-worth is going up."
"You hold a lot more knowledge than you give yourself credit for."
"You need to acknowledge the good things that happen to you and not just shrug that off and attribute it all to skill."
"Who would have guessed bro, holy moly who would have guessed I'm nice."
"Celebrate successes and acknowledge your accomplishments."