
Life Approach Quotes

There are 356 quotes

"Don't take life so seriously. Don't try to control every little thing that's happening around you. Let go of that. Enjoy yourself."
"I wasn't gonna be on defense with my positivity; I was gonna be on offense with it."
"Feeling powerful is linked to so many aspects of our mindset that change how we approach life."
"Whatever we're doing in life, let's project goodness."
"Your attitude, your behavior, and the way you approach your work and your life, it matters."
"The best games in life are infinite games, not finite games."
"I think what stops a lot of people is just overthinking stuff in general and making it seem like things are more complicated than they are in real life."
"I'm like a big 'keep it simple' person because when you start overthinking [stuff], you can just keep going forever."
"Not taking yourself too seriously is a major part of it."
"You have to explore; you have to be an adventurer; that's the whole point."
"Your approach to life is an effective mix of both practicality and imagination."
"You don't have to have it all figured out, you just do the best you can do each and every day with what's put in front of you."
"Let's put ourselves in an abundance mindset."
"Practicing an attitude of gratitude for what you have."
"There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way."
"I'm just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe."
"It's not good to wait for the perfect moment in life. Very often we should just keep going and keep going and keep going no matter what."
"It shouldn't be something painful, it should be something that you celebrate."
"Approach everything like that, as you should."
"Be curious instead of assumptive. Be curious, that's a healthier way to approach life."
"The more you relax, the more blessings come into your life."
"Acquiring wealth need not be a struggle but can be an effortless dance with the Universe."
"People who live a growth-oriented life are going to make progress."
"Life is more playful when you don't take things too seriously."
"Learn to laugh at yourself; you know, life is easy."
"The key model: be more giving in your approach to life."
"Life becomes more enjoyable because you start playing rather than being played."
"Forgiveness for me is how I move through my life. People make mistakes, learn, and grow."
"We need more than ever to live inside the blessing of God."
"Time is an illusion... the only thing you control is how you show up to life."
"Attitude makes a lot of things there's no doubt about that."
"It all starts with the mind and your heart - then everything else comes out of that for real."
"Be creative in the way you approach your life, open up that creative mind channel, the channel that controls imagination."
"Yodiland is the present moment type of thing."
"Adventure is missing from our lives these days. Stand for conviction and let the chips fall where they may."
"It's all about perspective. It's what you make of it."
"Approach life without fear, like a child, and let go of future thinking."
"Seeking to confirm what you want is not the way to go about life."
"Always be optimistic; everything happens for a reason."
"We're gonna take our time, we're gonna enjoy it."
"I feel like I have a lot more to offer life when I don't treat it as this constant competition or performance."
"We live in the positive more than dwelling on the negative."
"Gratitude is one of the keys to living a joyful life."
"You either go after it like your life depends on it, or it's going to be like a hobby."
"I just love that idea of staying curious in life."
"Move with the flow, respond with calmness and peace."
"Just go day by day and everything is figureoutable."
"When you're at the bottom of these channels, right, that's where a lot of the biggest opportunities lie."
"Keep your sense of humor and don't take things too seriously."
"Life becomes much more energizing and interesting when you are open."
"It's always open and if something comes along I can sort of run into it headfirst."
"You don't win the game of life okay by dabbling your toe in the water and seeing if you want to go in you make a decision you want to swim and you dive in."
"Approach this as if it's the first and the last time you ever will."
"It's a better way to live, not just a better way to die."
"Instead of seeing it as a barrier that keeps you from moving toward your rich and meaningful life, seeing things that are not going so well as a challenge."
"I figure it out as I go... I just live every day one day at a time."
"There's no right way of doing it. It's different for everybody."
"Seeing something new doesn't sound too bad anyway."
"Counting your blessings instead of counting your losses - such a great mentality, such a great energy to hold."
"I'm just going with the flow. I'm not trying to really over analyze it."
"Live your life like it is a work of art, live for beauty and love."
"Act on your highest Joy to the best of your ability."
"It's the year of enjoyment. Enjoy this grind."
"Regardless of whether you love the way your life is right now or you don't, I think no matter what we should always try to embrace any change."
"Work won't just be 'another day, another dollar'."
"I'm just trying to go through life being a little less worried."
"I think the most important thing to really consider here is it's about having just kind of an open mind to how you perceive things."
"I think it is all about good vibes versus bad vibes."
"She sang of love just as she lived for love."
"The idea of the DSTS is that you accept that there are things you cannot know, there are questions that are not worth asking, and that by accepting that you lead a happier life."
"Don't look at everything for what it could be, look at it for what it is."
"Always assume the best and a lot of times you will."
"Let go of the seriousness... approach it with joy and playfulness."
"I'm a firm believer that in life you got to throw some spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks."
"Everyone is just winging it as well as you are."
"Trust your intuition to make choices, decisions, get clarity on situations."
"We don't see ourselves as victims, everything is an opportunity."
"Slow and steady wins the rat race. Don't forget that."
"What would happen if you spent the rest of your life questioning all assumptions?"
"It's insane. Just grin and smile, you just do it. It's like, I really have enjoyed the way that I've done it."
"Life is so much fun when you don't give up, but you totally give an f."
"You're not here to let life happen to you; you make life happen for you."
"I think more than anything gratitude... just be grateful for it."
"The less you try, the easier things are going to come to you."
"You're asking deeper questions, not content with living superficially."
"Tough how you do anything is how you do everything."
"It's amazing to be fearless and what you can get done in life."
"You're not gonna have fun if you analyze everything."
"Underlying whatever is going on in your life, whatever you see out there, try to create an underlying condition of happiness and gladness."
"All things respond to the call of rejoicing, and all things gather where life is a song."
"How you do one thing is how you do all things."
"It's all about love... there's only two type of emotions: fear or love."
"Living, moving to the beat of your own drum."
"To the mature mind, skating through life avoiding truth is preposterous."
"Mercy is the guiding word of my life right now."
"A lot of you are going to be taking a bold approach to life in the coming months."
"Optimism is choosing to focus on what's good... Seek to find the good in everything."
"I think I'm still alive because I'm such a goofball."
"There is no normal. There's just us and what we do with what we've been given."
"Life is a video game it just makes things a lot more fun in terms of like your day-to-day everything is about your mindset you guys."
"Be gentle on yourself. It's all about mindset and energy towards everything that you're doing."
"Life becomes a video game of quests that you love to play."
"Kindness, compassion, and forgiveness are the three virtues I use to guide my life and to build my life."
"It's easy to go into anything in life looking for what doesn't make you happy."
"Act as if... and let yourself feel happy, satisfied, and excited."
"The more detached you become, the more free you are."
"You have to become a creator. I want you to be a creator in your life."
"Let's not ever lose sight of this is a bless not a burden."
"Happiness is essentially and inevitably a by-product; it comes invariably by indirection."
"Have a playful attitude about life and enjoy it."
"You have the power of choice in how you perceive it and how you approach it."
"Time to stop floating through life and start beating the minimum required effort."
"Failure was basically an excuse to have a good time."
"You don't really have to rethink everything."
"All you need to do is enjoy yourself and have a good time, and then information will come to you effortlessly."
"I only live my life a quarter mile at a time."
"Running from all things at once without thinking twice."
"It's easier to put out positivity than it is negativity."
"It's not about what you're doing, but how you're doing it and why."
"Embrace life with arms wide open, it's the key to happiness."
"It's all about being positive at the end of the day."
"She's got this very brutally honest approach to life."
"Rory is seemingly unfazed by everything... that pretty much sums up this man's life philosophy."
"Embrace serenity, embrace that energy in your life."
"Try not to take it too seriously. It's way better for your experience if you do it that way."
"You always gotta be ready for whatever, you live in the moment."
"My main strategy today and in life in general is to make people uncomfortable." - Lindsay Jones
"It may be good, it may be bad. Let's get to it."
"I would be patient, like I would slow things down, don't try to rush it, you know, play it cool with this energy."
"Life just is; it's not about the having, it's about the doing."
"We're just gonna chill everything ain't serious everything ain't bad everything ain't crazy."
"That's the only way to really live my life without being completely bitter all the time."
"Start in a place of gratitude is just really what I'm focusing on."
"Let's enjoy it to its absolute maximum capacity."
"Let me take this approach: if it happens, it's meant to happen."
"In loving, everything works. In fear, nothing works."
"Positivity breathes positivity, negativity breeds negativity."
"The system is set up to fail particular people... Black and brown people, that's exactly what is supposed to happen."
"Let's note how justice works in America... Sometimes it's on issues of race, sometimes it's on issues of wealth."
"At Luffy's core, it's really the adventure, having fun, enjoying life."
"Success is everybody's aspiration success does not mean that only something big I'm aspiring for I want it to happen no with every single action you want success isn't it yes or no."
"Happiness is not something to be achieved in the long term."
"Humor is coping. It's good to go through life being able to laugh at the silliness of things."
"Always try and be positive, right? Look for positives in every situation."
"He approached life with childlike qualities, eager excitement, acceptance of new people, and an amazingly creative imagination."
"Sometimes you just need to take it slow, you need to take the winding route up the mountain in order to get the best results."
"Your life is not a paint by number, it's a blank canvas."
"It's not a problem to be solved, it's a situation to enjoy."
"Not everything has to be so serious all the time."
"The gratitude muscle I call it is truly the game changer because certain sayings that we don't have to do anything we get to do everything."
"It's easy to be negative, but I find it infinitely more rewarding to be positive."
"It's important to live life seriously and not goof around all the time."
"I try to be positive, I try to not just shove negativity into the world."
"You approach your life in a very creative way."
"Cultivate this optimism, a positive outlook can significantly impact your approach to life and challenging opportunities."
"I think our lived experiences dictate how we approach life."
"You're moving into someone who's much more of a seeker, approaching life in a much more philosophical way."
"The point of this, I now have a more open philosophy on life and a more existential approach."
"her famous quip 'when I'm good I'm very good but when I'm bad I'm better' encapsulated her approach to life and her career."
"...it's the whole 'do less and accomplish more' approach to life in general."
"I should be fisting my way through life, loudly and proudly."
"Take a humble yet grounded approach to your life right now."
"I'm a person of faith now and I think about things differently and I have a different approach to life."
"...the martial arts really for me, the value of it is being able to apply it in how you approach life."
"Conformity is the ultimate form of coward... coloring within the lines is sort of a cowardly approach to life."
"I just watch what happens and react accordingly and just enjoy."
"How we do anything is how we do everything."
"It's the muscle of curiosity. You gotta keep that curiosity alive for sure."
"I try to stay happy-go-lucky all day if I can, you know what I'm saying? Because I'd rather be happy than to be sad and miserable."
"Get some big-ass massive problems, man. They're more fun than little problems."
"It's our tagline: if it ain't fun, it ain't worth doing."
"Perception of a new pattern is what I call a creative attitude towards life."
"Our mindset is really central to how we approach everything in our life."
"I like to get up just to see what the hell's going on."
"I'd like to think that everything we do is discipleship."
"Tommy made the most of every opportunity."
"I'm just trying to live in the present and not live in the past, and just trying to move forward. That's it. Just keep moving forward."
"Approach life as an escape room, have fun along the way."
"Life is easy when you let love direct you."
"Do you consider yourself a reactor or a proactor when it comes to life are you reactive or are you proactive?"
"You don't want to ride the highs to highs and the lows to lows, you just want to cruise in the middle."
"If you don't like the picture on the screen, change the reel. The scientific way to approach life is to change the reel by rising in consciousness."
"He was against self-denial and asceticism."
"The greatest weapon that we bring along is our attitude, our mindset."
"All my life, I've been on some positive [stuff]."
"It's our problem-free philosophy."
"I always say like that's kind of where I get my mentality from, just do what you got to do."
"There's two types of people in the world: people who run away from it and people who run towards it."
"This is a definite great philosophy."
"It's okay to not have a plan occasionally."
"I'm not much of a looker back, I'm always a looker forward."
"It can be really simple; it doesn't have to be that deep."
"That's what I mean by my living blueprint blueprint."
"But remembering their warm smiles, I too want to live each day with a smile on my face."
"There's an abundance of beautiful women out there and when you approach life with an abundance mindset."
"It's really that simple, huh? It doesn't need to be anything fancy."
"She didn't take life or herself too seriously."
"Peace with God is so incredibly underrated, it is really important, and it changes the way you approach life."
"Greg is fearless in his comedy and in his life."