
Unknown Quotes

There are 2907 quotes

"Magic only happens when you step into the unknown."
"Fear is the unknown... if you're fearful, find the problem or find the unknown. When the unknown is exposed, there's no longer a problem."
"You're at the base of a mountain that's shrouded in fog... you have to just take steps into the unknown, and when you take three steps, another three steps will be revealed ahead of you."
"Most people in life don't take the steps into the fog into the unknown because it's scary... but that is like one of the things that separates entrepreneurial people."
"Trust is a leap of faith. Trust is an active engagement with the unknown."
"The history we know is but a fraction of the vast unknown."
"Here's what I do not know: What is consciousness?"
"Gain wisdom through the study of the unknown."
"The possibilities for what might lie beyond our comprehension are endless."
"An enormous unknown hand snatched one of their cameras and vanished into the darkness."
"You have infinite potential, especially when you step into the unknown, even though it can be a little bit scary."
"There's something exciting about becoming an entrepreneur because every day there's an unknown."
"Generally speaking, when there's an unknown, our mind fills it in with the most negative possibilities. And why is that? It's to try to protect us."
"Crossing the river of change requires stepping into the unknown."
"The essence of adventure is not knowing what's around the corner, yet turning it anyway."
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." - H.P. Lovecraft
"The Allure of the unknown continues to captivate us, fueling our curiosity and our imagination."
"If you think about the whole of our knowledge of the physical universe as an island, beyond it is the vast ocean of the unknown."
"Did you hear that? What the f***, dude, what was that?"
"Confidence is literally believing that you have the capacity to deal with the unknown."
"Miracles happen when we step into the unknown."
"Growth occurs when you step outside your comfort zone—embrace the unknown with open arms."
"True wisdom lies not in knowing everything, but in recognizing the beauty of the unknown."
"We still know so little about intelligence, human or animal, that it is impossible to call this transition zone an improbable one."
"The act of journeying into the unknown is for many a rewarding experience."
"This footage suggests that there might be other creatures living among us that we don't know about."
"The unknown is scary, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing."
"I said to the man at the gate of the year, 'Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.' He said to me, 'Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.'"
"Everything we know represents just 5% of the universe. What is the rest?"
"Our quest for understanding these is only just beginning."
"We're going to start working with these facts and realizing that there's a whole history here that we know absolutely nothing about."
"The unknown is the most terrifying thing; under exposure is always more effective than overexposure when you're trying to scare people."
"I think my grandma said it best when she said that it's the fear of the unknown."
"Despite further investigations, police are completely unable to discover who this man was, how he died, and the reasons for his actions."
"The characters are navigating a world terrifying and incomprehensible, and the danger is very real."
"The best way to predict your future is to create it, not from the known but from the unknown."
"There's a button on my bedroom wall. I don't know what it does. I'm gonna press that button. Nothing happened. Whatever this is, I must not be ready for it yet."
"There are just some questions that we have to accept that we're never going to know the answer to."
"I believe that, you know, we're missing something. Whether it's dark matter or other dimensions... I feel like we're missing lots of things in this puzzle."
"Eighty percent of what's deep inside the world's oceans remains hidden to this day."
"There are lost principles in the supernatural that we don't know, we don't understand, and they're called above and beyond laws and principles of the supernatural."
"You are buying an encounter with the unknown. The window of opportunity is rare; it won't happen again for many lifetimes."
"The true terror is what is humanity when faced with something that we can never even hope to understand much less defeat."
"Not knowing what comes after death, to Luffy, is an adventure in itself."
"We fear what we don't know, and the biggest unknown in this life is death."
"No one's completely in control of their emotions towards the unknown."
"Something incredible has happened, take a look at this."
"SCP-055: Unknown information about SCP-055's physical appearance, behavior, and origins is self-classifying."
"Finding comfort in the unknown... realizing that a lot of people in that same sort of energy will help you out."
"You've got to enter the unknown, yeah, we've got to let go and enter the unknown."
"Our fear just comes from the unknown, not knowing their purposes. I don't think there's a record of anyone being injured or never being returned."
"What you're afraid of is the unknown. Don't be afraid."
"I think there's more going on with Chad than we even know yet."
"Fear of the unknown is so much stronger than when you actually see the monster."
"What Lies Beneath our oceans are vast and cover almost 75% of our planet surface and yet they remain largely unmapped almost 80% of their wonders."
"The concept of something living inside us unknown is an idea that typically frightens people."
"Life is strange and there's a lot to know that we do not know, and it's important to study the margins, to study the things that we don't understand yet."
"The unknown is the perfect place to create from."
"I don't walk around guiding my life based on fear of the unknown. I love the unknown and embrace the unknown."
"I know what happens when you stop, but you have no idea what happens when you keep going."
"Whether these encounters are the result of overactive imaginations or something more sinister, they serve as a reminder that there's still much we don't understand about the world around us."
"The Allure of the unknown will undoubtedly continue to fuel curiosity Inspire further exploration."
"With that in mind we don't really know much about the department and that's the point they seem to be defunct."
"It's concerning that we actually don't understand what these things are, we don't know anything really about them at all."
"Fear of what goes bump in the night and what lurks just beyond what the eye can see."
"Creative projects... it's like putting out little bottles into the ocean. It's like you never know where they're gonna go."
"Just because we don't know what it is doesn't mean it's not possible."
"Trust is an active engagement with the unknown; it's a leap of faith. You need to just feel that you can turn away and not worry."
"All I know is I really think that we about to see some [ __ ] on this planet that we never seen before."
"Don't be afraid of the unknown, it could lead to your dream life."
"It was the winter of 2010 when they twisted were identified as unknown microbes that erode time and space."
"Whether it was a large bear or something else to inspire that much fear means that something really was going on."
"Everything happens for a reason and we may not ever know what that reasoning is."
"Not knowing how a monster is made is scarier than knowing. That's how I feel, at least."
"This is far more of a mystery than people realize."
"In the face of the unknown, we can choose optimism over statistical pessimism."
"Byd may actually be the biggest and most important company that you don't know anything about."
"If I never find out who it is, the things I have learned, especially, and the people I have met and learned from them along the way has been so worth it."
"The benefit of placing oneself in the thick of a screenplay is at the heart of writing is to take yourself to unknown places."
"The scariest thing about the unknown is that it is unknown."
"This is the realm of the unknown. This is where we explore."
"It may not be clear who or what the man, entity, or cryptid in this footage is, but the video is certainly eerie."
"There's still a lot to be learned about this curse."
"No one knows what's beyond that wall, actually, no one knows."
"In any encounter with the unknown, as difficult, traumatic, and violent as that might be, there's also the possibility for something creative to emerge."
"Our mode of being is creativity in the face of the unknown."
"This is unprecedented. If it's alien, satanic, I don't know what it is but it's something beyond the human brain."
"It's really preparing you for the unknown, right?"
"We are technically overdue." - Unknown Speaker
"Imagine coming across things or creatures that you can't even describe while you were just trying to do your job." - Joe Rogan
"A deeply terrifying idea: something unknown peering in from the periphery before vanishing."
"A deeply unsettling encounter with the unknown, leaving us with more questions than answers."
"Just because we can't detect something doesn't mean it's not there."
"I think humbleness allows us to know that we don't know... the unknown realm is much more vast than this tiny little drop of water called our human mind and our ego." - JP Sears
"Nobody is actually afraid of the truth any more than they're afraid of the unknown. They're afraid of what they think they know."
"Until those answers are found, they'll remain ominous and scary."
"Not knowing how is the birthplace of growth."
"You're entering not just the unknown, you're entering into the magical unknown."
"You do not need to even leave your cities and towns to encounter the unknown."
"The unknown that feels aligned is actually the safest direction to go in."
"It's just blackness, there's just nothing, it's super scary."
"There is so much of our ocean that is still unexplored, and that's where the truth lies."
"Even though hunters have more answers than most, there's still so much that we just don't know."
"There may be a lot more of this going on than we have any idea of."
"Let's go into uncharted territories, the outside world."
"You're ready to face the unknown with courage and intuition."
"Humanity's journey to the end of time is a quest to explore the unknown."
"More than 80 percent of our oceans are completely unmapped and unexplored."
"Obeyed and went even though he did not know where he was going."
"Even in unknown territory, trust that all will be well."
"This is gonna be hella fun, we don't know what's about to go down."
"Most of them went unreported. We have no idea what they are."
"it's the adventure and even the intimidation that comes from the unknown"
"Some things just stay a mystery and maybe that's the scariest part, the not knowing."
"Dive into the depths of the unknown, questioning the nature of reality."
"Be careful what you seek, you don't know what you'll find."
"No one knows what it is or what's causing it, eerie sound, it's creepy."
"Trust is a confident engagement with the unknown."
"We didn't understand what we were doing. We didn't know there was something out there waiting to answer."
"There's so much that we aren't aware of and that we are unaware we are unaware of, if you like, about the universe."
"Fear of the unknown is one of the most important parts of any horror story."
"Exploration of the unknown would lead to unexpected discoveries."
"The cosmic battle most of us are unaware is going on around us."
"Embrace the wonders of the unknown, the journey has just begun."
"The more you need to lean back into the unknown because it's expansive."
"The ground collapses beneath it, dragging it to unknown depths. We step forward, look into the hole, and pass out."
"If it wanted me it could have taken me easily."
"Looks like I'm gonna get chased by something. What is this?"
"I think I always enjoy the great unknown right before you take something on."
"You have no idea what's on the other end of your courage."
"There are many strange things out there and one doesn't always need to go beyond the frontiers of civilization to find them."
"There's a greater purpose, whether we know it or not."
"We don't know what's happening on our behalf on the other side, but what we do know is it's being worked out."
"The dragon of chaos is the symbol of the unknown, the thing that lurks underneath."
"He found himself on a strange unknown Highway with six lanes that were not there before."
"At a certain point, faith does mean that there's a certain component of it that you do have to take the jump without knowing what's off that cliff."
"I found the truth that relays silently in the unknown."
"I know it's kind of cliche at this point, but if there's one thing that absolutely terrifies me, it's the ocean... most of all, for me, it's the fear of the unknown."
"You're walking towards the light, and what can you expect."
"People fear what they don't know, they fear the unknown, and if there's a topic within witchcraft, if there's a topic within the world that you are quite fearful of, take the time to learn a little bit more about it."
"How many more out there are just waiting to be discovered?"
"It was my first experience; I knew at that point there was something else sharing the woods we did not know about."
"Focus on growing... confront it, embrace the unknown."
"One especially dangerous and stressful aspect of the career though is when personnel are sent in to investigate a completely unknown anomaly."
"Letting go of control is the greatest unknown."
"I did not see a dog. I did not see a coyote. I did not see a monkey. I saw something that is entirely unknown."
"There's what you know, there's what you don't know, there's what you don't know you don't know."
"We still don't know what happened that weekend."
"Someone's got to eventually hold them accountable, and they can't wiggle out of it forever, surely."
"Don't be afraid of walking into the unknown."
"It's as if someone or something is standing there, hiding in the darkness."
"What the hell are those huge structures in the distance?"
"Hope you're not afraid of the dark when you venture into the unknown."
"We can't say exactly what happens in the death current, but we can get a pretty good idea."
"Giant footsteps in the astral mist: encounters with the unknown."
"The truth behind the objects remains elusive, tantalizing mystery."
"Let's dive into the abyss of the unknown and challenge the limits of our understanding."
"The truth may be out there, but for now, it remains a mystery."
"Something terrible came to the hills and valleys on that meteor and something terrible though I know not in what proportion still remains."
"It just makes you think about how many pieces of human history either have been erased or are unknown."
"Lurking below the waves are not only bizarre species known to science — but a vast multitude of imagined leviathans."
"Floating off into space is a very real fear."
"I think there's something out there I want to know that answer."
"We will never know exactly how many died in the Second World War."
"It was just a color out of space, a frightful messenger from unformed realms of infinity beyond all nature."
"There's something like blowing at the very bottom."
"There's just so much more that's gonna happen for you guys, and like we're not necessarily aware of all of it yet."
"We don't know what he was asked and what he revealed about the whistleblower."
"The fear of the unknown, that's why these stories terrify us and keep us up at night."
"Terror is a highway because whether you go near or far you're going to find something either you can't explain or that absolutely horrifies you."
"Maybe we can finally take Anders to the Ever."
"The true identity of the creature in the recording remains unknown."
"There's nothing scarier than never experiencing the unknown."
"Whatever it is that's in the unknown, it's going to be something good."
"The moment you go into the unknown, you're getting stronger."
"If it were just that encounter that's one thing... but it's the Princeton observing these contacts."
"Transection is basically it's a placeholder for all those far-off future states that we can't possibly imagine."
"Trust your intuition, do not fear the unknown."
"Forcing the world to confront the vastness of the unknown and our place within it."
"We won't ever see what monsters are under the bed, so we'll always be running."
"I probably had more help from the other side than I'll ever know."
"Neither I nor other experts... have any idea what these creatures might be."
"Every single one of those people is fighting a battle we know nothing about."
"There's only one thing for certain, it's coming"
"None of us really know the full truth of what's going on down there, and each and every day new things are found under the water."
"Here he did not know why something about those words brought forth some innate fear within him."
"Space, the endless void of darkness, often considered the final frontier where all matter of unknown oddities could be found."
"The fear of the unknown can be far more terrifying than anything we can comprehend."
"Sometimes we don't seek the answer to a question because we don't know that there's a question that we should be asking in the first place."
"Our exploration of the unknown is far from finished."
"Is this a clever hoax, an undiscovered creature, or something else entirely?"
"The unknown is not something to be feared, it is something to be embraced."
"When there are scary things we don't understand, our minds try to fill in the blanks."
"Concerning is definitely the word I'd use, but honestly what part of space isn't concerning?"
"Less than five percent of our world's oceans have been explored."
"Reality becomes very magical in the unknown."
"A mix of fascination and terror when the unknown lurks."
"Here's to the unknown road; may it lead us here again or not."
"Appreciate each and every step along the way because you've no idea where this was going to lead me."