
Transition Quotes

There are 12857 quotes

"When you go through these major transitions... this is when you open up the quantum field to an unlimited amount of possibility."
"The process of getting from here to there is going to be incredibly painful."
"You're transitioning to something brighter and happier."
"You're ready for this new stage and the bravery message here is really just letting you know that you're ready, you can handle it."
"You all did something which was sort of fundamental to the nature of the human condition: you made a transition from being unconscious into being conscious."
"This is going to be crazy because it was always on handheld for me, so to be able to play on my PS4, nuts!"
"There's going to be some sort of adjustments that you guys are going to have to make because you guys are moving from point A to point B."
"The karma from your past is ending; you're completing a karmic cycle."
"Do not miss Final Shape; it's going to be a wonderful send-off before Destiny changes forever as we know it."
"The Frog, which is about forward movement, leaping forward. It's about transition, change, evolution."
"Be open through this transitional time. You are going through a massive transition of who you've been and awakening a brand new you."
"You're going into the next season where things are going to have a brand new beginning and begin sprouting for you."
"Whatever old cycle that you had is ending and you're sort of like stepping into a new era."
"You're worried about the past. You need to start looking towards the future."
"There is going to be a big sort of chapter closing in your life... but it's happening in a good way."
"The end of each chapter is the start of the next."
"We have to do our best to march along this transition in a very determined way to make sure that not only we are mitigating climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, limiting local environmental harms but also keeping energy affordable."
"I don't think of myself as a man trying to be a woman. I think of myself as a woman with a male past."
"Leadership is knowing when the time has come to pass on the baton to somebody else and having the courage to do it."
"And now, just cuz you're closing that chapter of your life and moving on into the next, doesn't mean that it can't still hold a special place in your heart."
"A massive transition that is going to be so beneficial, causing a whole new beginning, a spiritual awakening, and an ascension of who you are."
"A period of darkness that you have been experiencing is now passing."
"You're actually going through a period of good times and a period of plenty."
"Every day now is a day that spring is getting closer. From darkness to light, from death to life, from cold to warm."
"We're currently in a transition to a new type of fashion industry based on ecological and holistic principles."
"Our hobby mine has turned into something that we absolutely need now."
"Don't get stuck in transition. God's not finished with you."
"I remember being where I was when I decided to say 'Dad' instead of 'Daddy.'"
"Chase your dreams because the time has come for you to carry this torch."
"Do what you can to make sure that the people who are finding their way out of religion have a landing space."
"This is a profound time of transition and transformation."
"My life isn't falling apart, but there is a lot going on. I am literally probably in the biggest transitional period of my life."
"A blessing on a homecoming... moving out of a toxic living situation."
"I transitioned because I wanted to look and feel different than what I did before."
"Eclipses with the North Node can give you something, a culmination or conclusion of a cycle, indicating the end of a series of changes."
"It's just great to see it go to a good new owner."
"The shift is on, the shift is on. Stop asking questions, just go with the flow."
"You are in a time of transition and in order for you to be your most authentic self... you need to get rid of the things that are no longer serving you."
"A shift is a move that causes you to go from one place to another over a small amount of time but it produces what I like to call a divine leap over your dilemma."
"This is a really big moment for me...a huge part in my transition is achieved."
"Bernie Sanders policy was over a four-year transition period. Four years is nothing."
"The new will emerge and that's where we talk a lot about 2025 as a critical transition time."
"We are in a phase of transition here on planet earth, moving from thinking that our lives are just this individual little island of personal experience to realizing that our lives are very connected with other lives."
"Endings and beginnings... The tide is shifting for you."
"Remember, Hierophant is the number five card, this is the number of high learning and transition."
"You might be entering some sort of new chapter of your life."
"We're in this strange reality which we're caught between two worlds, between two paradigms."
"God is most active in moments of what I perceived to be instability and transition."
"Change is external; transition is always an internal or a psychological event."
"Change happens suddenly, and to be trapped in transition is to be waiting for your mind to catch up with the transformation that has already happened in your life."
"What you cling to in this season of transition in your life will determine whether you go forward or stay at the gate."
"The biggest ever survey of trans Americans finds 94% happier after transition."
"To cradle somebody into death that way, to calmly and lovingly hold that person and hold that space as they enter the next dimension, I think that was a gift beyond measure."
"Bobo took his talents to Philly. Right now, he is the third best player in the league, and a year ago he was the best."
"Future Gohan got what he wanted; he's actually able to become a scholar now."
"We are at the doorstep of a great change; it is like the calm before a storm."
"The transition [from virtual reality to reality] is actually more valuable than the simulation itself."
"Every ending inevitably leads to a new beginning."
"We don't need to get the club out of the Glazer's hands because they're selling."
"At some point, the dollar itself loses meaning... you have to reprice your life, you start pricing yourself in sats."
"Faith is the bridge that you must cross to get from where you are to where you could be."
"The Lord put on my heart to speak on steward in transitions because I believe that not only are we experiencing transitions as a house but you see you're only connected to this ministry because what flows from this ministry also speaks to your life."
"Your person is wanting to move to calmer waters."
"You are very powerful being and, um, we're wrapping up this old energy which is going to really empower you."
"We are living in a transitional age, a period and time of change."
"Plants really, I believe, are the transition into the new Earth because they're so connected to Mother Earth."
"My heart feels empty. First Naruto's gone, now DBS."
"The original Mass Effect was a pathfinding title because it was quite focused; it knew exactly the kind of bridge it was meant to be between the old BioWare and the new."
"Well Morgan, the future is in your hands and the hands of your generation, and this was a moment of transition, it was not the end."
"Life is about graduating. You gotta graduate, mourn it, and move on."
"Group number one, you are entering that time right now where things are just gonna fall into place."
"Thank you all so much for watching this, I am so ready for the next chapter of Jeffree Star."
"I do enjoy it, but I cannot deny the inevitable ending of an era." - Logan Paul
"You're going through a transition from a place where you were in the dark to going into the light."
"The gradual end of one thing is invariably the gradual beginning of another, even if we can't see that until the old has completely changed hands with the new."
"The spirit of the Lord is more than willing to take your hand right now and move you into your next phase of your life."
"The decision to transition is most likely the biggest decision you'll ever make on this Earth. There's absolutely nothing wrong with giving that decision the gravity that it demands."
"The decision to transition... is a deeply personal question that can only be answered with deeply personal introspection. That's all that there is to it."
"We stand on the precipice of a transformative, transitional moment. Transitions can be uncomfortable because they are so nebulous, so uncertain."
"There is no doubt that the transition to sustainable transportation and the transportation industry is turning electric."
"The World is an indicator of a major and impossible to stop change in your life."
"This great nation should not slip into obscurity and a new one rise in its place with nothing more than a whimper."
"Authenticity will be the differentiating factor between those that get replaced and those that make the most money possible."
"The athlete dies twice, and when you finish playing, that's your first death."
"This is the end, Leer, this is not the end, this is just the beginning."
"With the world transitioning to electric vehicles, demand for electricity could be greater than ever before."
"Every end is a new beginning. We just don't know it at the time."
"We are all going to leave this physical body behind and transition. In the meantime, we're supposed to enjoy waterfalls and butterflies, fall in love with the planet, fall in love with the self."
"In a healthy relationship, when you move into together, it's really a critical and wonderful transition. It's the melding together of two lives."
"I do support transitioning adults...and I think even for kids who persist into puberty if they still experience gender dysphoria, the decision should be up to that child with the clinician."
"Expect powerful changes. The end of a tough cycle approaches."
"Cheers to what's next, extending a big thank you to the Rams and all your fans for your support over these last 10 years. Much love."
"Being carried away from something always means you're being carried to something else."
"You are now heading in the right direction, moving away from choppy, difficult seas into calmer waters."
"You can't take everything into a new season."
"Big transitions are ensuing, big inner and unreal actual physical shifts are going down, and when the dust finally settles, you're going to say, 'Oh my God, I cannot believe how my life is becoming.'"
"This new world we're entering, this post-globalist world rooted in identity, is going to have some very serious situations."
"Samantha and Eddie walk into the light, into the unknown, into a new world."
"The gain of function comes from loss, and transition comes from challenge or friction."
"Grow up, Timmy Turner, a movie set 10 years after the original series, which is intended to be a finale of sorts."
"A season is coming to an end and a new season is opening up."
"You'd think if somebody has been discharged from the hospital, it's an all clear, and the reason they're in a hotel is simply transitional."
"Transitioning was the best thing I ever did in my life."
"They focused on the worth of a girl and her value to two families: the one she leaves behind and the one she joins."
"I moved into a beautiful home that rested within a quiet suburban community, the opposite of the neighborhood I grew up in."
"Feel more abundant and complete by shedding the old and stepping into the new direction that resonates with where you want to go."
"With the climactic ending of the year-long battle between the League of Explorers and the League of Evil just behind us, it is time for something new to rise: the Year of the Phoenix."
"We need to begin the transition as soon as possible." - Barrister discussing the need for a shift from fossil fuels
"Here's to the ending of an era, may it be remembered fondly, and let us fill the next 50 years with friendship, with love, and with laughter."
"It wasn't year one in the new system, and no matter what anyone claims, he was trying to fill the biggest shoes in all of football."
"You want to do it gradually so you don't destroy the livelihoods of these farmers who've been doing it for generations."
"You start picking it up, and as the world begins to darken with the setting of the Sun, you look over to the horizon, and something catches your eye."
"Arguments are what takes us from where we are to where we want to be, or sometimes where we don't want to be."
"Transition is not the easiest thing...but right in the wreckage, God is working. You are not alone."
"I'm gonna let go of this whole world that I'm in. I was so excited."
"Joy comes in the morning. To everything, there is a season, so this too shall pass."
"This is a massive period of transition and change."
"Spend some time with your family and friends because most likely you're going to leave them and leave the place that you're born and go into some different place for studies, and most likely never come back."
"Life has been weird... returning to normalcy and watching the normal come back."
"Every end is a new beginning, whispered by the leaves of time."
"Death is not a thing; it is a door. It leads somewhere."
"In every ending, there is a better new beginning that is going to manifest instantaneously."
"The people hasted... and it came to pass when all the people were clean passed over."
"She is in a much better place now than she was before."
"When you've seen the other side, it makes the idea of death more of a passage and less of an ending."
"We're in this kind of awkward teenage transition state as a civilization right now."
"Mandela perceived his primary role as President to oversee the transition to a new post-Apartheid South Africa and to effect national reconciliation."
"Life is pleasant, death is peaceful; it's the transition that's troublesome."
"It seemed like democracy was on the march... even places like South Africa, which had been mired in a bitter conflict for decades, transitioned in the early 1990s to a multi-racial democracy."
"As we close on one decade of animation and enter another, it's sad to say goodbye to a whole decade of animation but it's just as exciting to welcome in a whole new era."
"When you're getting ready for the next level, new people start showing up in your life."
"A lot of times in our lives we think we are coming to an end, but it is really a beginning."
"With the passing of the second Elizabethan age, we usher in a new era in the magnificent history of our great country."
"News that everyone knew would come and yet no one was really prepared for the death of the only monarch most Britons ever knew."
"This day is the end of our slavery, the beginning of our freedom, the end of sadness, the source of joy."
"We've made the transition from our weakness to his strength."
"I think governments are going to go through a very, very tough period. I think people are going to go through a very, very tough period. I think there's going to be a lot of instability as this new world."
"We are working to transition away from Russian sources of energy and fossil fuels entirely."
"Mourning the passing of the old world allows room for the new."
"If you're an unassuming citizen discovering memes, then Behind the Meme is perfect. Once you're in the culture, you don't need him, and in fact, you may come to loathe him."
"It's the last great age of the combustion engine so I think Now's the Time."
"If people successfully ride the tide of transition, a new dimension of hope will soon rise before them."
"Chaos is good because chaos is transitional."
"Kobe Bryant defined an entire era and was the bridge between Michael Jordan and what he represented for the game."
"Eventually, you get replaced easy. NBA, we cut you off at some point."
"We will see more Ariane and more Isa payloads... move to Falcon 9."
"To the end of one Adventure only signifies the beginning of another."
"We're transitioning our electricity systems to renewable."
"Something is over, but something else is about to begin."
"Everything has to come to an end at some point, including bluffside crossing."
"If childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies, our youth had just abruptly ended."
"The hardest part is over; you're just weathering out the storm now. It's passing, it's clearing, you're in the in-between space."
"What's not going to be sad is that things are going to be so much better on the other side of it."
"I support the right of anybody over 18 to transition, I support them to live fulfilling happy lives."
"Love the transition of hot metal into forged."
"It was the last we'd see of Bungie as we know them because they were off to work on what they called their Halo killer, Destiny."
"Death is about transition. When you're walking through the terminal of an airport it means the start point of your journey."
"It's my last sunset on the Nile before I head to the Red Sea."
"It's all good because that's just a transition."
"It's time to end a cycle in your life and prepare for a fresh start elsewhere."
"Null Byte is no more but better things have come."
"There's a strong feeling here of reinventing yourself in the second half of the year."
"Accepting that it happens because what's going on here on this other side something beautiful is cooking for you."
"It all began with great expectations, outside this Charmed Circle is new territory. What will happen to the first female ex-royal? What does the future hold for Fergie?"
"You are entering the stage of your life that is coming to an end, leading to a new beginning."
"A lot of people just joined us on by on theirselves you know and a lot of people have shifted from working to volunteering."
"Trump promises orderly transition after Biden certified as president-elect."
"In a lot of ways they feel like something that started as a dream and have begun to make that mental transition into the nightmare stage."
"The glory that had been Greece faded now in the dawn of the Roman Sun."
"Anybody who's transitioning out of the military have a plan when you get out."
"It felt to me as if we had crossed an unseen veil from one second to the next."
"I want to transition the farmers to more ethical businesses."
"Xbox Live Gold stays numbered... You guys need to start moving to Game Pass."
"Going from an afterlife to just a black void."
"I learned so much about how people treat people based on gender and looks in general. I feel like I would not be the person, especially the confidence and security that I have within myself if I didn't transition."
"Creational energy will be strong and supported but mostly in new arenas rather than the old ways."
"You are rising, light workers, and the rising is now upon you."
"You've helped me cope through my first year of middle school."
"It's a very short cliff to jump to the next lily pad."
"There will be a bit of a void in the channel."
"It's going to be an incredibly powerful period of shift between the old world and the new."
"Woo woo. Anyways, let's move on now that we've been interrupted."
"Emotional storm freedom from strife, so you're coming out of this energy Libra."
"I realized one day that I really regretted my entire transition every single step of it."
"I have no words so I guess we'll just move on to the final character."
"Forsaken comes and goes, it is a success and now we move into a new era of mini-expansions."
"It's also more of a main story year for you compared to the last few years."
"It's just kinda funny the way these things actually start happening when you just start transitioning."
"Are you guys ready to go from hard Seltzer to cookies? Are we ready? Are you ready to talk about cookies, chat?"
"Restlessness in the first week, but then fire mother picks up the pace."
"Trust that we're moving into some good energies, we're moving into a period of prosperity."
"Death is just not a big deal, it's another transition."
"I can see a mass exodus of players this summer, and whoever comes in is going to have another rebuilding job."
"This is the ending of one phase and the beginning of another."
"You're feeling a call to transition, but only you can give yourself that permission."
"We are shifting, we are changing, and transitioning."
"That's all I got I can't talk anymore I think every one of things to say but I to sum up I quit my dream job to do my dream job."
"This kind of feels like Revelations, it feels like a closing chapter for the channel."
"YouTube is just a starter. It's to get you where you need to get. It's like, it's not that it's just something that gets you to what God really wants you. He wants you to be more."
"You're reaching a fork in the road in terms of your life, reaching for something greater, something better. It's about letting go of old habits and hindrances."