
Affordability Quotes

There are 19065 quotes

"It's usually possible to live a healthy lifestyle that's also inexpensive."
"Every family should be able to, just like any other Canadian, walk into a store and buy $3 milk and a $3 box of cereal, so your kid can eat in the morning."
"The self-driving technology has the potential to make it very available and cheaper for more people to be able to move around."
"Embrace a balanced lifestyle with HelloFresh's commitment to affordable, convenient, and delicious home cooking."
"If you can make this in a modular way that is inherently safe, very cheap, you could get everyone to use it, and we wouldn't have to talk about climate change anymore."
"Understanding the difference between being able to buy something and being able to afford something is crucial."
"With its features and cost-effective pricing, the Tesla home promises to bridge the housing crisis in Utah."
"For the first time, Medicare just made offers to lower prices for the top 10 most widely used and expensive drugs, which is going to lower prices for millions of Americans."
"Instead of paying $400 a month for insulin...I want to cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month for every American who needs it."
"We have to do our best to march along this transition in a very determined way to make sure that not only we are mitigating climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, limiting local environmental harms but also keeping energy affordable."
"Nothing is better than a cheaper alternative that performs exactly the same, if not better."
"You don't have to spend lots of money or be a wealthy aristocrat to smell like a gentleman."
"We've reached an age now where you can live like a millionaire, but you don't need to be a millionaire."
"You pay a substantially lower monthly fee, you get more access than you could ever really consume."
"Rent in America is astronomical. It is unregulated and unattainable."
"The average American Funeral costs $9,000, but for as little as $2,500, you could have your ashes shot into space. A fraking bargain, if I do say so."
"You can learn an entire undergraduate degree for a couple hundred bucks online."
"It only costs like $2 to be a Knowing Better patron – and I won’t restrict your calories or make you answer a text at four in the morning."
"We will not rest until every American has access to the highest quality, most affordable health care anywhere in the world."
"As recently as 10 years ago, the words Japan and affordable trip didn't quite compute."
"I only support this strategy if you are financing a car you can otherwise comfortably afford."
"The real issue here is that people can't afford to retire."
"Now, one of the most attractive things about this Insight is its pricing since it's really not that much more expensive than the Honda Civic."
"Grab your chopsticks, forks, spoons, or whatever you prefer as we dive into the delicious, affordable side of Seoul's food scene."
"Don't spend things you can't afford. That's probably the best advice I can give."
"Health insurance through a regular employer is normally far more affordable than private options."
"One out of four Britons...don't even plan to turn on their heat this winter because they can't afford it."
"Flying on reused vehicles on flight-proven vehicles is key towards greater flight reliability and lowering the cost of access to space."
"I think we have to get over this idea that expensive skincare is better and more affordable skincare isn't."
"You do not need a super expensive skincare routine to achieve results."
"I don't think it's right that people shouldn't have access to skincare based off of how much money they make. Like, that's seriously messed up."
"I never want people to feel excluded from getting good skincare formulas simply because of how much money they make."
"There are certain things from certain drugstore brands that, in my opinion, are just as good as, if not better than, high-end."
"Rental prices are unaffordable for a record number of Americans, with half of all renters paying more than 30% of their income for rent and utilities."
"Cost burdened in housing market lingo means they're paying more than 30% of their income toward rent."
"Affordable drugstore products are effective products. You don't have to get fancy with it, you don't have to spend a lot of money, you don't have to actually get really elaborate with your skincare routine."
"Not every birth control is $30 a month, and to some people, $30 a month can be prohibitive."
"Six Flags was offering quality thrills in a clean, inviting, and amusement-filled environment that was both cheaper than Disney and closer to home."
"If you get good tea, it's not much more expensive, and it lasts quite a while actually."
"The EnVista does have a surprisingly luxurious look."
"The interior strength is similar to the exterior strength, which is it looks pretty good for the money."
"This will be for people who want a car in this segment at a fairly reasonable price point."
"The GT3 V2 wheel strikes a really great balance between providing the features you want in a sim racing wheel at a relatively low price point but still being high enough quality that it's going to satisfy the majority of people."
"The truth is that the Ghost is an unbelievably luxurious, impressive, opulent wafting machine, and used models like this one are becoming more affordable."
"It was absolutely free, no management fee, no subscription fee, no back-end royalty."
"It's significantly cheaper to eat unhealthy food right now than it is to eat healthy food. It's hurting Canadians, not just our wallets, but us emotionally to the highest capacity."
"Affordability is probably what your family, and my family, and many others are deeply concerned with."
"Premier Li Keqiang stated that we have 600 million people with a monthly income below 1,000 yuan. They still need to buy houses, but how long do they need to save for that?"
"The American dream, the middle class, is a working family working 40 hours a week and being able to comfortably afford the average home in America."
"If this thing is 700 bucks where you're at, and you can pick one of these up for 400 USD equivalent, well then I think it's a pretty straightforward choice."
"The A in AFC Liverpool doesn't actually stand for Association but for Affordable, since the club's mantra is to create an environment in which particularly young people can always afford to attend a football match."
"If you can get the generic version now with things like GoodRx, you can go into a pharmacy, hit GoodRx, and it'll say, 'Oh yeah, we've got some stuff that's about to expire; this $300 a month drug is ten dollars.'"
"When you're looking for a fresh start, you almost always want to have affordability and opportunity."
"Sky-high home prices with fast-growing mortgage rates, coupled with a low inventory of homes available for sale, are now creating a home affordability crisis."
"We have created some of the least affordable housing in the world. That isn't just a failure; that is equivalent to intergenerational theft."
"Housing affordability has started to crater."
"Affordability is a huge problem in the US and the best thing in my mind that can happen in 2022 is return to a level of growth that is more sustainable and more normal."
"According to Redfin – a real estate firm - In 2012 – in order to be able to afford to buy a median priced home in the United States homebuyers needed to earn 45 thousand dollars per year. Today they need to earn 115 thousand dollars per year."
"This vehicle is unfortunately out of reach for the average consumer."
"However, while this RV may seem like a dream come true, at a price of at least 962 thousand dollars per unit, they definitely aren't an affordable option."
"For the average American who wants to buy a home, this isn't a question of finding the coolest city...this is about finding a city where you can buy a house for you and your family and not break the bank."
"Understand the difference between being able to buy something and being able to afford something."
"If you're someone who wants real luxury without having to pay the price point, definitely check out I'm From."
"I want it to look expensive. It doesn't have to be expensive, but I want it to look that way."
"Done right, it’s an affordable, simple way to dip right back into previous generations and relive our childhoods."
"Basically social housing could be cheap or free."
"In our crazy times, this is also a good bonus: in fact, passengers will have access to business aviation services at mass aviation prices."
"The big news about MPC One is that it brings in a lot of the capabilities of its bigger brothers, the MPC X and the MPC Live, in a much more compact and affordable package."
"It looks so expensive and so designer, but the price, honey, the price is right."
"Owning a home is more difficult now than before because home prices keep going up while wages don't keep up."
"For the cost of $5, this game puts a lot of modern $70 AAA releases to shame."
"No one should die in the richest nation on earth because they can't afford insulin."
"We've approved more affordable generic drugs than any administration in history."
"It's hard to imagine car culture without Pontiac, the good and the bad, because for better or worse, it occupied that middle ground between what people wanted and what they could afford."
"Despite the lower price and relatively small stature and stout nature of the mini, it actually has been able to maintain many of the features that made the taller variants good enough to get our best overall award for air coolers last year."
"At the end of the day, when you look at everything in aggregate, the $25,000 vehicle seems to be well within their reach."
"Price point's something that we always talk about too because, as I mentioned, it's definitely an important consideration what you can afford."
"Philadelphia has so much housing at such a low price, you can get a two-bedroom for easily like a thousand a month."
"It's way easier and way cheaper to get into motorcycles than you might think."
"Luxurious but affordable pajamas, Amazon hit me up. I would love to design a range of luxurious but affordable pajamas."
"I passed a law that lowers prescription drug prices; caps are $35 a month for seniors."
"It has to be free. $100 is a high bar for 90% of the people in the world, and if I can't make this in a way that I can touch 100% of the people in the world, I'd consider myself a failure at that point."
"Pick a headphone you can afford that feels good to wear for hours... and enjoy playing the game."
"There's so much hype about EVs, but everyone's forgetting one important thing: the average American can't even afford one."
"This vehicle is 40 to 90 grand. That's about the range of a normal pickup truck. This is the first electric truck that has really penetrated the actual kind of normal space."
"There is no app, no technology, no Airbnb that can get rid of $1,100 a month rents."
"I'm super impressed with how much Canon was able to put in such a small package and at this price range."
"It is super inexpensive but definitely has a high-end feel."
"You don't need expensive fragrances to get compliments."
"You're not normal if you can afford that kind of a ticket... but the goal is to get to the point where it is more affordable."
"Affordability of housing is the worst in some decades."
"Most of the good things in life are not expensive."
"Warm places that are affordable just get people."
"The primary driver of these migration patterns has been two things over the last three decades: one is weather, right? People don't like cold; they like warm. But the second thing is affordability."
"We shouldn't have to pay more for health, we shouldn't have to pay more for the opportunity to live well."
"Just because you can afford a supercar doesn't mean you can afford to fix it."
"Right now there's a way to get a brand new Tesla Model 3 for under 14,000 in California."
"Frederique Constant is one of the more overlooked brands in terms of watchmaking, offering great design and Swiss made movement under a thousand dollars."
"The Casio Oak, an analog-digital style watch for $110, brings together elements people love from a traditional G-Shock in a very nice cohesive package."
"We essentially want to make it that why the hell would you buy non-sustainable equivalents when you can get ours which are pretty much the same price point."
"The Muji notebooks... Muji is definitely the best paper quality you can get in this price range."
"Affordable, or even free housing, is not only feasible, it's the norm in plenty of places around the world."
"Singapore has completely removed housing from the free market. Prices are set based on one’s ability to pay, individuals can’t own more than one public flat at a time."
"An emergency dental kit is just as essential. It is one of the least expensive preps you could add to your prepping supplies."
"The most important issue for me is affordability, particularly for Canadian families."
"Places that are kind of boring, you know, that not a lot of people talk about, where maybe there's a little bit of growth, a little bit of migration but prices are still affordable, those are the better areas to be."
"Housing affordability can slow the progress of entire economies."
"You get a lot of content here, most of it you can get for free – that's a pretty good deal."
"We always like to have at least one option for my girls on a budget."
"Where else can you get super cute pillows like this for only four dollars, and they look nice like they don't look like DIY pillows?"
"I am obsessed with how this turned out for such an affordable price."
"I think for a dollar, like seriously, you can't go wrong."
"I really appreciate the donations, guys. Like, I'm so humbled by it, but please, only donate what you can afford."
"So many of our people can't afford to go to a doctor."
"In the near future, Tesla will be making an affordable 25,000 EV. It will be a game changer for the industry."
"Eggs are probably the most affordable nutrient-dense food a human could eat."
"Energy freedom is about having low-cost, reliable, versatile energy for billions of people."
"Every student should have access to these type of lessons, so we brought the price down as far as possible."
"There's a misconception that prepping for emergencies has to be expensive and that the average person just can't afford that."
"Prepping for emergencies does not have to be expensive. Most of the most important items like food and water and candles and fire are all relatively inexpensive."
"You are not going to be able in the long run to have cost-effective universal healthcare unless you change the system."
"We, the public, invested early in these medicines. We reduce the R&D costs for pharmaceutical companies. Therefore, in the back end, the public should have received some sort of return in the form of affordable prices."
"I think skincare science really got trendy with The Ordinary. Suddenly, we all had a reason to learn these complex ingredient names because each product cost less than ten dollars."
"The Steam Deck is incredible when it comes to PC gaming, especially at the price point of starting at $400."
"The president's Build Back Better agenda would ensure parents earning up to 150 percent of the state's median income pay no more than seven percent of their income on child care."
"Eating healthy does not have to be expensive."
"The Corvette is the mid-engine exotic that you can actually afford."
"No matter what you need to power, Big Battery can provide you with the latest battery tech at the best price per kilowatt hour guaranteed."
"The list of people who would want a cheap but effective CPU for productivity tasks is almost endless."
"The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered an almost unprecedented housing affordability crisis."
"Daddy Park aimed to provide experiences for families that were affordable and unforgettable."
"Upon its release, the Pinto was praised for having sports car handling, an appealing design, and an affordable buy-in price."
"Genuine discounts were put in starter sets that were priced very reasonably."
"That hospital bill is only $12, man. Healthcare is cheap in this world."
"Self-care should not be a luxury, both financially and time-wise."
"The Biden Administration's economy plan is working? The American people can't afford the Biden economy."
"The goal is to make a useful humanoid robot as quickly as possible, probably available for deliveries within three to five years for you, for hopefully less than twenty thousand dollars."
"There is not enough housing in the state of California, especially in the Bay Area, and it's affecting whether people can live."
"Everyone deserves a safe and affordable place to call home."
"Making memories doesn't always have to be expensive; sometimes a captured moment can be priceless."
"You should be able to afford to write nice programs, and for that reason, you should be able to do simple things simply and cheaply."
"Space tourism exists today... but as the price of space flight comes down, more and more people are going to be able to afford it."
"We proved science today. It'll only take you $35 to have science in your life."
"So, we try to meet our owner operators wherever they are, meaning we have something for all budgets that's reasonable."
"You don't need to be rich to live a good life and be able to afford things."
"What we need to do is lower costs... when we make healthcare more affordable, when we make childcare more affordable, we crack down on profiteering."
"Under a thousand dollars for a full playstation compatible direct drive load cell experience is pretty darn impressive."
"If you've been holding out for a more affordable upgrade path into direct drive then really I think this is a no-brainer and you're not going to be disappointed."
"Certain things are decreasing in price, creating opportunities."
"It's a great way to wear the scent of baccarat for a lot cheaper."
"How do you feel about the Tesla $25,000 EV and how it competes with the bolt Gen 2?"
"No American has to worry about the cost of coronavirus testing and treatment."
"Insanely great price for the high fashion style."
"Just make dupes of more expensive products, not completely copying, just making dupes for people that can't afford the higher-end Brands."
"Pros: affordable, quick, fresh, and satisfying, and breakfast options on the go."
"Starting at $34,200, the q50 is notably less expensive than many of the mainstream luxury cars."
"The silver lining toll of this American decline is that Jen and I were able to afford this unicorn pool floaty."
"Reviewers praised the console's 3D graphics and that $300 price point."
"I really like it... it's tiny but it feels good, it feels solid, it's affordable."
"They seem to realize that providing their people with affordable energy is a direct way to prosperity."
"Morphe was one of the first brands to bring good quality stuff at an affordable price."
"Tesla solar is gonna be everywhere with these cheap freaking leases and then people are gonna get addicted to it."
"For the price point, this is I think this is what, $279 or $299 was the final price on this?"
"The housing bubble is here, we are above 2006 levels when it comes to home affordability."
"We are at levels not seen since 1991 when it comes to home affordability."
"I believe in national, universal, affordable child care for everyone."
"DaVinci Resolve takes out the free category."
"It's completely free to use for smaller projects if you do need more space you only have to pay for the specific features you need."
"I'm sure there are plenty of YouTubers who would gladly pay a hundred bucks a year to guarantee that they can use any song they want without getting copyright claims."
"Everything here was far less than $30 for all of it."
"I'm very happy that these players actually traded a little bit because they could afford stuff."
"Affordable housing is going to be a massive issue."
"If you want abundant, low-cost energy. If you want families to be able to make their budgets fit their needs, you want abundant, low-cost energy."
"People know what they want: energy that is available, affordable, and reliable."
"The Telluride base model is one of the best equip based models that you can get in the three-row segment."
"NYC cosmetic Pro fix stick concealer is amazing and you want to know what the best part is it's super affordable at only $9."
"If you're actually serious about trying to become a trader, you can find out for three dollars if it's for you."
"You don't have to have expensive art supplies to do good art. It's about your skill and your passion for your art and your craft."
"I just found this super cute bright yellow button up tie front dress and it was only a dollar 99."
"Solar went from essentially the most expensive form to one of the cheapest."
"Skincare doesn't have to be expensive or complicated to be effective."
"We should try and make consumer goods cheaper for people if we possibly can."
"You can get it for free... that's a great price."
"This is the budget headset to beat in the 2020s."
"The matches you're going to be seeing are all best of three showdowns between our semi-finalists."
"I think that Canadians are more worried about affordability being able to feed their own children and themselves than they are about the climate crisis."
"Every quality Public University education should be very affordable."
"I fundamentally believe that every quality Public University education should be very affordable in every state."
"It is not whether we can afford it. It is whether we can afford to ignore it."
"This is a fantastic affordable integrated amp that's all about balance, power, and oral versatility."
"Overall, I really like this audio system. I really have no complaints since this is a cheap car."
"There is incredible value in this GPU market right now, especially in the $200 to $500 range."
"Now's a great chance...just 25 cents a week for the entirety of the year."
"Overall a very impressive wee cheapy device especially if you're after something with a gorgeous screen."
"The Oppo A53, which cost you around 130 quid as we near the end of 2021, is an absolute bargain."
"Before I bugger right off, I'd also like to throw a bit of love at the Realme 8 5G which these days you can pick up for just a shade under 200 quid."
"More affordable with more features and support for more devices."
"Hollow Knight is such an outrageous bargain at its fifteen USD launch price that it's pretty much flawless."