
Creators Quotes

There are 462 quotes

"It's easy to forget that some of our favorite creators are also real people who deserve to have their lives kept private if they so choose."
"You are one of the most respectful creators out there."
"The next big brand, the next Nike, the next Lululemon, one of these brands, they're gonna come from creators."
"Empathy for the people who make the things that you love is important."
"We have many creators that address mental health overall, and it's really important to be open about it so we can find solutions."
"You've done something that few creators have accomplished. You've had an astonishing 100,000 people join your subreddit."
"Some of the most popular creators out right now, you wouldn't even know them if it weren't for TikTok."
"Some cultural objects are so huge that they really do transcend their creators."
"I've realized not to expect too much in terms of character from people, much less content creators."
"The marketplace doesn't just support these huge studios but also really small independent creators...the fact that the marketplace can support all of them...is something that is just so cool."
"You could just tell that Matt Stone and Trey Parker put so much work into these projects."
"From the award-winning creators of Left 4 Dead."
"We're doubling down on tech community and creators."
"Just at some point during the movie just say thank you Jack Kirby and Stan Lee."
"The reason I'm making this is cuz I feel like I need to stand up and say something in support of these creators."
"It's funny I also expected to see people I recognized in their YouTubers Newgrounds animators webcomic artists whatever but nah this Show's not very internety which frankly thank God."
"YouTube could see a monumental shift that creators honestly have been asking for for a long time."
"So one of the big things that we're looking at is that blockchain has a ton of potential to be able to enable creators to make a living on their work."
"Wilmot's Warehouse comes from developers Ricky Haggett and Richard Hogg."
"Music matters, and the people who make it matter."
"Definitely support your favorite creators in every way possible."
"Creators need to make a living, hashtag join Patreon."
"Creators are proof people can feel like family even if you've never met them."
"It's no secret that South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker are self-proclaimed Zelda fans."
"It's nice to spotlight smaller creators every now and then."
"The key to drive a wedge into it is just the creators, the users, we hold all the leverage."
"Don't put people on pedestals, and this goes the exact same for your favorite kind of creators."
"The era of independent content creators is the new era."
"YouTube favors celebrities over creators who've been hustling for years."
"Chase or Wiz? Both are amazing creators, but statistically, Wiz has one more test."
"Every time I go to events there's new faces there and new creators... It is so amazing and exciting to see that."
"The creators who lift up those communities and give them a home are doing an incredible amount of good."
"I love when creators go directly to their fans."
"Small creators are the most (beep) supportive people on the planet."
"Shout out to Michaela Cole, shout out to Phoebe Waller-Bridge, shout out to Donald Glover."
"Don't blame a creator for leaving a platform."
"John Favreau and Dave Filoni are the real parents of the show."
"Guys thank you so much a final big thank you to the moderators and also to my patrons I mean it when I say I can't do it without you."
"We want to be the platform for creators to be completely independent."
"So do your part and at least try to support the creators that you love."
"I want to encourage you to support creators who are making actual quality experiences."
"Appreciation from creators is the best. That's the best. Thank you. 'Cause, you know, yeah, yeah, for sure."
"The best part about YouTube is just the connections that I've made throughout the last three years, being able to create a new circle of friends of people who understand directly what I'm doing, who relate to me."
"We just felt kind of united, yeah, it was cool, it has that like family feel among creators."
"I hope I was able to spotlight some more obscure series for creators that really put in a lot of time and passion into these projects."
"Some of the hardest workers I know are creators."
"Exclusive Discord server full of creators in all stages of their journey."
"Biggest YouTubers over time, here you go."
"YouTube has been one of the most stable, consistent platforms for creators for the better part of a decade."
"YouTube does care about its creators more, or at least listens to their creators more."
"From their inception to now, they are considered one of the most successful manga creators of all times."
"It's important that you support creators."
"There's a new way to grow your YouTube channel, and it's helping creators get hundreds of thousands of views on their first uploads."
"Am I really the only channel that you sub to, man? There's a lot of great creators."
"Since AI is not intelligent, it necessarily reflects the people who made it."
"Raw and authentic content creators will rise to the top."
"More creators will go full-time this year than ever before."
"Creators that last will focus on brand building."
"In a world full of clickbait, let's talk about the positive and amazing creators."
"Subscribing to Nebula is a great way of supporting creators directly."
"This is the laptop for most creators out there, it's absolutely fantastic."
"Most creators aren't like this. There is a lot of good in the world, there is a lot of kindness and honesty and love."
"When it's clear that the creators don't have faith in their own project, why should the audience?"
"How hot are the creators? Oh my God, how?"
"The big thing that Johnny and I both have is that we want to give value to the viewers of our content."
"There's honestly no other platform out there like YouTube that gives creators the ability to potentially make millions of dollars on it."
"The creators of board ape uh yc make more than NFTs, they built an immersive fantastical world."
"My heart is warm. AJ Raphael, who I've known forever. The Wong Fu guys, Jason from Jubilee, also a huge fan. Literally, so many favorite creators here."
"You can be a multi-millionaire on YouTube, and thousands of creators are doing it right now."
"Viewers support creators directly through a subscription instead of supporting their advertisers."
"This is the secret to how the biggest creators grow millions of followers."
"YouTube has been around for over a decade, so there are creators who have been through the same things you are just entering into. They can offer valuable insights and guidance."
"Comic book history's fun because like you have kind of like this access, as you can kind of see, to some of these creators to know a little bit more about them."
"Nebula is a streaming service started by creators for creators and their audiences, and has grown to be the largest creator owned streaming service, with tons of great content from an ever-growing community of creators."
"To many people, the way Game Grumps interacted with their audience and the way the audience interacted back was far different from many creators out there."
"YouTube has gone to great lengths to make it better for the creators."
"What if viewers supported creators directly instead of supporting their advertisers?"
"You can probably put me right up there with Jeff Franklin, JJ Abrams, Spielberg, Norman Lear, your hockey buddy David E Kelly, Chuck Lorre."
"That'll teach me from trusting any kind of reels, TikTokers, shorts videos. A lot of these creators are just absolute full of shrimp, just saying."
"If you want to support us to keep making the best videos that we possibly can then I would be so so grateful if you'd sign up to Nebula."
"... patreon is actually heavily reliant on just a few thousand top earners and there are signs that its business model going forward is likely to focus more and more on extracting a larger chunk of cash from those creators."
"The creators of South Park, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, have always been known for their sharp political satire."
"All right, guys, that is a very impressive show, not only in the caliber of comic books you can find there, but of course, in the comic book creators as well."
"I think creators do have this competitive advantage."
"One of if not the biggest thing for me was meeting all of a fantastic creators."
"For creators, this might be the most appealing option for you just because it gets you most of the way there."
"For many of us creators it means getting paid to make the content that we honestly probably would have made anyway."
"Affiliate links are one of the easiest ways for you to support the creators who make content that you enjoy."
"By doing this series, they're showing us creators and the online community as a whole a lot of respect."
"Do not be jealous of other creators. Instead, do be very, very thankful that you can use them as a resource to learn from."
"...the fan Community aspect of anime is just as important as the creators themselves."
"If we're getting the bulk of storytelling moving back towards smaller creators, focused on ideas, I think we're going to get better stories."
"Art ultimately insists upon the creators doing what they want to do with it, and as long as they're not being forced in some way to do the opposite of what they want to do, then that's fine."
"One of the really cool things about nebula is that it's Creator-owned so out of really all of the sponsorships that you could support this is probably one of the most beneficial to creators."
"But the one foe Strange couldn't overcome was the souring of the relationship between Lee and Ditko."
"...he might have been the name that brought us to a lot of these series like solar opposites and koala man I might not have watched them if I hadn't known it was a Justin Roiland property but the truth is it's the people behind them that make these shows great."
"It's more important to follow the creators in what they're doing rather than just looking at the characters."
"It's just a testament to all the hard work that all the creators are doing."
"My creators were weak, limited. I have transcended their pathetic limitations."
"Would you consider bringing on other creators like Roger or teching to talk one piece would be a great time."
"I've always been a huge believer in creators supporting creators."
"...support these creators that are making an effort to help give helpful guidance..."
"Join Creator now today if you want to learn from the world's best creators."
"Instagram has literally said with an eye towards smaller creators."
"Scride is the brainchild of three huge anime industry names: director and animator Goro Tanaguchi, writer Yosuke Kuroda, and character designer and animator Hisashi Hirai."
"So join them for never before heard stories and insights from your favorite TikTok creators and those who make the culture move forward."
"YouTube became as popular as it is because individual creators like myself and many others provided content that was missing from the mainstream news media."
"The big differentiator is we don't want creators to really go anywhere unless they become so big that they need to go to Shopify plus."
"Happy you were doing this for yourself. I think so many creators are struggling without having those opportunities to see each other, travel to events, and engage with our fans. Enjoy your break."
"With every new website that gives the Creator a chance to grow an audience, that said Creator usually takes advantage of this newfound viewership."
"If we don't support our creators, they go away, John Larson. Gone away. So many good artists and contributors can't continue without support."
"I'll always respect the creators that choose the harder path here of pivoting and changing their content, doing what makes them happier even if it means taking that huge risk of losing the audience."
"...the more attention you give it the more it blows up into something like oh they responded to me that means it has some grain of truth to it and if anything at the end of the day I think all of those creators are intentional with everything they do..."
"But despite its popularity with people of all ages, something happened that would shock the creators of this series down to their very bones."
"Us and people like us creators like us are very important in preserving kind of the popularity of not only things that are coming out but things that have come down came out."
"...believe it or not she has six: G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alfana, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Scott Hepburn, Sanna Amanat, and Saladin Ahmed."
"How can you be different from your creators?"
"...I just think is super useful because let's say you're on the dashboard of creators companion and you're looking at your top three videos, you have a super quick way to get to the video itself..."
"When you look at Baloo and Mowgli, you're looking at Frank and Ollie because those two guys were those characters."
"New creators have an amazing chance at growing and having this become their full-time thing."
"Jack Kirby, Flo Steinberg, and Saul Brodsky... it's a lot of fun to see the people behind the scenes."
"The best all-around laptop for creators who want performance and flexibility."
"They are very very focused on investing in Creator driven content."
"It's not just about keeping the industry going forward; it's also about creators having a quality life."
"It's how I monetize and by the way all your creators you watch have to monetize otherwise they're going to go bye-bye."
"We create this air of silence where people who face abuse from these creators can't speak out."
"When creators just respond to the algorithmic feedback loop, they don't really have that trust, there's no emotional connection."
"...I just love the way these guys turned out..."
"I think the best thing a vendor could do is support creators in this way."
"My whole conclusion is that creators aren't here to educate you, they're here to entertain you with make-believe stuff."
"Some of those creators that helped bring on me, Robert Kirkman, who's kind of had a minor success... and Alex Roberts, the poster child of how Image works."
"When you have an Alan Moore, when you have a Mazzucchelli, when you have an Evan Dorkin, I get the impression from each of these individuals that they're really trying to make awesome comics."
"Oh, it's wonderful plotted by Jim Lee, Will's Portacio, and Chris Claremont."
"Bob Kane and Bill Finger. We remember those names because they are important."
"...there's a lot of talent that goes in here you have like i mentioned dennis o'neil you have chuck dixon graham nolan bilson kevin uh devin grayson alan grant uh mark buckingham."
"Final Cut Pro might be on the verge of a large new wave of creators jumping over to experience the speed and the Magnetic timeline that Final Cut Pro has."
"We want to enable creators to create the content that viewers want to watch."
"I need to reach out to more creators, anyone remotely interested in starting a paid Community."
"What if there was a dedicated space for creators and people of interest to build these tight-knit communities?"
"The ad rates are going down, so creators are making a lot less right now."
"Support the original content creators."
"It's a great way to support your favorite creators."
"The asset is the people that are making content and they are going to get paid and they're getting paid very very well."
"The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen began as a comic created by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neal."
"When I see black creators especially female black creators, they don't get paid nearly as much as all these like Utah moms."
"YouTube hates its own creators. It does, and they can't wait for some celebrity to come in and then boost YouTube, make it cooler, right?"
"The creation of Spider-Man involves three legendary creators: Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, and Steve Ditko."
"I always say set aside five bucks a month, give a dollar to each of your favorite creators on Patreon."
"Patreon is a great way to be able to give back to YouTube makers such as myself."
"The vast majority of Twitch creators two to three years from now will be making significant amounts of money off of ads."
"It's always a good sign when the creators at Star Wars Celebration reference George. Obviously, we're all here because of George."
"Sui and Shida, the creator of Tokyo Ghoul, dropped a 69-page bombshell."
"Blair's video sparked a stronger response over the last few months each of these four creators have taken to YouTube to present their experiences in Greater detail."
"We want Spotify to be the best place for creators to grow their audience, connect with their biggest fans, and build their businesses. We want to be their partner as they make their journey from listener to hobbyist to enthusiast to professional."
"It's a video platform of all educational content built by myself and other creators like me that you already probably know from YouTube."
"We are the [ __ ] behind this. So much of the conversation about this stuff is really treating it like a genie, and I don't mean as a metaphor. They're treating it like it's some magical uncaged thing, but it's us. It's people making them."
"To me, there's a holy trinity of Sandman: Neil Gaiman, Dave McKean, Todd Klein. They are the connective tissue between everything and you see three of them really trying to rise to the occasion to make something great."
"...definitely want to be supporting people who are creating these resources for us."
"One of the biggest needs and the biggest things we could do for creators to help them monetize better."
"If you enjoyed this channel I hope you will like, subscribe, do all the stuff here on YouTube you know how to support creators."
"Patreon is a website for creators to make exclusive content for people, funds their community, and they can pledge money every month."
"This really helps your favorite creators. Hit the like button and subscribe to the channel."
"Directly supporting the creators that you like is so important."
"For those who don't know what is Patreon, it's a platform that was created for artists, content creators. Whether for music, video, people can encourage individuals directly."
"The best creators in the world are fiercely arrogant."
"We've seen many prominent creators seemingly vanish from the site."
"Huge props to the creators of these."
"YouTube as a company don't actually have a lot of interaction with their creators."
"Fonts that we use to print documents actually used to be named after their creators."
"We're trying to take creators, artists, communities, brands, and help them tokenize their identities, put them online, enable fans, collectors, and people all around the world to participate in economies that are being built by these unique creators."
"Always good to be patrons of creators you support."
"I think we're going to continue to innovate very much. I mean, I think we talked about this a while back, and I've heard some people speculate on this, but I really think that creators are going to be treated more and more like athletes."
"This is just another reminder of the creators fighting for their creative rights."
"My favorite part at the moment is just meeting all the other small creators or customers, even. I have like a lot of people that come up to me at market saying they watch my channel."
"It would not be hard for it would be an accounting error for them to actually compensate creators for what they do."
"Don't let the biggest people or the people that are maybe embroiled in these things do not let them ruin or taint all of these other creators."
"To enjoy Code Geass is to accept the awesome and unfortunately recognize that the creators are massive perverts."
"These new films are the first generation that were originally fans, now in the position of writing and directing."
"On YouTube, there are several channels dedicated to providing free music to content creators."
"I have mad respect for all the creators that are out there."
"They pay out way more than any other platform towards the creators."
"Bringing people together and helping creators connect."
"If you enjoyed this video, you should definitely go and give it a watch for yourself to support the original creator."
"So many of us fish tube creators or YouTube creators, we're here because we want to share something with you."
"The people that I want the respect from, which is like artists in the creator community, those people give me the most flowers and the most respect."
"Amen, I appreciate it, you know. It was cool sitting down with you. It's cool more to sit down with creators than artists sometimes because it's like you just have more to relate on a different level, basically."
"I think it's important that we become informed consumers if we plan on supporting independent creators."
"Until next time, internet. Signing off. I'm Nate. I'm Ben. We'll see you later, everyone. Peace."
"With every new platform, there will always be a Resurgence and creators who will do anything in their power to acquire attention and viewers."
"Put a bag of money on top of the tallest mountain, and these creators will fight tooth and nail to try and claim it."
"Toriyama is up there with Moebius and Otomo."
"Creators like Jake Paul should be given a belt."
"It's creative people. The creators are the manifesters."
"Creator Clash's goal is to make an inclusive and fun environment for creators and fans while giving back to charity."
"This is why I also really enjoy about comics culture, that you know so many creators have been like comic shop retailers, they're also journalists."
"It's astounding to me to think of the beginning of the Marvel Universe, Jack Kirby's 45 and Stan was 41."
"Frank Miller's one of those guys now, you know, Frank Miller, Alan Moore, there's a couple of these guys who are like these huge, creative important cartoonists that are around."
"That is one of the best from MSI for creators—great for Photoshop, Lightroom, and then as you're working, if you're getting into motion design, 3D modeling, video editing, that's going to be a rocket ship for those programs."
"We believe creators should be able to attach a 'do not train' tag to their work."
"I think there's a natural cultural bias for rewarding the human beings who are truly the creators and the lifeblood of our creative community."