
Audience Quotes

There are 12022 quotes

"It's virtually impossible to please everyone when 30 million people are watching your videos."
"I can only imagine what overcame them, seeing the sea of people and hearing the crowd react to them stepping on stage."
"Thank you very much for watching, you've been a great audience member."
"People watch content because it's something that gives value to the player base."
"The modern audience is the same as the old audience; we just like good stuff."
"If you can live your life without an audience, you should do it."
"There are two basic groups of people: the choir that you preach to from time to time and the masses. And you never really know who's listening."
"If you make stuff that you care about, there will be people that will care about it too."
"It means so much that a hundred thousand people out there in the world want to hear what I have to say."
"Specializing into a single game as a full-time creator is only an advantage if the audience who cares about your specialist knowledge is large enough to sustain you."
"At the end of the day, when you watch my videos, you deserve to see a happy version of me delivering good content to you."
"Thank you so much for watching our new series. We are really very grateful to you."
"If you put heart and integrity in your work, the audience can feel that."
"The shared DNA of these shows is that beautifully twisted reveal where we, the audience, are rewarded for our suspicion."
"I wish that people would acknowledge that you have a big impact on your audience."
"If you have an audience that really genuinely cares about what you have to say, then you can change people's opinions."
"I imagine, given the subject matter that I talk about on this program, that there are quite a few people in the audience that have played strategy and tactic wargaming type games."
"Camp has always had a loving cisgender heterosexual audience who either discovered it through queer friends or just happened to be heteros with taste."
"If you're putting out your best work, then someone will enjoy it."
"You're not making something for everyone; it's not vanilla ice cream. You want something with your own flavor to it, and not everyone is going to enjoy the taste of what you're making."
"You will always have an audience. You have an audience. Your audience could be just one person, your family, but you have an audience."
"Upon re-listening to this, the conversation was even better than I had realized. I'm very happy to get a chance to present it to a wider audience here."
"I couldn't do this without you [the audience]. I truly mean it."
"One reason I find Lynch's work so powerful is that he doesn't condescend to his audience. He respects them."
"I think everybody's kind of scrambling to do the right thing the best that they can for their audience, for themselves."
"The applause is taken from our actual audience before COVID. That was very nice."
"If you speak to hurting people, you will never lack for an audience."
"Most people not only want to feel that they have the ability to express their views to the world but also that those views will have a decent chance of being circulated to a reasonable audience and that they will be given a fair hearing when they are."
"Let me tell you, if they thought there was an audience for it, they damn sure would produce it."
"People choosing to spend time on you is the most valuable currency next to money."
"I take it seriously because I take my audience seriously."
"If you found this useful, please do subscribe because about 60% of you don't, and that's probably the only thing I ask of you."
"If you make something for yourself that you really want to watch, there are probably other people out there like you."
"It's actually really funny; I have kind of like an audience behind me in the other room listening to me."
"Hello valued viewers, I hope you're doing very well."
"We wanted to show the audience, whether kids or adults, how music is made."
"The reason you love these characters is because you need to identify with them."
"The thing that I hope to do...is bring as much truth as I can to an audience, even when they don't like it."
"Depicting fictional characters is cool, but depicting real people is difficult, and people, the audience, the academy, everyone wants to see something difficult to do achieved."
"If you don't have humility about the possibility that it could have occurred this way, and you're absolutely sure that it didn't happen that way, it doesn't work with audiences."
"What we were doing really was writing up to our readers."
"How wonderful to be told, especially when you're first starting out, that you're not only allowed but encouraged to practice art for your own self-satisfaction, to let your audience find you."
"You do not have to destroy the legacy of the characters and render previous lore completely irrelevant just for the sake of bringing in a new audience."
"Thank you all very much for watching. I do hope that you enjoyed this video."
"We need more than our culture. There like, as opposed to being competing with each other, why would I compete with you when you have your own audience?"
"Where does the loudest boo come from? The cheapest seats."
"Especially since it doesn't dumb things down for its younger audience."
"You want to make content to make your followers happy, but you want to make content that makes you happy."
"I have such a cool audience, such a supportive audience, and I know how lucky I am."
"A big thank you to every single one of you who is watching this video...this year has been absolutely fantastic in terms of what's happening here on YouTube."
"You have the responsibility of an audience and...it also of course pushes back on you if you are not putting correct information out there, as it should."
"The moment that you're seeking applause rather than laughter, that's the moment you've lost. You're not a comedian anymore."
"There's an audience for every band, no matter who they are."
"Your first, last, and only objective should be to entertain your audience."
"You are my audience, and you are the most precious things in my life, next to my family, of course."
"Eventually, you get to the point where the crowd loves you before you go out on stage."
"This isn't just about building an audience, it's about building a movement."
"You're a good-looking group, thanks for being here."
"My content speaks to the people that understand what I'm doing and why I do it the way I do it."
"Every time that I see that there's more than 100 people in a chat, it freaks me out a little bit. I'm still getting used to it."
"They decided to chase the anti-Trump audience, and now that Trump is gone, they have no audience left."
"Thank you for watching, I appreciate each and every one of you."
"I think for us, it was like the change was going from 'Oh, we're gonna make anything' to 'We're gonna make content for this audience that gives them this value'."
"If you the audience are smart, you'll also get it."
"The success of the show can be attributed to her ability to connect with her audience."
"Your anointing has an audience, your calling has a context."
"It's perfectly fine for the Cuphead show to target younger children and not adults or gamers who played the original game."
"The story is multi-layered for kids and adults."
"I give this show to the people, run with it, the good and the bad."
"Let your audience know so people can decide how much validity they want to give to your recommendation. It's simple."
"I'm nothing special, but if I wasn't making content, then there's probably a higher chance that people would be watching something else."
"As good as a kids show, I mean, is it a kids show? It leans more that way, but it's truly more of like a 'Star Wars' for everybody."
"To create a truly memorable villain, you have to connect them with the audience in a meaningful way."
"I love you guys so much... thank you so much for being here."
"Playing in full stadiums is what we play for."
"It's always great to play for so many people."
"I felt like it was a gift to the audience... Here's my gift to you."
"Thank you to everybody who tuned in today, watched live."
"Your community is more than just you and your viewers."
"Thanks again everyone for watching. I love you all."
"A bigger audience can access these, accessibility is always a plus."
"It takes a brave person to tell their audience what they don't want to hear."
"Thank you guys so much for tuning in, thanks for hanging out. I really appreciate your time with me."
"The problem I keep running into with discussions of spoilers and subverting audience expectations and stuff is that you can only ever surprise your audience once."
"I expect people to like anything I make because I have a pretty big audience and they have very diverse tastes."
"Thank you all so much for watching the video... You are all, in my opinion, the best audience I could have asked for."
"Thank you very much for supporting the channel as always, you are a fantastic audience."
"Your audience is always smarter than you think."
"One percent French or Italian audience is still a hell of a lot of people."
"We're always honored that people want to freaking hear us ramble about these things, the things that we're always trying to work on ourselves."
"If there are real people watching right now, that's crazy dude, that is crazy."
"It's a real shame that this game didn't get the audience it deserves."
"Thanks so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you again soon."
"Be respectful with monetization to both your audience and yourself."
"Our audience is brilliant, right? There are thousands of you and you're really brilliant people."
"Streamlined for the benefit of the audience's entertainment."
"If you enjoyed any of the other renditions of this famous franchise, laughs."
"It's much more entertaining for everybody else, isn't it?"
"To me though, the sheer volume of stuff is indicative of the fact that there is an audience for all this material."
"If your audience likes jokes that punch down, then you are not performing to a comedy audience. Change the audience."
"I suspect that the audience that was attracted to a Donahue interview with Doug Casey probably wasn't representative of the United States."
"Overall, it could be a breath of fresh air for a lot of the audience."
"I just want to thank you all for watching... thank you so much for watching."
"You don't have to have like millions of fans or anything like that. You could just have one fan and you still have an audience, right?"
"Friday Night Funkin' as of now is not for kids, but the devs did nothing wrong to have caused a younger player base."
"Actual people, lots of people, to our websites."
"There's at least one character you'll find yourself connected to no matter who you are."
"If you're not enjoying it, the audience doesn't enjoy it."
"That's probably only because our first live stream there was literally no one watching, it was just us and like my parents."
"I am really blessed to have such an awesome audience thank you guys."
"I've always got great reviews and they played at festivals but somehow there's always a lack of box-office, there's a lack of number of people who seat at the time of release so people generally discover my films later."
"Stop insulting the male audience. You're not going to insult your way to box-office success."
"Can you truly cancel something that there's an audience for it? I don't think you can truly cancel people."
"I think there's a gap here where she hasn't considered her audience's feelings and I think that's important."
"Thank you for watching today, I appreciate you guys so much."
"Thank you to all of our viewers out there because we can't have the show without them right."
"They handed out surveys in the studio audience."
"I think great music finds the audience it needs."
"Our rationale was, on one hand, we can create content for the internet first, and then the people who will see it will be the people who will want us to come to their campus."
"Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate all of you."
"You've been a wonderful audience, thank you."
"Only the real ones are watching this till the end."
"You're the reason that I keep making these videos for you."
"I'm curious about the film because if you're into Charlie's Angels, you've got to have high-action elements as well."
"The most revered finales remind the audience of the parasocial relationship they developed with the series at the start."
"I feel like I didn't find my audience, my audience found me."
"Listen to your audience, learn to take constructive criticism, but also understand that not all criticism is constructive."
"There you go, there's your positivity. Look at them, they're loving it."
"You guys are awesome and I just really, really appreciate that."
"As long as people are watching... I really, really, really do appreciate it."
"That's why they're going after me now because they're like our audience will like an urban liberal New Yorker in the Bronx will watch Tim cast."
"It's nice being out here. It's really nice being in a different town and a different audience and different faces."
"People don't go to see the material, they go to see you."
"Developers will not be stupid enough to limit the audience on their games."
"It was definitely a bit of fun and I hope you enjoyed it."
"Blair Witch taught us what audiences really want."
"Thank you so much for watching and we hope we'll see you all again soon."
"Thank you guys for watching and staying with me."
"It's scary to want as many people as possible to enjoy your music."
"We're finally seeing our show the way our audience saw it."
"I do think it's funny. A lot of stuff I do is not for you."
"Just because they're intended for a younger audience demographic does not remove their validity in the space."
"If your team is underperforming, you might even see the crowd leaving early."
"You have more viewers and more audience than Verizon go90, which is crazy."
"The only thing that matters is my relationship with you guys, because that's powerful, it's incredible, and it's amazing and heartwarming."
"Enjoy the show. Hit the subscribe button and enjoy the show."
"Remember, we're not making stuff just because we like it. We want to make stuff that other people will like."
"The elites have no regard for what their audience or their fans or supporters feel and believe."
"Thanks for listening and watching. You're the best."
"Gene dresses up like a gorilla and the audience loves him!"
"Shout out to everybody listening. Y'all could have been anywhere in the world but you're here with me and I appreciate that."
"Thank you so much watching everybody I appreciate all of you so so so so so so much you've got no idea."
"Thanks for being here. Like, it is so nice having such a beautiful human being watching me speak right now. Thank you for being here."
"Thanks so much for watching, thanks for supporting."
"Toy Story 3 appropriately grew up with its audience."
"I wanna say thank you very much to every single person who's been tuning in."
"When you watch the Double or Nothing pre-show, you're gonna see a packed house."
"I always approach art like that. I'm gonna make what I want and I hope people will like it."
"I definitely do, 50% of the crowd is girls and women, so you're gonna have interest. And what do they have right now? They don't have anything right now. They don't have anything because it's gotten taken away from them."
"It's a bit gutting for some of the drivers but great for us as viewers."
"We have the best audience, yep, they're the best in the world."
"You guys better perspective of things, people will definitely want to see some gaming."
"If you act real on camera people will know it and people will get behind you."
"We really appreciate everything you guys do with watching our channel."
"Thank you all for watching at home and thank you all for being here."
"Hopefully other people out there will kind of find the same things that we find funny to be funny for them."
"I appreciate you guys, thank you all so much for watching."
"Be yourself. Grow your own audience. You don't need to follow the trends."
"You make it by appealing to an audience. Being yourself works if yourself is appealing."
"This crowd is electric, I'm having so much fun here."
"Playing in front of a crowd like this adds pressure no matter which side of it you're on."
"Offensive play is more attractive to the fans in every sport."
"Treat your audience like they're normal people just like you because they are."
"The repetition and the grind of doing that without fans... really changes it and makes it a more grueling experience for the demo team."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, you have been awesome."
"We see the rise of subscription media... independent media can work with a dedicated audience."
"There's something meaningful in the connection that you have with the audience."
"I appreciate every single one of you, thank you."
"It's like a shrek movie where there's stuff for the adults and stuff for the kids."
"It's a good geeky movie, it's a good fun geeky movie for the people that it's made to be for. You're gonna have a blast."
"Diddy said he's making music for the Strokers."
"I appreciate you all being here, thanks for all the support."
"You gotta stay true to your core audience. Branch out to be bigger but always stay true to your core."
"I have a lot of little kids who watch Invader Zim whenever they can find it on television."
"As your audience changes, things are going to change."
"There's not many industries on earth where we could stand on stage in front of 3.8 million people live around the world."
"Xenoblade Chronicles is a great game that deserves as wide an audience as possible."
"Seems like mother[ __] should be shutting the hell up and enjoy the show."
"It's about the audience... how do I want to make them feel?"
"There's a lot of people out there really liked it, that feels good."
"Thank you guys for watching, thank you guys listening, wherever it might be."
"This channel does attract a great and creative audience people who create music and create art and create scenes and poetry and it's it's so awesome."
"It reads to me like it reached a wider audience."
"The audience in this arena tonight gave me massive energy."
"The ultimate test of a performer is to be put in front of people that are unsure about you."
"The reboot at its core is attempting to please a much younger audience and the fact that it's already into its third season proves it's being successful in its own nature."
"Because with general audiences you can't afford to wait 50 minutes for the full ride to start."
"You are a great audience today. Thank you so much for showing the love and support."
"Thank you all so much for watching, and I look forward to seeing you again soon. Take care."
"Being an expert and delivering expertise to a large audience is way more valuable."