
Information Quality Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"Information is garbage everywhere; you can always use garbage information to find true knowledge though, knowledge gives you true experience."
"I'm all about data; I'm not into CNBC headlines and just summarizing crap. I want to give you the stuff that nobody else is giving you."
"You cannot have a healthy mind unless you consume healthy information."
"Generational wealth has a lot to do with high-quality information, not necessarily schooling."
"So the argument here is that information is imperfect, but it is still present and some information is better than no information."
"The information here is so much better than what you typically find in these sort of books."
"The amount of doctors who are participating in that game and giving really solid information is very encouraging."
"I am saying something far more serious than that we are being deprived of authentic information. I am saying we are losing our sense of what it means to be well informed. Ignorance is always correctable. But what shall we do if we take ignorance to be knowledge?"
"Quality over quantity, and accurate information over speculation."
"It's important to be conscientious about the information that we're consuming on the internet."
"The truth that you're being fed is important today because anything can be faked anything can be manufactured."
"False information is worse than no information."
"I'm very big on that, and I think our information is so good that what we charge for it is so cheap that you are crazy to not pay for it."
"I think there's a lot of good information in our conversation."
"Being aware of that helps to protect ourselves against it. Let's take our breath, let's take a second, let's look around, let's do some homework."
"The vast majority of people are not getting access to good information that is also really relevant to them."
"What matters is whether or not I gave you folks good info, and hopefully that resulted in you buying good games or avoiding bad games."
"The better approach briefly is information based... You are adding value rather than just kind of copying and throwing everything else up that everyone else already has."
"This was blatant misinformation that needed quelling."
"Information is knowledge, and the better and more objective that knowledge is, the greater the learning experience will be."
"People are getting affirmation instead of information."
"Better information leads to better decision making, which leads to a better world."
"One of the greatest issues that we will face is that nexus of misinformation and disinformation."
"The internet might become sort of an informational wasteland and people will just have to stop using it."
"Misinformation today... even includes true information if that information is inconvenient."
"It's not just about absorbing the information we receive but also questioning its origin, its motive, and its implications."
"Corporate news is trash, you should never pay attention to them."
"Access to high-quality information is important, not just to individual success, but the success of people and businesses all over the world."
"You gotta read, you gotta put out incredible accurate information."
"It's just there is a way to give good information without it seeming like you're padding the word count."
"It's so easy for false information to spread."
"My focus my intention is to cover the information to the absolute the best that I can."
"A reliable source is worth any amount of bilge provided by a dozen bad sources."
"We're replacing useful information with absolutely dog [__] yeah TikTok is just festered in my brain."
"If you don't engage with the people you love for good information, I think that is the single best way we can prevent the Town Square of Twitter from being turned into just a dollar machine for a billionaire."
"People want information, they want to know that it's honest, they want to know that it's accurate."
"A search for reliable information online is a search for reliable evidence."
"The quality of our evidence, like the quality of our information, affects the quality of our decisions."
"Believe me, there are times when if information is misleading, used to make bad decisions, and it can be worse than no information."
"We have to counter the misinformation and disinformation."
"You are what you consume and if your information diet is all pseudoscience and nonsense, well then that says a pretty dark thing about the sort of person you're going to grow up to be."
"Above all else, some news that tends to break earlier and be more reliable than most."
"You have to dig around. If you're watching the mainstream media, if you're reading their articles, you're not getting smarter, you're actually getting less informed."
"I love the Epic Times because it has renewed my faith in the idea that a reliable, responsible, non-biased source of information is available."
"You live in a time where it is easier than ever in our history to get good information."
"Unverified information can be very dangerous."
"The best way to combat bad information is good information."
"This is the kind of bias that Ground News uncovers."
"Be careful who you listen to for quality information."
"You're going to get some of the best commentary and the best information... you are going to be as well informed and as sober about all of this as is humanly possible that I guarantee you."
"The internet is so full of it... it's a great information out but a bad way to get a lot of bad information out."
"Ignorance is not just absence of information, it's the absence of right information."
"Data is important... real data is better than unsure information."
"Find what works, find good information, and use the best tools at your disposal to move forward and live the best life, knowing as many true things and as few false things as possible." - Eric
"When it comes to these relatively real-time updates just keep in mind that you're either getting speed or quality but not both."
"This platform is just way easier to read, full of real information, not full of sponsorships or advertising."
"There's a lot of misinformation out there, and it's the worst when it comes to misinformation."
"Our informational environment is a challenging, fluctuating, and messy one."
"Misinformation and disinformation are a potential accelerant to the erosion of social cohesion."
"There has never been this much good information online."
"The only defense against bad information is good true information."
"As marketers, we need to adapt and respond to the need for quality and reliable information."
"Access to high-quality information can have a profound impact."
"The counter to bad ideas and bad information is good ideas and better information."
"Books have a better incentive structure surrounding their information than YouTube does, so you're much more likely to get advice that works."
"The curation of the information itself and the incentives have to be put in a way that it promotes instead of siloing idea flow idea quality saturation of objective reality from subjective reality."
"One out of ten reports on that website might make you say wow."
"The news has shifted from information to propaganda."
"Our culture, our sense of belonging, and the quality of information will all suffer."
"Without regulation, misinformation will pollute the information ecosystem."
"The media is driven by confirmation bias... they're not here to inform you about the most pressing matters."
"People give way too much credit to the source of the information when the source of the information has very little impact on the quality of the information."
"Just because someone has some letters after their name it doesn't mean they know what they're talking about, doesn't mean that they're providing information."
"For the time being, often you'll get much better information out of a detailed reference book than you'll find on the internet."
"How would you have good information that's the whole point of this."
"The goal here is to get you the absolute best information in the space."
"In an age of hot takes and first impression opinions being more visible than ever, it's sometimes difficult to discern the views that come from experience and the views that don't."
"The information environment is going to be filled with crap."
"If you do not curate to the point where you're getting high quality, high fidelity information into your head and you're consuming the mental equivalent of junk food, well, how are you going to think differently than that in the future?"
"Every journalist should be a good fact checker and it's absolutely the responsibility of a publication to check the quality of the information it's putting out."
"It's not just a sort of elimination of bias, but it's also like how do you figure out what's good information and what's bad information."
"Sufficient refers to the quantity of information; appropriateness refers to the quality of the evidence."
"Managing stress as well as detailed information on you're taking away those anxieties fears with high quality information."
"Democracy cannot survive if we continue to condescend at that level where we don't give good information."
"Intentional information promises to improve the quality and depth of your life almost right away."
"You win by having better information, being able to make better decisions than your competitors."
"You spend your time watching something called Fox News and you end up statistically less informed than people who don't watch the news at all."
"Good documentation needs to fulfill the same needs that good communication does."
"A commission review... can generally be relied upon to provide very high quality information."
"Make sure you balance it with really good quality information and communicate your struggles and imperfections as well."
"Nobody expects the best information to be the cheapest, and nobody expects the cheapest information to be the best."
"Educate yourself; there is good quality information out there."
"There's intentional alignment... the driver behind all of these options is that we have better information."
"Good quality information is digital, searchable, accessible, accurate, and useful."
"You might be the smartest kid on this planet, but if you put garbage information in your brain, you're gonna make garbage decisions."
"If you commit 30 days of legitimate good information, you're going to be that much more trustworthy."
"A forecast is only as good as the information included in the past data."
"Information that faithfully represents an economic phenomenon is ideally complete, neutral, and free from error."
"The more high-quality information you provide, the better informed your customers will be while making purchasing decisions."
"Doing a great job, it's hard to find quality information like this."
"It's important that they be truthful, accurate, and reliable."
"I hope that the information I'm giving you is concise and helpful, informative."
"The more people get good information, the less they're likely to get bad information from these other Muppets."
"Not all information is good information."
"John, you have been one of my favorite starters ever. Your information has been second to none."
"High quality information really reduces the burden on the number of inquiries that have to be made to your customer support line."
"It's all about being credible and believable; the information you've got feels like it could be real."
"There's no such thing as bad information; there's information that's wrong, but even when you get wrong information, if you can identify it as wrong, that's good. You've learned something."
"Our success or failure in life is determined by the quality of information we have."