
Miracles Quotes

There are 5944 quotes

"Sun Trine Jupiter... brings about blessings and miracles to all of the zodiac signs."
"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."
"Every moment of relief along the way is a miracle. The more we add up those moments of relief, the more we live a miraculous life."
"When I act on these loving thoughts, miraculous things happen in my life."
"Love without action is meaningless and action without love is irrelevant. But love in action can create miracles."
"This book says wait. This book says the posture of perseverance... is the door to a miracle."
"This whole new magical reset where miracles begin to happen."
"Do not invite rich people to your house for dinner; you will be repaid by their inviting you to their house for dinner. Invite poor people to your house for dinner; they cannot repay you, so the universe must repay you. When the universe repays you, expect a miracle."
"I believe you are my only source of miracles and breakthroughs."
"Life with Jesus is fun. Jesus was turning water into wine."
"When you set up the disciplines that give your life structure, miracles can happen."
"Miracles happen when a herd of buffalo appeared and came to rescue his friend from two adult lions."
"Expect miracles. Remember that only love is real. Miracles will occur naturally; spirit has your back."
"The miracles of God seemed to be instances of God showing love in a truly dramatic way."
"You are safe; angels stand close. Surrender your concerns and allow a miracle to occur."
"I am the essence of miracles. I embody complete healing now and every moment forward."
"When you pray for other people, you create miracles. You can move mountains."
"If you have faith as a mustard seed, you'll say to this mountain, move from here to there, and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you."
"You are instrumental in helping another person change the course of their life. Miracles, inspiration, and healing result."
"Divine intervention: This year, God will be sending you miracles to answer your prayers."
"Miracles happened because Jesus had the spiritual understanding that gave him greater power in prayer than anyone else before or since."
"Jesus performed miracles, wonders, and signs as a man in right relationship to God, not as God."
"Jesus healed at His will, even people they didn't have faith to be healed."
"What God has done has been miraculous, but God stands ready to do exceedingly and abundantly more."
"Life continues to amaze me with fantastic miracles."
"Jesus demonstrates incredible power in both of these miracles."
"You know you live in a realm of miracles, right?"
"Action combined with belief equals miracles."
"We're like all of a sudden, miracles happen when we follow our gut."
"Miracles happen when we step into the unknown."
"We've seen the blind see, the deaf hear, people get up out of wheelchairs and walk."
"When Heaven invades Earth, whenever God is going to do a miracle, he suspends time or he turns it back, or he supernaturally accelerates it forward."
"Father God, I thank you because today we can pray and we can believe you, God, for deliverance, for miracles, for breakthroughs."
"You're going to be quite magnetic to people... magnetic to miracles."
"The baptism of the Holy Spirit... power was for the miracle but it was also for the endurance until the miracle came."
"Faith not only brings you into the realm of God, faith brings you into the realm of miracles."
"Feeling the reality of the state sought and living and acting on that conviction is the way of all seeming miracles."
"We are a magnificent force as humanity when we come together in love, not knowing the other people who are joining... but we focus our attention, intention, love, and healing on particular individuals, and we create miracles."
"To believe in miracles is to believe there is more to life than meets the eye."
"Miracles will happen, baby, I think that is the universe letting you know that they have your back."
"Miracles have faith that your miracle is on its way."
"There's no hierarchy of illusions. What an adventure we're on. Can you imagine? There's no order of difficulty in miracles."
"I just figure somebody who can predict their own death and resurrection and pull it off, I just go with whatever that person says."
"Watch for miracles, and watch miraculous. Jesus loves you and try to build a Little Bit of Heaven on Earth today."
"The world is a beautiful place, and you're still here, so watch for miracles."
"Believe in the possibility of miracles, even if you're not inclined towards religious beliefs."
"Align yourself with your destiny and with spirit's will; this is when miracles start to appear."
"The Holy Spirit say, 'For many people listening, the miracle is in your hand, not in your future.'"
"When you call on the name of Jesus, miracles can happen."
"The word miracle comes from the word to look or to see, to wonder at."
"A miracle is our way to identify who the covenantal God is."
"Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love."
"The greatest miracle is not healing and it's not even deliverance. The greatest miracle is salvation."
"Almighty God, who has manifested the power of Saint Sharbel's intercession through his countless miracles and favors."
"He became known as a wonder worker... he worked a lot of miracles and wonders with not just Christians but united Christians and Muslims."
"The reality is this: not only can we walk in miracles daily, but it was our inheritance that we do."
"It's not about to happen. It's already happening right now."
"It's the attitude of expectation that creates the atmosphere for miracles."
"It's going to take Jesus in your marriage and Jesus in your family for you to see a miracle take place in your life."
"They knew something because I have a book that tells me they prayed for people that couldn't walk, and they could start walking, that people that were blind and they could see."
"His passion is, he says anything God has given him, God has already given you, and his passion is to see you operate in miracles, but not for the miracles!"
"Just having a tiny amount of faith is very, very powerful and can manifest miracles in your life."
"When we venture out into the deep, risky place of faith with Him, He can do a miracle in the very place, in the very environment, where it seems to us today that a miracle can never be done."
"It is in fateful moments that miracles are born."
"You never know, um, comebacks do happen, but he's gonna need more than a comeback; he's gonna need a f***ing miracle."
"If you have faith... you will not only do what was done to the fig tree but even if you say to this mountain, be taken up and thrown into the sea, it will happen."
"Miraculous changes and miraculous transformation."
"There's something about you doing a physical act of obedience that brings spiritual release, favor, and blessing. Look out, miracles will come, favor will come, blessing will come."
"The God of Elijah is a God that performs astounding miracles."
"You are a God of miracles, the God of the impossible."
"Tonight, we are praying specifically for miracles, for healing, for financial breakthroughs, for marriage restoration, and for creative miracles."
"People often say, 'I have never seen a miracle before.' The fact is, you see miracles every day; you just can't identify it."
"Most miracles are connected to a point of obedience."
"Miracles always begin with the recognition of what you have."
"Unbelief blocks our ability to see miracles, whereas a mindset of faith in the Savior unlocks the powers of heaven."
"The biggest gifts and biggest surprises and biggest miracles... hinge on us hearing a word and having faith enough to step out on the journey."
"I get so excited when I see a miracle because the person behind the miracle is a way to God."
"It was nothing short of a miracle, a terraforming module capable of producing life from complete lifelessness."
"The atmosphere for miracles is an attitude of expectancy."
"I believe you for miracles, deliverance, healing, restoration, renewal, transformation, change."
"The challenge stories like this, they seem impossible, they seem like miracles, but they happen."
"Your faith plus expectation equals miracles."
"Someone with a broken ankle, that ankle just miraculously mended right in the name of Jesus."
"We have faith in God, we have faith in people, and we have faith for miracles."
"Miracles are possible and you may not describe these things as miracles, but you're gonna start to see a lot of synchronicity in your life."
"The miraculous is found in the big things, these festivals, something large, a big creation or achievement; these things are actually created from many, many small moments done with love."
"Trust in the unseen to make miracles happen."
"God respects the nature that He gave us, and He gives us reasonable proofs like Vatican I taught, that He confirms His word with miracles, with signs, with prophecies."
"Only God can perform a true miracle as defined by the mystics."
"Love expresses faith even before the miracle occurs."
"If God is real, God is still working miracles."
"A miracle is a supernatural intervention that serves as a sign of God's revelation."
"Miracles can move people into believing in God."
"You have that opportunity which allows you to manifest miracles."
"If there didn't have uniform laws of nature, we wouldn't have any way the word miracle actually comes from a Greek word that means 'sign'."
"Believers lay hands on the sick, cast out devils, raise the dead, preach the gospel."
"Miracles don't happen to us; they happen by means of us."
"A miracle is a series of natural events occurring in the right sequence and at the right time to produce wonderful results."
"Whenever a miracle occurs, there has been a change in our belief, a change in consciousness, a change in the way we think about ourselves and the universe we inhabit."
"If you want to make miracles in your life, you will probably have to make some changes."
"It's amazing how miracles decline as the ability to record them increases."
"There are miracles in your mouth waiting to be released."
"I've always been looking for something to make me feel, and witnessing a miracle in the rooms of recovery is what does it for me."
"I understand now that the source of a miracle will be unexpected, so I shouldn't try to figure it out. I should just trust."
"Before you act, set the right intentions and create from positivity. Miracles will manifest in a life built on purpose."
"I believe in a God who performs miracles, not just physical miracles where you see a disease disappear or the Red Sea part ways, but I'm talking about miracles in a home where there once was a spirit of unforgiveness, pain, and hurt."
"C.S. Lewis believed that miracles are acts of God and therefore entirely possible if there is a God to take action."
"If you assume that God doesn't exist, then miracles are impossible, of course. But if God does exist, then there's the possibility that miracles could have occurred."
"Sometimes what appear to be coincidences can actually be miraculous."
"The death can hear it, the blind can see it, the lame can walk it, the numb can feel it."
"Give the situation to God for uplifting and healing and be open to miracles."
"Did you know that when you stop fighting and accept everything exactly as it is right now, miracles start to happen?"
"Sometimes you can be living in the midst of a miracle and not even realize it."
"Through the agency of spiritualism, miracles will be wrought, the sick will be healed, and many undeniable wonders will be performed."
"In Jesus, I have a God who performs miracles, a God who can make a way where there seems to be no way."
"We are not precluding the possibility of miracles; we are observing that the universe appears to be naturalistic until evidence proves otherwise."
"Why doesn't God perform more miracles? He does, sometimes."
"Once upon a time, boy, he was lighting wet wood on fire in front of everybody. Yeah, pillar cloud by day, pillar fire by night, manna from heaven, and now it's, 'God help me find my keys.'"
"You are safe. Angels stand close to you. Surround your concerns and allow a miracle to happen."
"Miracles happen. Give the universe your clear intentions."
"Miracles happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fears."
"We have a cerebral gospel... but show a Jewish person one miracle, and it settles the argument."
"Miracles have faith that your miracle is on its way. Your prayers have been answered, surrender the how."
"No man can do these miracles...except God be with him."
"I'm not the one who does the miracles anyway... Jesus does the miracles."
"The Bible says these signs will follow them that believe: they will cast out demons."
"Miracles are inevitable for people like that, don't you think?"
"Future maybe for people like that, miracles are inevitable."
"I actually feel like right now I hope that I'm more open to miracles now because I never have been."
"There are momentous miracles that are about to take place in some of the most impossible situations."
"There are momentous miracles in the demonstration of His faithfulness."
"God, I just want your glory to rest so heavily on my life that it becomes evident that you still perform miracles."
"Miracles are coming... Just let yourself believe something really good is coming your way soon."
"When grateful to serve, you align yourself with prosperity consciousness and a higher consciousness. You can expect miracles. Everything you need will come to you easily."
"Miracles are at work, and this is a time for peace, clarity, and a lot of success."
"You got to believe in miracles, and I think this holiday season reminds us of that."
"Miracles happen all the time. Open your mind to miracles, and you will start experiencing miraculous coincidences in your life."
"Every seed is a miniature miracle. God has programmed the tiny sequoia seed to become the largest tree on earth."
"Never lose hope because miracles happen every single day."
"You are the saint of miracles, O gentle and loving Saint Anthony, whose heart was ever full of human sympathy."
"God specializes in the impossible. Faith is for the impossible."
"With men, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible."
"Even when you're not even looking for a miracle, I'm so glad that a miracle will look for you."
"This past year, I learned the power of prayer...it was like, this is what a miracle is. It's not Mary appearing on a piece of toast; it's something that you can't explain happening as a result of simple faith."
"Everything of course in miracles points to right because those are really like timeless spiritual truths."
"I tell you the truth anyone who believes in me will do the same miracles I have done and even greater miracles because I am going to be with the father."
"Persecution often leads to amazing miracles in the church."
"He took him by the hand and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength."
"The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle."
"We finally got Eden Hazard with the dribbling and shooting stats he deserves."
"We're called through A Course in Miracles to be miracle workers."
"We love to have the family around, you know. The more we're around, the bigger the faith, the bigger the miracle. If we all come together in one mind, one heart, and one spirit, we can have that Book of Acts experience."
"Medical miracles: unexpected recoveries despite dire prognoses, often with religious connotations."
"Express appreciation for the miracle you're experiencing."
"Miracles... what more do I have to do to prove I got them?"
"Miracles are God's Way of making provision for his people."
"Miracles are God's Way of proving his power."
"Miracles are God's way of accomplishing his agenda."
"A story about calamity, identity, and miracles coalescing within a singular flow."
"Miracles are more about assignments than abilities."
"She's performed a miracle. It's a Christmas miracle."
"It is going to take a god-like miracle... this is my line."
"Certainly the miraculous is something that doesn’t normally occur."
"Embrace each day as an opportunity to witness my miracles unfold in your life."
"The miracle is not that electrons behave oddly. The miracle is that when you take 10 to the 27 electrons, they behave like cheese. That's the miracle."
"Some people are not going to be convinced even if they saw a miracle right in front of them."
"Love at first sight is nothing special. It is when two people have been looking at each other for years that it becomes a miracle."
"We expect miracles, genuine biblical miracles to occur."
"By small means the Lord can bring about great things."
"Miracles happen every day, just focus on your own positive energy."
"Out of this, we can create even more miracles, but we've got to stay in this moment with awakening awareness, with gratitude, with love."
"Everybody gets so testy when you say, 'That wasn't a miracle.'"
"Miracles abound, and we're always in that space."
"And who knows, sometimes miracles can happen."
"Faith sees the invisible, believes the unbelievable, and receives the impossible."
"God's miracles usually involve perfect timing."
"It's probably going to end up being miraculous."
"Life is miraculous... if I do that, it's there later, it's higher than me deciding what it all should be."
"If I will do the difficult, God will do the impossible."
"Every thought of love we co create a miracle."
"According to the interaction theory, parallel universes overlap and influence our reality, resulting in strange occurrences and miracles."
"You can live your life as though nothing is a miracle or you can live your life as though everything is a miracle."
"Miracles happen, and at that point where everything seems impossible, there's an atom of possibility."
"We're standing in the middle of a miracle, and many times we're in the middle of a miracle and we sometimes don't see it."
"God wants to do miracles for you. And if he can just get you to change your mind and do whatever it is he's telling you to do, heaven opens and miracles will be yours."
"You guys are definitely on the right path and a miracle's on the way."
"Prosperity: your future is very bright, but it could be halted by fear projected onto you."
"Roy Keane made me believe in miracles." - An XP
"Miracles are not rare, the truth is, miracles are the natural order of things."
"You can't listen to every sign, or you're running miracles."
"Prayer really can move mountains; reach out to the Divine with your heart's concerns."
"Miracles are possible, and it's through your intention, it's through your directed focus, this magic wand that you have to create a miraculous kind of turnaround."
"Miracles are the only thing that can happen whenever you meet God's conditions."
"May you walk in His divine assurance that the miracle is on its way."
"I pray for wisdom and God I pray that you would shock people that they would go to sleep in one situation and wake up seeing the miracles of God coming to pass in their life."
"When we see a miracle, it is rare that we perceive it as such. Our past is a history of lies of this kind, miracles of man explained by recourse to God and miracles of God explained through the fears of man." - Omar Ibn Rashid
"Miracles upon Miracles upon Miracles will come into your life."
"32,000 of those great achievements... basically a miracle in a country such as ours."
"Joy blessings Miracles and breakthroughs are my portion in Jesus name."
"Approach your tasks with resolve and steadfast belief. Miracles and marvels you can scarcely fathom await. Your faith is crucial for turning the unattainable into reality."