
Self-value Quotes

There are 675 quotes

"Your body is the most expensive real estate you own."
"Your dreams deserve 30 seconds, don't you think?"
"Never apologize for being a blessing to someone."
"If you don't see value in this relationship and what it might offer you, then you can also let it go and honour your deeper values and live a life that is more fruitful and fulfilling."
"The magic of just being sure of what you bring to the table."
"The moment that you realize you have to value this energy within you above everything else, that's when you understand your duty."
"Knowing that you have value and treating yourself with that value."
"It is entirely possible for you to find community and safety and support and, you know, the world can be filled with people, or your world anyways, can be filled with people who do have your best interests at heart and who value you for exactly who you are."
"We have to protect our own boundaries and value ourselves and our limits enough to respect our boundaries for ourselves."
"Confidence for me is this belief in oneself, knowing your value, your worth."
"Train yourself to be peaceful in that place and whether you feel value or you don't feel value, underneath you will be tranquil."
"The most valuable asset at this point is my time. That's what I care about."
"The gift is sitting right fucking here; it's me."
"My life is a treasure, and I must treasure it, because there are people who count on me."
"I feel so whole and I feel so overflowing with love and value."
"A high-value woman... high value starts on the inside with character, morals, and ethics."
"If you don't value your time, money, effort, and energy, and you squander it on people that don't appreciate it, then you're not able to invest that same energy elsewhere."
"Acknowledging your own value comes easier when it's reflected back to you by someone who genuinely cares."
"You as a person, that is the biggest asset that you have. So always invest into that."
"Confidence signals to us that the other person values themselves and therefore we value them higher as well."
"Persuade yourself that you as a human are the most valuable product."
"As always, know that you're valuable, know that you matter, take care of yourselves."
"You need to find the worth in yourself and how that works into the world that you can create anything you want in this life."
"I'm bigger than my job, and I'm bigger than my circumstances."
"It's a turn-off for both men and women when a potential lover speaks, thinks, and acts in ways that communicate that they place a higher value on seeking your approval than staying congruent with who they really are."
"I'm a once in a generation artist... who just got verified on Twitter about what, nine days ago? I'm glad you feel good that a robot told you you're worth it."
"The most important part of our relationship for me was Hannah helping me see myself as valuable."
"You have to value yourself first. Confidence comes from within, and if you are confident and if you value yourself, then you can find a healthy and productive partner."
"Every individual has something to offer; there is a treasure in the heart of every man and woman."
"That's the way it should be, though. You should value being single, 'cause then you know what choice you've made."
"You are a lot more attractive than you even think, and you stayed in toxic relationships not realizing how valuable you were."
"We're more interested in your empowerment than trying to look up to us or value us in some way."
"You have something unique to offer because of you, because of your unique life experience."
"What is different about you is actually what's going to make you valuable and special."
"A guy's biggest weapon in today's dating market is the abundance mindset."
"You need to know that your life is never worth deleting over women."
"Knowing your worth as a creator is like a whole piece of the puzzle."
"Rejection is divine redirection that teaches you to value your greatness."
"You're seriously sitting on a goldmine here that could change your life and this goldmine is your own personality and true nature."
"Your own life is your most precious possession."
"You need to take yourself seriously, realize your worth, and realize that everything to do with you is all an investment into your future."
"If you can communicate the perfection of tawheed, the oneness of God, and say, 'This is my salvation.'"
"What I require for myself is phenomenal confidence."
"The drawn out erosion of what makes you who you are. It's the chipping away of what makes you spectacular."
"I made this promise to myself and I said... I will always love you and value you."
"What am I worth? When you look at what you're worth, you always need to go back to really what's your time worth."
"You're beating the competition because there's something about you and your gifts and your energy that no one else can compare, no one can replace you, no one can do it the way you do."
"A rich man is not the prize. Even an independent woman securing the bag is not the prize. You are the prize. I am the prize."
"It's really tough when you play so much of your value in somebody else's hands."
"Healing involves recognizing one's inherent value and setting boundaries to break the cycle of abuse."
"A guy who is searching will never need you to go extra."
"It's insane how much value I add to the conversation."
"You are turning yourself into gold, into beauty, into a metal that spirit says doesn't age, doesn't lose its luster."
"Passionate about something, showing that your life is of value to yourself."
"Believe in yourself, see your worth, and go forward with that."
"You cannot expect more out of people if you don't know your worth or your value."
"You have to value you, you have to value what it is that you're bringing forth, and then and only then will people return the same energy."
"The reason he even wanted to be in a relationship with you is because there was something good in you."
"You must find the man worthy of you, but you have to first understand your own value."
"I feel like this generation, guys need to start valuing themselves more."
"Sometimes it ain't about the money somebody got, sometimes it could be a gift you got inside you that they don't got."
"Once you learn the value of alone time, you are so insanely powerful."
"Hold yourself as a prize and don't let anybody else affect you of this."
"Defense, my family calls it my superpower. It's my ability to see value in things that other people might overlook."
"My value is not based on what I look like but for who I am and what I do."
"What I know for sure is it don't matter where you come from."
"You are a unique, unrepeatable miracle. No one can do you better than you."
"Your authenticity is one of your greatest assets."
"I'm telling you right now, you matter and don't ever forget that."
"You are your best asset. Jump into the next chapter with confidence."
"This person sees you as somebody so valuable."
"Your beingness is the royalty of your majestic soul."
"You are not any of that. You are so much more."
"You're not only valued based on what you do for other people, you're worthy of love."
"I wasn't worth a plug nickel when I got to uh Baltimore."
"What do you place the number-one value on? My ability to help other people. Okay, so you hold God, by your definition, you worship yourself by your definition."
"We have to stop seeing ourselves as replaceable."
"Don't cheat yourself out of a chance for a great relationship."
"You're more than a body, you're spirit and your soul."
"She is the table. What she brings without bringing any tangible value should be enough for you."
"Don't give people the satisfaction of you chasing them."
"Go create value in yourself. Make yourself a 10. Start with creating real value, worth, and potential in yourself."
"You can't attract happy people who add value to your life without being happy first."
"You are somebody that would be everybody's ideal, but some people just don't know how to treat you."
"You are a prize to anybody, but you're more than that."
"By giving faith all the credit, you manifest value in yourself."
"When they can't do what you do, they hate. I walk in every room with that world perception, I can walk up in the church and know that I'm a blessing."
"It's all nuanced, and I don't have all the answers, but your mental health is important and you are important."
"Start valuing yourself, those feelings of yours can transform into something better in the future."
"Know your self-value and what you're supposed to get."
"It's just a matter of taking a little piece at a time... a sprinkle of a little bit more patience... a dash of some self-value."
"It's hard to be different out here. Everybody's the same... but you also need to realize how powerful and how special you as an individual are."
"I am better than the 18th overall pick, I am a world champion."
"Don't forget your value, your worth, and you're amazing."
"You are an angel of Light and you deserve to be loved and respected."
"What are you worth?...Allow that to be your only definition of self."
"Honor means to be seen for who you truly are and to be rewarded to match the true worth of your person."
"Just change the subject immediately; it makes you project higher value."
"I feel like a high-value woman prioritizes self-care."
"You gotta treat yourself like you are Sony and Microsoft."
"Value our own inner value is based on self-acceptance."
"Your soul sees the healing, the growth, the expansion."
"Only give your attention and energy to people who value and appreciate it and remove your attention from those who don't."
"Your time is more valuable than that dinner she thinks is valuable."
"Learn to love yourself and find the value in yourself and respect for yourself."
"You're worth more than just a body to sit beside."
"If you're not sure of your own value and goals, the world will never reward you."
"I'm the star of Driving with Goldbridge, I ain't paying people thousands of pounds to sit in a car and be driven up by me."
"My appearance is the least interesting thing about me... I have so much value, so many amazing personality traits."
"A high value woman embraces her femininity - intuitive, nurturing, creative, and empathetic."
"Feeling like you belong means you have something to offer."
"When you don't have self-worth or self-value, it's impossible to know what your potential is."
"You're not an option baby, you're the main course. Don't forget it."
"What is something you would never change about yourself... my resilience."
"Your value isn't in the bank account, it lies within yourself."
"A lioness is a lot of woman, she's rather a luxury item, not available in a Bargain Basement."
"There's something very special about who you are."
"Respect yourself, let actions show your value."
"Don't always be available; they'll chase you if you stay busy."
"Don't worry too much about stupid boys. There's so much more to life than being someone else's girlfriend or boyfriend or other half."
"I refuse to let anybody put a value on me but me. I know my value, I know my worth."
"High value men are rare. Beautiful women are common."
"A wealth of the soul, a wealth of the spirit, a wealth of the self."
"It's like, why don't you value your own opinion as much? Like, why do you trust some random stranger's opinion over your own?"
"You've got to value your house in order to maintain it. Oh God, my heart is free. Do you understand what I'm saying? That's right."
"Never underpriced yourself. This is one of my biggest lessons. First of all, people are not nice if they know what you're doing and if they know that you don't know what you're doing, they will take advantage of you."
"When you put a price on yourself and your worth, it shows... you're serious about your goals and your manifestations."
"Why spend your own money when you are your own investment?"
"You have to showcase that you feel worthy, you feel that you can attract great things in your life."
"There's nothing more threatening yet arousing for women than a man who understands his own value."
"Realize what you truly deserve in a relationship."
"Focus on the ease with which you can manifest the value that you are worth."
"You need to value your talent and your strengths and know that you could do this in other places."
"You guys are the prize at the end of the day."
"Chaser had become a worldwide sensation for having learned over a thousand words."
"You're worth so much more than whatever you're getting paid."
"Don't let the price beat you down. Stay true to yourself, stay true to convictions."
"If you keep pursuing and keep callin', she's losing respect for you because you don't value your time."
"One of the best quotes that I've ever heard was my prices aren't based on what you can afford, it's based on what I'm worth."
"If you're not happy and you feel like you're always compromising... you start to value yourself."
"They should be blessed that I'm into them because I don't, yeah, I lived a crazy life."
"Where are you diminishing the best of who you are to cover up for the worst of who someone else is?"
"I think knowing your worth is everything. It is so valuable."
"Your intelligence is like your biggest strength."
"Be the prize. Mental point of origin. Put yourself first with every decision that you make."
"Realize that you are the prize. Be the freaking prize."
"Wow, the gift that keeps on giving, that's me."
"Just a reminder, don't quit on you today, you're too valuable for that."
"Your mind is your best tool, your most prized possession for creation."
"Our integrity sells for so little, but it's all we really have. It is the very last inch of us, and within that inch, we are free."
"You're literally one of a kind, you're unique and special."
"If somebody doesn't see your worth, that's not on you, that's on them."
"You need balance... make yourself the prize."
"This is economics. Like so, we control economics and it's time for us to take more control of our own destiny and really understand our value and start asserting it."
"You're selling yourself short, B. I just think you shouldn't... you know."
"You have a lot to offer. If you're not getting it where you're at, there's somewhere else that you can get that."
"You also gotta be aware of your value because if you are not, you will assume things are bigger than you when you've been built for them."
"Believe in yourself, be confident in yourself, know your value and your worth, and stand your ground."
"Nobody is better than you, appreciate doctor."
"Value is not dependent on the way people treat you. I treat LA like dog [__] — it doesn't mean it has no value."
"You've helped them see themselves more and value themselves more."
"Don't underestimate your power or your contributions, you are part of something bigger."
"When you are being the most authentic version of you, when you are in your own frame, when you are being yourself, that is the most value you're gonna add out into the world."
"I'm the prize because there's more expected from me."
"Valuing yourself and doing what you're doing is the best thing you can do."
"I did everything I could to hide, but what people used to tear me down about was actually a superpower."
"Being real, authentic is the most important and valuable thing you do for yourself."
"You've got to let her own her mistakes but make sure she doesn't fall into the trap of devaluing her successes too."
"You become money by creating and making yourself more valuable."
"Looking fashionable is just the beginning. What's important is how you are inside."
"Don't sell yourself short, accept more, ask for more."
"Never work for free, bro. If he bought your [expletive], he can buy other [expletive]."
"You are only worth as much as you're willing to tolerate."
"Remember, once you know your worth, it's up to you to set your own price in this life."
"You're really going to start seeing your worth."
"Don't lose the best parts of you because people don't recognize it."
"And I feel the person going to chase you, you don't have to chase after them."
"I know my value, I know who I am." - Muhammad Ali
"What would it take for me to make money being me?"
"You don't even need to explain it. You can just say, 'Love, I would love to work with you, but it's gonna cost you $3,000.'"
"Realize your value and your worth. There's no tricks here."
"You should not be chasing people who are not interested in you."
"If you value yourself, oppression doesn't work so well."
"Recognize that you are a gift when it comes to love."
"Know your value, focus on your value, focus on yourself."
"Your unique self, who you are, your authentic self, is actually the most valuable asset that you'll ever have."
"You don't have to prove someone understands your value, either they do or they don't."
"You have a unique set of skills that makes you special and puts you apart from everybody else."
"My value is not in what I do, my value is in who I am."
"You are infinitely more powerful and valuable when you operate from a place of authenticity."
"Don't put down your value because when you get imposters you think, 'Ah, what I do or say or bring to the table is insignificant.' And my brother, it's not true."
"If you can learn how to operate at these higher levels of emotions, you become a high-value person."
"Esau is the one that brings all of the war, all of the chaos, all of the destruction to the Earth. But the Most High got something for that."
"Your price is an indication of your own internal estimation of your value and self-love."
"There's a wild and impetuous uniqueness to you that deserves to be honored."
"Once you realize that you have an enormous amount of value, then the world doesn't seem all that necessary."
"There is nothing more valuable than spending time by yourself."
"Feminist movement... normalizing sex work... we should be encouraging women to value themselves."
"You are the most valuable person to yourself."
"Start treating yourself like you are a miracle because you are."