
Humanitarianism Quotes

There are 750 quotes

"Refugees... it was something that was so important to her that she had basically dedicated her core adult years to learning how to take care of refugees."
"I don't like seeing the loss of innocent life in any conflict."
"The fact that we can't solve every problem for every person in the world does not harden my heart to being able to do what we can."
"Standing on the side of justice, ending impunity, and working to stop mass killing in a genocide is very much part of our national interests."
"Aquarians are rebels with a cause, fighting for humanitarian causes."
"Humanitarian issues should not be politicized."
"The violet door, the ability to trust life, your values, ethics and courage, humanitarianism, selflessness, faith, inspiration, spirituality."
"We all want to serve humanity, we all know that we're on this planet for a reason."
"We cannot overemphasize the urgent call: Civilians and civilian infrastructure must be protected."
"We are not at war. Sailors do not need to die." - Bret Crozier, former captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt.
"It's not a recreational thing; it actually has a deep humanitarian purpose of really inspiring the world."
"It's not that I support Ukraine, it's that I support humanitarianism."
"World Central Kitchen...goes to where disasters are and feed people."
"Bitcoin is fundamentally a humanitarian movement exposing the greatest con in human history: central banking."
"I do believe that we should serve being as if it's valuable and we should speak the truth, we should try to love one another and love everything to the degree that that's possible."
"We fight against Islam not for the sake of protecting the West; we say we fight against Islam because we care for Muslims, and they are the main victims of Islam."
"When is humanitarian intervention justified? Not based on dollars and cents or based purely on self-defense concerns."
"You are here to change the world, to be a true humanitarian and a true leader."
"I'm a seeker of Truth and I care about Humanity and I care about the environment and I care about the general overall state of the people and the community and the world around me."
"Protecting civilians, getting people the assistance they need. That has to be job number one."
"When you save one life, you save the whole world."
"20 million people are starving. Whatever their politics, they shall be fed."
"Humanitarianism means a type of philosophy or idea that puts humanity first."
"Facing things that we misunderstand, that we don't have a clear grasp on, and getting to know them, develops within us a more charitable, humanitarian outlook, especially with some concern for people who are suffering."
"The first order of business is to save lives. Period. Whatever it costs."
"Doesn't that result in a moral obligation to deliver the possibility of having such a life to as many human beings as we can possibly arrange?"
"This administration's belief is that we can get our message across with a more humane policy by opening up avenues of legal migration which will encourage people to take those."
"It's about the need for humanity and working for a brighter, better future together."
"America is among the best hope for humanity."
"Would we like to be a country where people who have just had the worst imaginable luck in life could find refuge and shelter? Yes."
"In that spirit, we should not allow U.S. sanctions to add to the burden of Cuban citizens that we seek to help."
"War is the single worst thing that can happen to humanity."
"This is humanity at its best, coming together for worthy projects."
"I just want the same for everyone in the world now as well."
"The question is not 'is there a god?' The question is 'is there suffering?' Yes, there is suffering, and what can we do about suffering? We can help one another and we can love one another."
"I think everyone should have free clean water."
"We could supply Ukraine with enough to win this war way more quickly and end the human suffering."
"No matter the video, go out there in the world, love and care for one another."
"Audrey Hepburn, a British actress, humanitarian, and fashion icon, left an indelible mark on the world with her grace, elegance, and captivating performances."
"That's the message we need: compassion and peace."
"Victory is being able to save as many lives as possible."
"God bless Princess Diana for showing the world that you can touch someone with AIDS without fear of catching it."
"We want everyone in the world to have access to clean water and to the basic standards of living that humans have to make life better."
"She had the most incredible level of compassion, and she was not afraid of illness or sickness or death."
"Our nation has a proud history as a safe haven for desperate souls."
"You are also the zodiac's humanitarian and fight for what you think is right."
"Let's stop the war so that there will not be more refugees."
"Our values are Humanity, mercy, and compassion."
"The nations of the world have long recognized that certain weapons are so dangerous, and can inflict so much suffering, that all of us have a vital interest in preventing their further development, spread, and use."
"There has to be a safe route to resettlement for Ukrainian families."
"In her humanitarian efforts, Diana was working with at least a hundred different charities. Diana's charity work made her even more loved by the people."
"We all have to be better humanitarians and more focused on peace and prosperity."
"We are superhuman, we have the ability to bring love to the collective and change the global presence."
"Helping children and civilians harmed by the horrors of war should be uncontroversial no matter who the two sides are."
"I want us always to be moving towards that goal of a more pluralistic, more Humane world."
"Be ashamed to die until you've won some victories for humanity." - Horace Mann
"Skepticism is my nature, free thought is my methodology, agnosticism is my conclusion, atheism is my opinion, and humanitarianism is my motivation."
"There's just no good reason to kill non-combatants indiscriminately."
"A fundamentally positive, good thing for all of humanity."
"I just hope we take the path that the least amount of people die."
"Avoid needless destruction and most of all avoid needless loss of life."
"The last thing that people in Ukraine need is war."
"If you care about Ukrainians, we have to get to peace rather than more and more weapons."
"Someone who believed in giving humanity a chance."
"If you support that raid that is putting children in shelters, you are not a fully paid-up member of the human race."
"I don't think there's a country with a bigger heart when it comes to taking people in."
"Human compassion transcends all political labels. My goal is to elevate humanity."
"The first essential component of social justice is adequate food for all mankind."
"Surely, bringing food to the starving masses, bringing crops to barren areas of the world, and averting famine, death, and disease is a lofty ambition… isn't it?"
"Saving one innocent life is like saving the life of all humanity."
"Aquarian energy is also associated with humanitarianism. It has to do with the collective, it has to do with how we work together."
"I think we did a really good thing for humanity. This is only a step in the right direction."
"We really care about the future of where humanity goes, and that's the driving force behind why we really try to make sure we can preserve this legacy of the past."
"Hopefully civilian casualties are minimized as much as possible. Just try to tone down how crazy people are being."
"This is about the values of democracy at stake. This is humanity. Let's make the right decision."
"I'd get rid of every one of these politicians if I could."
"Elon Musk has a great plan for humanity and has technological information and designs that can serve the greater good."
"Our job as human beings, as creation, is to show care and to attempt to alleviate suffering."
"Generativity is about contributing to humanity and making life easier for upcoming generations."
"The 22-year-old shot his shot after discussing the team's performance."
"We must stop now. I speak as a child of God and brother to the suffering poor. This madness must cease."
"People of the world have reached down and offered to help you."
"Make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race."
"Humanitarian supplies being used as a weapon of war cannot be justified."
"Impact Humanity together, a partnership beyond superficial connections."
"It is immoral. There are children out there, there are people who have nowhere to go. We need to help people."
"Humanity is what changes this world; humanity's at the top."
"Asylum is at the heart of who we are as a people."
"At the end of the day, it's all about trying to save lives."
"Humanity first, we've forgotten to take care of the poor."
"We can be humanitarian and we can care about human lives."
"It's not enough to give people what they need to survive; you have to give them what they need to live."
"The longer you sustain that regime to help them stay in power, the more suffering you're creating for the Chinese people."
"The key principle of the laws of war attempt to mitigate suffering and minimize damage."
"His humanitarian efforts have taken priority over his movie making."
"This isn't about victory for a side, this is about victory for Humanity."
"What we want to see is at the absolute minimum a doubling of that commitment to 10,000 a year to use this as a springboard for a global resettlement program."
"It will not be enough to build wealth but rather what is your contribution to humanity in whatever you're building."
"I love humanity, and I think that we should fight for a good future for humanity."
"I'm trying my hardest to do so. I love humanity and I think we should fight for a good future for humanity."
"It is now time for us to put a stop to the suffering of millions of persons."
"The sole purpose of living is to serve humanity."
"Humanity is getting more hip to trying to help people out now."
"Islam's mission in life is to help humanity, to save life."
"If we can save lives of another country, that's a great thing. I'm only looking to save lives."
"Part of the revolution is being able to apply your humanitarian ideals to your own human relationships."
"Either we're for humanity or we're not, no more hiding places."
"Hungry people should have food. Peace, yes. Very much. That's the hope."
"Feeding people is not a partisan, tribal, or political position in my view."
"You're not going to be able to build your brand on being a humanitarian saving the world giving people a voice if all you do is use your voice to talk about yourself."
"Abandon this moral imperative to help those who need it most."
"Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes."
"Anyone who's fleeing War conflict Bloodshed persecution should have the opportunity to be granted Refugee status."
"It signifies the subjugation of natural forces to the service of man, the discontinuance of barbarous methods, the relieving of millions from want and suffering."
"Raise the admission cap of the U.S refugee intake."
"I hope... we use it for much better... humanitarian efforts than War."
"Encouraged to drop hate and embrace humanitarian ideals."
"A time for optimism, ascending into a humanitarian space."
"To be humanitarian in the face of widespread inhumanity, to respect a man that wanted to blow you up, isn’t easy."
"We can't be without pity for suffering that should be what is driving us."
"Thank you so much for your contribution to science, humanity, and the alleviation of suffering."
"You want to help others, extremely humanitarian."
"All mankind should support peace for the sake of our planet."
"Rescuing isn't just about saving lives; it's about restoring hope."
"Whatever you want to do in life, you want to benefit humanity in some way."
"Soothe it with kindness. You are a humanitarian made of love and you are able to share that energy with others."
"It is imperative that we recognize our shared humanity."
"We have all the resources that we need to take care of every human being already born on the planet."
"Jesus said, 'Take care of the prisoners, clothe the poor, feed the poor and the needy, and take care of the widows.'"
"As a Muslim, we defend people that are vulnerable and victims... we don't care about your religion, we're going to you as a human."
"In a time of crisis, you don't stop being human." - Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador's reaction to Trump's actions.
"If you care about people, this is the defining question of our time."
"It is our responsibility to fix these problems because we are human beings that care."
"Fundamentally committed to the decency and humanity of each and every person."
"Philanthropist: a person who loves humanity."
"We could have been on the top and maybe something humanitarian could have happened as a product of that."
"This is a big deal for a lot of you. You have done this before, maybe not for yourself, but you've done it for other people because that's who you are—you're the humanitarian."
"I can't let a human being live like this." - Angela Nugen
"He will be viewed as a humanitarian with a fascinating personality."
"I am proud to belong to a nation which has sheltered the persecuted and the refugees of all religions and all nations of the Earth."
"Just like William's mother, Diana, they will help charitable causes. Charity is very important both to William and Kate. Obviously, William strongly resembles his mother and would want his wife to be a humanitarian too."
"The love I saw, the care I saw, I saw an Afghan man carrying this baby for four days... just to see the love and the dedication to their kids, to get them safely through this journey was inspirational."
"Because of our involvement in humanity, we must be concerned about every human being."
"This song is our cry against man's inhumanity to man, man's inhumanity to child, and War."
"If we don't give kids a chance at a family, then what are we as people?"
"The topic is in the most humanitarian way because that's what it is."
"Take them on a sheet of paper and ask yourself which of them is the one that could cost you and your business everything."
"I really do believe that everybody should have at least the bare necessities covered when it comes to survival."
"What are we all doing now? Are we working in service to humanity? Are we doing the best we can to make things better?"
"The first thing we should do is stop blowing up the needy in foreign countries."
"What Allah would ask all of us about, especially those who live a comfortable life like us here in America and in the Western World, is what have we done for the people of Gaza."
"Elon Musk is devoted to the advancement of humanity using technology."
"Whoever saves a single life is as good as a person who has saved entire humanity."
"We help each other, we help people, we help our neighbors, we care about one another, we can put aside our political differences."
"I believe that people should come before money."
"Whoever saves one life, it is as if they have saved all of mankind."
"Humanitarianism, you know, in its nature is thankless, you know, it's selfless."
"We're one human on one planet, we need to take care of each other."
"Everybody resonates with this message because it's pro-America and it's a humanitarian message overall."
"The lack of an easy solution does not mean that we should give up on our fundamental humanitarian values."
"Albert Goring is being recognized as a friend of the Jewish people."
"It's in all of our best interests to fix this because we're all human beings before we're anything else."
"If you'd like to help Ukraine... you will be saving lives."
"If you want to be a humanitarian, then you do take on the institution and say, 'Hey actually society, this isn't the way we ought to think. Let's change things so that individuals have more freedom in their own lives.'"
"The Dalai Lama came in 2009... he had turned his attention, his brilliant mind, to creating a personal growth system and a humanitarian system."
"This is not a political thing if you just want to help people who need help."
"Greta defended the victims with passion and regard for their humanity."
"One person's life saved is really what matters to me."
"We're talking about people's lives here—saving people's lives."
"There's a lot of bloodshed, and it's just a horrible situation to deal with. We should avoid the bloodshed."
"No one should be hungry in this world, so this project really has something truly special because they actually care about the world and the most vulnerable people in the world."
"Let's get something done... let's move humanity forward... we have the technology we have the solutions we need."
"On humanitarian grounds, the deal seems to make a lot of sense."
"What they need is food, the necessities, the basics of life."
"They're human beings and they're suffering and they need help."
"She wasn't just selling Moisturizer in packaging that was convenient; she was selling the idea of kindness and humanitarianism."
"Nobody doubts the good intentions of a lot of the efforts to help but I guess the question has to be asked - is the world going about it the right way?"
"We've got to think of ourselves as humanitarians and people that want to solve the problems of the world, not export them."
"They came to put an end to suffering, injustice, hunger, and sickness."
"People who just want to make a difference and change the world."
"You care about the future of humanity or you're kind of a humanitarian."
"Every month hundreds of volunteers risk their lives by going into war zones and decimated communities to be the only aid for the hundreds of thousands of dogs and animals that have been abandoned."
"The first thing I think about when I think about Life Path number 9 is, hands down, y'all are definitely the humanitarians of numerology."
"We could build buildings, we could build schools, we could build water systems, but what is it to build human beings?"
"I have to be the continue to be the ambassador of humanity and I have to go and keep helping those people."
"This mission would be, of course, to spread love and light or to do humanitarian work and be philanthropists and such."
"I want to save and advance human life, not destroy it... I am proud of the fact that I have never invented weapons to kill."
"How many lives we were able to save, that's what matters to me, not popularity."
"We're no longer in the humanitarian thing, we're now in it's you know what we have to shore things up here."
"Diana was able to draw the world's attention to the millions of unexploded landmines still taking their toll on the young and innocent in a country trying to pick itself up from a long and bloody civil war."
"William Howard Taft asked the Diamond Match Company to give up the patent for non-toxic matches for 'Humanity's sake'."
"They're the humanitarian types. They're respectful of people. They don't look down on people. They don't make fun of people."
"Putting yourself on the internet, having that humanitarian undertone, you attract abundance and blessings through connections."
"Your humanitarianism is expanded. The world needs people like y'all."
"We are saving the world one life at a time."
"Innocent lives are being lost every single day, so we've launched a one-off Palestine limited edition t-shirt."
"The most important thing right now is the innocent Palestinian civilians getting the Medical Aid and support."
"Since leaving office, Carter's continued to do incredible work, criticizing the use of drones, the Iraq War, and Guantanamo Bay, supporting Habitat for Humanity, and practically eliminating the Guinea worm disease."
"Doctors Without Borders, which is, I know it's not the most, that's a great one left field one but they do great work."
"We help to alleviate human suffering in times of disaster. That is our mission. It is also our promise."