
Refugees Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"Refugees... it was something that was so important to her that she had basically dedicated her core adult years to learning how to take care of refugees."
"Some refugees have arrived in town, should we welcome them? Yeah, of course, let them in, let them in."
"Royal advisor, some refugees have arrived in town, should we welcome them? Yes, yes, of course."
"Tesla is providing free supercharging in Poland, taking in a lot of refugees."
"We're talking according to the UN, 200 million to a billion climate refugees within a few years."
"We have a very strong moral obligation to welcome those Afghans who have risked their lives, their families' lives, their livelihoods to help our troops, our diplomats, and our intelligence professionals."
"The mass of the people coming seem to be ordinary people from Latin America trying to find a better life, or refugees or asylum seekers. That's the mass."
"We Syrians have come to Germany as refugees because we want to live freely in this democratic society."
"Poland has thrown its doors open to Ukrainian refugees literally by the millions."
"Helping those who are less fortunate... fleeing persecution, people who are refugees."
"Power of education and telling people how refugees fit into the wider context of Economic Development."
"Let's stop the war so that there will not be more refugees."
"Bitcoin represents hope for a refugee fleeing a hostile regime, banking system, or environment."
"Eventually a United Nations emergency airlift was required at the eleventh hour to bring 27,000 Ugandan refugees of Asian descent to Britain."
"The bigger problem... it's really the disaster that's happening in Syria where are these people going to go I mean they're literally getting on boats so many boats so many people and showing up in Italy in Greece."
"American men picking up Ukrainian teen refugees."
"2.4 billion to help resettle Ukrainian refugees into the US is staggering."
"Mayor of Palermo welcomes refugees with municipal identity cards."
"The White House doubling down on a promise to thousands of Afghans."
"The government of Israel is trying to become the developed world's first zero refugee nation."
"Many Ukrainian refugees will wish to stay in Europe closer to their homes, but we also will welcome 100,000 Ukrainians to the United States."
"Dealing with unexpected refugees and tough decisions."
"Protecting people forced to flee is a collective global responsibility."
"Airbnb said it will offer free temporary housing for up to a hundred thousand refugees from Ukraine."
"They understood a human suffering, they understood that you can't get proper papers and documents."
"All going straight to the United Nations to help the refugees at the Ukraine border. Over a million of them now so far have crossed that border already."
"It's in that spirit that the Irish people have, are, and will open their doors to provide sanctuary and shelter for those men, women, and children fleeing their..."
"The infrastructure that has met them, as any refugee immigrant or asylum seeker in the UK will immediately recognize, is mostly informal, voluntary, and in the long term utterly unsustainable."
"Literally her family was refugees and she could have very well ended up in these same cages that these people are."
"So much is revealed in such a short period of time, and we suddenly understand and actually care deeply about the struggles of these poor refugee children."
"These two students by helping thousands of Ukrainian refugees find places to stay, that's amazing."
"Refugees have the right under international law to seek asylum."
"I want to give the movie credit for giving us a fittingly ironic situation where the movement designed to rid America of illegal immigrants has ended up turning two million Americans into refugees themselves."
"The mang people became refugees, and thousands of them fled to the United States."
"Riace once had 800 refugees and migrants from more than 20 different countries living here, creating businesses, filling up schools and bringing life to the town."
"The country was thronged with fugitives, driving bellowing cattle like people fleeing the end of the world."
"According to the World Bank, if nothing is done and temperatures continue to rise, Bangladesh will have over 13 million climate refugees by 2050."
"Palestinians are the largest group of refugees of any nationality or ethnicity in the world."
"Humans would treat an alien race that needs help like these refugees. I make jokes but it's really messed up."
"The tragedy that has always existed when it comes to refugees is that the third world is always stuck with the bill."
"Every dollar you spend on refugees in five years pays back and then positive after forever."
"Rwanda is both a safe and welcoming country to refugees."
"...are the refugees who come West going to go back to Ukraine to rebuild it?"
"We ought to be admitting refugees from communism and totalitarianism."
"Sigmar initially allowed refugees to trickle in but eventually, at a certain point, he just had to close the realm off and purge any inside who could be vulnerable to chaos."
"Every time you make war, why are there refugees? You know why? Why does it happen? People want to leave because there is no other solution. Either their economies have been wrecked or their countries have been destroyed."
"It's the flip of, now we have way more American refugees than we've, it's mostly always other countries."
"Famines make people move. We called these people refugees."
"During a meeting of the small council in King's Landing, a group of refugees arrive to share the tragic news of their villages being destroyed."
"We should certainly be participating in efforts to deal with refugees wherever they are emerging."
"Empathy might sympathize with the refugees but he doesn't empathize with anyone because he doesn't take the time to listen to them."
"Charles decreed that markets be immediately constructed around the perimeter of the city and that supplies of bread should be brought in daily for the hungry refugees."
"Refugees are people who risked everything and left their homes in search of better lives for them and their families. What could be more American than that?"
"These 350 refugees are the ancestors of all Ashkenazi Jews today."
"One of the things that has really impressed me about Ukraine is one of the most loved families as the Naim family they're Afghan refugees they're incredibly patriotic Ukrainians."
"He takes in 5 million Syrian refugees knowing it might cost him politically."
"Ruth is a great example of refugees adding positively to a community."
"Refugees from East Prussia, mainly women and children, desperate to escape the rape and murder perpetrated by the advancing Soviet soldiers, had crammed into Dresden."
"People don't realize what it is like to have your consciousness severed from your body. That is what it would feel like in some way to be a refugee."
"The first climate change refugees."
"Everyone here in this area is the son, grandson, great-grandson of a refugee. Everyone, evolving refugees at one point or another."
"The entire refugee convention doesn't care who started what, who's to blame."
"If you're willing to take in a refugee, you're doing it compassionately, and you would hope you'd have the resources to do it."
"We are entirely committed to developing a sustainable funding model for refugees."
"We are having ongoing internal discussions about how we can play the most effective role in supporting the large number of refugees who are coming out of Ukraine."
"We are having ongoing discussions internally about what more we can do to welcome refugees."
"I think that we can find ways of incorporating refugees and trying to facilitate things so that they can go back to the places of origin."
"It was estimated that up to 50 percent of them did not make it out."
"Cyprus has more refugees than any other EU country; they are four percent of the population now."
"We have a worldwide refugee crisis."
"If refugees are willing to do this, you can imagine the challenges at home."
"Nobody wants to see people fleeing for their lives."
"Spending time with refugees and other persons of need around the world has been the greatest gift."
"Refugees are not numbers, they're not even just refugees. They are mothers and daughters and fathers and sons. They are individuals all, and most of all, they are survivors."
"They were Russians who never danced in Russia, refugees in Europe who became international stars."
"Resettling especially the refugees, women and children... should be a priority."
"The best way to attack the smuggling business is to open legal pathways for refugees."
"Number one priority is safety of refugees."
"Just because some Afghan refugees became terrorists doesn't mean that all refugees are actually terrorists."
"Over the past two decades, war, drought, political conflict, and famine have resulted in a massive increase in refugees in desert regions of the world."
"The arrival of a quarter of a million Belgians was the largest influx of refugees in British history, and they were welcomed with open arms."
"Although my ship is equipped to carry 12 passengers, we took more than 900 men, women, and children back to their families and friends in Florida."
"Most of the refugees used to live close to the border."
"We represent the victims, especially the refugees."
"The US Navy achieved a massive evacuation, managing to load 91,000 refugees."
"We have opened several centers to welcome the refugees who are returning from exile."
"Refugees that are coming from Syria aren't trying to implement any kind of law, they're just trying to survive."
"Refugees are resilient people; they're strong-minded people."
"There are many, many other factors which affected the refugees in Lisbon."
"Extraordinary, isn't it? The effort that any refugees wanting to go to the UK, what these people are fleeing, what they're prepared to experience, and the way we treat them doesn't match up."
"Refugees are welcome. We have a duty as human beings to help other human beings."
"The Polish people are taking a preposterous amount of Ukrainian refugees."
"The convention... it's all about empowering refugees to be contributing members of the places to which they go."
"It's all about letting refugees do for themselves."
"I promised an audience of Palestinian refugees that as long as God gave me breath, I would never stop advocating their right to return home."
"By coming you can help the people, you can help the local people, you can help even the refugees themselves."
"Altogether, out of some 240,000 refugees, 150,000 were resettled in the rapidly-expanding Ottoman Empire."
"Every nook on the ship was occupied by a refugee desperate to escape the vengeful Soviet Army."
"Refugees having a human right either to return or to get compensation and reparations."
"I cried for all the people that couldn't get on that airplane."
"The United Nations is now warning that the escalating violence could lead to some 5 million refugees fleeing for Ukraine's neighbors."
"These refugees have been walking for days when they arrive they're dehydrated, hungry, exhausted, and cold."
"It's very easy to blame a refugee or a migrant that comes to your country but you gotta realize what these people are running away from."
"I want to take care of refugees any way I can."
"The refugees are warm and hospitable here."
"These basically represent refugees, people who are in danger, who are lost and wandering, who we are trying to save."
"Disease had taken hold, the economy collapsed, and the cities filled with starving refugees."
"We've helped more than 100,000 Asylum Seekers through the arrival center."
"In total, nearly 138 thousand refugees fled Vietnam to seek refuge in the US and other countries around the world."
"Our mission was to transport 4,500 war refugees from detention camps in Europe to a new home in Palestine."
"This Turkish bride and groom chose their wedding banquet to serve food to 4,000 Syrian refugees instead of throwing a lavish reception party for the guests."
"Choose Love, help refugees charity... you can actually go in and buy supplies that refugees need for the winter."
"We have more than 50 million people as refugees. We have not had more refugees since the Second World War."
"It's good to take on all these refugees from war-torn countries."
"The war had left many casualties and damaged infrastructure behind; the cities were flooded with thousands of refugees."
"Life is hard for refugees coming to South Africa."
"These things aren't just invasive species anymore; they're refugees."
"He's seeking to turn the telescope around and focus sincerely upon the scourge of the actual people smugglers while rehumanizing the refugees themselves."
"Refugees, millions of them displaced, wandering aimlessly across the war-torn face of Europe."
"We have to file for asylum... and we ended up winning the lottery, more or less, and coming to America as refugees."
"We are seeing refugees out of Ukraine into many of our European shores and countries, and we have to by solidarity do everything we can to support them."
"This EMP pathway is primarily for skilled refugees and other displaced people who can immigrate to Canada."
"UNRWA stands for United Nations Relief and Works Agency and since 1949 it has been a lifeline for millions of Palestinian refugees."
"Good Morning America had this piece on the refugees and where will they go."
"There is no cohort of society of humanity that is more at risk than refugees are."
"They weren't invaders; they were refugees."
"Never again look down on people who flee from war and famine."
"We become climate refugees... 3.5 billion persons in vulnerable countries... will become climate refugees."
"The Taliban's iron rule has brought a peace that's attracted one million refugees home."
"We've probably had 10 or 15 refugees living with us over the last year or so."
"The UK is hosting a lot of Ukrainians and we should be very proud of that."
"There are 5.9 million Ukrainian refugees that have been forced to start a new life in a new country."
"She's giving displaced people shelter and medicine. That kind of thing creates loyalty, man."
"The refugees are people who have left everything looking for a better life."
"Rising sea levels will create climate refugees in countries like the Maldives and Bangladesh."
"No wonder we're so scared of asylum seekers, at this point 30 starving refugees on boogie boards could take us."
"To let the refugees support themselves is far better than to live on alms from others."
"We're going to help out 80,000 refugees."
"So as you can see, basic needs are still primary for the refugees, food, clothing, these are still primary things that need to be done."
"It has displaced millions, many of whom continue to seek refuge in neighboring countries and across the world."