
Diabetes Quotes

There are 753 quotes

"Diabetes is reversible. The secret is it is in your diet."
"Type two diabetics...can become non-diabetic in a short period of time, which is essential."
"Not only did he fast for 5 days, but he ran five complete marathons... and he was a type 1 diabetic."
"If you take a rat and deprive it of sleep, it will get diabetes within a matter of a month or so."
"Losing almost 70 pounds in three months and then within roughly eight or nine months becoming clear of the pre-diabetic condition is very encouraging."
"88% of Americans have poor metabolic health, which means that they're like in the spectrum of pre-diabetes."
"It's time for an operation warp speed for diabetes."
"A calorie is not a calorie. Sugar is 50 times more potent than total calories in explaining diabetes rates worldwide."
"Intermittent fasting should be recommended as part of standard care for conditions like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease."
"You know, someday, when we open our own inn? Diabetics will line up to eat this sauce."
"Type-2 diabetes...when you use intermittent fasting, you can actually reverse the disease."
"Potatoes are an ideal human food... potatoes make diabetics better, not worse."
"Estimates are that one in three children born in the year 2000 will develop diabetes sometime in their lifetime."
"It's never too late... to reduce your risk of heart disease, which is the number one killer of people living with all forms of diabetes."
"By 2030, 1 in 3 people in the United States will be living with some form of diabetes."
"Alzheimer’s is frequently referred to as Type 3 diabetes."
"We're going to discover the best foods for lowering blood sugar naturally and possibly even fully reversing a diabetes diagnosis."
"Type 2 diabetes is reversible and can be reversed by a known set of dietary changes."
"A growing body of evidence suggests that people with type 2 diabetes react differently to caffeine."
"Don't look at diabetes as a death sentence; you just have to be open to making some changes that will give you a better quality of life."
"Insulin is a life-saving drug; it can be the difference between a pretty normal long life and the constant risk of ketoacidosis, diabetic coma, and premature death."
"The health threats begin at an a1c of 5.3. And that's not new information. That was published in 2013 in the New England Journal of Medicine."
"One in two Americans suffer from either pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes."
"The track seems obvious: take away someone's right to speak, the ideas can't exist in public, and the Overton Window swings ridiculously to the far left."
"If your blood sugar levels or your glucose levels are high, you may develop diabetes, and diabetes is the number one cause of kidney failure in the United States."
"Diabetes can be reversed, and you can prevent these more serious symptoms."
"Time to master diabetes here on the Exam Room brought to you by the Physicians Committee with the Weight Loss Champion."
"Insulin can be thought of as the key that unlocks the gate."
"Intermittent fasting is the solution for metabolic disease and type 2 diabetes."
"Type 2 diabetes is the full-blown manifestation of uncontrolled insulin resistance."
"PCOS and gestational diabetes relate to insulin resistance."
"Diabetes is not and never was caused by eating a high carbohydrate diet and it's not caused by eating sugar."
"The cause of diabetes is a diet that builds up the amount of fat into the blood."
"You can actually reverse insulin resistance by eating it either a low-fat diet or a low carb diet and we have studies that completely prove this."
"The single most important intervention in the management of coronary heart disease and diabetes is to reduce the amount of carbohydrate in the diet."
"Inadequate and poor quality sleep will increase the chances of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes."
"You use the magic word. I was just about to reply with mitigation. Yes, there is intractable kind of Diabetes Type two that you can mitigate greatly."
"The evidence now is overwhelming that when people who have diabetes go to a vegan diet... they do great."
"It's very, very rare that we don't have a type 2 diabetic become non-diabetic."
"Type 2 diabetes is 100% curable with dietary change."
"The reality is some people still struggle with blood sugar and weight."
"Carbohydrates will cause your blood sugar to rise. And as I always like to say, the last time I checked the problem with type-2 diabetes is that your blood sugar is too high."
"If your goal is to actually correct the diabetes you have to correct the insulin resistance... mostly to the point where they can eliminate the need for medication."
"Let's begin by looking at berberine's effect on diabetes and neuronal damage."
"Insulin resistance leads to diabetes where eventually the time is run out your pancreas just gives up and now you have type 2 diabetes."
"One of the main drivers of type 2 diabetes... is chronically elevated levels of insulin."
"Two-thirds of all people entering into an emergency room with a heart attack have either pre-diabetes or diabetes."
"This is not a fluke, it's a large number of people reversing their type 2 diabetes."
"If you're obese or pre-diabetic or diabetic then it is important enough to make changes."
"There's no cure for it and you don't end up taking the right units of insulin today, tomorrow you're not waking up."
"I think to me the most fascinating thing is in the field of type 2 diabetes because it's such an important disease."
"I hope that my work helps people sort of reverse the type two diabetes."
"Before I leave this family, I want to shed some information that allows them to accept that diabetes is a medical condition that they will live alongside."
"Diabetes is a difficult disease once it gets out of control, and the problem is we know that type 2 diabetes is a situation where you have a certain quality to have, and it can be a disease of lifestyle."
"It's been fascinating to learn so much about blood sugar, how type 2 diabetes impacts our health, and how we can prevent and even reverse it."
"A lot of the risk factors come down, and so we know that things like diabetes, for instance, diabetes is probably the biggest driver of heart disease."
"C-peptide can serve as an important surrogate for insulin secretion."
"Imagine having to give yourself insulin every single day, prick your thumb every single day. That was my motivation to lose weight, because if you get diabetes or if you're like pre-diabetic it's pretty much get rid of it."
"Type 2 diabetes is not an irreversible disease. It's a reversible disease. It's a dietary disease."
"Insulin resistance is implicated in causing diabetes, heart disease, and stroke."
"That was happening instantaneously like within a week people could come off of hundreds of units of insulin it was crazy."
"I lost 90 pounds and cut out the junk and haven't taken any insulin in months."
"Type 2 diabetes should not be happening at all. It was rare back in the '60s."
"Type 2 diabetes is now seen in children as young as three."
"Type 2 diabetes is largely preventable; it's not inevitable."
"Metformin is probably the safest and... one of the most long-term efficacious drugs in the treatment of type 2 diabetes."
"Results of a well-formulated ketogenic diet in diabetes are nothing short of remarkable."
"Diabetes has everything to do with nutrition."
"When you reverse insulin resistance, as we saw over, and over, and over again, in the peer reviewed research, you can reverse type 2 diabetes."
"Understanding diabetes and what causes it and how to reverse it is critical to becoming healthy humans."
"We're working towards a unifying model of type 2 diabetes."
"Maintaining healthy body weight is number one as far as prevention of type 2 diabetes."
"He was able to reverse his diabetes in six weeks."
"If insulin was so critically important for fat loss, why do we not see it show up in human randomized control trials?"
"I didn't know for sure, but in many people's minds when they think about fixing diabetes, they immediately think about the Sugar Bowl."
"Bottom line there will be no money left by the year 2026 for anything else because diabetes will have chewed through all of the healthcare dollars."
"Dairy products contribute to insulin resistance due to saturated fat."
"A healthy eating plan for diabetics isn't as complex as you might think."
"Insufficient sleep ages fat cells, increasing the risk of diabetes and mortality."
"Healthy saturated fats like pasture-raised eggs are not only good for everyone, they're really good for people with diabetes."
"You're going to reverse your type 2 diabetes within just three to nine months, your type 2 diabetes will be completely gone."
"Exercise has numerous benefits for diabetic patients."
"The 13-inch MacBook Pro without a touch bar is overall much better than the Air."
"Technology has been rapidly advancing in the diabetes space."
"As diabetes awareness month comes to an end, let's keep conversations around diabetes awareness going."
"If your pancreas can still deal with that resistance, you don't get diabetes, but obviously there's a lot of people whose bodies can't react."
"Because at it's root, diabetes is a state of carbohydrate toxicity."
"Dr. Barnard believes high blood sugar is a symptom, and the cause is that the cells get gummed up with fat and lose the ability to absorb sugar. Hmm! That makes some sense too."
"One of the main drivers of type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance is chronically elevated levels of insulin."
"I don't think people really think that what they ate led to diabetes."
"There's no question that we're in the midst of a diabetes epidemic right now."
"We can prevent, arrest, and reverse type 2 diabetes with a plant-based diet."
"Since the low-fat mistake was forged into policy, obesity rates have mushroomed and type-2 diabetes is the signature disease resulting from the fatally flawed fat theory."
"What happened to those poor type ones diagnosed as type twos 10-15 years ago?"
"You will just steadily get fatter and more diabetic and more over fat and higher fasting and higher fasting triglycerides and eventually diabetes."
"Berberine has recently been shown to help control blood sugar as effectively as a prescription diabetes drug, metformin."
"Type 2 diabetes... it's a disease that can be reversed, but you have to do it in the proper way."
"Metformin is the most widely prescribed anti-diabetic drug on the planet."
"Insulin therapy is critical and life-saving for people with type 1 diabetes."
"Type two diabetes is a reversible disease."
"People with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes may find improved blood sugar control, especially during the fasting period."
"Low blood sugar is far more dangerous than high blood sugar."
"Berberine might lower blood sugar levels. Taking berberine along with diabetes medications might cause blood sugar to drop too low, monitor your blood sugar closely."
"Sugar is the proximate cause of diabetes worldwide."
"Given that this study was not powered to show superiority, basically it just showed safety of terzepatide from a cardiovascular perspective."
"These new dual and triple incretin agonists are likely to permit more patients with type 2 diabetes to meet their individualized glycemic goals and weight loss goals."
"...vitamin D is a hormone, that means if you want to prevent diabetes using vitamin D, what you have to do is say if I maintain my level between 30 and 40 over a 10-year span will I be able to prevent this disease."
"If it was a cause that means that if you could stop obesity you could stop diabetes. Guess what... people get it too and in high amounts."
"Dates won't cause rapid spikes in blood sugar like many other sugary snacks, which also makes them safe for people with diabetes."
"Diabetics, for example, they have 400% increased risk of developing Alzheimer's."
"...patients were able to achieve non-diabetic chronic metrics of glycemic control. Less than 2% of type 1 diabetics achieve this right now."
"...when the low carbohydrate diet is brought up in discussion with type 1 diabetes, often missed are the benefits that a patient may derive from this diet, which are quite robust."
"...the diet dramatically improves glycemic control and is a tool in the toolbox for someone with type 1 diabetes."
"Why do some diabetics have mild cases with almost no symptoms and other diabetics have everything?"
"One of the most effective ways to put your diabetes in remission is just to stop what's causing it in the first place."
"If you have pre-diabetes or diabetes, you don't just have a blood sugar problem, you have a brain sugar problem."
"Over a 100,000 Americans die from the complications of diabetes every single year."
"Type 2 diabetes does not have to be chronic or progressive."
"Type 2 diabetes is absolutely reversible."
"Diabetes isn't as easy as some people think it is and that right now even though I am really struggling it's okay I'm trying really hard to help myself and if if you're in a very similar situation it's okay you're going to be okay."
"I'm happy I'm not doing that one because I'm that close to diabeetus."
"One of the slides... was just how beneficial potatoes are in curing Type 2 Diabetes."
"'Cause I suffer from diabetes, I just wanted to ask you, we've got some stevia, is that okay to use? Stevia? Yes."
"Conquer diabetes: go for the low glycemic index foods."
"Of patients involved in diet education aiming to reduce glucose and insulin, 46 percent with type 2 diabetes achieved remission, and 93 percent of pre-diabetic patients retained normal hemoglobin levels."
"It's one of my fights, how about that? It's one of my fights, diabetes."
"Not only does sema glutid have a very high glycemic efficacy in patients with diabetes mellitus, but it also has a very good effect on the cardiovascular system."
"The first-line therapy for type 2 diabetes is generally metformin absent contraindications or intolerance combined with comprehensive lifestyle modification."
"You reverse diabetes by changing the food."
"Most people have no idea that their diabetes can be reversed."
"Type 2 diabetes happened only in older adults. Now we see it in kids as young as 3 years old."
"Overall I agree the statement 'diabetics shouldn't eat fruit' is not supported by the evidence."
"Diabetes can contribute to the development of dementia through causing systemic inflammation and instability of blood sugar."
"Do you know what your specific blood sugar goals are and your A1c goals are? Comment below and let me know."
"Infections are very common, unfortunately, in these patients with diabetes."
"Not only babies, even microbes also love the candies, sugar-loving microbes, and patients with diabetes, these sugar-loving microbes, glycophilic microbes, they are in paradise."
"Coronary artery disease behaves aggressively and appears earlier in patients with diabetes."
"Diabetes mellitus is not just about carbohydrate metabolism, it severely affects protein and lipid metabolism too."
"It's possible to live a full and meaningful life with diabetes."
"We knew in the whole practice we had 57 people with type 2 diabetes. We've now got 470."
"Hope in diabetes instead of fear. I think type 2 diabetes remission is a wonderful message of hope."
"Improving type 2 diabetes with a low carb approach can improve weight, blood pressure, lipid profiles, liver function, and self-esteem."
"Seven million diabetics need insulin injections just to survive."
"Some people can truly reverse their diabetes with a healthy diet."
"Ketones can reduce insulin requirements for type 1 diabetes."
"The American Diabetes Association tells doctors don't draw fasting insulin. Why is that? Two reasons. First, fasting insulin levels are not standardized across platforms. Second, fasting insulin levels do not correlate with obesity. They correlate with metabolic health."
"Low carb is about three times more effective than FDA approved drugs for type 2 diabetes."
"Processes that cause type 2 diabetes can be returned to normal functioning by restriction of food energy to achieve weight loss."
"Most people do not know... type two diabetes... is a reversible disease."
"Diabetes was typically seen as a chronic disease... now it's becoming more mainstream this idea that perhaps it is possible to turn back the clock indeed indeed."
"Jonas emphasizes that his journey with diabetes has taught him the importance of balance."
"Foot care covered for diabetes-related issues."
"No one's going to Mars if there's 100 million diabetics in this country."
"The evidence for energy overload and excess body fat as the main drivers of type 2 diabetes is incredibly strong."
"You can reverse diabetes if you can get people to lose enough weight."
"It's never too late to get healthy. It's never too late to get diabetes under control."
"Weight loss from any approach cures type 2 diabetes."
"Type 2 diabetes is 100 percent curable with a healthy diet and associated weight loss."
"For type 2 diabetes, it's a hundred percent curable with weight loss, no matter how you do it."
"Living with type 1 diabetes means constant decision-making, but it's about finding ways to manage and live as normally as possible."
"Life with type 1 diabetes is a lot to manage, but it's also about living as normal a life as possible."
"So many people think that diabetics can't drink soda, and it sounds so ridiculous, but it's true."
"It's a wonderful story and it probably hits closer home to me because my dad suffers from diabetes and my grandmother suffered from diabetes so maybe that that's probably why it's on my list but if you haven't read it's got beautiful artwork by Sean Murphy."
"Metformin improves insulin sensitivity."
"...developing diabetes is not trivial because it means you need to have therapy with insulin."
"I was able to put my diabetes into remission on this diet."
"Diabetes care is an art. It depends on how long the patients had the disease, how long they're expected to live."
"You know, the diabetes diagnosis, diabetes isn't just, doesn't just affect one part of your body, it's a full body disease."
"...look what happened in 38 days, he'd reversed his diabetes."
"People don't have to become fatter and become diabetic, absolutely not necessary."
"This update is going to change the way we manage diabetes for now and for the future."
"We're focusing on drugs that not only control blood glucose but also have added benefits of controlling weight and managing cardiovascular risk."
"Fruit is actually great for diabetics. Even the American Diabetes Association and other diabetes organizations recommend not avoiding fruit."
"Seniors with diabetes are paying no more than $35 a month for the insulin that they need beginning next year."
"The bottom line is that the case for using a plant-based diet to reduce the burden of diabetes and improve overall health has never been stronger."
"Lifestyle change fixes, reverses, and even prevents diabetes."
"You can reverse diabetes in most cases if it's type 2 diabetes."
"Type 1 diabetes was a devastating disease because we didn't know to manage it."
"I think big oscillations in your glucose spiking and dropping every day is going to be related to your risk of type two diabetes."
"Diabetes is a vascular inflammatory condition caused by chronically elevated blood sugar levels."
"10-minute walks twice as effective as metformin for controlling postprandial glycemia."
"It takes about two years at the quickest to correct type 2 diabetes."
"They're not wrong for that because it's like because it's blood sugar [__] already, it's gonna be really like it's gonna be really like that you feel me like until [__] die, [__] up and all that it's gonna be [__] gonna be shooting to kill."
"If I eat for diabetes, my binge eating starts. And if I eat for binge eating, my diabetes starts."
"The evidence is weak, and we clearly need actual randomized control trials that compare low-carb to low-fat diets to figure out if one is better than the other in preventing type 2 diabetes."
"We have very solid evidence that we can prevent and probably reverse type 2 diabetes by changing our diet."
"I don't consider diabetes to be a disease. I consider diabetes, the effects of diabetes is a disease. But what diabetes for me is in how I look at it, it's a reaction to manmade food, right."
"One of the best things you can do for your patient with type-2 diabetes is to get them exercising."
"Diabetes at your age when you're a teenager is really unfair, but if you can work as hard as you can and really stick to what you're supposed to be doing, it may be that you don't have to inject yourself so much anymore and things get better in the future."
"Sugar causes diabetes, and we have the data to prove it."
"...if I've made you think today if I've made you think differently about your diabetes or even if you don't have diabetes about your elevated A1C above 5.2 I've done my job."
"...it's amazing and one of the best moments I had was a lady came up and she embraced me and she said dr. Mike she gave me her my whole family history historically has had diabetes and I didn't want to be tested because I know what happens you lose your legs..."
"I will be dedicating the next three years of my life to developing and testing a well-formulated low carbohydrate diet for type one diabetes management."
"Absolutely, there's no reason whatsoever why a diabetic cannot fast."
"There is hope even if you have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, there is still so much that you can do, and it all starts with what's on your plate."
"Half of Americans today are diabetic or pre-diabetic, half. That's crazy."
"Having diabetes is an independent risk factor for getting heart disease."
"So can we really put type two diabetes into remission yes we can and even for those who don't make the cut off the majority will improve their glycemic control and presumably reduce their risk of complications."
"There's only been one systematic review of uh of the of uh putting type 2 diabetes into remission with low carb and uh and that showed um that looked at 23 trials and showed um a uh the low carb diets were associated with a 32% increase in remission of of diabetes."
"If you're living with pre-diabetes, your chances of actually reversing pre-diabetes is almost 100%."