
Ketones Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"It turns out ketones aren't doing this through some crazy magic; they're actually the world's most powerful signaling molecule for activating caloric bypass."
"At least, in people with early Alzheimer's disease, even though their brain cells have problems using glucose, they still seem to be using ketones very well."
"Increasing your blood ketones can improve the function of your brain and the function of your body because ketones are a preferred source of fuel for the brain and body."
"Ketones are able to provide an energetic life raft for the brain."
"Ketones may be a preferred fuel source for the brain."
"Ketones have inflammation modulating properties."
"Ketones are actually a very, very efficient fuel for the brain."
"Ketones were helping the brain as an energetic life raft."
"I think over the course of one's life, acquainting your brain with using ketones as a fuel is likely very beneficial."
"He drank this Ketone solution and he brought his blood sugars down to 25 milligrams per deciliter, which most clinicians would say, 'Oh, you should be dead.'"
"So the cool thing is ketones are really cool but not why people think they're really cool and you don't need to do a high-fat diet to get the benefits of what ketones do."
"Ketones provide fuel and enhance metabolic efficiency in the brain."
"What's happened since then is we now understand that ketones are not just a fuel."
"Ketones may be the overall common denominator that we're after."
"Our body shifts to use more ketones as an energy fuel."
"The brain can run as much as 75 percent on ketones as an alternative fuel."
"Maybe there is a little bit better balance between glucose and ketones."
"I highly recommend this amazing keto powder. It works to increase the level of ketones in your body without you ever needing to be on the keto diet."
"Ketones your body makes itself tend to be better."
"If the brain has any preferred fuel, it is in fact ketones, not glucose."
"...the brain with dementia has a perfectly preserved ability to use ketones for fuel...a direct ability of the ketone to fuel the brain."
"Ketone bodies, especially beta-hydroxybutyrate, are very powerful signaling molecules."
"There seems to be a good rationale for the use of ketones for fueling performance in a hypoxic environment."
"I've had a lot of patients who actually do amazingly well when they have their ketones at like 1.7 to two or three."
"Ketones are not only a very favorable energy metabolite, they can generate more ATP per oxygen than glucose."
"...the benefits of ketones are not just energy."
"...ketones are also very powerful signaling molecules."
"...elevating ketones can restore brain energy production."
"Ketones seemed to be neuroprotective in every scenario we were looking at."
"Ketones actually will bind to cells and inhibit something called the NLRP3 inflammasome."
"Ketones will bind a particular type of G-protein-coupled receptor and act like a hormone, initiating a series of events that result in the inhibition of key inflammatory signals."
"Ketones provide an anti-inflammatory and even metabolic benefit."
"Ketones can help support brain function."
"Ketones are the mirror image of your insulin level."
"But ketones have been proven to be neurohealers."
"Your brain prefers ketones and when you fuel it like that, it works like a superpower."
"Ketones can reduce insulin requirements for type 1 diabetes."
"Ketones are a powerful energy source for the brain and the heart."
"Where we're headed, guys, we're going to need ketones."
"The more ketone you could provide to the brain, the more benefit you could potentially get."
"Ketones are messengers to tell mitochondria to protect themselves at all costs."
"Ketones are really cool, but not why people think they're really cool."
"Ketones can help make up the energy gap in the brain in Alzheimer's and other neurological disorders."
"Ketones have anti-inflammatory effects... keeping inflammation very low."
"With the liquid ketones, you get that immediate Ketone boost with the idea that it stimulates the body to create its own."
"Ketones might help not only Alzheimer's disease but many other types of brain diseases and diseases in other organs."
"The two main modes that people take ketones are for performance and recovery."
"Ketones help people to recover quicker."
"My love language is chocolate and ketones if you did not know."
"Ketones stimulate pathways that lead to more glutathione production."
"Shifting to ketones is like giving your brain jet fuel. It takes away the brain fog, improves your memory, improves your clarity, and that is a hormone-dependent process."
"...ketones are the superior energy source..."
"Ketones are actually a breakdown product of fatty acids... so it's particularly well known to be useful in the brain."
"The infant brain cannot develop normally without ketone. So it's not an alternative fuel, it's an essential fuel to supply 20 to 25% of the infants brain energy requirements day in day out physiologically."
"Ketones have been shown to reverse type 2 diabetes."
"There's tons of research showing that the heart beats more efficiently on ketones than it does on glucose."
"there's no drug that will do what beta hydroxy butyrate can do to inflammation that is proven safe and effective without side effects"
"If you're trying to find a solution and you need a support group but they're not there yet, well, grab some ketones, put them in circulation."
"Ketones are really really similar to aldehydes."
"The brain can function perfectly well on ketones."
"Ketones actually help you to bridge that gap."
"Ketones will accelerate fat cell metabolism."
"The fasted state is a place where we know the ketones are going to rise and the glucose is going to fall."
"The brain actually prefers to use ketones when they are available compared to glucose."
"The brain functions better on ketones."
"Running your brain on ketones can instantly give you a tremendous amount of energy."
"Ketones are going to produce more ATP."
"Ketones fix things, ketones turn off bad genes, ketones downregulate cell inflammation, ketones fix the brain."
"Ketones are neuroprotective; they will go up into the brain, they will start to heal your brain."
"The presence of ketones, specifically beta-hydroxybutyrate, actually turns on longevity genes."
"Ketones are named with the suffix 'one'."
"Ketones are the primary energy source of the cortex and two-thirds of the brain."
"Mitochondrial biogenesis is something that seems to be enhanced in the presence of ketones."
"C8 converts to ketones within minutes, which makes it really powerful for suppressing hunger and fueling your brain."
"Very small amounts of ketones have positive effects on hunger suppression."
"Ketones have a signaling agent; they act by talking to your body by communicating like a hormone does."
"I am fascinated by the more I study and the more I write about the ketone molecule."
"Your brain prefers ketones over glucose."
"The human body is primarily designed to preferentially use ketones as a fuel source."
"Ketone IQ delivers clean fuel that can cross the blood-brain barriers, supplying your brain and body sustained energy, focus, and sharpness."
"Ketones are the byproduct of fat oxidation and essentially they provide an alternate energy source for the organism, aka us, when glucose, the energy of life, is not in the picture."
"When ketones are present, the patient should not exercise because it indicates that current insulin levels are not adequate."
"As your body becomes metabolically adapted, will your ketone production decline and level out? The answer is your body is always trying to reach for homeostasis."
"Ketones run your brain better, they run your nervous system better."
"Don't exercise if there is positive urine ketones."
"Ketones were not put in our body to kill us quickly; it was a survival mechanism."
"Your brain running on ketones will run better because your brain likes ketones better; it works better on ketones."