
Card Games Quotes

There are 1407 quotes

"This card was arguably one of the strongest cards in Clash Royale history."
"This is the best card in the entire set, rebuke ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and all the beautiful people, which includes, of course, you."
"This card's really well designed. I love this card. This is the type of cards that make me really appreciate some of Hearthstone's design."
"Giggling inventor, five stars. This is, in my opinion, the best neutral in the set because it is a card that is absolutely crushing to any aggro deck."
"Imposing Grandeur is underplayed. Discard your hand, draw nine? That's a lot of cards."
"Pityless Plunderer is definitely the best card in this deck."
"I'm so happy, excited for standard rotation, excited for the new cards, excited for Thousand-Year Storm."
"Kobold Librarian... an insanely overpowered card especially for one mana."
"Feral Cat 5 stars because it is in both Tempo Rogue and pretty much in all Rogues."
"One way we're accomplishing this is with immersive cards, which give players the experience of leaping into the world of the card illustration."
"The core of the deck, like Waste Not, Burning Inquiry, Wistful Thinking, those are the centerpieces of the deck that really makes it crunch."
"In its current form, the deck was certainly competitive and it certainly felt really good untapping with Waste Not and just going absolutely insane."
"There's a million ways to create infinite mana. Decks do it on accident sometimes."
"Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you gain one life and draw a card."
"You may activate the loyalty abilities of Planeswalkers you control twice each turn rather than only once."
"Whenever you gain life, draw that many cards."
"Destroy all non-land permanents that aren't legendary."
"Your graveyard essentially becomes an extra hand."
"Mentor of the Meek is certainly my favorite kind of mentor because it draws me a bunch of cards."
"Clone and embalm are good. Having both of them on one card seems very good."
"This Liliana is much more promising for EDH. All three abilities are relevant and all three abilities are ones that you can build around and really abuse in the game."
"As foretold is one of those cards that's insane on a paradox engine level because it's cheating of mana costs."
"The most broken things you can do are generally the cheating of mana costs."
"You tap to exile the top card of your library. You may play that card without paying its mana cost."
"What your card game allows you to do is either reconnect with somebody old and build deeper relationships or truly get to know somebody new."
"You're playing five copies of Dark Magician. This card is so good and it makes the deck super consistent."
"Spectating duelists consider summoning Card Cardi on the first turn of a duel an exceptional maneuver."
"I will set a card and then I will proceed to win this game."
"If you guys believe in the heart of the cards, I will make it happen."
"Tarot cards themselves were originally created in Europe around the 15th century as a simple deck of cards to be used for card games."
"Temporary Lockdown is sweet. I love this card."
"Imagine you're there; you're at pre-drinks, and you're there like, 'Hey everybody, I've bought a new card game.'"
"DD Crow does is allow you to banish one card from your opponent's graveyard."
"Droll and Lock Bird... applies a lockdown to your opponent for their entire turn where they can no longer perform any searches or draw extra cards from their deck."
"Artifact Lancea... makes it so that neither player can banish cards for the rest of the turn."
"Infinite Impermanence... negates the effects of one phase-up monster until the end of the turn."
"Cyframe Gear Gamma... negates the activation and destroys that card."
"Red Reboot... for the rest of the turn your opponent cannot activate any trap cards."
"Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring... negates that effect."
"Nibiru, the Primal Being... tributes all face-up monsters on the field."
"Maxi... allows you to draw a card each time your opponent special summons a monster this turn."
"Maxi's effect doesn't seem that overpowered, but it's actually so ridiculously good that the card is banned."
"Card games are just all about the community."
"We believe Hearthstone can be a home for different ways to play card games and are exploring multiple endeavors on this front."
"Magic: The Gathering is among the greatest card games ever made and the most complex ever."
"Knife Juggler, I rate as fantastic. I think it's a great card; I'll always think it's a great card."
"The fact that some things simply aren't available till later, where you might have cards you're ready to plant but it's not planting season."
"Gwent, a really, really cool novel twist on the CCG formula."
"The deck functioned well, it worked well, we ran pretty well, our Saurons were good, the deck was good."
"Let's get the deck build in. This is looking good. This is looking pretty much unbeatable."
"Artifact is the kind of game that is going to appeal a lot to a very specific type of card game player."
"Just because one card looks better than another doesn't mean that there might not be a niche option for these cards."
"So these promos are gonna be unique to that store. So you get to rep your store with your promos whenever you put them in your decks forever, if you make to the top 8 of that event."
"It draws cards so it's its card advantage more ways than one."
"What makes this a level eight? I think... I thought that this seemed like a really cool Commander."
"I like to draw cards. The best part of magic."
"Quality lies, Stardust Joe Johnson, exemplary magic players, truly behaved like eights at the table."
"Yu-Gi-Oh is notorious for decks that look like a dumpster fire but end up being some of the most consistent, devastating decks of the format."
"Neither of our decks look even remotely playable, but historically they have become household names among Goat Format players."
"It's time for the Reversal Quiz: Let me think long and hard about what the top card of my deck is."
"It's the history of jank though. If there was a place for this to happen, it was in this series."
"Nahiri's Lithoforming has been one of my favorite cards for a long time... it's exactly the kind of saga that you want."
"Right of Harmony... is so powerful and exactly what the deck needs."
"Beastmaster Ascension... can turn all those tokens that I'm making into big flying threats."
"Uncaged Fury... gives Target creature plus one plus one and double strike."
"If you're not running these in your deck you are almost definitely losing some value."
"I wouldn't count Savage Ventmaw as a ramp card... I think part of the problem is reliability."
"The card advantage from [bounce lands] is a thing but it's definitely not ramp."
"What a pack opening, genuinely what a pack opening!"
"It took almost ten years for the card frame to change at all, and now variants of the frame have become a default design principle for nearly every set."
"I have these must-have cards in my binder, and this next one is actually one that I need to flush out for my own collection."
"Board Wipes are for when single-target removal isn’t enough!"
"It takes a very narcissistic temperament for you to change your reality for my first album and a narcissist struggles saying that they are wrong and that they've made a mistake."
"You want somewhere in the realm of 25 standalone cards, 10 to 12 enhancers, and seven or eight enablers."
"BetterHelp... an easy, affordable service that can help you get access to professional counseling."
"Here, a complete guide to card draw. The complete guide. Not 'A' - it's 'The' one. It is until we do this again."
"Dark Hole, an absolutely game-breaking card."
"Phyrexian Arena, the most repeatable black card draw I think out there that does not kill you immediately. It eventually can, though."
"But this is one of those ways that you can get two cards a turn, basically."
"But it also says at the beginning of your draw step, draw an additional card."
"Arcanis the Omnipotent, another repeatable draw effect. Has a tap ability that says draw three cards."
"Tammy's Journal also lets you tutor if you get enough clues. The fact that it's creating a thing that can then draw you cards, I think makes Tamiyo's Journal count as card draw."
"Understanding like what kind of deck you're playing... helps you decide between burst and repeatable."
"Restrictive draw is hard to categorize as far as how good it is, but I would still count this stuff, especially in white, as card draw."
"People get confused when something goes into play versus goes into their hand. Both of those things are card draw. If you find cards with them."
"Control decks love card draw because you're trying to constantly find the right answer."
"A very powerful card...a staple card in commander."
"It's a card that wins you the game often on the spot."
"What's your favorite card from the set? It might be Showdown of the Skalds because I want to just ex out four cards and play them."
"I think it's very powerful, I think it's just hard to see, but I think this is the type of card that like a lot of situations can just be good for you."
"Thank you so much for watching. I hope you enjoyed watching it as much as I enjoyed playing it because this deck was super fun."
"I normally just play for funsies, so I don't have any infinite combos in my decks."
"She's pretty amazing, so I have a new Commander as well that I wanted to play."
"I love it, it's how I prefer to play Magic the Gathering."
"Sometimes you just throw your deck at the opponent and say beat this."
"Nice, I like that a lot. Probably worth putting a bad card in your deck for."
"Utopia Double saw a little bit of play in some rank 4 strategies."
"This card is really powerful. I want to ramp into him as quick as possible, increase my token generation, and then I have a bunch of cards that just protect my command."
"Even terrible trap cards that aren't fit for the modern meta will still find a way into people's decks just because they think it's cool to activate a mirror force."
"Coalition Victory should come off the banlist because of the requirements needed to cast it successfully and win the game."
"Astral Drift just very powerful. And not to mention it cycles on its own."
"The new card that's worth mentioning is Dismantling Wave, two and a white for a sorcery, for each opponent destroy up to one target artifact or enchantment that player controls."
"Ease-of-use definitely contributes to a card's playability."
"This card's effect can basically shut down your opponent from playing the game for a turn."
"Is Chromatic Lantern played in any of the most powerful decks? No, I don't think so either."
"Force of Will is very good in that exact one situation unless you're running 13-15 counter spells. You should almost always save one to protect trying to win or trying to die."
"This is a great deck, I'm having a blast playing this."
"I just pulled the incredibly rare Shiny Charizard VMAX."
"Dark Magician is without a doubt one of the most important and iconic monsters."
"He was an important feature in just about every one of Yugi's duels as his Ace monster."
"I have an unlimited value engine technically as long as you always have a minion to draw from your deck."
"It's amazing how just switching a card to the word instant immediately makes it go from like 'I wouldn't play it' to 'totally playable and good'."
"In theory, Final Countdown is a terrible choice, but it's arguably one of the best alternative win conditions in the game."
"This is the best roguelite deck builder ever made."
"Jump Drive is really fast, it's just a good solid little card game."
"It also replaces itself which is pretty nice overall."
"Exploring new, undiscovered card combinations, delving into cracks and exploits, and opening up fresh strategies and interactions."
"So you really have to think about the order of uh when I'm going to do things and the opportunity cost of the strategy."
"It's wild how uh relatively few decks that we see this card in yeah based on how good it is and the fact that it's colorless everyone gets a crack at maseveth to try and crack in."
"Crick, being able to pay two life instead of black for spells is totally insane."
"So if you decide to make this the lead singers of the deck, then you have Timmin, Youthful Geist, which is four in the blue for a three four legendary creatures spirit."
"A fog on a stick is so incredibly important in games."
"If they were doing it why would they do it this badly... even if you're cheating right... why would you do the whole card change so blatantly obvious?"
"Certainly a card to watch out for and particularly to keep in mind how many additional sort of token minion generators we see in the set as far as just how powerful this card can be."
"Trust in the heart of the cards as they'll never lead you astray."
"Commander is the only format that allows you to play anything and have fun."
"Commander is still probably the future of Magic: The Gathering."
"Sports coach zombie, mostly good in sports decks."
"Jumpstart decks were fun, innovative, and had powerful and effective cards in them."
"Most imagines the Gathering players I've encountered have been the most accepting, the most understanding, the kindest, and the most hilarious people I've ever come across."
"Magic the Gathering, in my opinion, is undeniably the best card game trading card game ever, a game deeper than any could ever hope to be."
"Sometimes you'll open a pack and get a brand new holographic card you've had your eye on for a while."
"That's why you don't play Dragoon. Worst card in the format."
"Evil Miscreant ended up being one of the best cards of the set."
"Yo, we'll take it! Polly Toad Hollow hit! How did I even forget this with this set?"
"I thought I was still in an okay spot because of that prophetic bolt."
"Cross Souls was a pretty good set though looking back on it. Cross Souls is definitely one of the better ones, we're starting to kick up into some new age sets that really define the metagame as they start to get released."
"He pretty much had an unlimited supply of cards and he could keep half of whatever he took out."
"The cards are the star of the show... opening up so many tactical options."
"The effect of preventing special summons is just too powerful to the point where basically all monsters that have the effect have seen competitive play."
"We are talking about cards we misevaluated to be interesting, fun, put our own credibility on the line just a little bit."
"It isn't the most exciting deck, it is Barrier Stun, but I think this might be better."
"I have to put my faith in the attack defense card gods."
"I did get a good card. I got the rousing speech card."
"It's arguably the most popular format, right up there with Standard."
"Jin... this card was one of the reasons why the Necroz format was what it was."
"This deck is scary, I mean this deck is just so explosive."
"Dimension Fusion, however, is an S tier. This card is just absolutely absurd."
"Elder Entity Norden, A tier. Being able to generate a single rank 4 just by itself was responsible for so many different FTKs and loops."
"Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage!, A tier. This was Pot of Greed that was legal at three for about a year or so."
"Grass Looks Greener, A tier. There should be no card in the game that allows you to mill a third of your deck."
"Masterpiece, A tier. The fact that it's impervious to two of the three main card types in the game when you tribute summon it, it can pop stuff at quick effect speed, and its attack power is gigantic."
"Whoever decided to use cards is an absolute genius."
"It's gonna be hard with only two cards to be good, right?"
"The introduction of the duelist genesis and the introduction of synchro monsters."
"Teledad was all that was worth playing in a way that no other deck has been all that is worth playing before or since."
"This deck was killer, it was absolutely monstrous in terms of both representation and raw power levels."
"Believe in the heart of the cards, I'm sure we can win this!"
"This is good in our meta, where we have a lot of two-drop and three-drop permission commanders running around."
"It's seven mana total, reveal the top three cards, play them this turn without paying their mana costs."
"It's just casting stuff off the top of your deck for free, which is exactly what Narset's doing."
"So Expropriate is a card we talk about all the time."
"If you normal summon necro face against a brunette deck... return all of your banished cards back in the deck."
"Yugi, trusting in kyber, adds this card to his deck following this we get the best pre-dool cut banter I have seen in the entire Yu-Gi-Oh franchise."
"Hitting your land drop should be your most important thing, especially in the early turns."
"The strategy is still the same, yeah, the main difference is just how you build the deck."
"Zombies is just a premier aggro deck in the format."
"Jerry Thompson, your Pro Tour Amonkhet champion."
"This card's really good with counter spells."
"That was so fun, I was surprised at how good the Skull Servants were."
"Having a redundant version of Doubling Season in any deck that wants it seems pretty good."
"Legendary foils are definitely the most valuable."
"3000 attack is nothing to shake a stick at, it comes back every turn and it pops cards just like dark arm dragon."
"At the heart of this game, it's still a collectible card game. That's why I love it."
"We have a ton of direct damage. Goblin Guide is probably the best card in the deck."
"Compared to yesterday's goblin deck, we are all about being as fast as possible."
"So, if you're looking for a pretty much budget deck that could go out and compete at the highest level, I think this is your best bet in Modern right now."
"This is one of the best cards in that deck simply because you don't have very much good card draw in hunter generally speaking."
"It is potentially good in your big spell style decks."
"I like the fact that there's a lot of cards that make you question playing cards that are otherwise just sort of sacrosanct in a lot of decks these days."
"I'm gonna keep this, we have one ramp card, we have a bunch of five cost, yet this is perfect."
"I cannot lose with this deck, it's legitimately good."
"This is a perfect deck, I see nothing wrong with it."
"Probably the best card, yo, we got the gold Mew! Probably the best card, you know."
"Yo, we got a gold card third pack in, that's gotta be the number one hit out of the main set."
"And last but far from least, we somehow pulled the biggest hit, the gold, the shiny gold Mewtwo."
"I don't think any card artwork should be censored."
"The only monsters effect to be entirely written between parentheses."
"Ironically, harpy queen is the strongest monster in terms of attack points out of all the harpy ladies."
"The graveyard strategy, you see, if a deck is capable of interacting with or using the graveyard in some way, that usually gives a strategy a huge advantage."
"Brina has just such an interesting way of playing, and it really is one of the most political commanders that probably has ever been released."
"It's very good. Yeah, you really need bodies in this deck."
"It's like a one-sided mistake, and since Ash Blossom is one of the most played cards in the game..."
"Marvel snap is a really, really good option that you should consider."
"Quick game, simple rules, deep strategy... It's the CCG trifecta."
"Unique sit in the game like underused magic cards where in the future you find a combination that works incredibly well with it."
"Dimension Fusion functionally just reads win the game."
"With the floodgate so strong, it was eventually banned in the TCG."
"This seems like a shoe-in for most vampire decks."
"Hearthstone: reshaping the card game genre one draw at a time."