
Space Quotes

There are 10341 quotes

"Our understanding of space is affected by our psychology and everything that how we grasp things."
"The Moon would be a cool place to do stand-up."
"Everything that we eat up here was cooked or packaged years ago, so I'm really looking forward to something that just comes right out of the kitchen."
"Space is the future, and kids are the future. Learning about space and watching the story of humanity spread to the stars happen is watching the future happen and seeing history unfold."
"Space, I love it because it unites us, and it gives us a common goal."
"We will see Mars like never before with new photos and videos."
"For a very long time, Homo sapiens has looked up at the sky and wondered what could be out there."
"If there wasn't life out there, that would be an awful waste of space."
"When I turned 11, my parents sent me to Space Camp as a birthday present. I immediately knew space would be something I'd do for the rest of my life."
"A shocking revelation happens... a flurry of color as thousands of space worms... are transforming into butterflies."
"Some houses have a small storage closet underneath the stairs; it's like a little Harry Potter room."
"The galaxy is full of absolutely wonderful sights."
"If you go up or if you go down, you'll find that you're much more likely to find undiscovered systems."
"If it's just us, it seems like an awful waste of space."
"If you are an artist and that is your passion but you would love to do space art, or if not space art, use your artistry to communicate a feeling or a message about space, that's a role that we desperately need."
"Mankind's thirst for knowledge and exploration has turned away from our own planet and towards those above in our skies."
"Every star has planets and probably more than one... there's probably more planets in the galaxy than there are stars."
"This is the most insane thing ever; it's an actual umbrella that's like the International Space Station."
"Shine forth, O light of the man's soul, fill the darkness of space."
"It's giving us the time and space to cultivate, create this self-love."
"It orbits Mars much faster than Mars rotates, completing an orbit in just 7 hours and 39 minutes."
"I just think that I have so much more room in my life now for healthy relationships."
"The story takes our heroes, Sonic, from the earth and into outer space."
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space."
"Can I fly you to the Moon, can we play among the stars? I've been thinking of you lately, to control of my all."
"We finally now know what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object, and the answer is a kilonova."
"Welcome to Venus, some say it's Earth's twin, but this world is nothing like home."
"Let go of anxiety, depression, anything that is taking up too much space."
"Just remember: meteoroids are in space like asteroids; meteors make it to the atmosphere, and meteorites have the right stuff to hit the ground."
"We're not tracking all of [the asteroids]. We can't track all of them yet."
"What we're developing is a next-generation habitat that will serve as a commercial space station."
"They can experiment; confetti cannon into space, how cool would that be?"
"Not all who wander are lost, but in space, it's a good idea to have a map."
"The reason astronauts look like they're floating in space is because everything, including the International Space Station, is falling together at the same time."
"Happy holidays from the Kerbals on the moon."
"The rock from outer space was modeled with microscopic structures very reminiscent of the remains of bacteria, but the weirdest part is that radiocarbon analysis showed that this 'living meteorite' is five to seven billion years old, that is, it's older than the solar system itself."
"People think that space is a quiet and desolate vacuum of emptiness between the stars and planets. There exists a vast realm of nothingness. However, space is very active."
"Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, no atmosphere."
"The Milky Way is a tremendous structure in space, containing billions of stars and trillions of planets."
"Surrounded by gigantic clouds of interstellar dust and scorching hot gas, all these components make up the bizarre and fascinating picture called a galaxy."
"I felt that she needed some space, and maybe an apology was due."
"We don't just want to leave footprints and flags; we want to build a foundation for an enduring presence in space."
"The universe is bigger than anything anyone's ever imagined, so if it's just us, it seems like an awful waste of space."
"We might somehow understand the fundamental structure of space itself."
"There's an infinite number of degrees of freedom in any one region of space."
"Space is somehow a manifestation of quantum entanglement in the underlying holographic system."
"Wormholes are theorized to be shortcuts, tunnels connecting distant regions in the universe."
"The most puzzling element of entanglement, that, you know, somehow two points in space can communicate, becomes less of a problem, because space itself has disappeared."
"If we built a very tall tower on the equator, one that reached up 22,000 miles or 36,000 kilometers above the ground, you could step off the top and not fall down."
"The launch itself was a textbook success! The hamsters live!"
"Believe it or not, Blue Origin is currently NASA's most cost-effective option to yeet these spacecraft into space."
"Battling on the palms of a celestial sapien in a nebula outside of the universe, shit's crazy."
"Imagine a volleyball orbiting a tennis ball; that's what this space couple would look like."
"Space, a vast enigmatic and bewitching volume within which we move, luminous objects such as stars and galaxies betray their existence through their brilliant light."
"Footprints or similar marks can last for a million years on the moon because there's no atmosphere."
"If you watch a very touching movie in space and start crying, your tears won't run down; they will gather around the eyeballs."
"An alone explorer, on a mission to reveal the grandeur of Saturn, its rings, and moons."
"Desire needs space, fire needs air; you need to be able to see another person to want another person."
"We need to invest in advancing our deflection capabilities. Otherwise, it'll be like that movie 'Don't Look Up'."
"Keo is a proposed space time capsule which was intended to launch back in 2003."
"VR has the potential to let everyone feel like they're exploring right along with NASA when it gets to a new place."
"Unless we escape in spaceships, one day the sun will swell and cook the earth into an inhospitable hell hole."
"The draining and dissipating effects of the vast space have contributed to the wonderful stability of the American constitution."
"These particles, the only known samples from the outer solar system, were once part of a primitive ice-rich body that formed well beyond Pluto."
"Tom Cruise is trying to go to space and film a movie up there."
"I try to put a reality check on everybody's sense of what space is."
"While you may be stationary on Earth's surface right now, Earth itself is moving, hurtling through space at speeds of around 30 kilometers per second."
"I always romanticized it like a cruise ship. I wish I could spend a few weeks exploring every room, every turn, every part of its labyrinth."
"We often discuss the particular processes for terraforming a world or various megastructures we might build in space to serve as habitats, industries, or weapon systems, but we don’t really talk about the basic drive, motivation, and strategy of doing these things."
"Actually, it's very clean and peaceful in space."
"As the universe aged... the Hubble distance, the distance to which space traveling at the speed of light increased."
"Maybe it's a little early. Maybe the time is not quite yet, but those other worlds, promising untold opportunities, beckon. We can't help it. Life looks for life."
"Empty space is a boiling, bubbling brew of virtual particles popping in and out of existence."
"The space between things may not be empty, but full and it connects all things."
"Every single room has been horizontally expanded and further detailed, making everything feel less cramped."
"We've explored more about space than we have of the world's oceans."
"In the dark voids of the solar system, drifting in-between the planets, are asteroids... These small worlds are anything but dull. In fact, some are time capsules from the beginning of the solar system."
"The idea of bouncing pellets between asteroids and comets to harness their kinetic energy introduces a novel method of energy extraction in space."
"Finding amino acids on an interstellar meteorite would be a world-changing discovery."
"What comes to your mind when you hear the word Neptune? For many, it's a blue planet festooned with rings and moons."
"If you want to leisurely explore a one-to-one replica of the Milky Way galaxy in a high-tech ship, I would check the game out."
"Solar flare...like something from space...can cause problems. I guess there was one big enough where it made some services go down."
"The sky is not the limit; it's just the beginning."
"Space is really fascinating and learning about it can be awe-inspiring."
"This is the first time in the history of Earth... that it's been possible to extend life and consciousness to another planet."
"Space is exciting; it spurs our imaginations and forces us to ask big questions."
"Imagine finding yourself far above Mother Earth's surface and well beyond our thick blue atmosphere... the sense of tranquility, awe, and euphoria that follows will be nothing short of majestic."
"I'm not going to lie, this is actually a really nice space."
"There is something special about the Silverado where it's a full-size truck, you have much more space, and it just feels like it's built to not have to make excuses for electric."
"Space itself communicates the influence of gravity."
"Black holes are one of the most mind-boggling aspects of space."
"Our universe has no boundary, it has no edge, it has no beginning or end in space, and there is nothing outside of it."
"You can't have continual growth on a limited space. This is a limited rock in limitless space."
"I love this. I wish I had all the room in the world in my house."
"When you come into space and look back at our planet and see how fragile it is and how thin the atmosphere is, it really does change you for the better."
"The international cooperation and the partnership that has been forged over these 20 years really I find so impressive."
"Space, particularly architectural space, creates a sense of identity, a sense of place within this world."
"Every single ship in the galaxy united under our banner."
"Instead, the cosmonauts claimed to have seen seven angels floating around right outside the station."
"Getting more elbow room is pretty much the driving force of migration in nature and human history."
"In 2011, astronomers discovered an enormous water reservoir simply floating in space around a supermassive black hole."
"Black holes with their enormous masses and insatiable hunger, the gravity monsters are undoubtedly among the most bizarre entities we find in the gigantic expanses of space."
"In the grand scheme of the universe, our explorations represent a mere fragment, and yet they have already unveiled dozens of potentially habitable exoplanets."
"First he went to space and fought aliens. Then he went to Mars because the aliens kidnapped him."
"This finite space we live in only has so many variations; at some point, all molecules will be at the same position as they were in the beginning."
"Thank you everybody for joining us. Until next time, see you space cowboys."
"You can't force genius. You can only create the space for genius to come through and blossom."
"The short answer here is general theory of relativity allows space to expand at arbitrary speeds and it is not constrained by the speed of light."
"This perspective is often referred to as the overview effect."
"You're on a goddamn convertible spaceship spinning a thousand miles an hour hurling through infinity."
"Space is Big; you just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is."
"I think we should build a city on the moon and on Mars."
"Don't let them treat you like anybody else, you gotta give each other space."
"Australia is wider than the Moon, the Moon has a diameter of over 2100 miles while Australia's diameter from coast to coast is almost 2500 miles."
"Sometimes I'm just like, you know what I just, I think we need another planet."
"They love you enough to give you space to work on yourselves."
"We learned that rocket 3.2 shut down about 12 to 15 seconds too soon after depleting its fuel only half a kilometer per second short of orbital velocity which sounds like a lot but that is so close."
"We've learned that near-earth objects fly by us all the time... Earth could be knocked out."
"Don't be afraid to use negative space, it creates mystery for the viewer."
"It had massive passenger room and all that cargo storage room."
"The future of space exploration lies in private industry."
"Is it possible that other Prothean stasis pods exist somewhere in the Galaxy?"
"To see insect-like creatures while you're floating outside of Earth, now that's creepy."
"This video is part of a series... let's get started and see what geopolitics among the stars would be like."
"An antenna is a lot easier to use than pushing someone out of an airlock in a bulky spacesuit."
"They want closeness between you but also space, love never claims."
"When an asteroid threatens Earth, we need to deflect it."
"If such an object struck Earth, the impact would be devastating to Life as We Know It."
"You have a massive amount of room here... plenty of little nooks in there to store your things."
"Imagine a colossal star with a radius 764 times that of our sun stretching beyond the asteroid belt almost touching Jupiter."
"Space is a war fighting domain... just like the land air and sea."
"Do you ever look up at the night sky and wonder what if I owned this star or what if I was the owner of a planet?"
"Hope created a democratic republic nation called the galactic government."
"Every one of these StarLink missions gets us closer to achieving that goal."
"Wow impressed nominal orbital insertion alright."
"The Milky Way galaxy is an extremely active place."
"I got a new mission in front of me, so let's get it done."
"This is it, big time, Bo baby. I want to chop that tree down, and that's what I'm planning to do."
"This is awesome, certainly a lot of space in here."
"Evolution doesn't stop with mother earth, it goes into space."
"This is now, now you are seeing the Earth, you are seeing home, you are seeing yourself in that image right there."
"Where are all the aliens? It's a paradox, a Fermi paradox. In fact, if there's so much space out there, so many planets..."
"Could it be that space is so unimaginably vast, it's the vastest of vastness that our odds of even detecting a sentient civilization are close to zero..."
"You're not going to make women move over for men in our own space."
"The United States will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border."
"Our modern sciences are starting to understand things in space in a much different view than we did 20 years ago."
"It's fascinating... exploring outside of my realm... space exploration."
"You think you could sell this on the dark side of the moon?"
"Space can and must be protected for the benefit of all people."
"Space remains a place of undiscovered and unrealized opportunity."
"Space is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is." - Douglas Adams
"Where space begins can actually be determined by the speed of the space vehicle and its altitude above the earth."
"It's such a trippy thing to really think about the fact that we're just clinging to the surface of this giant rock flying through space at thousands of miles per hour rotating and yeah we're just like everything's just stand still for us."
"You don't need to feel compelled to fill the entire space."
"The implications of that statement were staggering: if the signal had actually come from space, then was there someone orbiting the Earth who at that very moment was fighting for his life?"
"Space is the next frontier for the information revolution."
"Omumua exhibited peculiarities suggesting it might be artificial."
"Eventually, the United States and every other modern nation on Earth is going to need a space force or be at the mercy of those who already have one."
"Whatever it is, it remains in place for several hours, then just speeds off into space, leaving no trace at all."
"Describing how planets and starfields you have several considerations to make them feel real."
"Space Random Encounters are going to be a feature of Starfield."
"Actual Star Wars-like Space Battles in Starfield with tons of ships and lasers flying everywhere."
"It is the closest, most detailed, and the best extraterrestrial photo that's out there."
"The sky's no limit, for these epic space adventures that bring us tactical battles, fast-paced dogfighting, creative constructions and unlimited journeys."
"You could actually easily keep a hundred people with enough space because, you know, you can sleep in basically like coffins in space."
"General Curtis LeMay: 'We have eyes in space. We can see into space to protect the Earth.'"
"Liftoff of NOAA's GOES-T, our newest weather sentinel in the sky to help keep us safe here on the ground."
"Nature would give us some space from each other as well as the freedom to roam and stay active."
"It seems like we started out knowing what they were. As with many things in science, we were like, 'Ah, a new thing, a rock in space.'"
"You have so much space and that equals to emotional connection to that song, that artist, that piece of music."
"NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, was founded in October of 1958 and has since specialized in filling the nation along with the rest of the world with undeniable feelings of awe for nearly six decades."
"We're humbled to be the entire nation's provider to the International Space Station."
"It's a great time to be at NASA, and it's a great time to see all of the amazing developments happen."
"The enthusiasm for what happened on Demo Two was extremely robust among people within the U.S. government, of course; among members of Congress that found that."
"I didn't want to do this but I'm pulling a comet from orbit."
"A new age of exploration is upon us... Space, there is a galaxy full of wonder waiting to be discovered."
"Humanity is on the verge of great discoveries, one day we'll reach the stars."
"May you breathe and create space between you and the things or experiences that feel heavy in life."
"It allowed me to struggle, it lets you look up at The Emptiness of space over and over and think what the hell do I do next, what does any of this mean?"
"You can go and land on that weird planet, check it out, build an outpost."
"It's leaving that space for him to come to her."
"Giving one another space is going to be key."
"It's these incredible, overwhelming moments of realization, the humbling feeling of the cosmic expanse stretching out endlessly before you."
"With each observation through these telescopes, we've witnessed the birth and death of stars, marveled at the intricate dance of galaxies, and unraveled the mysteries of black holes."
"Space is one of the last places left for mankind to explore."
"The United States must control space as a platform of operations."
"Check this out for an island, it's 4.6 M long."
"Are you trying to escape to space? I can't blame you if you are."
"That would bolster the case that you're looking at a space-faring civilization."
"This kitchen is open, it's amazing... did I say there's a lot of cabinet space?"
"The Universe expands in all directions, stretching out space itself, not matter expanding into some existing empty space from some sort of big explosion."
"Space is not what we think it is, our visitors can ping into our material airspace just like that."
"The stuff that people were interested in were stuff about how did the universe begin, what is time, how can we make sense of space."
"This car is of course longer than your long wheelbase S-Class at a whole 18 centimeters longer, all of that goes to your rear passengers."
"Your ship is almost like having another character or home you can make all your own."
"I apologize for disappearing on you all, but I'm really grateful and appreciative of you all for giving me the space that I needed."
"It was sobering to realize what they had discovered, the first piece of Challenger debris since the shuttle washed ashore in 1996."
"We've got a strange story from the International Space Station."
"The Atlas Cross Sport is one of the most spacious rear seats in the segment."
"We want you to feel like explorers, breaking ground on new planets, exploring every inch of a mostly untouched galaxy."