
Running Quotes

There are 1761 quotes

"When I run, my mind clears of everything and I can focus on a lot of creative aspects of business...the run is where my mind is super clear."
"You learn new things every time you run. And that's why you have to keep doing runs because you'll learn more."
"Runner sees competitor collapse before finish line and gives up winning to help him."
"If you want to be a runner, the best thing to do is go run every day. If you run every day for 30 days, you're a runner."
"You don't have to be winning races... if you set a personal best or you just get out there and you feel good and you cover the longest distance you've ever covered in your life, that's a real accomplishment."
"Just remember my voice: breath. So before we pop in our earbuds, we're really connecting to the sound of our breath."
"Cool. Now you're ready for your run! Mix and max these together, listen to your body, and let me know how your run goes."
"This is a run of such astonishingly inspired ability that it will dispel those thoughts. People can dream even more after watching a run like this."
"Good luck to all runners and let's beat cancer."
"By running, I am callousing my mind. I'm not training for a race, I'm training for life."
"When you're running, you're by yourself... it's like the ultimate form of escapism."
"If you're gonna run, you better do it right; otherwise, you're gonna get the kuduro."
"It's not how far you run, it's how long you run."
"We’re all runners when we need to be, right?"
"Running is just plain good for you, not only for your physical health, but your mental health."
"Running's more about evening yourself out. Makes me feel good about who I am."
"This was a great run for my personal reputation, and I feel excellent."
"Running, you need nothing to do it. You can cross the country with it, you can escape zombies with it, I love it."
"I ran through the park and I swear over the sound of my heart beating fast, I could hear the sound of twigs snapping and leaves crunching."
"Everyone who has ever had a running shoe on his or her feet, it's an absolute must to come here to watch that race."
"In the end, the run has ended much in the way that a lot of my runs end, with me not really knowing what the hell happened but here we are."
"The idea of improving yourself as a runner with higher mileage training is key."
"That's kind of the gist of what it takes to BQ."
"Running for me is therapeutic. It's my time for me to connect with myself. It's the only time that I'm able to disconnect from everything and just really be with myself."
"You don't need to be scared about going for a fucking run."
"Running exhausts you, right, even though I love running."
"Running does not get easier despite what everyone says."
"Running will always just be like my number one, it's like therapy."
"Running is like the most hardest thing in life but it's the most hardest like mental like, uh, like sport I think at least."
"Running is like that sh*t's so mentally like, bro, you're telling yourself, like, bro, your mind is telling you to like stop, like literally stop, like you, like give up, yeah, but like you don't want to, you know."
"Our ability to run with a slightly higher turnover, slightly higher cadence, is the holy grail of all this running stuff."
"The runner's high makes you feel powerfully optimistic."
"I'm running with my legs moving too fast for my body."
"The benefits of barefoot running though are real, they can help you regardless of the type of runner you are."
"Running to get lean really comes down to priorities when it comes to calorie deficits and concurrent training."
"Running doesn't have to be awful; it can actually be enjoyable."
"Your body is stronger, it's fitter, it reacts quicker and that's where it all makes running feel easier."
"Life-changing runs can come out of seemingly nowhere and when they do, it's pretty magical."
"I trained really hard for four months for the Twin Cities Marathon and I finished in three hours 20 minutes and 59 seconds."
"Now I understand why people get addicted to running."
"I'll finally get to share with you all why running is a transcendent experience."
"She loves running, so I got her winter running gear."
"Because my legs can run fast doesn't mean I don't need the balance of my hands to push me forward."
"This is the hardest part of the run absolutely."
"When the right song hits at the right moment when you're running and you're like, 'I'm gonna run so fast that I'm gonna... am I still running or am I flying?'"
"I do a lot of running, like excessive amounts of running."
"Honestly, I can't explain how good it was. I feel like I could get addicted to running marathons."
"Whatever number of years that is, and I still run."
"Muhammad Ali loved to run, it was a core part of his training."
"It's just not that great for me to live with all the other hours of the week when I'm not running."
"I wanted to test out my homemade shoes on a run like this."
"I was hooked on running because that endorphin hit was Oh down it was good."
"If I run correctly with the correct technique...I will actually have a stronger and healthier foot."
"Running in a group like this is so much easier psychologically."
"Keep these hips loose, the looser the hips, you'll run faster, you'll run further."
"Keep running, hit the pavement running, don't wait."
"I just set a personal best at my parkrun, feels great!"
"I pride myself on snow, sleet, whatever it is, rain not slipping, being able to run on any surface."
"Running is totally a mental thing. It is completely mental, it's not even physical for me."
"Running... was about finding the joy in the community... it should be a joyous, expansive experience that's fun and it's your journey towards discovering that for yourself."
"The art of running downhill is about enjoying it when you're going downhill."
"I was the perfect runner because I was made of balsa wood."
"I hate runners, man, they actually do freak me out."
"Running is not a sport because everybody can do it. I can run, you can run, my mother can run."
"Why do you run? Is it simply because you can?"
"He used to run 6-mile distances just to free his mind from unnecessary thoughts."
"Beautiful and if you're a runner, you're helping yourself avoid shin splints by doing this move."
"Running downhill is an art; for every time you land on your foot, it's like eight times your body weight going through your muscles."
"When running, never look back. Ignore the pain as it comes and remember to breathe steadily and deeply."
"I want to just run for like probably like two, three more years as hard as I can."
"It's beautiful to run outside here."
"I've decided I'm going to work on my endurance when running."
"These are great running shorts and they're an affordable option as well."
"Your first 5k, that's a big milestone."
"It's not the actual noises that are coming out of your mouth causing the trail gods to influence your run, that's not it; it's the mindset you're in."
"Some people like to run with people, some people like to run solo."
"I look forward to getting back into marathon shape."
"Lacing up your shoes and going for a run three times a week, even if it's really short, the mental gains and clarity that you get from a run outside... you guys will benefit like crazy."
"I'm getting into running, guys, believe it or not."
"The runner's high is better than sex and it even lasts."
"It's the ultimate gateway drug into electric running."
"I think I ran in 30, that's really fast, 10-minute miles are legit."
"There's no such thing as a hopeless case; everyone can become a runner."
"Being outside is the superior place to run because it offers way better motivation."
"Commit yourself to a long-term goal by signing up for a local race."
"Food is fuel, not something you have to punish yourself for, and running is by no means a punishment."
"...I run because I genuinely love it... I've actually been able to improve as a runner and achieve certain goals."
"My daughter's passion for running will never die down."
"Running is kind of like meditation for me."
"I think throughout the week with such great weather I did over 25k running"
"Running is all about pacing; if you start off too fast, you're just going to crush yourself."
"Running like this for like 3 minutes, almost 7,000 Watts."
"Running is more of a physical capability and wow it's like a big mental thing."
"I need to get out of the house and I went for a run."
"Running is very funny dude we're running publicly it's the best it's a high-speed lifestyle dude running out of a running out of a restaurant is [ __ ] so funny dude."
"I think we can all run from this. And we'll do it, thanks to Taylor, with a bloody good soundtrack."
"You ever been there? Well, the big space running place?"
"He runs because he loves me, you should have seen him."
"Oh wow, surprise surprise, just marathon runner, seriously man, he's cutting down that 26.2 in such a quick way."
"Running saved my life, but then it actually gave me a life."
"It's a genuinely beautiful runner."
"Ultra is a version of running that basically adds in adventure to it."
"The running attitude is very natural and very progressive on this thing."
"Arms are burning I love it nice and you know even as a runner you got to have a strong upper body right."
"If you could do it, do it. Yeah, I mean, but yes, the whole running from [__] is, and look, we're the 405. We invented this [__]."
"I love using raycons, especially when I run."
"...running slowly for a long time is not complicated really you just have to find the motivation somewhere to keep moving..."
"She runs pretty good for the shape she was in."
"I really wanted to run through the change in mindset how I did it and why I think more people would enjoy running if they just changed one thing and that is to run slow."
"...running for me gives me a feeling that I don't get from any other form of exercise..."
"Running has honestly changed my life it's given me so much joy I feel like it's going to be in my life for a long time hopefully."
"I actually enjoyed the outdoor run, it was my first outdoor run in a very long time."
"You're never gonna run as fast as you will on a smooth road surface. And that is totally fine. That's what trail running is all about."
"The key thing you want to do when you're just starting off as a beginner Runner is to go slow and steady in the beginning."
"Running has truly become so therapeutic. It has given me clarity, it has strengthened me as an individual."
"Damn, even fire, I couldn't even run a mile."
"I ran as fast as I could out of the tunnel and onto my street."
"I started running in some grass and then sort of a wooded area."
"After my parents passed away, running became a different meaning for me. It was not just exercise, but it was therapy for me."
"Running is fantastic for releasing those endorphins."
"You can pop in I want to run 10K vaguely in that direction and it'll plot that route for me send it to my watch and I'm away."
"All around a comfort oriented shoe that's designed to work around the runner make it easier for you to run."
"Running is really hard, so be proud of yourself for how good you are right now, that you're trying to be better."
"It's nice to have that motivation to run for someone else and really allow them to fulfill their dreams because you helped out."
"I needed this morning's longer training run to take my mind off things more than ever."
"He just wanted to run, and he did."
"He ran for over 200 yards, also threw for nearly 200."
"Show people you could run and enjoy running and do that while you were pregnant."
"Long-distance runners have an ability that most of us would love to have—the stamina to cover great distances at a trot and being able to repeat that feat whenever necessary."
"changing up the scenery just makes every run so much more fun when you do the same route over and over again"
"But with running, even if you have a shitty run, it feels like you made some progress."
"Running at night, it's pretty nice. It's weirdly relaxing."
"I like running at night. It's like real. It's like relaxing. It just feels calmer."
"Just keep running within yourself and run the mile that you're in."
"Running has an amazing community and so I've gotten to connect with other people who love running last but not least it has helped me realize I'm way stronger than I think I am you really get to see yourself evolved as you run more and more and it's so beautiful."
"A feeling I will always chase is this feeling of running on trail and just gliding through it."
"You're running, but you're not really aware that you're running: you're moving on the trail."
"I ran until I burst out of the trees and into the Sun."
"The space from running has made me so grateful and I feel like it really saved me from a lot of dark places."
"Even if you are going out on that first 5k and you're thinking, 'This isn't meant for me,' you definitely are a runner."
"At the end of the day, you can think like a runner, you can surround yourself with Runners, and you can look like one, but if you don't actually go out there put one foot in front of the other and run you will never truly understand what you were created to do."
"Running pace and seeing people in their 60s 70s 80s 90s one guy in his 100s, I'm like wow."
"When I run, I sense His pleasure."
"Might just be the best running watch I've ever used."
"Any tool you can buy that can prevent you from having to run is worthwhile."
"I miss running sometimes I miss how good I felt after a run I just was like alive and I feel so good you know."
"It's run up the Middle with a big hole right and there's not enough done with it. He doesn't run over guys as much as you would think even when the opportunity exactly right."
"I ended up going for a 3-mile run... I was really proud of myself... I did not expect myself to just knock that out like that, like a piece of cake."
"I'm about to go on my run and I actually went this weekend on I ran for 20 whole minutes. This is a big thing for Grace, honestly, I can't tell you enough."
"Yesterday, my run, I did really good if I don't just say so myself. I did a whole running for 23 minutes. Honestly, Couch 5k has changed my life. I can't... I can't stress it enough."
"Hey everybody tonight's the night. I've been waiting for my whole life. Who wouldn't know what it was like running from those flashing lights?"
"Wow, steamrolling through some miles this morning."
"Thank god we were running because they were running too and they meant it."
"It's time now to introduce a little bit of intensity into your running and trying to spice things up a bit."
"Last time I saw you running, you were getting chased by hounds."
"Humans are actually quite efficient at running."
"Humans are remarkable at long distance running not only compared especially compared to other primates but also compared to some of the nature's best runners."
"Running played a very important role in human evolution and it's still important to us because it plays a major role in human health."
"You can't run at Disneyland unless you're here for a run Disney event."
"Running will cause knee pain, knee arthritis, your knee will wear out because you're running and pounding it too much. Guess what? That is a myth that has never been proven by long-term studies."
"I can run and I can cycle indoors and on a machine."
"I actually really like running in the rain. It does make me feel just a little bit more badass than normal."
"Running every day actually makes me feel stronger and makes my running better. I've seen a real improvement in my running by doing this every single day."
"There's this moment in running where you feel like everything just kind of clicks and you feel like you could run forever."
"I highly recommend running. It's so good for your mental health."
"Running in the morning is way easier than running in the afternoon or the evening."
"Investing in a decent pair of running shoes is essential."
"It's okay to stop and walk. Running became so much more enjoyable and accessible the day I realized I could stop and walk for a bit."
"Running can be great for your mental and your physical health."
"I just want to see more people out there running and enjoying this wonderful sport."
"Running gave me so many gifts, it was so life-altering for me."
"Running is a mental sport. You've got to train your brain."
"It's unreal but yeah I think for people who are listening if you're a runner like try that next time you go out try like pushing through the ground rather than trying to paw the ground and like how you contact the ground so important."
"If I had to pick running, I would rather run uphill than just like run because I'm better at that."
"It's a joy to be able to run. We're lucky that we can spend our days doing that."
"Running is never not going to hurt. But that's one of the things I love about Marathon running."
"There's no reward in it, I'm not doing it for the gold medal, I just think it's dope that people are like 'yo, let's go run with Kev'."
"You got one! No, you got two. Come here, quit running away from me."
"i loved every minute of it i thought they earned all their running time"
"The trick to descending is to not be tense. You've gotta let loose, you've gotta like, you know, be calm, and it's almost like dancing. You can't be stiff when you dance, the same with running downhill."
"How was your run? How was that run? How did it feel? Did it go as expected or was it more challenging than normal? Maybe the weather, maybe just your energy or stress levels, and just notice without judging, without analyzing, without beating yourself up."
"The beauty of believing in something larger than yourself and incorporating faith into your running is that you're engaged in something that's magical and that's sort of transcendent."
"Honestly, if you would have told me before I got into running that I would be willingly getting up at 4:00 a.m. and enjoying it, I would have laughed in your face."
"Running with a partner, a friend or whatever, definitely helps keep your mind off of the running itself. So would recommend."
"I did not beat Usain Bolt, but I did beat my own personal record."
"Last night I actually started like, uh, I don't know what to call it, just a schedule for running a 5k eventually."
"Running one mile for every month that my mom got to live."
"I've always enjoyed running but I hated the way running is presented."
"Running in the dark is a different experience altogether than running in the light of day."
"Do I look like a runner guys if you saw me running would you be like oh damn that girl knows what she's doing."
"I want to run. I've always loved running."
"I find this more than cushioned enough for all my easy runs."
"The alpha fly is still King. It's still the one that's breaking all the marathon records and doing all the really fast stuff."
"This one just gives you that little reminder to pick up your knees and to keep going and keep popping up that bounce off the toes is just, I don't want to say it's cheating but it just feels so good and keeps your legs feeling fresh."
"Running was the most important thing in my life until I was 28."
"I'm definitely known as 'the runner' for my community."
"Running gave me that sense of accomplishment, of empowerment."
"Every runner deserves their best chance."
"If you are a runner who's looking for one shoe to do it all and you're going to only take that shoe up to 10 miles or you're a beginner Runner who wants something that performs really well this thing is going to be the best shoe available."
"There's just such a big camaraderie amongst the runners."