
Personal Standards Quotes

There are 1212 quotes

"I'm focusing on my career, my career in not dating losers."
"Success is not how much money or how much power you have. Success is how well do you do what you do when no one else is looking."
"Over the next year, is learning how to really respect yourself, heighten your standards."
"Raise your standards of value and respect for yourself."
"Personal integrity... do you live up to your own expectations of yourself?"
"Love yourself so much that you would never dream of staying in a situation that isn't giving you what you deserve."
"The inability to reject less than I deserve is an invitation to self-abuse."
"People will treat you accordingly... Raise your standard to the level of your value. People will respect what you respect."
"Boundaries represent standards and are the evidence of self-love."
"My vibration is the most important, and I am not bringing myself down to anyone's level."
"When you feel good about yourself, live self-love, you are setting the bar higher."
"You will get out of your life what you will tolerate. This is the secret key."
"I love myself enough to know what I want, what I deserve, and what feels right for me."
"Live your life as you say other people should live their lives, and have standards for yourself."
"The best you can do to yourself in life is not to allow people to bring you down to their level."
"Discipline is not telling everyone else what to do; it's having standards for yourself that you live up to."
"You gotta raise your [expletive] standards if you want to live an empowered life."
"Don't lower your standards; you deserve the best."
"One thing about me, I'm gonna overlook. But not moral sins; I will not overlook them."
"You don't have to settle for anything less than perfect liberty, permanently."
"I think in life you get what you tolerate, you get what you demand, and I demand excellence of myself, so I demand excellence of all these guys here, and I pull them all forward."
"You shouldn't have to settle for anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or doesn't make you feel good."
"High-value men are very independent and are not shy to walk away from situations that don't serve them."
"When you show up knowing what you want in a relationship, it naturally challenges a man to be the best version of himself."
"Don't just settle; go to the best and more importantly, the one that is right for you."
"I will love myself because it sets the standard for how everybody's going to love me."
"You teach people how to treat you, and that same thing applies in dating."
"If you always do good work from your standards, whether you're in a project that fails or succeeds, you can live with that."
"I deserve better. I deserve someone who didn't throw me away at the slightest problem."
"You deserve consistency and when you have a proper self-esteem, you demand it."
"He's got the whole package; you don't forget why you don't settle, and you don't look back."
"No woman is going to want to be with a man who has settled."
"Pleasure is the measure, not the performance."
"It's okay to carry yourself with respect. It's okay to set standards for yourself. It's okay to not let men, or whoever, just take advantage of you."
"Understand the difference between standards and preferences."
"We're judging ourselves against too many people. You have to judge yourself against yourself."
"I have a firm rule against working for people who use slaves to build themselves statues."
"I don't care what anybody says, I hate stupid relationships. I hate them. When I tell you I can find nobody, it's because not only do I not look, but it's because if I do look, it's people who only want me for not me."
"So why, if that's the case for your son, why don't you have the same energy for you? You're dealing with somebody else's son."
"Know your value and don't accept or engage with anything that's less than what you truly deserve."
"The more we love ourselves, the less bad things we tolerate."
"I couldn't accept that low offer because if I did, I couldn't sleep at night because I am the most, and I say this humbly, I am the most decorated comedian alive."
"If you don't got money, don't [ __ ] talk to me."
"It's not okay to be just okay, it's only good to be outrageously in love with the Father."
"That's not a beige flag for me, that's why we read."
"Men ain’t shit! I will not tolerate Augustine mistreatment in my house, no sir!"
"It's okay if your house isn't super duper clean."
"If you're not in the top 10%, I wouldn't contemplate marriage."
"I will never ask you for anything in exchange for something inferior."
"It's either aligned with winning or I don't want to be a part of that."
"Do not date potential. When you see the red flags, pay attention."
"We're the generation of instant gratification, but we won't settle for things that don't make us happy."
"There's a fine line between settling and compromising and you should never really settle for less than what you want."
"A woman who lives from the inside knows who she is, where she's going, and won't settle for less."
"You cannot just sit there and say I don't have any non-negotiables."
"The standard of a queen conscious woman creates isolation."
"Don't cut corners. If I didn't win at my game, I actually lost."
"There is a point where you have to draw a line in the sand."
"We ain't gonna do no fake [], fake [], because I don't give [] about big ears or small ears, or show cheers, or how tall he is. I call you the [] out and no [__]."
"I will not be capable of settling for less than openness, honesty, and total transparency."
"Don't downgrade yourself, play at your level, not theirs."
"No objective mode is kind of a no play for me."
"You want to pick a spouse that's better than you are."
"Make a man court you, see if that's somebody that you want to be with."
"We’re going for a good solid 99% perfect, just like meeee!"
"We all have a different standard but money is a reality."
"I don't like excuses, I don't put up with excuses."
"What I insist on for myself is knowing I'm worth it."
"Do not settle for anything that you wouldn't put up with."
"I'm not gonna settle for anything less than what I deserve."
"I strive for perfection, flawlessness, and truth-keeping."
"Do what you want because that's your standard."
"Raise your standards starting with yourself."
"If you go home with somebody and they don't have books, don't look."
"Well, what do they mean? Well, just take that quote: 'you are not a body that happens to have a soul; you are a soul that happens to have a body.' Well, is that the teachings of Genesis 1, 2, 3?"
"I wouldn't say I'm high-maintenance I have high standards I'm a businesswoman I made a big sacrifice like I moved across the city."
"Let this DV outcomes remind you that a small waist, pretty face, and big bank may not be worth the how."
"Be tolerant with others and strict with yourself."
"I don't give a [ __ ] what I have on my feet is not going to allow me to [ __ ] out on my lifts."
"If someone doesn't have interest in who you are for you, then they're not worth talking to in the first place."
"Don't settle for less, keep your options open."
"Faithfulness in a relationship has no correlation to how many people you've slept with."
"Don't live up to their expectations of what a role model is, just be the best person that you can be."
"I am a man of high standards and reputation with myself."
"People are people. If they cheat, lie, they don't deserve your time. Just walk away."
"You don't have to be the best at everything."
"If you live by the standards of your heart, you can have a life and a society of decent people."
"Why would you want to keep people in your life that don't support or stand with your value system?"
"If you're doing what you're supposed to be doing for a woman you're dealing with and she's not showing you appreciation, don't deal with her."
"Some people's standards are messing up a good moment."
"You're fine, you just have to be more discerning in your taste."
"That list right there is not the actual list that is not a list that I would be proud of if I uploaded just that section of a video."
"Criticizing the things we enjoy when those critiques are warranted is a healthy avenue for developing our own standards."
"Someone who only checks half of your boxes, you are super compelled."
"Your reminders empower me to be who I am and not accept being treated unfairly."
"You remind me that I don't have to settle, that the wrong guy can be toxic."
"That's not me being difficult, that's me having a standard."
"The most important relationship you'll ever have is with yourself. If you raise your own standards, then the right man will rise up to meet them."
"Make sure that your standards for yourself are as high as the standards you are setting."
"I'm just not the type of girl who sleeps around; I really only want to spend time with someone who's interested in something more real."
"I want to inspire excellence. I view the world through a very dichotomous lens of excellent and everything else."
"It's your life and you're not going to be happy if you back down from your standards."
"Your end game to be a standard, a quality in and of yourself that you adhere to that you respect and that's it."
"Having a conversation about standards and why you should raise them is super important."
"You have to be okay with the fact that people are not going to like you having standards."
"When something is wrong with a piece of content I put out, nothing makes me feel okay until I have something that people like."
"Love yourself enough to accept only the best... be comfortable being alone first."
"Having standards is golden, no doubt about it."
"Never in my life will I approve my daughter to date a 42-year-old man, I don't care if he has all the money in the world."
"It's haram to do anything less than your best."
"Why would I want to be with someone who dropped me like that without even communicating and trying to fix it?"
"There are some things that you should not be willing to do for any price."
"Don't go backwards, don't get with them dusties, stay dust-free."
"I felt like I didn't feel good about myself if I wasn't doing everything I could to be the best version of myself."
"I don't want to be tolerated. If you can't accept me, this is not where I need to be."
"Love yourself as much as you want your soul mate to love you."
"Know that you deserve the best and that you deserve someone who's going to truly be dependable."
"You got to know, at the bottom of the deck, if you believe. Yes and no. Like, believe in yourself to not settle for jobs, for money, for people, for real. Now is not the time to lower your standards."
"I'd much rather be too long than not long enough."
"I try to write five pages a day, five good pages a day."
"I will not take anything that cost me nothing."
"Settling is never the answer. You deserve more than just what's convenient."
"You don't let someone else set the standard for what you achieve or what you can earn."
"I will be judging all of these movies according to the standards of a 27 year old adult man, and that's how it's gotta be."
"Stop dealing with trash. Leave trash where it belongs, in the dumpster at the landfill."
"Stop giving unworthy men your womb, it's that simple, you're still a queen."
"I want the best that God has for me. I don't want average, I don't want mediocre, I don't want to settle."
"He's the unreachable standard for me, that's why he's the best."
"People are essentially saying, 'I don't want to compromise on my standards so I'd rather be alone,' but I'm also going to raise a child in an environment where I prioritize my own standards over what they're going to need."
"Accept nothing less than the best. You don't have to force this, let it come naturally."
"They're meant to remind you of what it is you stand for, what you do want to see in a commitment, not what you're willing to live without."
"You can't be around you and accept mediocrity, no, in any way, in any way."
"Having this list of your relationship standards of your requirements of what matters to you is a wonderful way to navigate your own relationship values."
"Opinionated but respectful, holding yourself to a standard while expressing your beliefs respectfully."
"Increase your standards and expect more for yourself. Don't settle."
"Having high expectations is not a bad thing; having low expectations that are easily met, that is a bad thing."
"I wasn't gonna cut corners, I was gonna do it the right way."
"Other people's expectations of you are not as important as the way that you feel about what you're doing."
"I'm better than that. I wouldn't do something like that."
"Life is too short to work for people like that."
"It's about valuing yourself enough... I'd rather be by myself than be with someone who isn't right for me."
"Hold yourself to a high standard, live the change you want to see."
"I'm okay with a certain level of uncomfortable and effective but uncomfortable and ineffective, never okay."
"If it's effective, I'll take a little uncomfortable for effective outcomes. What I won't take is ineffective and uncomfortable."
"It's not about living to a standard. It's just saying, 'Hey, like, I can.' That's where confidence comes from."
"Look forward even after falling short of expectations."
"At the end of the day, there are standards that you have to meet with yourself first."
"You're not putting up with settling anymore, you're standing your ground."
"You have standards and boundaries. You're kind of like, 'Okay, you know what? That's fine.'"
"As long as I find a way where I feel like it's easier to do... I'm kind of cool with that."
"Recognizing that you deserve the best in a situation."
"You have nothing to prove to anybody except yourself."
"I have more Integrity than to get all the way to Miami and realize that I'm being treated like a second tier person."
"If I wouldn't want to wear it, there was no point of making it."
"Every single day, I'm gonna settle for nothing less."
"Don't settle for less than a relationship that makes you drop to your knees and worship the Lord."
"You're due for a half a man instead of a whole man."
"Standing in your truth will clear out a lot of energy. Something about setting the standards and getting things to move."
"You don't need just a boyfriend... you need the man of God that is for you."
"If what you were doing was working right now, you'd be married or at least engaged to a man of value."
"If you're cool and you work hard, I don't really give a [__]."
"You have to have standards for someone that you want to be your partner. Are you ever going to lower your standards or exchange your goal? No way."
"I value myself more than that. If that means I have zero followers at the end of this, I don't give a."
"We're not going into 2022 with toxic behavior. We calling all this [__] out."
"You must find the man worthy of you, but you have to first understand your own value."
"There's a difference between personal decency and political decency."
"You don't always have to prove yourself to others; let them try to impress you instead."
"People have to prove themselves in order for me to trust them."
"If you're not good, nothing that you do or create can be great."
"Don't do any of these things to please a guy because the guys who are gonna be pleased by this [ __ ] are the wrong guy."
"I think you hold yourself to a different standard than you hold other people."
"That's how you learn to set standards and boundaries because you don't just accept anything."
"Because it was happy with what I performed on the production that we had available at that point. But I was like, 'No, that's not what I would do with my album.' That was what I was doing to actually get the deal."
"Men are simple creatures but your standards are standardizing you right out of the game."
"If any factor is missing, don't take the step of going for that person."
"Attraction is crucial; don't settle for someone you're not attracted to."
"Hold yourself to a standard... do whatever would make your wife proud of you."
"You're living life on your own expectations and on nobody else's."
"If it feels off, just walk away and don't do it. Don't settle, it's better to be alone and happy than being in a relationship and miserable."
"Don't let somebody buy your attention. If you don't feel an incredibly strong, intense connection, don't bother with it."
"If that ain't good enough then it's not... and that's who I'm gonna be."
"I don't want to put out content just because I'm putting it out."
"You're not practicing what you preach, you set yourself up for a letdown."
"Be open to receive and don't accept less than the best."
"I need to change something here because I know I deserve respect, I know I deserve equality in emotional reciprocation, and I deserve more than this period."
"Settling is an insult to the one that created you."
"Set boundaries and do not lower your standards."
"Moving forward, you're not going to settle for anything that feels inauthentic."
"Never settle for what is mediocre, always go for whatever is the best."
"Listen, I'm not him. I'm doing this the right way always have."
"You may not be able to change that, but that doesn't mean you settle for really bad compromises."
"Maybe the standards that you have are too high."
"He don't care how good you think you are if he's not already feeling you."
"I would be embarrassed if my team was moving like that. I would not have it."
"I like to make sure that the videos that are being posted are really good."
"Because if somebody is not adding to my life and not living up to the title that they're supposed to have, that bloodshed really don't make much of a difference for me."
"The last thing that's going to burn down is something I installed. I am such an anal retentive person when it comes to my connections." - Individual speaker
"I do not like playing into double standards, even if it benefits me."
"If you don't love the game as much as I love it, go somewhere else."
"Be a top shelf man, set boundaries and enforce them, and have options."