
Complicity Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"Being so attractive and kind and clever, you'd be willing to cover up a little murder I've committed, no questions asked, right?"
"To do that we have to let them in, so the person being seduced is in some ways, to a degree, complicit."
"Our media outlets are complicit in what is a historic crime."
"Your silence is starting to become true complicity. You're enabling it now. That means you're part of the problem."
"I hope you know that you're protecting a terrible man and a coward... who is aiding and abetting an actual genocide."
"When you are offended, you are complicit in the offense."
"And remaining silent in the face of an oppressive status quo, is support for the status quo."
"If you can excuse or ignore racism, you are racist."
"Silence is violence, and you're not even saying nothing right now."
"Painting broad swaths of the population complicit in things that they may or may not have had any involvement in."
"This is disgusting and anyone who is silent on this or anyone who turns around and calls out those who speak up for women's space is complicit in this abuse."
"I don't care about 'not all cops being bad'. All cops participate in a racist system."
"If you protect him and you don't tell us everything, then you're part of the crime."
"Rape culture is conceptually a real thing... possible to have a culture condoning or complicit in rape."
"Why did you allow that prank to happen? You are just as complicit."
"He continued to lie, and he went in search of anyone who would go along with his scheme."
"If you know the truth and you're not revealing it, then you're complicit too."
"Whenever there's silence, there's complicity."
"Silence means passive support. If you are silent, that means you are supporting it."
"Silence is complicity. Do something about it now."
"If you recognize a problem and choose not to do anything about it, then you become complicit."
"Republicans are feckless, co-conspirators, complicit in the president's racism."
"It's one thing for a fabulist like George Santos to lie and cheat his way into a congressional seat but it's altogether something else when he's doing it in complicity."
"Silence is complicity. I will not be silent nor will you be silent about what happened."
"Silence equals complicity like if you stay silent when the face of Wars right now we are just as complicit as those carrying it out."
"Complicity is the worst part... we become enforcers of the very ideas we don't want."
"When you're quiet you're just as guilty. Ah, I've been saying that."
"When you participate in the character assassination of a black man, you are also complicit in their actual assassination."
"Not speaking up is basically you're complicit. You're supporting it."
"He's not only the problem, there's also many willing participants that choose to believe what this man has said."
"In keeping silent about evil... we are implanting it."
"Those who continue to support this dangerous gambit will forever be seen as complicit in an unprecedented attack against our democracy."
"White silence equals violence. It means seeing something that's wrong, knowing it's wrong, feeling it's wrong, and then just saying nothing because it's an uncomfortable situation."
"You couldn't have aided Ruth Neve in abusing her children more if you'd actually physically helped or abused them."
"Senators who don't vote to impeach the former president are complicit in his wrongdoing."
"The indifference by NATO and other countries around the world towards the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014 makes them all, to a certain extent, complicit in the war today."
"You don't actually have to commit a crime to participate in or benefit from rape culture."
"He did so with the assistance of all of these folks... They looked the other way while these young girls were taken advantage of."
"Hawley agrees that they're all complicit, every day, but you still have a choice."
"If Brian was in on it, you may be thinking, well, if Brian was in on it, why would he voluntarily strap a bomb to his neck?"
"White silence in cross-racial discussions is complicity with racism."
"What did he do to contribute to the murder? Quick answer: everything."
"Evil doesn't stop itself, and passive men who allow it are complicit."
"If you're still giving our 500-year-old open enemies the benefit of the doubt, you're part of the problem."
"We've been made unwitting participants in an enormous horror."
"The worst atrocities and worst things that happened didn't happen because most people were evil. They happened because most people were apathetic or passive or quietly complicit."
"You need the people who are complicit in it all, you need them prosecuted."
"This cements the fact that they are now partners in crime."
"Silence is violence because then that means you're acquiescing to this evil system."
"The media outlets and newspapers that refuse to report on the truth of this story are just as guilty as Epstein himself."
"It's a fascinating condemnation of apathy and complicity through inaction."
"Silence is the killer, silence is the enabler."
"Silence in the face of injustice is complicity."
"You become an active participant in a grand lie."
"When you see a bully, you stop them. You tell them it is wrong. But when you decide to stay silent, to act like nothing is going on because it doesn't directly affect you, you are the bully too for letting it happen."
"Anybody who's involved in facilitating the targeting of American-provided weapons is likewise complicit in a war crime."
"Denial of racism demands no change no accountability it is complicity."
"If we really disagree with something but we go along with it, we're part of the problem."
"Ask yourself whether you're complicit in its atrocities by doing business with it."
"If we stayed complicit any longer, there was little doubt there would be more victims in the future."
"The US federal government was essentially complicit."
"The horrors that are to come are not only on the Israeli state but on the Western states who made it possible."
"It's a rigged market and we're part of the rigging."
"If you're not actively fighting against this you are part of the problem."
"Harassment for going against the establishment does exist. What Larson did in being complicit is twice as disgusting as what Netflix did for initiating it."
"When we're silent in the face of oppression and human suffering and abuse then we are as guilty as the perpetrators."
"To be sympathetic to the world of the mega church system is to share in her sins and will be to receive of her plagues."
"Defending thieves and liars makes you complicit in their actions."
"Silence, as my dad would remind me, silence is complicity."
"Let's commit the crime together so despair can become the foundation."
"Your silence and your amnesia is complicity."
"Everybody knew it's just they decided that it just like Harvey Weinstein well you know that's just kind of the breaks of that business you know he's really well connected you don't want to make him mad."
"As long as you let innocent victims be abused then you're part of the problem to those innocent victims."
"If silence is complicity, then an appeal to objectivity in the face of immorality is tantamount to an endorsement."
"Silence when there is an injustice is complicit in that Injustice."
"When there is an injustice, silence is complicity."
"When you do not speak up, you are complicit with the behavior that is happening."
"This is the biggest human trafficking crisis of my lifetime, and you sir are complicit with it."
"They believe that those who align with negative energies are complicit."
"There's so much dirt on everybody's hands."
"Hindley was a willing partner in the atrocities that were taking place."
"And so the question arises, was Mary an innocent party, or was she wholly complicit?"
"If there are individuals who were aware that something was going on then you're basically culpable and complicit in those actions."
"He knew what these people were doing but stayed silent."
"Basically, people become complicit because they get bored of saying the same thing over and over again."
"If you're complicit, if you're a school administrator or a principal or a governing body who's complicit in the ignorance of these kids, that blood is on your head plain and simple."
"You only normalize evil when you keep quiet."
"What a slippery slope it is to enable these systems is to just keep going along with it."
"Who's gonna know? The evidence is all gone, there's no bodies, it's just us, isn't it?"
"When you're complicit in silence, you're complicit with an addiction. Addictions grow."
"Your silence is your complicitness in this."
"Zone of Interest presents a shocking portrayal of an ordinary family living next to a Nazi death camp, prompting viewers to question complicity and indifference."
"Zone of Interest presents the shocking and heartbreaking story of an ordinary family living adjacent to a Nazi death camp, raising questions about complicity and indifference."
"When we stand together with abusive systems and keep silent about those abuses out of fear, we have become complicit with the abusive system."
"Silence equals complicity to some degree."
"You're a part of the problem because you know a secret."
"One crime, thousands of accomplices."
"Those who applaud them, those who enable them, those who say 'this is my pastor, this is my covering, this is my leader'."
"There's no way you could be close with Jeffrey Epstein without knowing about this."
"The hierarchy of our day acts directly or through their silence, complicitly in the destruction of the Ten Commandments."
"I stood by and allowed my wife to almost kill our son. I was happy she did it."
"...if there is bad things happening and you don't do anything to affect it, you're complicit in it."
"If you're silent about the cover-up, then you're complicit."
"I felt dirty. I felt like I was complicit in this thing."
"To be silent, he says, is to be complicit."
"You need to do two things: number one, you have to show the girl that you are confident and in control of your environment. Number two, you have to create complicity."
"You act as a lookout while something felonious occurs, that makes you an accessory."
"As editor Luis Harney notes, it's as if you're being addressed as if you're complicit."
"Jim really needlessly making himself complicit. He's basically saying, 'We're about to make you an accomplice, so you know what to do.'"
"You truly do feel complicit in her journey at that point. History is being made and you are part of that."
"We are all guilty," Snape said. "We are all complicit."
"What other word could it be? Complicity."
"Accountability. Obviously, she is also a victim in this situation. It's just hard that she is being complicit. She's not being a girl's girl. She is instantly rushing to the side of her husband."
"If you just sit there and let that go and you don't say nothing, you're kind of endorsing it to a degree or you're at the very least, you're leaving it out there."
"He's a piece of [ __ ] supporting a piece of [ __ ] system."
"He's got all these other police officers who are complicit if he says, 'Let it go, lads.'"
"So, what we've been thinking, Stefano and I, is like, know that desire for kind of individualized avoidance of complicity is false. In fact, it's better to just deepen the [ __ ] complicity. We're all up in here. We're up in this [ __ ]. I mean, I'm thinking of Mos Def."
"If you can make an audience complicit in a character's actions, then everybody realizes."
"Until the UK government calls for an immediate ceasefire, it is complicit in the horrors in Gaza."
"A man that stands by and lets evil happen, he's as guilty as the one who does the evil."
"When we're doing something bad, we want other people to join in because then it's not so bad."
"He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it."
"When something is dangerous and there's a fire, and no one else is saying it, me staying quiet makes me a murderer just like them."
"Our silence makes us complicit with these issues."
"Europe is becoming complicit in human rights violations."
"We're about to become accomplices in a major crime."
"If you passively accept evil, you are cooperating with it. Silence is compliance."
"Being an American complicit in this and being a student at an institution complicit in this genocide directly, I couldn't imagine standing by not acting."
"When you don't have sufficient character to stand up to people who are taking advantage, you are complicit."
"Not calling them out is the opposite of love."
"Therefore I lie with her and she with me, And in our faults by lies we flattered be."
"Silence is what makes you complicit."
"The ultra-rich have made their fortunes destroying the planet and they are ready to spend their fortunes to make sure that their cash flow doesn't stop."
"Half the punishment for a crime goes to the person who commits the crime, a quarter goes to the ally, but a quarter goes to the persons who remain silent."
"Eventually everyone present began to feel like they were participating in some mental torture experiment."
"If someone you know won't take action, then they are complicit to the problem."
"Saying nothing makes you almost as bad as saying something negative."
"Ozark was about a husband and wife very much knowing what each other was doing and being complicit."
"Violence is violence and silence is silence."
"If it was possible for Heidelberg and Tübingen and Göttingen, the great German universities, to be complicit in the Holocaust, could it not be possible for Harvard and Yale and Princeton and Stanford one day to be complicit in another Holocaust?"
"If I killed someone, would you help me hide the body?"
"Though you may not be doing anything, you're complicit in your silence."
"When you're silent, you're an accomplice of what's happening to me."
"As you continue to benefit and you say nothing about it, you're helping to build brick by brick by brick the problem."
"If you don't fight him, then you help him."
"If you don't resist, you are complicit with the obliteration of everything that is about justice."
"Silence is complicit, being silent is being complicit."
"One way to spot an enabler is to see that they accept the narcissist's view of reality unquestioningly."
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" whispered Clark.
"A person may be party to an offense and therefore guilty of that offense, even if he is not present when it is committed."
"And you that do abet him in this kind cherish rebellion and are rebels all."
"By playing their game, I'm still technically supporting them."
"I don't want my silence to translate into complicity."
"If you turn a blind eye to racism, then you are an accomplice in it."
"He who tolerates evil which it is his province to suppress is an accomplice."
"It's not the violence of a few but the silence of so many."
"Sometimes just standing around and doing nothing is just as bad."
"When we see bad character, and then we make a choice to keep dealing with that guy, no one should feel sorry for us because at that point we're no longer a victim, we are a willing participant in the abuse."