
Supplements Quotes

There are 402 quotes

"What we call supplements are actually a powerful gear within a larger system aimed at customizing tools for our mental, physical health, and performance."
"Nutritional supplements show results quickly, but the real, significant changes come a year down the road. You feel much stronger, more vital, healthier."
"Creatine monohydrate...it's actually one of the most researched supplement ever and the benefits are very clear and very very consistent."
"Let's talk about nootropics, which are supplements for increasing your mental performance."
"By taking Athletic Greens once or twice a day, you can be sure that there are going to be no gaps or deficiencies in your vitamin, mineral, or probiotic needs."
"My big problem is that these supplement companies prey on our insecurities."
"I personally keep things pretty simple and just do fish oil, creatine, a high amount of fish in my diet, and then cyclic ketosis with a little bit of curcumin every day."
"I love that dream has high quality sleep ingredients that leave me with zero grogginess the next day."
"We do need nutrition. I don't think we're getting enough of the right nutrition, and the supplements that are sold out there sometimes might not give you the right type of vitamins that you need because the source of them are synthetic."
"I do recommend people take a plant-based EPA and DHA...we keep it packed in dark glass and we have it shipped to us in refrigerated trucks."
"Every dog that has arthritis, in my opinion, should be on a glucosamine chondroitin supplement."
"Eating good food, taking vitamins and supplements, and especially vitamin C... are part of our system."
"80% of participants reported that using Mate improved their memory and self-perception."
"Powerful performance and strength amplifier, a 3.2 grams of beta alanine."
"There's no clumping unlike other collagen supplements."
"Melatonin is something that can be used as a supplement and it does help promote sleep."
"Creatine is one of the best supplements to enhance physical performance and appearance."
"Seed's dso1 daily symbiotic is a broad-spectrum, true two-in-one probiotic and prebiotic."
"Creatine is probably the number one to three most studied supplement and this is like bringing back to like 16-year-olds back in high school, like creatine getting that pump."
"Vitamin D supplements appear to genuinely work in helping prevent mortality."
"You don't need that much, the results... you only need like 12 to 15 milligrams maybe 20 right maybe 20 milligrams like this one a day to see gains."
"People are wasting a lot of money on supplements that don't work, they're not bioavailable, they can't get in your bloodstream so you're just peeing them out."
"Remember, if you're trying to stay natural, there's a product called creatine. It's 100% legal."
"AG1 is really seamless and an easy daily habit for me to maintain."
"AG1 by Athletic Greens... I trust this product so much."
"Supplements are not the key to fat loss but can dramatically speed up the process."
"They are supplements not substitutes for your own cooking."
"Making sure you're getting enough magnesium and potassium either in your diet or a supplement or both is vital."
"Promoting supplements without credentials attached leaves much to be desired."
"BCAA supplements are essentially worthless as long as you're consuming enough daily protein."
"If you've made it this far then it should be pretty obvious what I think about the Athlean RX supplement line."
"Acetyl-L-carnitine gives you sharper, clearer thinking."
"I truly feel like my care vitamins have been helping me support all of my health goals which make me feel like the best version of myself."
"The evidence is indicating pretty strongly that omega-3 supplements don't prevent heart attacks or cancer."
"So with all of that being said, please be safe about whatever vitamins or supplements you might be consuming," she said.
"Taking all those supplements for only one week, did I believe it enhanced my cognition? Yes, I do."
"Let's talk my Omega brain alpha brain alpha brain now Pete Holmes turned me on to the Alpha brain and oddly it completely works 100% and it's all based on science."
"Glutamine, found in protein powder, can be obtained naturally from food sources."
"It's kind of my go-to nootropic um stack that I use on a pretty regular basis."
"Food hasn't been researched enough, like the reason they tell you to do food rather than supplements is that we've at least been eating food for like hundreds of thousands of years."
"Just because a nutritional supplement does not need a prescription, it's not harmless."
"It has helped with mental acuity, stamina, and intestinal waste management."
"This is the worst gamer supplement of all time for sure."
"For a more youthful appearance, you should regularly take collagen supplements."
"Sunday Scaries are vitamin-boosted CBD gummies that actually work."
"Vitamin D drops, we're so deficient in vitamin D."
"Norwegian cod liver oil for cell regeneration, the bomb."
"Those taking creatine are aging at a reduced or slower rate."
"Multivitamins with an emphasis on vitamin D and C... highly recommend it."
"Working with the Portmaster alongside its manual really felt like we were recreating the 1990s ISP experience."
"I don't think that she even realizes how manipulative it is because I think that she believes exactly what she's saying that all these supplements helped."
"Magnesium supplement has helped with leg cramps upon waking... it totally helps with sleep."
"This was very interesting for me to see a study saying vitamin C doesn't work but melatonin works."
"The only fat burner that I would somewhat recommend is carnitine."
"Honestly this is a great supplement even if you do go through the textbook."
"Take vitamin C, D, and zinc, you guys. Simple."
"The only way you're going to detox your brain is with alpha lipoic acid."
"If you're gonna use fat burners, use them when you need it, not on day one."
"In two gummies, I'm getting all my biotin just about for the day and I'm also getting collagen."
"Natural supplements should be used for occasional sleeplessness and not necessarily as a nightly crutch."
"I refuse to give up on taking my home nutrition supplements and vitamins."
"Athletic Greens helps me cover all bases with my restricted keto diet."
"Creatine may have potential applications for mental health, particularly in conditions like depression, anxiety, and post-concussion recovery."
"He looks energized not just because of the supplements but also because of how happy he is right now."
"Supplementation really helps... I have seen the difference in my blood work."
"Zinc is extremely powerful because it's an inhibitor of viral RNA replication."
"If there's one supplement that pretty much everyone can, slash, maybe should take, it is creatine."
"Having a premium probiotic as part of a total health system is crucial."
"When is the right time to take supplements? When you remember."
"You don't have to murder the fish; you can get omega-3s from algae-based supplements."
"By cleaning up your diet, stabilizing your blood sugar, and taking a few key supplements, we can see a significant improvement in your skin."
"Sometimes less is more when it comes to supplements."
"I'm quite a big fan of creatine, it's one of the most researched supplements on the market."
"B12 is highly absorbable from supplements."
"DHEA, Tonkat Ali, Ashwagandha, decreasing alcohol consumption, and weight training can help increase testosterone levels."
"I'm a big proponent of skincare, supplements, and a healthy diet."
"Your health is your biggest wealth, and you need minerals more than vitamins. You should be taking mineral supplements."
"Some of the supplements that are to reduce mast cells would be polyphenols, which is a major source of red, blue, and yellow pigments."
"Getting quality sleep and regular exercise as well as taking some key supplements can make a big difference in your mental clarity."
"We should opt for our diet first before trying to out-supplement a bad diet."
"You want to probably go with some proven ingredients like caffeine, citrulline, beta-alanine, creatine would be useful."
"I noticed a big difference and made me a believer that supplements can really impact my health."
"I love this supplement I continue to take it I drank it in my tea this morning I did repurchase in Amazon Prime days it was discounted so I bought three of them during Prime days so I had those in the cabinet all ready to go."
"Whole foods provide additional nutrients beyond supplements."
"My entire vitamin and supplement routine is like I'm missing right now."
"Supplements can play a really crucial and helpful role for some individuals."
"They're very high in different nutrients, very high in Branch chain amino acids. You could get that in elsewhere, you could literally just get a blend of your branch chain amino acids and add it in like that no problem with that at all."
"I think it's a mistake to disparage supplements as a category."
"Supplements are the real deal because they were once designed originally designed to help the body top off with what it actually needs."
"Supplements are designed to be supplements... ultimately your diet should comprise the vast majority of the nutrients."
"One of the most important supplements is magnesium."
"Sometimes it's good to be a skeptic, especially when it comes to making purchases like supplements for your body."
"I'm a big believer in supplements, vitamins. Anything that is going to help me feed this body, fuel this beautiful body that I have, I'm going to do that."
"Supplements can have like a really disgusting aftertaste but these have like a little minty Essence, it's like really fresh."
"If someone came to me and said, 'Hey, here's some hair supplements,' and then talk to your audience about male pattern baldness, and then I did some ad, it made people believe that these were the real before and afters, I know what's right or wrong."
"Quality supplements and quality food I feel like goes such a long way."
"Adding nicotinamide or vitamin B3 supplements to our diet can help to prevent the progression of glaucoma."
"It's important to me that the supplements I take are of the highest quality."
"Supplements are absolutely critical and they are necessary. So if you're going to take this lifestyle serious, you need to do your research."
"Nootropics are nutrients found in nature or the human body that enhance cognitive function."
"Everyone always asks me about protein bars and protein supplements so why not continue trying them out."
"Supplements are supplemental for a reason. If you're not sleeping and drinking the water and eating the fiber, no supplement in the world is gonna help you lose weight."
"Taking ag1 every single Morning has been one of the best health decisions I made for myself because it actually works."
"Just one scoop contains 75 vitamins minerals whole food source ingredients prebiotics probiotics adaptogens superfoods all kinds of things."
"The future of supplements is going to be passive, provide the body everything it needs to do its highest work, and it will express health."
"Probiotic supplements are not always a good idea, as they can cause issues like SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)."
"Beta-alanine is one of the most underrated supplements you can get. It helps me to go harder than last time."
"I started utilizing vitamins supplements, stress adaptogens, superfoods, mushrooms."
"If you're like me and you need an easy way to make sure you're getting all your vitamins, go check out Persona."
"Glutamine and butyric acid can help repair the gut lining and reduce brain fog caused by ammonia from infections like Lyme or parasites."
"Makuna is quite a bit more powerful for boosting up dopamine."
"After eight and nine months, we've felt like we've tried pretty much everything, so how about these new recommendations? How about this, in particular, this stack of supplements?"
"You'll find details of both the NMN Bio and Do Not Age supplements that we've tried along the way in the description."
"You can take in all the supplements you want, but if your diet is causing intestinal issues, then we have a problem."
"Certain herbs and supplements seem to be more die-off-y... the things that are most skilled at disrupting biofilms seem to be more die-off-y."
"Supplements are this extra thing that we go to where maybe we want to be really specific about a goal we want to really maximize training and or training quality in certain areas."
"Getting a really good nutritional supplement for when you're missing, so if you're not sleeping, not resting, burning the candle at both ends and you're exhausted, right, you're going to need extra B vitamins."
"Magnesium supplements can be alternatives for muscle spasms and spasticity in MS."
"Anything that makes taking vitamins and minerals and supplements easier means that I am more likely to actually do it regularly."
"When it comes to supplements that claim to help you sleep better, one reigns supreme: melatonin."
"Fill the gaps in your diet with Ritual."
"If you're not currently taking a high-quality multivitamin or other supplements, what are the non-negotiables where everybody should start?"
"Green powders are not a replacement for healthy eating."
"It's better to get nutrients from food than from a supplement, but it's better to supplement than to not get your nutrients at all."
"So the question for us tonight is do be vitamin supplements prevent cognitive decline and the answer I believe probably but the devil is in the details so let's look at some of the details."
"CBD doesn't get you high, but I've had the argument, is it a gateway?"
"The one supplement that has totally positive effects from use for people who are looking to gain mass or strength."
"People will pay you twice as much money for supplements as they do for fitness."
"People perceive supplements as more valuable."
"The best free supplement to your paid study materials is this YouTube channel."
"If people wanted to dip their toe into supplements, I think the things that we've already talked about are a great place to start."
"Most of what you'll hear online about supplements is generally trying to sell you a supplement, so again it comes back to that healthy skepticism."
"You should start taking magnesium before you go to bed as well."
"For all your [__] needs for supplement needs."
"Supplements do not take the place of a nutritious diet."
"Get key nutrients without the bs. Ritual is offering hey babe listeners 10 off during your first three months."
"Supplements feel like superpowers. No one's really... and I use the word super in front of the Bonsai so that we can start naming all of our product skus over like superpowers which is why it's called super recovery."
"Supplements should be carefully chosen and taken intermittently."
"Vitamins, minerals, and supplements can provide nutrients you can't always get from food."
"Vitamins, minerals, and supplements provide nutrients and concentrations that you won't find in any feasible quantity of food."
"It's such an easy and convenient way to get all my vitamins and minerals."
"You should be taking enough K2 D3 to see a significant improvement in 30 days."
"Supplements for many people are necessary."
"Using all these supplements together will help your own thyroid sort of come back to life and support it while it's doing this."
"Most people do really well on 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams per day."
"Knack is one of my favorite supplements for so many reasons."
"Supplements have significant benefits, supported by science."
"The only thing I've had today was glass of electrolytes and methylfolate methylcobalamin some pqq."
"So for the vitamins and minerals, absolutely. For some of the other supplements -- there are categories of supplements, more like botanicals."
"It works, I mean I'm pretty neutral on supplements, I'm all about nutritional and mitochondrial support."
"I said I have an anti-aging supplement company and she said oh so you're selling supplements for old people and I said no I sell supplements for people that are over 25 because this is when the aging process starts."
"Supplements are expensive, don't waste your money on something that's not going to work for you."
"I'd invest it in myself, definitely. What, t-shirts, supplements, some of the branding that I've done."
"You now have the Natural Energy and Immunity you want by getting off of all of those supplements you did it and anybody else can too."
"Care of then creates a personalized concoction of supplements that will in time absolutely change the way you feel and live your life."
"Supplements are convenient, but food is better."
"It's a relief factor. It's a daily supplement that helps your body fight the Pain by fighting inflammation."
"I don't take any supplements at all unless you think that whey powder is a supplement and then I guess I do use that."
"I feel like weight loss is and it's great to have supplements that help but weight loss is like a mind thing."
"EG1 is your daily dose of vitamin C, zinc, functional mushrooms, and more to help your overall immune health."
"Everybody needs a good multivitamin and fish oil."
"Fish oil supplements that contain a really healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids."
"If you're not taking it, you're missing out. Creatine is by far the most studied and most effective supplement on the market and there is really no comparison."
"...creatine monohydrate ideally micronized..."
"Wireless cameras work best as supplements to your hardwired security system, not as replacements."
"The gains that you get from creatine is crazy."
"Given that akg treatment impinges on some of the different hallmarks of aging such as cellulosin essence and intracellular signaling and metabolism as well as the fact that akg is generally recognized as safe I think that akg is a promising potential anti-aging supplement."
"I love brands that make you look forward to taking their supplements."
"Probiotics are live microbial food supplements that have a beneficial influence on human health."
"I think it's important to talk about supplementation in food."
"I love that in every single serving of ag1 I get 75 vitamins, minerals, and Whole Food Source ingredients."
"One delicious scoop of AG-1 and you're absorbing 75 high-quality vitamins, minerals, whole food source superfoods, probiotics, and adaptogens."
"Folic acid, iron, and these are things that are common in prenatal vitamins, correct?"
"The official flaxseed oil multivitamins and a lot of supplements that are good for your body and good for your skin can thin the blood and make you bleed more."
"I've tried lots of supplements out there and you guys know that I've shared with you guys over the years what I take and what I like to try."
"One of the reasons I recommend staying away from supplements unless you know exactly how they're made and they're in capsule form at least capsule form do not do tablets."
"The best collagen supplements are formulated with bioavailable ingredients."
"I've been using these supplements for over 10 years, I am on alpha brain right now and I'm flying baby, I'm flying."
"I'd spent all these years spending a ton of money on various pills and vitamins and supplements in pill form where I was taking like 12 pills a day."
"Organifi is having a huge sale right now. Check this out: You spend $100, you get 20% off and free shipping. Spend $150, get 20% off free shipping and a capsule of your choice. That means free supplements, everybody loves free supplements!"
"I don't even know if these vitamins are real, but in my mind, if I take these vitamins, I'm going to live longer and be stronger."
"Vitamin B12 supplements are essential for vegans."
"Ease off excess foods and consider taking supplements to support your body."
"Take charge of your body and consider what supplements might help."
"It really has a huge, huge effect. These herbs and supplements actually do. They're just common sense that have and I've seen this firsthand with all the patients have a huge impact on how you actually feel."
"Oily fish is the best source, but there are few genuinely oily fish around, and so today, most people really have to rely on vitamin D supplements and occasional prudent sun exposure."
"...we even have a blend of mushrooms... that actually works very good for depression anxiety Clarity gives you energy... we even have lines meant for children... we have children's vitamin too."
"You know, some doctors, because they don't know enough about supplements, will just say, 'Don't take any.'"
"Americans love to supplement, but supplements are not food."
"I view DHA supplement as a great idea a great insurance policy it's just in terms of the outcomes it's pretty clear that you can still have a great outcome even if you're not eating that DHA."
"You can have a consult with them, and then they will give you the best nootropics for you."
"Supplements have been a huge part of helping me to get back in range to keep everything healthy."
"We'll sell you boxes of supplements that then you get your friends in on."
"Taking vitamins seems like a good idea."
"Supplements are a luxury. So if you don't have the extra money, don't buy them."
"Protect your health with preventive care, be proactive with supplements and screenings."
"Decide what supplements, if any, should be a part of your routine and part of your fitness journey."
"Every single pack gets me 75 vitamins, minerals, probiotics, which I desperately need."
"Supplements are meant to supplement a healthy nutritious diet."
"Do not forget to take your daily vitamins for women, your multivitamins, your supplements, your calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, even folic acid if you are trying to conceive."