
Healthy Habits Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"Studying the healthy to teach those habits to prevent disease or slow down aging is healthcare."
"It's all about consistency, and if you're consistent with your healthy habits, you will see a difference."
"Focus on building healthy habits that are sustainable to you because in the long run, those healthy habits will help you be more consistent, more self-disciplined."
"It's about supporting your kid in achieving their goals and helping them form healthy gaming habits."
"Finding a distraction that's not food is probably the best way to go."
"Trying to do too much too fast never works, and then what happens is you feel like you're constantly failing, which creates this negative momentum and it also creates a very unhealthy relationship with food, with body, and with self."
"New Year's resolutions are about being less harsh on yourself and realizing the importance of healthy habits."
"Proceed by subtraction: get the unhealthy stuff out of kids' lives and bring back the healthy stuff."
"Healthy habits: healthy feeding, fasting windows, carbohydrate restriction, calorie restriction, exercise, sleep. All those things are very, very important."
"Individuals should be mindful of healthy eating habits to reduce susceptibility to and long-term complications from COVID-19."
"Teach your kids how to eat healthy at a young age. They grow up smart, they don't spend thousands of dollars trying to get in shape."
"Shifting the focus towards abundance rather than denial is really the key."
"Creating healthy positive habits is one of the biggest things that we can do to help build and maintain the life that we want to create."
"Even people with healthy habits don't have a healthy relationship with themselves."
"Even if you aren't lean, if you're obese, you can still adopt healthy habits regardless of weight loss to improve your health."
"Focus on creating healthy habits for the long haul."
"One way I combat these feelings is by trying to maintain healthy habits."
"We are building healthy habits that are going to help us tomorrow."
"Get into healthy routines... honor your body."
"If you have time for hot lemon water and to film your day, you probably have time to grab like a banana or orange on the go." - Abby Sharp
"Don't go for the girl who's awake at 3 a.m. Go for the girl who's up at 6 a.m., who's out on the jogging trail with you."
"Surely a much healthier approach to photography."
"So many of these healthy habits are not about ramping up intensity and taking things to the extreme. They're about slowing down, being more gentle with yourself, tuning in with your body, tuning in with nature."
"Self-care is essential: sleep, eating well, exercising."
"If you're going to be addicted, it might as well be to healthy habits."
"Good moral values and good healthy habits lead to an amazing relationship with a dog."
"Start cooking at home more cooking from scratch making a lot at the beginning of the week where you have food for the rest of the week."
"I eat oatmeal with protein powder, it's the greatest."
"I've been trying to keep up some more healthy habits, I've been trying to read a lot more too."
"And finally, sleep seven to eight hours a night, and guys, that is it."
"Waking up early is so important... you get on a better sleeping and eating schedule."
"Support independent artists, drink water, and get free fresh air."
"Take it slow, you know, just slowly chip away. Take things out that you know you shouldn't have and then add things in that you feel like you probably should be adding in."
"Old habits die hard, so if you're looking to kick off the year with new healthy eating habits you can get a quick start with Sunbasket meals."
"It's okay to just say no to all of these self-detrimental habits."
"It's the one of the best things, I love this, I like to eat apples before a workout and it just cuts it up, it makes it really simple and really nice."
"Enjoy watching so I do agree with this you should not be eating if you're not hungry a lot of people tend to confuse hunger with thirst."
"Eat whole unprocessed foods. Really try to cut out the junk food."
"Don't cut things out of your life, replace them."
"This becomes a healthy habit; you will actually start feeling unhealthy when you've just been seated the whole time."
"Thank you guys so much for watching today's video I really hope it gave you some kind of inspiration for incorporating healthy habits where you can whether you're a mom or you just have a busy lifestyle."
"Replica can motivate you to build Healthy Habits Like exercising and practicing mindfulness."
"This suddenly comes in when you're least expecting it. It's going to be a surprise transformation and healthy choices."
"Recovery is about beginning to face problems and deal with problems in healthy ways. That means I have to go back to the four healthy acts."
"A treat's not a treat if you have it every day. I think there's truth to that."
"If you can lose weight without doing all of that, then you should do it because it's healthier and it'll teach you the habits so you won't regain."
"One of the healthy habits that I've been doing consistently is making myself a protein smoothie every single day not just the days I'm working out."
"...things like this, the seed oils, like the vegetable oils, where I thought I was being good because I'd get the frying pan and I'd squirt my sunflower oil on it and think that was great, yeah, and now I realize that that is not great."
"Nutrition doesn't have to be complicated. It's really about understanding what are the things that you can repeatedly do."
"Trying to cook more at home instead of eating out every single day is a goal for me."
"You know, it's also good to always eat fruits and vegetables and other healthy snacks after you exercise so you can keep your energy to keep on playing."
"I read a book called The Seven healthy habits... it blew my mind."
"It's a really good feeling to know that I'm never going to pick up those bad habits and have a really bad diet."
"The healthiest thing I do for myself every single day."
"Healthy habits matter for living a healthier life."
"Just finding things to get addicted to that actually benefit your health, that you look forward to doing, whether it's working out or doing a cold plunge."
"Add a fruit or vegetable to every meal."
"It's never too late to start this practice, and it continues to give health benefits."
"Almost all of the time the nutrition gets sacrificed however in there is like one instance where weight loss may come about by someone actually just genuinely focusing on healthy healthy bigger behaviors."
"The only addiction that's good for you."
"Turning addiction into healthy obsession."
"Noom's process is a lot easier for me because usually what happens is I make a mistake and slip up, and then I'm just like falling into a tailspin. But with Noom, it's like, 'Yo, don't. Don't. There's no food that's good or bad, there's just moderation.'"
"You're going to have an alarm clock that's going to be eight hours after you get in bed."
"Always try to have a healthy snack, such as fruits or vegetables, before hitting the fast-food place."
"Your morning routine begins the night before when you plug your phone outside of your bedroom."
"If you do most of the right things most of the time, you're going to do far better on sleep, wakefulness, mood, immune system, metabolism, blood sugar regulation, focus."
"I love going to bed early and waking up and not feeling tired and drained."
"You need to break that cycle and do something more healthy and productive that is also de-stressing."
"I'm definitely gonna go for a walk, I wanna go to the gym and exercise."
"Try to focus on making a lifestyle and instilling and working on those healthy habits that are really going to help build that lifestyle."
"If you can really show just healthy spending habits and just repaying balances, it does improve your credit score."
"Before they eat something less healthy, they're going to eat something healthy first."
"Healthy eating, some kind of exercise regimen, good sleep habits."
"We succeed where other programs fail because we incorporate healthy habits in everything we do."
"Getting enough sunlight and fresh air improves your mood so much and leads to better decision making."
"I was able to beat my addiction; now I have a healthy relationship with alcohol."
"I've picked up some really healthy and helpful habits from my teammates' routines which I think are going to be game changers."
"Good eating habits and exercising changed my life."
"Make salad the main dish at least one meal a day."
"When you recognize that there may be a negative craving here, you can substitute it with positive craving like positive dopamine releasing foods, positive dopamine releasing activities."
"Starting your day off right with Morning Meltdown 100 is the best way to create a healthy habit that is both sustainable and rewarding."
"You have such incredible discipline and you establish very healthy eating patterns and positive physical goals for your health and wellness."
"Creating healthy habits for my work from home lifestyle has really provided me with the wonderful life I have."
"After every meal go for a nice 10-minute walk."
"Eat your vegetables, don't forget to like, comment, share, and subscribe, babe."
"Cutting the consumption of soda is probably one of the easiest behaviors you can change."
"It's just a good habit to look after yourself and live a healthy lifestyle."
"Environmental control means setting up strategies and procedures to create an environment that supports healthy eating."
"No smoking, get some exercise, try and manage the stress in your life."
"I drink fresh juice every morning."
"Keep meditating, keep doing your breath work, keep eating healthy."
"Get hooked on fishing and not on drugs."
"We're trying to pick up healthier habits."
"I want to increase the level of dopamine that I have in healthier ways, and one of those ways is to set goals."
"I'm feeling really really good today, I've been trying to eat well, we're not exercising loads but I've been trying to move my body more."
"Fueling our lives through healthy habits that make us feel alive."
"Being able to socialize without drinking and waking up at a good time daily."
"Every morning juice some carrots, celery, and parsley... it'll keep you healthy."
"Avoiding junk food, avoiding soda, mostly drinking water, all good things could help with that."
"Everything we think we like somebody taught us to like, and just like we learned to like unhealthy foods, we can learn to like things that are actually good for us."
"If you're exercising and you have kids, they see that, they follow that. Lead by example."
"Let's discuss how I do my overnight oats; it's like literally the easiest thing in the world."
"Many children see their parents get regular exercise and maintain a healthy diet."
"I'm so proud of myself practicing healthy habits."
"The kindness Guru is a book for young children and is to teach them healthy habits and how to love themselves."
"I find that like when I have a really good healthy balanced breakfast, I continue that trend for the rest of the day."
"I've been trying to drink more water; it's going well."
"Start your day off by just going for a walk for half an hour."
"Bringing a snack with me everywhere I went was a good way for me to stay on track and also help me avoid overindulging in food that probably wasn't as good for me."
"Starting your day the right way can help accelerate fat loss, increase motivation, and get the work that actually matters done."
"Healthy habits lead you to creating more abundance because we're creating and taking the right action."
"I'm ready to start working again and continue implementing these healthy habits."
"The best way to defeat any addiction is by replacing them with healthier habits or routines."
"You'll earn points for developing sustainable healthy habits that help you reach your goals."
"Starting out healthy habits as a family is something that really excites us."