
Preventive Medicine Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Studying the healthy to teach those habits to prevent disease or slow down aging is healthcare."
"How crazy is it that we go to the doctor once a year for a checkup? We should be measured a thousand times a second."
"The way to fix the American medical system is to inspire and pay doctors to keep people healthy."
"We just don't see repeat heart attacks. I have guys...17, 18 years ago, no repeats."
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human body, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
"The health threats begin at an a1c of 5.3. And that's not new information. That was published in 2013 in the New England Journal of Medicine."
"You're not supposed to get vaccinated for diseases you currently have it's only you get it before the hand so that it prevents you from getting it that's the idea or it makes your immune system more robust if you do."
"With these devices, we'll be able to pick up chemical clues in the brain and prevent diseases ahead of time."
"Start your personalized fitness journey today with gainful."
"Coronary artery disease really need never exist and if it does exist it need never progress." - Dr. Esselstyn
"Vaccines and boosters prevent serious complications for unvaccinated people who get infected."
"Eating veggie lasagna and running lots harder, lots easier than bypass surgery and death. I mean that's just me, they call me crazy but those are my thoughts."
"We need to start thinking of food as medicine."
"I believe that the medicine of the future will start to understand the preventative capacity of monitoring the microbiome in all your organ systems."
"Preventative care goes a long way towards reducing overall healthcare costs."
"We want you early in the line to get vaccinated."
"We really have to stop creating so many sick people."
"Let's prevent and treat diseases of Aging by keeping the body younger."
"Their vision is to stop cancer before it starts."
"The big five: Mediterranean or G-Bomb diet, plenty of spring water, moderate exercise, gratitude, and sleep."
"The very things that we're always telling people to do to promote their long-term health actually do fortify your immunity against this virus."
"Is the focus really on research and wellness? If lifestyle is the cause of illness, shouldn't we be shutting down fast-food outlets and focusing on educating wellness rather than medicating illness?"
"If a safe and effective vaccine can prevent even one case of COVID, it's worth all of our attention."
"You can prevent, treat, or even reverse [chronic diseases] by activating your defense systems using food."
"Exercise has more benefit than probably any other single intervention."
"Doctors need to be rewarded financially... for teaching diet lifestyle."
"Go in and go see a functional doctor, a holistic doctor, get blood work done, see what you need to work on, cleanse."
"95 percent of all sickness and disease can be controlled by what you eat and what you drink and what you breathe."
"Just eating five servings of fruits and vegetables a day could significantly reduce the risk of strokes, cancer, and heart disease."
"What we've got is a market failure where the money is invested in high-cost therapies whereas the benefit could be reaped much more quickly, less expensive, more effectively by attending the preventive approaches."
"Lifestyle and diet is the single most powerful medicine that most of us will ever use."
"The foundation of cardiovascular disease has been established so that by the time you graduate from high school in this country, you get a diploma, you also get the foundation for heart disease." - Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn
"Vaccination is the best tool we have at our disposal to prevent hospitalization and death from COVID-19."
"We've got a healthcare system built on sickness, not on actually making people healthy."
"It's not food versus medicine in this case, it's food and medicine or food before medicine."
"I really love being a preventive cardiologist."
"Preventive medicine is about preventing rather than fixing."
"How can we truly use food as preventative medicine?"
"Preventing the disease from happening is a lot cheaper than treating it at scale."
"Preventative model...is hugely important...we need to change the model so it's fit for the future...putting it in a position for the next 75 years."
"It's much more useful to be able to look at a patient who is healthy and tell them what to do not to get cancer."
"Plants have power. So when you harness them correctly from whole foods, man, you can stave off a whole host of illnesses."
"You get to sit down and speak to somebody that can understand what you're looking for from hormone optimization and the preventive medicine standpoint."
"Prolonged EKG monitoring is for people who have some structural heart disease or a family history of unexplained heart death."
"Everyone should run a big five lab test once a year."
"When you have a thickened intima-media thickness, you know the patient has an increased risk of heart attack and stroke."
"The sages do not treat those who have already fallen ill, but rather those who are not yet ill."
"As a woman, as a doctor, I can carry on a preventive medicine message all over the world."
"You should be getting this test if you haven't. You got to ask your doctor the urine albumin to creatinine ratio."
"It's really the whole process, 20, 30, 40 years of tobacco exposure that gives us the opportunity for preventive approaches."
"I'm under doctor's care, I'm going to Wellness clinics, I'm going to cardiologists, getting a whole executive physical. I'm taking care of myself, man."