
Judgement Quotes

There are 668 quotes

"If you have the ability to judge something as not good enough, it's because you already have the ability within you to be better."
"It's about scars so when you get judged, you get judged on your scars."
"Rudyard, there are certain hills that you have to die on to be a man. At the end, you will be judged whether or not you stood where you need to stand."
"Listen to both, gather your information, and then make your decision."
"It's not about getting every decision right but getting the important decisions right."
"When I look up in the face of my judge, I will find an elder brother and a friend."
"Don't be nasty and write people off all the time because some people need to be written off; it's a hard issue, but a lot of people, it's a head issue."
"I'm proud of myself... I really just put myself to it and was like, who cares what people have to say."
"Ultimately though, whether or not someone takes a dim view of an industry like this, the safety of those involved matters just the same."
"The more multifaceted a task was, the more human judgement – and real expertise was needed."
"It's a human game. You know, from a cultural standpoint, from a process standpoint, it's just judging the judgers at my level."
"Murder, crucify him. Oh God, uh-huh. So you did it, you're the head of a family. I could pardon him, I will crucify him."
"People will judge in 25 years whether we overdid it or not."
"Sometimes he has valid points, I'm like, okay, that makes sense. Other times, I feel like he's just talking out the side of his mouth."
"But it's not, like, worthy of scorn, it's just people having a good time."
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."
"On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and cast out demons in your name and do mighty works in your name?' And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'"
"I believe if you know what you're looking for and you know how to spot the signs of a good or bad game, you can form a very accurate viewpoint within only one hour of gameplay."
"Quality is apparent almost immediately in high-quality things, and the lack of quality is the same."
"You don't need to eat every item on the menu at a restaurant to know if it's a good restaurant."
"You learn a lot about people when you declare that you're not going to live your life their way."
"We are not going to judge you if it's your particular financial situation; you need to support your loved ones."
"You should never ever ever ever ever... You should never judge a book by its cover."
"Ingredients are complicated. It's never as easy as right or wrong, good or bad."
"A soul with cardinal sin must be sent to the bad place regardless."
"All Millennials must be sent to the bad place."
"The ultimate sadness will be when a person is cast into hell fire, and the ultimate happiness will be when a person receives his book on the day of judgement in his right hand and he is told, 'For you is paradise.'"
"Anyone who says that it's good that these people died, they've lost the moral high ground."
"Being depressed or suicidal will never ever make you a bad person."
"No one can judge us perfectly as God. He is our creator. He is the one who gives us worth."
"Please let it be that you should never be controlled by your hatred, that you should never judge someone by their countenance, and that you should never isolate yourself in a void of cynical elitism unless your targets are xenos or heretics or people who do not eat the taco on Friday."
"God isn't judging like you didn't read exactly two chapters of the bible today."
"The hand is coming for the writing on the wall is at hand. 'Mene mene tekkel ufarsen,' you shall be judged and found wanting."
"We surrender control to a judge or a jury, and right or wrong, they get to make the decision."
"All roads lead to God because everyone has to stand before God in the end. But you want to be on the road that leads to heaven."
"If the actions of the Bible offend you, you are accursed."
"There are those who profess Jesus Christ as Lord and they do not do the will of the Father who is in heaven and they go to hell."
"Is it a thing to say ow in pro wrestling? Um, you will be judged."
"That's just a disdain, that total disapproval of anything."
"If you look at someone by their skin color or sexuality and then you think you can understand them because of that or you think they should think certain things that's prejudging, that's prejudice."
"Puerto Rico is one of these women where when you're just judging and you're sitting here writing stuff down she comes out and you just watch her and you're just like what's the point in judging what's the point just give her the crown."
"The day of judgement for those who are ultimately responsible cannot come too soon."
"It's not anyone's business what that livelihood is or the decisions that they make."
"He's not the psychopath next door. He didn't kill little small animals."
"What Destiny did last night was [] up. That's my take. He's a piece of [] for that."
"If you are not vaccinated don't judge the other people that chose to get vaccinated."
"Every character wants to see themselves are directly affected by how other people judge them, and their failure to live up to that idea brings great pain."
"Some corrections are necessary, others are just blatant."
"Fauci, public enemy number one, or public savior number one, you be the judge."
"Never judge an object at first glance, it might still be valuable."
"If you knowingly are going to buy a car that is going to depreciate $50,000, you have to either really want that car... or you have to be kind of not that smart."
"Only those who remain no part of the world will be viewed by Jesus as being sheep-like."
"If your filter is calibrated differently, you will see things that others have decided are bad."
"You are not defined by your actions of November the 2nd 2018."
"When in doubt meditate right don't jump to conclusions."
"A healthy dose of skepticism improves our critical thinking and judgement."
"There will be a time where other people go, 'Nah, you just hating bro, that man or that woman is doing something fire as a human.'"
"Now I know some of you watching this video probably think Scott's a royal jerk because he, well, left me alone to hike to a treacherous spot in the mountains."
"If you judge yourself, nobody will have to judge you."
"Everyone has different attitudes towards money... we shouldn't be too quick to judge people based on what they do with their own money."
"I would be in the 90 to 95 certainty that she is guilty."
"The point being whether godlike actual gods or just people dressed up like Batman many of our characters feel like their fellow humans are inadequate to judge them." - Unknown
"We have to trust that Rosenstein made the right decision."
"Just because something has negative consequences doesn't mean it was a mistake."
"That heavy burden of judging another human being."
"Nobody's judging you as hard as you judge yourself... nobody's even thinking about it."
"What is your impression of me based on tonight?"
"How do you out of a case about whether or not this lady was shot in the foot by this person walk away from that case and be like yeah Meg is a bad friend."
"First impressions do not always count. The Prophet was in the right house but he saw the wrong thing."
"It's going to be interesting to see what the jury thought of this."
"Like you don't care if I'm a decent person... it's like is that really all you care about?"
"Never judge somebody just on their best moment."
"You can trust that you have a better gauge on it."
"Fire-related perks make our fire spells burn, reduce fire resistance, and even ignite targets."
"There's no two ways about it, he was wrong for putting his hands on him like that."
"Making your mind up about anyone before you give them a chance is never right."
"We can't rely on how friendly or how trustworthy or how genuine someone seems. It hinges a hundred percent on the evidence."
"Every lost sinner will be individually summoned to take their stand before this judgment bar."
"He kind of glances over and sizes up Larue, her son, and he's a bigger man."
"It's not about whether you like something it's about whether it actually is makes sense if it fits if it's quality."
"I wasn't offended. I used to just think, 'Those boys are idiots.'"
"Never Back Down For Nothing always stand for something, haters going to keep on judging but they never stop in the substance."
"You've really got to trust that, regardless of how crazy it seems or what other people have to say or think about your choices."
"If everyone started doing this more than doing this judgmental, we will see a lot of change."
"Prejudice is just a judgment made in advance of having any real information or experience with someone."
"What if some people don't find that redeemable quality in you?"
"Being well-meaning doesn't shield you from being wrong, but being wrong doesn't have to mark you as irredeemable."
"I'm just not convinced that the evidence supports that yet."
"He saw you sitting underneath all of that shame, I still chose you."
"You're going to get judged based on the types of leaders you develop."
"And I'm asking you to judge people not on whom they love but on whether they love."
"You're inferring that she is guilty and adding additional reasons as to why she might be guilty."
"You couldn't tell... you could never judge a book by its cover."
"At the end of the day, we're all going to stand in front of God."
"Don't let anyone judge you and what you do, you're your best critic."
"It automatically puts you in a position that either you're ignorant or you're brainwashed."
"Nobody judges us harsher than we judge ourselves."
"You see something, don't necessarily write it off."
"Remember Allah judges you and he's the only one who has the right to judge you but he judges you not based on your sin but based on your repentance."
"No one knows when they can falter; don't judge based on appearances."
"You must not judge a battleship by its label."
"I hate Satan, but Lord, I yield that to you. You are the judge, Lord."
"Please be better than that, please don't reduce this person."
"Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."
"Judging a man for one game, another man judging a man off for last season, for the whole picture. So he charged him up for one game, right? Right, you're judging me for one game, you're judging the man off for last season."
"Let people judge you for who they think you are."
"I don't understand it so I think it's stupid."
"Context matters. It's what gives us license to hate something we shouldn't or to forgive the things that we might not otherwise forgive."
"Never judge someone's character based on words of another. Instead, study the motives behind the words of the person casting the bad soozee chasm."
"Stop trying, just do the thing. It requires sacrifice, it's scary, they're going to judge you."
"Are you ready to meet Jesus if that were to happen you better be sure because it's not a guess."
"God is angry and sending all these things... this is not a time for spiritual punks."
"In the sight of God, you are cleaner and more innocent than that young girl if she hasn't been born again."
"Their end is destruction. Jesus is going to say in that day, 'Depart from me, I never knew you.'"
"Trusting your gut sounds very alluring and sexy, but people who use that kinda judgement when they're processing through too much information tend not to do as well."
"History will still judge you when you're gone."
"The fact that they should go to hell is immoral."
"It's not about what we do by our own moral standards. We've already established you've committed serious sins against God."
"I don't hate on anybody, what I'm saying is..."
"Reggie eventually learns that just because someone is a conduit doesn't mean that they're a monster."
"You don't have to judge them, you just have to receive."
"Everyone judges a book by its cover—it's the reader's first impression."
"The Ten Commandments are part of the standard for which mankind will be judged at the Last Judgement."
"But on Judgment Day, God will judge us by the standard of moral perfection."
"We will not be judged by what we have but by what we've shared."
"Judge it based not on what you're afraid will happen but whether the thing itself is a uh a good or a not good thing."
"I find in him no fault at all." - Pontius Pilate
"Let him that is without sin throw the first stone."
"Jesus had an interaction with a woman alone... his disciples thought, 'What is he doing with this woman alone?'"
"Siza has not done anything that is like wrong and makes her a bad person in this."
"People should not be judged by the color of their skin by the content of their character."
"People are going to have an opinion of you because before that, the opinion was really good."
"America will be judged, how will she be judged? Two ways: a flood is determined for her, it will devastate the Midwest; a fire is appointed for her, it will devastate the West."
"We're very quick sometimes to point our fingers at others and not ascribe humanity to them."
"There was also he's a complicated person there's also things that he did that were valuable to you."
"He knew he was doing the right thing, and it didn't matter what other people thought."
"It's a good example of don't judge a book by its cover."
"If you're going to judge the Ukrainian people by a group of 100 idiots... it's the same as looking at Palestine and judging the Palestinian people based on the actions of extremists."
"Looking at every single strike, it is pretty clear that Valentina Shevchenko absolutely won this round."
"It's very hard to give Amanda Nunes this fight, extremely difficult if not virtually impossible."
"You don't have to prove to anyone that you're a good person, you know who you are."
"That's either sheer genius or complete stupidity."
"According to the judges, the winner took the whole thing."
"Be who you are, say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
"Okay, well it just goes to show you you should never judge a book by its cover because you never know how it's gonna taste."
"I've seen all of this before and I know Bob's an opinionated crazy bastard."
"I agree... that if he does not... if he allows Fanny to stay... it's cowering... it's cowardice."
"Don't laugh at the house until you see what's inside."
"Josh Gordon is one of these guys who's heavily judged, and his issues have often been oversimplified by phrases like 'stay off the weed.'"
"I think if you haven't had that, or even if you have, that you still fear it because of the way your parents judged."
"We oftentimes judge others way too quickly without ever knowing what's going on behind the curtain."
"It's okay to judge, just don't be a Stephen Anderson."
"Oh my gosh, that's the ugliest looking fish I've ever seen in my life."
"Hypocrisy is one of the easiest criticisms to make of somebody."
"Who are you to tell them they're not a real Christian?"
"Honestly, these judges need to be held accountable."
"You don't need to label anything whether it's good or bad."
"Let's get to know people for who they are before we judge them."
"Everyone sucks here, though her more than you."
"Honestly, if you this is a prime example of not judging a book by its cover."
"The impression I've already got is that they could all be up to mischief."
"Be careful judging because you could find yourself in a similar situation."
"He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first."
"Just wait till the game comes out to judge it."
"When they are proven right, their reputation does not recover. They still carry the air of disrepute."
"Now if anybody thinks this is okay I am in the wrong world."
"He's mean to the right people, he punishes the right people."
"He hates Matt Gates, but he will say like, unequivocally, if it turns out I'm gonna reserve judgment on this but if judgment is passed down unequivocally I'm coming down on that side."
"Nick's last words to Gatsby: 'They were a rotten bunch, and he was worth more than all of them together.'"
"I think it's a profound thing to think about, preparing for the Day of Judgment. It's not just about the acts of worship."
"It's a time for you to gain confidence... and it shouldn't be a time for you letting other people judge you."
"There is no religion, there's no tribe, there's no cult. I look at values, that's it."
"I'm always the first one to say we can't and shouldn't judge someone based on the way they behave when they lose someone close to them."
"The personal is political. Even if somebody shows you consistently that they are a good person and they are to be relied upon, the fact that they vote what you perceive to be the incorrect way makes them a bad person."
"Stop judging yourself and other people based on financial outcomes."
"I award you no points, Sam, and may God have mercy on your soul."
"The perfect way to weed out the bad friends from the good."
"Just goes to show you shouldn't judge a book by its cover."
"Every person's side of the story sounds good till you hear the other one."
"Philip appeared stoic and showed little emotion as the verdict was read."
"Here's the thing guys, you can never judge anyone based upon one action that they committed."
"Not everyone who says to him 'Lord, Lord' will be allowed to enter his kingdom in heaven."
"This judgment card is very important because I feel like this is going to be the wake-up call that this connection needed."
"I just wanted to try the game when it came out so I could form my own opinions on what I experienced."
"The measure of a man is judged by the company he keeps."
"Judgment will begin at my house... before I come to yours."
"Once you stop judging others, you stop judging yourself."
"The fact that he was so quick to throw his friends under the bus says a lot about his character."
"He who has never sinned cast the first stone."
"You only need one slice to know what the whole cake tastes like."
"You're always judging something whether it's a good... whatever it is you're looking at."
"When you judge others, you do not define them. You define yourself."
"Don't judge based on looks or preferences; judge by the heart."
"You have to love the sinner but hate the sin."
"He's done what somebody could determine really was Insurrection."
"You have to be rated on if you hit 5'10" at some point in your life."
"You can tell a lot about a person by how they engage in those small types of interactions."
"I'm judging Liz Cheney by Liz Cheney's acts."