
Food Chain Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"You are what you eat, yes, and you are what you ate ate."
"Eating animals is part of the circle of life for humans."
"The law of survival in nature: each species serves as food for another."
"We're humans, we're the highest on the food chart."
"There has to be this kind of delicate balance where some animals eat plants but they can't eat all the plants."
"Feast in the Deep: giant isopods make the most of it."
"We're in it, we're affecting the food chain of all creatures, it's pretty remarkable."
"Hasan, just like we are on top of the food chain because we are intelligent, we can choose to be morally correct instead and submit ourselves to the other animals."
"You're the top of the food chain so there's that."
"What could a giant at the top of the food chain among all creatures feed on? Other giants, of course."
"If you eat sick animals, you create sick people."
"Eggs are up the chain, then. Eggs are really highly ranking here."
"Top of the food chain, you're right about that."
"They consume the vast majority of the plant material and turn it into meat."
"Humans aren't really on the menu so lucky us, right?"
"If animals don't want to be eaten, why are they made out of food?"
"The stethocanthus wasn't at the top of the food chain but certainly wasn't at the bottom."
"Just like it is put there for the lions and tigers to eat, it is also put here for me to eat."
"This is the chain, this is the food chain here in Africa."
"The more animals we eat the more plants are getting harvested so I understand like if we're procuring corn and soy and feeding it to the animals because those still have to be procured and that huge like mass process."
"We're humans, we eat other animals, it's just how it goes."
"As you go from the grasses and grains to fish or cows, they'll increase these chemicals through biomagnification."
"Every animal is food for something else until you get to what we call apex predators."
"For millions of years mammals were at the bottom of the food chain."
"Bird moms always bring food back for their chicks. Yeah, the thrush brings worms, Blue Jays bring caterpillars, and peregrine falcons bring other birds."
"Whenever a rabbit is alive, some part of the rabbit is moving. Why? Because the rabbit knows its place in the food chain."
"Feeding your family: spiders eat 400 to 800 million insects that would destroy crops, so not only would there be less food, it would be much more expensive."
"Humans are no longer at the top of the food chain."
"For all of human history, food was photons 93 million miles away hitting a chloroplast, turning into hydrocarbon that a cow would eat, then you eat the cow."
"Respecting these animals and knowing our place on the food chain, that's what we forget."
"Pollinators are the organisms capturing energy from the Sun and turning it into food."
"A natural food source for normal-sized squid, which in turn could be food for a monster."
"Feeding relationships are shown using food chains or food webs."
"It was an apex predator, so it sits right at the top of the food chain."
"Human beings aren't the top of the food chain."
"Life is pretty darn cruel in nature. Your life is basically part of a food chain; you're only going to become food for something else to live."
"In the grassland food chain, the frog, which preys on the grasshopper, is considered a secondary consumer."
"Each level of the food chain is important to maintaining the balance of the ecosystem."
"We have a food chain crisis, not a healthcare crisis."
"The recognition of the organization's role and position within the food chain is important to ensure effective interactive communication throughout the food chain."
"The polar bear is the apex predator, that is, it's at the top of the food chain because no one dares hunt such an animal."
"Microorganisms form the basis of every food chain on earth."
"Bees are super important especially for food."
"This food chain demonstrates the interconnectedness of the grassland ecosystem as energy flows from one organism to another, forming a cycle that supports life at all trophic levels."
"Why is he important? Because frogs... it's like the food cycle."
"If you've got food, what does that mean? You got bass, yes, that's right, you will have bass."
"We ingest things like fish which are themselves contaminated by microplastics."
"Big fish don't wander aimlessly anywhere; they're on a figurative blood trail, following the best food available."
"It's called the food chain. The little fish gather to eat the insects, and the big fish gather to eat the little fish."
"Pollinators, Earth's tiny creators, from the honey so sweet to almost everything we eat."
"The caterpillars do not have it all their own way since their presence draws in hordes of professional killers: birds."
"Every mouthful of food you eat has been pollinated by an insect."
"It's good to be at the top of the food chain, right?"
"Microalgae are the primary producer of essential nutrients at the basis of the food chain."
"Someone told me one time everything in the ocean eats a herring, and you know what, that's pretty much true."
"The healthier the soil, the healthier the grass, the healthier the cows, the healthier the people."
"Virtually all marine life lives in these two zones and it is the Epipelagic that is the main food pump for marine life."
"The rain water creates temporary pools rich in food and with relatively few predators or competitors."
"The longer these fish have been alive, the more time they've had to eat other fish - and the more methylmercury they have in their bodies."
"If you know Lion King, how does he get his food? They lift off the rock, and lo and behold, there is something called a handshake."
"Algae are important because they do provide a source of food for a lot of animals and also produce a lot of our oxygen."
"With so many predators relying on Pacific Herring, they really are foundational to the marine ecosystem."
"This highly productive fish is relied upon by seabirds, sea animals, and fish."
"Look at that, that tadpole there is the perfect snack for this baby turtle."
"I'm a meat eater, but I understand that the meat doesn't just show up in a plastic bin at the grocery store."
"Only 10% of the energy is passed on to the next organism in the food chain."
"All living beings eat other living beings; if you care about the animals in your meal, don't let them go to waste."
"They serve as food for pretty much everything else around them."
"It got us from the bottom of the food chain to the top in less than a million years."
"It was like some deep animal part of me understood the moment I saw them, or whatever it was, that I was no longer at the top of the food chain."
"The chain of food, even the bug which you find disgusting, it's food for somebody or something."
"The primary producers of any food chain are plants."
"Insects also serve as food for birds, fish, and other animals, so they are important links in the food chain and for maintaining ecological balance."
"If you don't have bees, you don't have apples, you don't have almonds, you sure as hell don't have too many pumpkins."
"Without the overlooked life forms, plankton and insects, many larger animals would have no food from which to live."
"The algae have given you the oxygen you breathe and all the food you eat."
"Photosynthetic organisms are always at the beginning of every food chain."
"There's no judgment for the lion for killing zebras or goats; that's his food."
"Mexican food is flat out delicious, and while you'd be hard-pressed to find anyone out there that would disagree, the largest Mexican food chain of them all is always looking for ways to dazzle their loyal fan base."
"Termites are one of the most important insects in the world; tons of creatures eat them."
"If the acidification of the oceans were to make it untenable for pteropods to live there, what would this mean for pink salmon?"
"The base of the food chain is therefore rich, diversified, and abundant."
"Most of the energy comes from surface ecosystems in the form of marine snow or dead organisms from the surface."
"It is a typical modern view to see the human race as sitting firmly at the top of the food chain."
"It's part of the food cycle, it's exciting when it happens."
"Animals try and kill you before you eat them; plants try and kill you after you eat them."
"The easiest way to figure them out is find the food."
"There's a lot of insects means a lot of bats, you know, bats eat the insects, it's the circle of life."
"If you're going to re-enter the food chain somewhere other than the top, I think that is entirely natural."
"West Texas is still wild enough that there's an animal out here that's higher up on the food chain than I am."
"You are what you eat, and you are whatever you are eating has eaten."
"Phytoplankton are the base of the world's food chain."
"Energy so just to be clear within any ecosystem you're going to have losses of energy, massive losses between each layer of the food chain."
"It's a commentary on like humanity in the world, like the shark eats us but now we eat the shark."
"Sharks eat seals, and they got to live too."
"Top of the food chain here in Africa would be the lions."
"Biologically humans are carnivores; we are apex predators, top of the food chain."
"In the wild, everything is in its line of food chain, everything is prey to something else."
"Plants are the organisms that are the base of the food chain for all terrestrial life."
"Primary producers are the beginning of any food chain."
"A fish has to eat like we do, so if you find the food, you're gonna find the fish."
"Flies benefit the ecosystem; they're a great food source for a lot of different animals."
"Krill are a very important food source for many animals in the ocean."
"Guinea fowl perform a very important prey source as well; they are regarded as a buffer food for many of the predators."
"These little antelope would definitely be food for a leopard or a cheetah or a lion."
"All these snakes, all these different animals you see on our planet, they all serve a very specific purpose in the food chain."
"Flies are also an important part of the ecosystem since they're food for birds, spiders, lizards, frogs, and many more."
"Meat is meat, and a lion will eat."
"Like every animal in Teranga's care, even the insects are cherished until they're eaten, of course."
"The venom is really for the snake to get its food."
"Lions are generally regarded as the top of the food chain."
"Carnivores, which is what Tandy is, eat the herbivores who eat the plants, and it's a natural circle of life."
"Algae are really important because they're the base of the food chain."
"The coolest thing, I think, is just how they dominate the food chain."
"Don't you think it's kind of messed up that you want to be able to hunt things and eat things but you don't expect things to eat you back?"
"The migration plays a very big role in providing food to some of our largest and biggest cats."
"When the salmon come, the harbor seals come with them, looking for a meal."