
Societal Importance Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"I believe in the people of this country that they can work together as well, and they can see the importance of that."
"This is too important for anyone to play politics."
"Ideological diversity is simply important as a concept."
"The second amendment as a fail-safe can only work so long as you have a masses who recognize the importance of god-given rights."
"These are American rights that we cherish. Yeah, I mean, this is about rights."
"It's one of the reasons why free speech is so important."
"Missing person cases are still extremely important to society."
"Civil stability doesn't matter until the day that it does."
"I hope it's not too miserable, but I think it's important to the function of democracy, it's important to the function of the United States as a free country."
"The media keeps informing us how incredibly important they are to our survival."
"Parental rights are a thing that's as important as it gets."
"The accountability of simply admitting you were wrong is very important."
"It's good for our personal well-being but it's also extremely important for the well-being of society and of the world as a whole."
"You really do realize the few freedoms that we have, we should value and protect at all costs."
"Journalism in its real form remains so important."
"People want to see a diverse representation, that's very important."
"Collective memory is what we need for social cohesion... now more important than ever."
"Because that's very important to how our society functions."
"I want to treat this subject in a balanced and non incendiary way... a very important piece of information for any of us who believe in freedom of inquiry within a free society."
"Education is the key to their future greatness."
"The only way we can perpetuate a democracy is by people sharing those values and thinking that that is something to be upheld."
"You want to understand the importance of democratic institutions in this country."
"Our lives do matter now, saying anybody else's don't matter."
"The power of the people has always mattered more than the people in power."
"The weight, the gravity of the right to speak freely is of paramount importance."
"I'd like to see a movie succeed just because it's important."
"Once the freedom of speech is gone, none of the rest of it matters."
"Not only are we necessary, we are definitively, with proof, the backbone of society and all the social programs such as welfare and healthcare."
"It has never been more important to protect your rights."
"Unity among the rest of the world is very, very important."
"Culture is what defines a country, regardless of race."
"This story serves as a stark reminder of the crucial role law enforcement plays."
"The children in McDowell County are quite as important or more important than the billionaires."
"Sex is good, sex is healthy, sex is an essential part of our social fabric."
"Empathy is crucial; just because an issue doesn't affect you doesn't mean it's not important."
"Privacy is important... ownership... recognition and enforcement of rights... very important."
"Marriage is a foundational bedrock of human society."
"This is a real breakthrough. The impressive headdress shows that the mummy must have held a high position in his society."
"Morality is definitely going to be something that's important."
"If you lose speech you lose your entire civilization period."
"Absolutely it is it's kind of the the Forgotten pillar and we talk about food shelter and water."
"I think for a lot of people, it's been really hard to communicate the importance of privacy."
"People need crash courses in history. History now has never been more important than any time in my life."
"Every life matters, every culture matters, every life has value."
"Jobs are everything. Economics is everything."
"The existence of the people and the thriving of the people is critically important."
"I want to lean into the very root that our Founders and our forefathers and mothers said was indispensable."
"The media in this country, you know, and it's so important to critique the media."
"Nothing matters to anybody until it matters to everybody."
"The work that homemakers do is so important now more than ever."
"Freedom of speech is more necessary in a democracy than in any other system of government."
"These actions to hold these people accountable are so vital."
"Empathy is one of the most important qualities of a civilized nation."
"I'm going to express my own view and my own belief that yes this stuff is important and we need to watch out for it."
"The role of women in our society has always been super important, but it's not often that women are associated with being insanely physically powerful."
"Religion after all is the serious business of the human race."
"The family unit is the most important, precious thing."
"Where there is no vision, the people perish." - Proverbs 29:18
"There's nothing more important to humanity than being a mother."
"I still believe character matters. I still believe that decency and ethics matter."
"Just how powerful the voice of the people is and how important it is for the people to speak freely without consequence."
"Knowledge and applied skills are crucial both for a single person and for humanity in general."
"You can't just let it be pushed into the rug and forget about it and move on to the next big thing that they're talking about because this is extremely, extremely important."
"It blows my mind how quickly some of the leadership in this country has forgotten the critical role first responders play in our society."
"Privacy may be one of the most valuable things in this world."
"Diversity and inclusion are and must be valued components of our society."
"Free inquiry, free questioning, free speech is so important in a society, particularly a Democratic Society, that it really needs to be sacrosanct."
"We all want to be on the right side of the climate issue. It's very important and it's the future."
"We're essential to the functioning of our country, dare I say it."
"The collapse of France was imminent, but the debate over whether or not to sue for peace continued to rage."
"Don't you think it's important to have a free press?"
"What we need every human's important every human is important."
"We know a free press is vital for our freedoms in our society."
"Discourse and dialogue are absolutely indispensable for civil societies and to lead a good life."
"The greatest asset we have as a people is knowledge."
"I think it's pretty devastating... You can't overstate the importance of the revelations in this memo." - Unnamed commentator
"Women were very important in Knightly society, absolutely."
"The most important conversation we should have now."
"Elder care and child care are both increasingly central elements to the economy."
"Summing all of those up, in the Regency era owning a lot of land and estates was important socially, politically, and money-wise."
"Does X cause Y? For example, does smoking cause lung cancer is a major question of societal importance."
"The rise of health and wellness and how important it is to Stockholm and to people in Sweden is really amazing."
"What is needed, the ecologist suggests, is the rebirth of community spirit not only among men but among all of major importance."
"Welcome to 'This is Important', the show where we only talk about what's the most important, bottom line, critical thing happening on this planet."
"Housing is big and affordable housing is important."
"Humanity is the biggest thing, right?"
"The personal qualities of kindness and caring for other people and empathy... are so important in the world today."
"I think we're at a really pivotal time right now, and so I think what you're doing is just more important than it's ever been, quite frankly."
"Private property rights, including the rights to intellectual property, are very important in society."
"We all have to always remember that normalcy, compassion, humanity, dignity, supporting our democracy is so incredibly important."
"We don't seem to recognize just how central this is to not only national security but also to our productivity."
"Yes, if you listen to them, you get to appreciate how much democracy depends on education. Education for everybody."
"Queer lives are really integral to human society."
"It's very important that this continues in the future."
"Science should be an absolute component that we should all care about and be able to evaluate and move forward with."
"...people want a greater sense of identity, look for identity, where identity politics is much more important."
"Education is very important because that is where we begin to learn values."
"It's good, it's as depressing as it is, it is required work."
"It's about how journalists are heroic and what they do and how important that is."
"The citizens treat food as their heaven, rice as the master of all food."
"I certainly understand the need for cameras in the courtroom. I think it's important in our society that we have the ability to have access to what's happening in a court of law."
"Norbert Wiener was concerned with thinking about feedback systems, a type of thinking that is immensely important to society today, or to any complicated society."
"Money has become a critical part of society and living."
"Public goods are far more important than we tend to treat them as a society."
"Our world does not revolve around the female menstrual cycle, and to be honest, it should because it's really important."
"It's an important conversation, I'm glad we're having it."