
Self-focus Quotes

There are 1539 quotes

"We need to focus on our own happiness first, especially when it comes to the life that we are living for ourselves."
"I'm focusing on my career, my career in not dating losers."
"You need to focus more on yourself, not other people."
"The point of view that says we should live for ourselves, focus on ourselves, and find happiness in our own pleasure and amusement."
"I've spent my whole life caring for my mom and caring for other people, and I just want to work on myself and be around people who don't need work from me."
"Being kind to others takes away attention from us focusing on how miserable we are."
"Confidence is the ability to weather social storms because you are concerned first and foremost with you."
"This is you guys coming back to your center. This isn't focusing on other people; this is focusing on you."
"This year is a time to focus on yourself; it's a 'you' year."
"Focus on yourself, let others focus on themselves, and things are going to be a lot more copacetic."
"Focusing on yourself is the biggest act of self-love and power."
"Let that be whatever else's problem. That's not your problem. You don't need to be concerned with that. You got more important matters like your dreams, and your hopes, and your goals, and your pursuits, and your purpose."
"The most important thing that you can do for yourself, for your soul, for your future, is to focus on your wants, your needs, and go in the direction of what you desire."
"I kind of fell back from this...had to focus on myself."
"Focus on yourself and focus on your own healing."
"You can't go wrong if you're focusing on your happiness."
"You don't need to be everybody's hero right now; you simply need to focus on yourself."
"Everything you should do should be a focus on you, not for anyone else."
"Your job is to focus on yourselves and to do what you can to become the best version of yourselves."
"Cameron Diaz...ultimately made the decision because she wanted to focus more on herself."
"This is your moment. This is about you, no one else."
"Focus on themselves and what they want to do and stay true to themselves is their better path forward."
"Focus on your happiness, focus on what truly makes you happy."
"Don't compare yourself to others; really allow yourself to be more selfish."
"I just want to focus on myself and what I'm doing."
"Take your energy off this person, put it back onto yourself where it belongs."
"I'm running my own race. This has nothing to do with other people."
"The most important work you will ever do is on you."
"Focus on you and your goals. Don't look at a timeline."
"You have to block out everyone's opinion and focus on yourself and focus on what you feel and what makes you happy."
"This person is trying to focus on what makes them happy."
"We're attracting what we need in this lifetime, not what others are doing. Again, focus on you."
"In an era of virtually unprecedented social heat being directed at trans people, this is the most...let's make this about me [stuff] I've seen from somebody who claims to be a progressive in a long time."
"Relationships are a waste of time and slowed me down; I got goals to achieve."
"When you're focusing on yourself...it allows the universe to kind of move things towards you."
"Focus on where you're good, and you need to stick to it."
"Your best possible action right now is to focus on yourself."
"We walk around with blinders, focused on 'me and my path,' when in reality, we are all one."
"Stop comparing yourself with others... Focus on your own road, and you'll surpass your peers."
"It was a nice experience and I'm thankful for that."
"Just focus on yourself and be the best version of yourself."
"Every day we're trudging along, constant focus on us."
"Forget him, we're talking about me, me, me, me, me, me. I'm the hero!"
"Focus on your own goals, focus on you, focus on what it is that you have to offer the world."
"You are learning how to return your focus and energy back within yourself rather than diffusing it outward."
"What someone is doing has nothing to do with you."
"Find your superpower... focus all in on that."
"I don't do it for the world; I do it for myself first."
"You're focused on yourself aquarius you're putting your your focus on your career money and business that's your biggest priority and you're withdrawing from somebody hermit card you're kind of withdrawing."
"It doesn't matter what other people are doing; all that matters is who you're becoming."
"It's time to focus on yourself; there's a point at which something in your life must be released."
"Stop caring about popularity and validation; focus on your life purpose."
"I'm going to focus on what's best for me and not Coach Toulon."
"My mindset has changed and I think a lot like what people will see is definitely a lot of focus more in myself and less people like depending on me."
"Focus on yourself. People come and go. If you don't control your mind, someone else will."
"It's all about what you want, what's best for you, what makes you happy, and everyone else can go [ __ ] themselves."
"I don't care about their feelings. That's not my problem, that's their problem."
"It meant really focusing on what's good for me, how do I live the best life that I could live for the rest of my life."
"Just focus on yourself and there's room for everyone."
"You can't compare yourself to another person... just focus on your own personal growth."
"Definitely just working on myself and my passion."
"You should be your best version number one for you."
"You can't win someone else's race, you can only run your race."
"Just focus on earth one focus on where we are right now focus on improving your own life focus on increasing your quality of life."
"It's time to focus on you and shoot your shot in the direction that you desire to go in."
"As long as you're growing... don't worry about the people around you."
"Stay committed to things that you are committed to. Stay committed to yourself primarily."
"It's all about you, not in an egotistical way, but in a more healthy kind of balanced way."
"Establish healthy boundaries to focus on yourself."
"If you look at the light, you don't see the shadow, but if you keep looking at the shadow and keep fighting with the shadow, there is no end to it."
"If we're not creating, we're just chasing, we're just following, we're just reacting."
"How do you be more present? Simple... refocus yourself right here right now."
"There's no rush to settle down. Focus on yourself."
"Stop thinking of yourself so much. You won't be able to see all the other beautiful stuff around the world."
"Women often focus solely on the guy in any relationship, but it's not all about him."
"Find a way into your body through breathing... focus on yourself talking your lips moving."
"When a guy comes along who doesn't need any of that, all of a sudden she's free to focus on herself and her own needs."
"Focus on your life, your goals, and your happiness. Dedicate yourself to enriching activities."
"Mind your own business first and foremost; control your energy."
"I'm not even trying to make him jealous. I'm just doing my own thing."
"Leave others alone. Do you. You'll be working overtime."
"You always want to feel like you're doing it for yourself and not for everybody else around you."
"Do not stress yourself out over no dude. Be strong for you."
"They always come back, so focus on you. Do what makes you happy."
"When you finally sit down and you're not worried about it and you're worried about working on yourself and your relationship with the Lord, you do find it."
"When you stop chasing love, that's when love starts to chase your ass."
"I'm doing me. I'm taking it a day at a time, a fight at a time."
"Continue focusing on you ebony what ebony wants what ebony needs and God will position everything to flow into your life as it's supposed to."
"Live each day to its fullest, make sure you're doing what's right for you."
"Because God can't do anything with people that are full. Most times people are full themselves."
"Prioritize your goals and dreams over pleasing others."
"Megan has this unbelievable inability to be able to talk to other people or about anything that's not herself."
"It's really important for you to come back to your center and keep focusing on you."
"Don't let a new person distract you from the healing you need to do."
"Focus on yourself today because you are the most important person in your life."
"I need to stop focusing on other people's opinions and what does easy want to do."
"Do I look better with my shaved head than I did when I had hair? I like it better."
"Focus on what you're doing as a person and being positive."
"Chase yourself, and that's really the best thing I could tell you."
"You're keeping your energy focused on yourself."
"You are going to manifest failure in your life, not theirs."
"They're just hating and they should be worried about their own blessings."
"Forget about women, who cares? I mean do your thing, prioritize what matters to you."
"Instead of placing your focus on another, now is the time to give to yourself."
"Don't waste your time trying to live someone else's life. Focus on your own strengths, your own element."
"Focus on the good, focus on what works, focus on your health."
"If you guys do dating relationships, focus on yourself, focus on your grind. Don't go chasing after the girls, believe me, they see you as a prize, they'll chase after you."
"We need to get our house in order from any kind of scattering of the past or being buffeted by the news or world events or whatever and say no no I bring myself back to my center."
"Emphasize that work on that act on that don't fall into the trap don't fall into the game."
"Focus on yourself but don't disregard the world around you."
"This feels like a vanity project because so many scenes are of her alone."
"There isn't an expert on relationships, they're just people who have thought about it more and can put words to some of the paradoxes, longings, disillusionment, and aspirations that we all have."
"Focus on yourself and let go of comparisons."
"Focus on you right now, focus on what you can control, start nurturing that connection with Source."
"You're not impressed by any of it because again you're the star of your own Universe."
"The most important thing that you can develop and work on for yourself."
"Taking care of others a little bit less than just thinking about yourself."
"Stay focused on the positive, stay focused on what is true for you."
"Focus on yourself and what you want and I do believe that something you've been chasing for a while is going to be yours."
"Focus on yourself. Keep being who you are. Move on from the abuse and don't let it define you."
"Focusing on yourself is just more important than anything else."
"Your private life, your career, your hopes, your dreams, everything that lives inside of you, you as a man, you should worry about all that stuff, not about another man's success or failure."
"You've shifted your energy to yourself, to your own abundance, to bringing happiness to yourself."
"I realized now that it was time to just focus on what was most meaningful to me."
"Focusing on yourself without masculine peer influence is beneficial for black girls."
"Chase after your dreams and don't chase after people."
"Take a break on people for a moment and just focus on yourself."
"I'm putting me at number one, period. That goes without saying."
"Focus on not worrying about anyone else other than yourself."
"At the end of the day, the closer you get to 30, the more you and all of us realize we didn't know in our 20s. Keep your head down and focus on your purpose."
"You're really focused on you and what you want."
"Your happiness is the most important thing to you."
"Lean back, focus on yourself, focus on your own life."
"Focus on yourself, don't mute your light, find your North Star in your soul, heart, and ambitions."
"Focus on yourself and you will be able to attract."
"This card suggests sleepless nights, worried about problems and fears that overwhelm you. The height of anxiety, being entirely self-focused and self-critical."
"You must live life for yourself for your life to have any meaning and value."
"When you start minding your own business, it's a different kind of bliss."
"Focus on your path, focus on what you want for your life."
"You have the power no matter what... collectively as we start focusing more and more on our inner worlds on our Divine Purpose."
"Keep it simple. Sometimes the simple things in life are the best things in life. Don't worry about what others are doing around you, focus on the basics."
"If there's something you can do to fix something that is hindering you from being your best self do it as long as you're doing it safely."
"At the end of the day if all that stuff focus on you focus on how you were made and focus on accepting that."
"Ladies if you're listening to this like and you find yourself constantly wondering if what he wants then you're not focusing enough on other [__] why do you have enough time to make it clear that's probably not the guy you want to be with."
"20s is the one time in your whole life that you can just be selfish, be yourself, focus on yourself and do things just for you."
"You're already letting that go, you're about your own passions, your own life."
"Focus on yourself, baby, be a little bit selfish this year."
"Focus on you being successful and providing value to people around you."
"Humanism was a philosophy that focused on the unlimited potential of human beings as an end in themselves."
"Never compare yourself against others. Water your own garden and don't worry about how green everyone else's grass is."
"All I want to focus on is continuing to improve and get better."
"Focus on doing what you love, focus on your own state of being."
"We're gonna focus on self, we're gonna Focus On Healing."
"Focus on yourself and protecting your energy."
"It's not your job to figure out; your job is to focus on yourself and be as positive and happy as you can."
"The best thing you can do right now is to focus on yourself."
"Ultimately, he's doing what is best for him and what makes him happy."
"I think my mindset has changed... I want to do it for me."
"It's good for a lot of us brothers to go straight monk mode out here focus on building your empire focus on building your legacy focus on putting in that work go straight monk mode."
"It's all for myself, you gotta do it for yourself."
"Build a life that you love, a life that you love, keyword YOU."
"Focus on what is working in your life, focus on the good in your life."
"Empathy. If you just, like all of you care about you, not your customers, not your employees, not your vendors, and I get it, you have to take care of your family."
"Put your vibration as your number one priority, not a new relationship, not a reconciliation with an old relationship."
"Lay low and focus on you, especially if you feel like you have a mission."
"The only way the universe brings that person is when you're out of the way."
"You ain't hanging around waiting on nobody from the past."
"Your greatest advantage lies in minding your own business, working on your own goals."
"Focus on yourself. Don't worry about what anyone's doing."
"Learning to not sweat the small stuff and to be OK with just focusing on yourself and not being too worried about what other people are doing or how they're being perceived is a very valuable thing."
"All suffering is obsession with self. Happiness is your job and happiness is a decision."
"It's about the work. Because if you're worrying about yourself, if you're thinking am I succeeding am I in the right position am I being appreciated then you're going to end up feeling frustrated and stuck."
"I feel like I'm on the verge of a personal breakthrough, what should I focus on?"
"You're detaching from the situation and focusing on your own happiness."
"For those of you that are single and happy, change your focus again and look in different directions."
"You're mastering yourself, you're now ready to get the love, career, everything that you want."
"You're moving into a really awesome phase where it's all about you building you and stepping into you."
"Do it for yourself, stop worrying about everybody else and what they're gonna say."
"All you want to do and all you need to do is close this chapter and just focus on you."
"My career is about me. When their time comes to step in the ring with the Gypsy King, they'll realize why I'm the king."
"There's a difference between self-care and self-worship."
"I advocate men to go their own way MGTOW we call it online just focus on your purpose."
"You need to focus on yourself right now, come on, let's go."
"In reality, the only person in this world that matters is yourself."
"At the end of the day, you are doing this for you."
"Purpose was himself, his purpose was to be perfect."
"You need to stop focusing on what other people think all the time."
"What about me effect is when someone sees something that doesn't really pertain to them or they can't fully relate to and they find a way to make it about them."
"Now is the time to focus and find direction and find your purpose of how you're moving forward in your life because this is the universe giving you a blessing."
"Michael was never after you, girl, get over yourself. It's not about you."
"You're focusing on your individual happiness."
"You would be way happier if you put all your focus on something that makes you truly happy, apart from this person."
"Get them the hell about your life and find some peace. You just do you."
"Choose you for once, because we cannot shift into a higher vibrational frequency without you coming from a pure open unpacked Connected To Source place."
"When you stop listening to other people's negativity and focus on you, that's when all your blessings come in."
"Put the focus back on you and your loving yourself."
"Start focusing on you and evolving yourself."
"There are only two headlines for your life: a temple to you or a temple to God."
"Focus on what makes you happy, ignore the noise."
"There's nothing more that makes you feel like the world is more about you than having two children."