
Digestion Quotes

There are 653 quotes

"So basically, parasympathetic activity, when you're resting, you have time to digest."
"Your body's reacting to your mind, so in order to digest food properly, your mindset is crucial."
"Our lunch should actually be our largest meal of the day because that's when our digestion is the strongest."
"Pineapples contain a group of powerful enzymes called bromelain, which can help to support digestion and your overall gut health."
"Fossilized farts... this behavior, which occurs when gases produced during digestion are released, is found to happen in a wide range of animals alive today."
"My digestion greatly improved when I gave myself time to digest."
"The wildly diverse community, beneficial microbes and bacteria in our gut also play a major role in digestion and health, so much so that our microbiome has even been referred to as the forgotten organ."
"Our ability to digest milk as adults is due to the expression of the enzyme lactase phlorizin hydrolase, or lactase for short."
"To start your mornings off, I recommend drinking a lemon ginger tonic. Ginger is extremely good for fighting inflammation and improving digestion."
"If you eat just a lean piece of meat... it's gonna at least get the digestive system going."
"We alkalinize our food in the upper small intestine."
"Fiber is so important... slows the digestion process down."
"The type of saturated fat that's found in coconut oil is often referred to as MCFAs of MCTs... great for your body to burn as energy and it's easier to digest."
"Juice secretion... How can you digest food like that?"
"Lemon water is one of the best things you can put in your body when it comes to digestion."
"Moving your body is a great way to naturally get things moving in your gut."
"Stomach is not an alkaline environment, it is an acid environment."
"The function of the gastrointestinal tract is first ingestion."
"Eat seafood, it's the best thing about seafood is that when you eat it you don't feel bloated."
"As soon as you wake up and you drink a lot of water, it flushes them out, helps in the digestion, in the movement of the bowels, so many things."
"Do you reckon that'll be the thing in the future? We just eat and never poo."
"Going for a walk after a meal can help regulate digestion and glucose levels."
"It is not the tryptophan that is making you sleepy but the digestive process itself."
"Fiber feeds the bacteria you want to keep in your gut."
"Fermented foods like tempeh are high in enzyme content, aiding digestion."
"Life is the manifestation of stories. Because to establish a parameter means at some point there's a line that we don't cross."
"Once the stomach breaks down this food, the phytonutrients fall into the fingers of the microvilli."
"It is considered normal to fart between six and twenty times a day. An average person farts fifteen times a day. Fair enough."
"Scientists have long thought that gators swallow stones to help them digest their tough to process meals."
"It really does make a massive difference, especially to my digestion."
"Raw unpasteurized dairy products make a big difference in digestion and skin health."
"If the purpose of your fast is gut rest, which I think is an important part of fasting, and I think both of those are probably tweaking your gut."
"Ginger tea... anti-inflammatory... helps your digestive health... aids digestion."
"You still need to take the time to consume and allow the body to process the food."
"When there's fats in your juice, it slows down your digestive system along with the soluble fiber, so that means you’re going to get a greater uptake of some of the special phytonutrients and phytochemicals in the juice recipe."
"The gut-brain axis affects the way your body digests food."
"Potatoes for some reason are really slow to digest you won't get an energy spike and then a crash with them like you would white bread so they are a really good alternative."
"In fact, you aren't what you eat, you're also what you digest."
"Fiber is very good for making you move and be regular."
"Having the right kind of diet, producing stomach acidity, should make you nutritionally replete."
"Balancing stress is key to digestive health."
"Poop is an important subject matter and colon health."
"Probiotics are those healthy gut bacteria that live in your intestinal tract that help you break down food, increase and empower your immune system."
"If we are not properly breaking down our foods and sorting out various nutrients, we are not receiving their benefits. In other words, you are not what you eat, you are what you digest and absorb."
"Adding some protein is gonna slow the digestion of it."
"Pineapples and papayas got digestive enzymes, man, they gonna help break that food down."
"Digestion begins before you take your first bite."
"Your stomach is amazing, not only can this gastric acid break down your food, but it can also dissolve a razor blade."
"It does not take seven years for gum to pass out of our system."
"The main issue is not having regular bowel movements. And if you don't fix this underlying issue, this condition will return and can specifically cause autoimmune inflammation."
"The thermic effect of food is your after meal metabolism, which ramps right up."
"Eating more slowly stimulates more insulin release, which means better glucose control."
"Your gut is your warrior, it is battling for you every meal to keep you safe."
"Routine and consistency especially with digestion is the most important thing for your circadian clock."
"You are never going to have trouble bloating or constipation again. Add water, let it sit for 10 minutes, appreciate the view, and then get ready to have the best poop of your entire life."
"The sourdough process actually causes the grain to blossom like a flower and it's much easier to digest."
"Last night I woke up out of my sleep and my stomach is going nuts. The Indian food did something."
"Bye bye, I'm gonna get going. I need to digest and go to sleep."
"Opinions are like other Salient features of the human digestive tract... everyone's got one."
"The more it's ground up and crunched up it's going to have a faster effect big effect on your blood sugar."
"The fiber moves the food through the intestine faster to get to the end of the intestine where the satiety signal lives."
"The fiber makes that happen faster."
"Give your gut a break... if you can eat within a 10-hour window or if you can't do that a 12-hour window at least you give your microbes a rest overnight."
"Remember, the low FODMAP diet is reparative, regenerative, corrective."
"Suet didn't give me loose stools if I ate it raw."
"By eating just two dates a day for a month, you're not only promoting regular bowel movements but also supporting the health of your entire digestive system."
"Every time they eat, they look six months pregnant."
"All the recipes are created to improve your digestion, to make you feel good, to support your gut, but also way beyond that."
"Enhancing the quality of our diet and the health of our gut will lead to better bowel movements."
"Gut health means that you're able to absorb all the nutrients well, that you have good digestion."
"Stomach acid is crucial to digestion; low stomach acid causes a host of issues."
"I've conditioned my stomach to be able to like just eat a burrito from Chipotle and then just go."
"Fiber fuels fermentation in the gut which makes alcohol. It's deadly. So it's the cause of significant disease."
"...many of them not all but some of them when they have sourdough bread actually were able to tolerate it which is really interesting because it means that the protein in the bread in the sourdough bread is very different to in normal breads."
"...it's important because that means no matter how much hydrogen is already in our stomach, this proton pump does not go with concentration, it doesn't care how much hydrogen is in the stomach, it's going to just keep pushing hydrogen through..."
"Plus, it slows down digestion of those carbohydrates, lower insulin spikes, better dieting."
"Depending on how often you have bowel movements will influence which type of microbes inhabit your gut."
"Oax worms, or bone-eating worms, dissolve bone with a kind of acid produced in their digestion process."
"The stomach needs to contract and squeeze the food out gradually."
"Reducing these fermentable carbohydrates can be incredibly helpful."
"Optimizing digestion and absorption strongly depends on diaphragmatic breathing, chewing food adequately, and avoiding antacids."
"If you can digest it well and it doesn't lead to bloating, then what's wrong with bread?"
"So you want a healthy gut because then you can absorb the good stuff and the good supplement I'm not the good supplement for you so if you're using if you want to do all your vitamins with food which for the medieval you can't a few others."
"Aesthetically pleasing things are easy to digest."
"Everyone bloats like literally everyone."
"'Our guts are filled with bacteria. We feed them by eating food and they help us out by digesting that food.'"
"Three foods that keep the food in the stomach longer are fiber, protein, and fat, so if you eat a substantial meal, you will not need to eat again for six hours."
"Prebiotics are important as probiotics because they feed those microbes and allow them to grow."
"Fiber also has a wonderful satiety effect on most people. Great for digestion, leads to a healthy gut microbiome."
"...and one of the cool things about these cultured foods is they're pre-digested so you absorb them super easy."
"I don't feel great, but maybe it's... um... maybe it's that coconut still."
"The Sardine challenge does a really good job of three things: it primes the body for making cholecystokinin again."
"Our body thrives when we give our gut a break."
"The more you poop the better you do."
"I like to have more time to let things digest."
"Common digestive issues like nausea, indigestion, bloating, burping, or belching can be indicative of low bile production."
"Observing stool characteristics offers valuable insights into digestive health."
"Espresso is easier on your tummy."
"I would argue that some of the things that we're eating that we're not designed to eat in plants are doing just that, breaking us down over years and decades."
"Probiotics are great because they're going to reset your gut flora."
"This helps with my gut health and digestion, bloating, all that good stuff, and I take a scoop of this daily."
"Butter contains casin which should be avoided if an individual is lactose intolerant because it can cause bloating as well as digestive issues."
"Digestion is obviously an important part of eating a meal and reaping the health benefits from it."
"When your stomach's not working, how does that impact the entire body? We'll talk about that quite a bit."
"H. pylori is not always bad. H. pylori can be protective. But in my practice, when we get rid of H. pylori, people get better."
"H. pylori causes digestive symptoms. But the point is extra special: H. pylori always causes damage to the stomach lining and reduces stomach acid production, interfering with amino acid absorption."
"I think this is really a fantastic description of them because it's within their hind gut that you find a zoo of microorganisms and protozoa that are swimming around doing all sorts of important activities that make it possible for the termites to to digest their wood."
"Gluten doesn't digest well... a highly inflammatory food."
"I've just been adding different kinds of probiotics and let me just say it has changed my stomach in general gut health just everything down there."
"My stomach has no political preferences"
"Fructose, lactose, FOS, and polyols all have very similar physiological effects once they get down there, they bring water and they produce lots of gas."
"Stress does change the way our body can digest our food changes our stomach acid production our enzyme production so we have to manage stress in order to really overcome digestive issues."
"Gluten can be a hard-to-digest protein for a lot of people."
"Poetry is in a bit of a weird space right now where people no longer want to spend any time with it because it is one of these forms that takes a considerable amount of time to digest."
"Zero bloating. I have no abdominal discomfort after I eat. I had made a video of my day in the life when we just got back from our trip from Florida and I did not go to the bathroom for 10 days."
"I've noticed a more balanced mood, better digestion, less bloating, and more focus and energy."
"Bloating happens, but guess what? It doesn't have to happen all the time."
"Eat fat. It'll keep your stool soft. You can stay in there till Christmas; it'll still be soft."
"The reason we have the enzymes that break down alcohol is because of the fermentation process in our gut when we eat plants and grains. If you put carnivore, you don't need those."
"Your body will always be able to digest meat, that's what it's designed for."
"...it appears that the gut bacteria in the absence of food-derived complex carbohydrates actually eats that mucous layer."
"Blending high fiber foods and high fermented foods may actually provide the greatest benefit."
"Every time I go to a Japanese restaurant, I eat pickled ginger. It's the best thing for your stomach."
"Naturally releases digestive enzymes and helps you break down your food better."
"With vacuum blending, you will be getting less separation, less gas and bloating due to the dissolved oxygen."
"The little lactobacillus bacteria, they're the ones that are great for our digestion, they're the ones that are great for our stomach, they're the ones that are going to help preserve this food in our cupboard."
"Your stomach is naturally acidic and lemons are acidic, so by drinking lemon water first thing in the morning you're helping to maintain your stomach acidity."
"...and then later, when the food finally digests, the insulin is not strong enough to do much for it."
"Certain things I know just go through me faster like salmon."
"Dancing and singing is the best way to digest after a full meal, right?"
"It's not usually the fruit per se, but what you're eating before it, after it, with it, alongside of it."
"Different foods digest at different speeds."
"Your body produces 1 to 3 pints of saliva every day; it helps you digest food and fights off infections."
"I actually threw it up the other day so I can't eat that anymore, oh no, it was so bad, and my chiropractor said, we don't digest kale very well, and I was like, 'No, I'm aware.'"
"So fermented foods like kimchi, pickles, sauerkraut, yogurt, foods that can repopulate the bacteria that I need so I can properly digest my foods..."
"We hear a lot about the importance of a healthy gut these days."
"Finding easy ways to get greens in because greens are so good for your digestion."
"Pick foods that you can digest easily... at the top should be what foods do I digest the best."
"The thing I love about Asia is that you walk so much that all the food you eat just gets digested so fast."
"The stomach serves as a filter and a valve, allowing particles of only two millimeters in size or less to pass through."
"There's a level of education and knowing that I now have with some even like quote-unquote healthy foods that they just do a number on my gut."
"Your gut health is and how it impacts so much I mean you touched on it there Focus."
"This bread doesn't make me bloat or fart."
"The difference between human rumination and bovine rumination is that the cows actually digest what they're ruminating on."
"Sometimes taking HCl supplements for a couple of weeks can allow your parietal cells to get a rest."
"Food that takes longer to digest generally makes you feel fuller."
"Fiber keeps the gut microbiome healthy and slows down the absorption of sugars into our bloodstream."
"So when you chew them, even if you do what your mother told you when you were younger and chewed your food really well, you'll find that actually you fracture, so you break very few of the cells."
"...promote a healthy gut microbiome..."
"Anyway, digestion is really powerful when we can learn that it's so much deeper than even what we eat, but how we eat."
"Don't snack, consolidate your meals. Having a rest and digest period between meals is critical for our gut health."
"Can you even process organic matter like shrimp? I can process it, okay, do you benefit from it very realistically?"
"After breakfast, those prunes, they work like the McLeary machine ain't broken."
"Carbs are things that turn to glucose when we digest them, and those are starches and sugars."
"Each of these ingredients contain prebiotics, so prebiotics are molecules that we ingest that we can't break down with our digestive processes but they basically reach to the colon and can feed microbes that live there."
"A healthy gut means generally an overall healthy person."
"Cooking breaks down certain hard to digest components, which allows you to eat a diet that's more varied."
"...they take longer to chew in general, so that means that, once they hit our stomach, they're already more broken down..."
"...fiber-rich foods also take longer to digest, so that means that, when we're eating a diet rich in fiber and fibrous foods, we are able to stay fuller for longer..."
"So yeah definitely watermelon seed not really gum I was never really afraid of gum I don't know why I was afraid of it when it slipped in seven years to digest yeah stick to your ribs is that a real thing?"
"The brain-gut axis impacts your brain and likewise your brain impacts your digestive system."
"It's your bacteria that are eating all that. They are the ones who actually benefit from it. They utilize that to produce all the good chemicals such as short chain fatty acids which will then improve diabetes, make you reduce weight, decrease inflammation, more restful sleep."
"Fiber is amazing to help keep you regular, help get things moving, and it will help reduce bloating if you do it the right way."
"Small habits like squatting, which is good for digestion."
"Our gut microbes are actually doing much more than digestion."
"Probiotics are your internal army. They're your special forces inside your gut."
"Probiotics help to break down undigested foods in the digestive tract, stimulate the immune system, and fight for you."
"Rapini is good for digestion and your liver. It's super tasty."
"Postprandial responses after meals underpin the long-term effects of foods on our health."
"Our gut need sodium potassium for peristalsis and all these different things like our gut even that we need sodium for stomach acid and breaking down nutrients"
"In a perfect world, you take it on an empty stomach because you'll get better absorption that way."
"Lipids, different mechanism again. Mainly absorbed in the jejunum."
"Ingestion is the taking in of food into the body."
"It just looks like sto, there is no recognizable matter of the meat and the egg that I've swallowed. Chunks and it's liquefied the same way as if I was eating it."
"All plants cause gas... I don't think it's beneficial for either."
"Every time I ate a very fibrous meal... it's very difficult to not press your stomach because you can feel it's struggling."
"The mere presence of gluten in the digestive system increases the body's production of zonulin."
"MCT oil can upset your stomach and cause digestive issues, especially if you start too much too soon."
"The more downtime you have for your gut to repair itself the better your health and the more chance you're actually going to have for losing weight."
"The more I can get you to stay at least 3 hours away from your last meal before you go to bed the better your deep sleep the better you sleep the better your brain is washed."
"So, small intestinal movement moves the contents, it mixes the contents with the gastrointestinal secretions, and it exposes the contents to the mucosal wall for better absorption."
"Stress can definitely inhibit digestion. Stress impacts the whole body and it also impacts the gut-brain connection."
"If your body doesn't process it and it has to get rid of it, why do we have to eat it to help our body process something?"
"For example, if you eat a large meal it distends the stomach, and especially then if you lay down. Reflux happens more commonly at night."
"Sprouts have prebiotics and probiotics."
"Intolerances are very real. If your gut can't digest something or break it down, there's a problem. That's an issue."
"You can actually burn calories if you have explosive diarrhea."
"Dairy is bad, bro. Try not eating cheese for like a couple weeks and then eat some with cheese and watch your stomach go crazy."
"It's actually fat that drives your digestion."
"When it comes to fiber, all fiber is not treated equally by our body."
"The stomach produces acid to break down proteins."
"A healthy gut microbiome with the good bacteria that helps our bodies process food is key to a healthy lifestyle."
"It's actually not something to make fun of though, it's really good for stomach grease or something."
"As soon as you get that food, your body turns into rest and digest mode."
"The key here is that intestinal angina or that abdominal pain after meals."
"All that food is digesting away your bodies, sending all that extra blood to the digestive system and generally the only place taken from is the brain."
"...if you've got a gut that's not a healthy gut because of a long term Western diet and stress and all those other things, then you're going to have problems digesting those sorts of foods because your gut bugs aren't optimized to actually deal with them."
"Flax oil helps the liver function; you can take it throughout the day, especially if you have issues with digesting fats."
"Digestion slows down because your body's not thinking, 'Let's relax and digest things.'"
"It's really which foods you're eating, not whether or not they are blended or chewed."