
Minecraft Quotes

There are 1305 quotes

"Games like Minecraft are the epitome of intrinsic motivation."
"Imagine spawning into a medieval Minecraft server with deadly players, giant kingdoms, and custom medieval weapons."
"I invited 100 players to my Minecraft server and gave them one week to grind gear and form alliances in their goal to be the last Kingdom alive when The Purge begins, removing all rules."
"If you're exploring late game, it's definitely a big brain move to make an ender chest and bring it with you or even shulker boxes."
"The best thing that you can do to get back into Minecraft after being burnt out is just take a break."
"I made the mistake of asking the question: Is a Minecraft world truly infinite?"
"One of Minecraft's lesser-known options is when you're choosing to type in a world seed."
"The weekly series bro show you sees Minecraft that are particularly interesting and worth checking out in some way."
"You get a really nice spawn area in the sense that it's plains that fades into a desert."
"There's a lot of delightful things and even better than that here is the mesa spikes themselves."
"It's just igloos and snowy villages for days on this seed."
"The recovery compass, bro, this is the Death Note Minecraft edition."
"The first thing I notice when watching this series is how accurate it is at presenting those old versions of Minecraft."
"Minecraft inside of Minecraft: a full-scale computer that can play Minecraft inside of the game itself."
"Full-scale hangman in Minecraft using only Redstone, now that's something special."
"Why did we make our bee farm in the nether? Well, strange as it might be, there's no day-night cycle, so they just work constantly."
"Minecraft, it's the best-selling video game of all time."
"Wo, okay, this is Minecraft if it was like ultra cool."
"Adding all the food to it, building tons of automatic farms inside of it so I literally never ever run out of stock."
"Adding the most OP food item in Minecraft... this vending machine is going to be pretty useful."
"With this, we can return Minecraft back to normal."
"Minecraft would hit its all-time low since 2011, but starting in late 2018 with the release of Minecraft 1.13, a massive update to the game, interest was renewed."
"I first moved to LA in 2011. Clint visited that year. We played Minecraft on Sam's computer. It was right when Minecraft came out."
"It's like you've forgotten that I stole your boat in Minecraft."
"This is the first Minecraft video to ever be uploaded to the internet."
"Over the next year together, we are going to make a Minecraft zoo for every mob in the game. That's right, I don't even know if this is possible or not, but we are going to grab a fellow hermit, we're going to go off into the world and wrangle up ourselves a mob and bring it back to our zoo and create a natural habitat biome for each and every mob in Minecraft."
"Welcome back to Squid Island, the server in which me, Jelly, and Crina are stuck on an island with each other in Minecraft, and we've got to be friends in reality."
"I got every Minecraft achievement in 1.17 in 100 days in survival hardcore. Here's what happened."
"Minecraft has something for everyone, and that is what I love about this game."
"Playing Minecraft with friends is so important to me."
"Haven't you ever wished you could just develop your own mob for Minecraft? Well, now you can do just that."
"All of us really, really want to see our own mobs in the game, like we're going to kind of dream."
"I've always dreamed of being able to make my own stuff in Minecraft."
"Minecraft is a place where creativity flourishes; people build, it's surpassed just being a video game. This is a platform."
"There are some people that are so ridiculously good at Minecraft, they are building full-on worlds in this video game, and it's beautiful to watch."
"The Uncensored Library is a place you can visit within Minecraft to read the works of censored journalists from Russia, Mexico, Egypt, Vietnam, and Saudi Arabia."
"Minecraft has become so much bigger than it ever probably was meant to."
"This server is made up of a ton of really talented Minecraft players."
"We didn't build any cow farms, sheep farms, anything like that. So that's definitely something that we're going to have to really go for in HermitCraft Season 6."
"Okay, wait, how do we fight the warden? We need to not fight the warden; that's how you fight the warden."
"Terrifying chat announcements showing that Common Hat's team had obtained not one, but two legendary wither sickles."
"You're about to see the best underwater base ever built in Minecraft."
"You can get invisible armor in Minecraft. Right now, I'm completely invisible."
"If you're ever underground with a pig and a saddle, you can actually use x-ray."
"If you want to turn your dog's tail into a helicopter, you can do it."
"You can milk the rare mooshroom with a bowl for unlimited mushroom stew."
"With the right flower, you can get suspicious stew, which correlates with a different type of effect."
"According to Mojang, honey is the stickier block when compared to slime blocks."
"With the removal of the Firefly in 1.19, the baby turtle still remains the smallest mob in Minecraft."
"Weakness potions can render a lot of mobs completely useless."
"This just looks like a smoker, but as soon as we add a lever on top, then it starts to look like an old television set."
"The dragon fight is actually quite a bit of a challenge for a new player."
"That's the thing about Minecraft luck: you have none, and then after that, all at once, it comes."
"This is a Christmas miracle. I was sure I needed a deep pool of water, apparently a shallow one would have done."
"Officially killed every mob in Minecraft in one playthrough."
"It's a time-consuming, weird journey, but I totally loved it."
"To meticulously destroy every single block left but void... it would take 31 billion years."
"With great power comes exceedingly great rarity. In fact, up until this point in the entire history of Minecraft, there has never actually existed a true Force Op exploit."
"Minecraft's secretive new item is the heavy core, and if you combine it with a breeze rod, you'll get the newest weapon: the mace. This is the highest damage potential we've ever seen in Minecraft."
"You can use powdered snow to extinguish yourself in the Nether."
"If you forget your flint and steel in the Nether, can you use a bed to ignite it?"
"You can fill chiseled bookshelves using Hoppers."
"You can make an invincible Axolotl by splashing it with a Wither potion and an instant health potion."
"Bees lose their stinger whenever they hit you."
"A single cat can control an infinite amount of creepers."
"In Bedrock edition, if a Charged Creeper kills a stray, it'll drop a Wither Skull."
"Villagers are capable of sitting down in a mine cart or boat."
"Netherite, an ore four times rarer than diamonds and only found in the nether."
"I have a full netherite beacon. Doesn't this look crazy?"
"This is every mind-blowing experiment that you can do in 'Minecraft.'"
"This might look like a pretty mediocre base with an even more mediocre door, but the truth is anything but."
"I'm on a mission to completely transform my hardcore world with now over 6,000 days survived."
"What if I told you that on certain versions of Minecraft, upon being banned from the game, not only can you no longer access realms or any multiplayer server ever again, but you are no longer able to even play your own single-player worlds?"
"Banning somebody from single-player for their actions on a multiplayer server is outright disgraceful."
"Please just put me anywhere but the soul sand valley."
"I kind of think blazes are OP, but maybe that's just me."
"Still haven't earned 'Free the End', which is what you get when you kill the dragon."
"I'm getting my 'How Did We Get Here?' setup ready... this is the advancement where I have to get every in-game effect applied to me at the same time."
"My first impressions: I really like this update; I love these cave generations."
"I think I just ran into the most beautiful looking area in Minecraft."
"I feel like I'm in the Jurassic period; like, look at this."
"It was day 600. I had done it; I had survived another 100 days in Minecraft Hardcore."
"Everyone's Minecraft experience is different; you see, with limitless ideas, almost anything is possible."
"We have an Elytra, we actually have an Elytra."
"This was Minecraft but advancements give you overpowered items."
"Minecraft 1.12 is here, and with it comes changes to the achievement system, namely, it's been entirely replaced with the advancement system."
"Everybody knows, once you punch your wood, you make your crafting table."
"The moment we make our crafting table is the moment we unlock Minecraft, the hard story of the game."
"We've now achieved Stone Age moment. You touch cobblestone is when you get that first advancement."
"Acquire Hardware advancement made. Wow, that opened up a whole plethora of things."
"Mine diamonds at layer ten for easy diamond – diamond, my favorite advancement to this date."
"Months ago, I set myself the goal of completing every single advancement there is in Minecraft in this hardcore world."
"And just when I thought it was over, the new Minecraft 1.17 update was released, introducing new advancements to the game."
"After so much effort, once again, I had completed every new advancement in the husbandry tab as well as every new advancement in the adventure tab, meaning I had now completed every advancement there is in Hardcore Minecraft."
"Hardcore Minecraft does not forgive, and it does not forget."
"In this video, I find hundreds of ways to destroy my friend's Minecraft worlds, and doing it all while they have no idea I'm on the world."
"I decided to add a giant volcano in the middle of my Minecraft server, but any item you throw in the volcano gets spat back out and is insanely OP."
"And when the volcano gets to a certain point, boom, eruption. Sit back and grab yourself a PB&J sandwich, let's do this."
"Bro, we did it. The $1 million super mega McDonald's. We finally did it, Sunny. We're Minecraft millionaires."
"I want to raise awareness which hopefully one day will lead to the removal of all forms of real money paid gambling from Minecraft servers."
"What if I put my Minecraft bed next to your Minecraft bed, how would you like that?"
"This was the most difficult challenge I have ever done in Minecraft, hands down."
"Minecraft was a Lego brick of the videogame universe."
"Hello stars and welcome back to the Minecraft universe, this is Jason."
"No way, I'm already starting building my foundations, and I'm building it out of smooth stone. It is the perfect block to use because it's nice and sturdy, and it looks like concrete does in the real world."
"I love Minecraft to an unhealthy degree. Ask anyone I've played on a server with, and you'll see I've spent thousands of hours on this game."
"I'm going to build 16 different bases made out of every color in Minecraft, with each of them having their own unique features and cool hiding places."
"I love Minecraft; it's so fun. Oh, it's the world of exciting things."
"Young people all over the world are using Minecraft to explore issues that matter like social justice, climate change, and indigenous rights."
"We want everyone who plays Minecraft to feel like they could build their home and feel like they're at home in Minecraft."
"One of the most beautiful things that I've ever seen in Minecraft... the water looks super realistic."
"One of the most beautiful sunsets of all of Minecraft... it is actually so beautiful, there's a bunch of stars."
"Minecraft, considered triple-A now, was born as indie."
"What's watching you you ask? The pman, Minecraft's newest scariest dweller."
"Listen the plan right now is we're going to have to survive this Minecraft world no scary mods nothing but first person to die loses."
"Surviving 100 days in a Minecraft natural disaster-filled world with everything from tornadoes"
"Underneath the Bedrock layer in every Minecraft world is a mysterious region called the void."
"Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind... set to be one of the longest indoor coasters."
"Dream found himself receiving the necessary Ender Pearls at an incredibly lucky rate."
"Day one and I spawned into The Nether with a fortress right in front of me."
"Feather falling four, fire protection Force, Soul speed three, Netherite boots. That's worth it. That's so worth it."
"Choosing which one I want to get, but since this is the one that I actually have on hand it's probably the one I'd want to do."
"The funny thing is though, uh, the hoglins were doing more damage to me than the boss was."
"This one's true, you can literally farm infinite lava by just having this drip stone block."
"This is going to be the most definitive Minecraft."
"I've always seen it but I've taken it for granted. We've all heard the talk: Minecraft is a creative sandbox where the only limit is your imagination. At this point, we're no longer talking about a game; we're talking about a sandbox."
"What Minecraft truly lacks is simple dynamics. A dynamic is a system of cause and effect, AI reacting to the player, AI reacting to other AI. For example, villagers going inside when it's rainy is an example of a dynamic system."
"Calculated to exit the nether directly into the stronghold."
"I've got the best house in Minecraft. I know, that's actually really, really cool."
"The 1.16 update completely changed the game."
"We have two new games coming out: Minecraft Dungeons and Minecraft Earth."
"We have a third Minecraft game coming out, it's a board game called Minecraft Builders and Biomes."
"Snowiest snow has taken over the Minecraft community."
"Minecraft introduces people to potential they didn't know they had."
"This machine will actually get 288,000 netherite ingots per hour, which is kind of crazy."
"Villager librarians can actually sell mending and champion books."
"That is Minecraft enchanting basics, goodbye everyone."
"The ender eye trade: a balanced change for speedruns."
"The forgotten dirt slab: an overlooked building block."
"Bow spamming: a satisfying feature lost to enchantments."
"Six-sided blocks: a historic feature deserving of a return."
"Golden apples: once cheap, now worth the extra cost."
"Honestly, I'm surprised it was possible for Minecraft to get more pixelated."
"It's definitely something Mojang's trying to keep an eye out for."
"I think I'd much rather set up a gold farm and do this the old fashioned way."
"You're just going to need a Wither in a whole bunch of nether portals."
"Why do so many players still play on version 1.8.9? It's not just about elytras or the sniffer."
"Minecraft's combat changes: a matter of interpretation."
"The Gunpowder will change basically any potion into a splash potion."
"Enchanting in Minecraft is one of the most useful yet complicated parts of the game."
"I just got really OP, didn't I? Oh my god, I also have 20 hearts."
"We have officially survived 100 days as Steve in Minecraft."
"Turns out this Farm only works in a certain direction, I don't get it but it's working so I'm not going to question it."
"After over 500 days, my end base is finally complete, but I mean just look at this, I have practically everything I'll ever need here in the end."
"We'll start building out the first pillar to our Minecraft scene."
"The beauty of playing such a challenging Minecraft seed."
"Congratulations to our Minecraft 2022 mob vote winner: the camel!"
"Number 7: Minecraft. Even the simplest of premises can be elevated to true greatness with thoughtful design and solid audio-visual flourishes."
"So, save your enchanted bows. They're about to get even more useful, especially with your dispensers."
"It's time for that Minecraft news we've been teasing a little bit about."
"We're gonna create a creeper cobble farm. It takes a basic mobcap farm and filters out all mobs except for creepers."
"Library in Minecraft is just looking better than any real-life modern ones."
"Mine Build: a free version of Minecraft with smooth gameplay."
"That is the pinnacle of Minecraft design that you have witnessed right here, the absolute pinnacle of Minecraft design."
"The strategy is called one shot and thanks to a handful of community members spending countless hours studying the dragon and optimizing potential end fights, it allowed the set seed glitchless world record to be beaten by 38 seconds on August 5th."
"This is the story of maybe the most insane strategy we've ever seen in a Minecraft world record and of the fastest speedruns ever pulled off by a human in Minecraft."
"Minecraft became the best-selling video game of all time."
"It's cool to play Minecraft and the older players are coming home and getting down with virtual building blocks once more."
"Google stats don't lie and they show that more and more people are searching for topics with the word Minecraft in them."
"Big Minecraft projects feel so cool when you see the progress you've done at the end of it."
"Some of my best coding memories are definitely in Minecraft coding."
"Making a mob grinder might actually be like low-key super hype right now dude."
"And welcome back to me reacting to Animation versus Minecraft by Alan Becker."
"You cannot get arrows of luck in creative mode. That is myth confirmed."
"Minecraft has that kind of romantic charm... those beautiful sunsets."
"The challenge is the exploration, that's called minecraft."
"Children can sit and play Minecraft with friends and build and create something and connect."
"I feel like Minecraft is doing a great job and doing a better and better job of every single update than they did with the last."
"You can stack items over 64 by using an armor stand."
"You can breed camels and horses to make a commor."
"Worried pandas shake and hide their faces during storms."
"Wood is important in a Minecraft series guys. That's one thing that'll never change."
"Minecraft might be the biggest selling video game of all time."
"Minecraft is the best game of the decade because in a way, it could be any game you wanted."
"What a cool map! I love what they've been able to do with Minecraft."
"Version 1.7 is the update that changed the world, bringing a massive overhaul of Minecraft's world generation."
"Version 1.8 brought the combat update, changing combat in Minecraft forever."
"This also added ancient debris and netherrite armor, which is the rarest, most expensive item in the game."
"We saved the day once again and have morphed into some of the most overpowered bosses in all of Minecraft."
"Minecraft could be set in a post-apocalyptic future."
"I was so excited when the trails and tales update came out almost a year ago finally an update that was going to focus on the ancient LW of Minecraft."
"I can't believe they've been able to do something like this in Minecraft of all games!"
"What happens if you fall into the void with unlimited Totems of Undying in Minecraft? Could you theoretically survive?"
"For the first time in years, there was something to be afraid of in Minecraft."
"This was shaping up to be one of the best Minecraft updates ever."
"One of the things that's always going to impress people when it comes to Minecraft builds is having a build that isn't just a box with straight walls."
"Minecraft is getting an amethyst geode. It's very exciting and they'll spawn randomly underground."
"Welcome to the new Zeus base where I got all the basic stuff I need like enchanters, infinite water sources, but most importantly we have our bed and our lava generator."
"This igloo is the right one and now we should end up in the basement of this igloo where we can heal a zombie villager."
"And just like that the quest is completed which means now we can unlock Angelic healing."