
Personalized Medicine Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"The integration of technology and personalized health data has the potential to transform our approach to wellness and disease prevention."
"Everybody should get checked, everybody should get an optimal personalized program, that is the medicine of the 21st century."
"It's more important to know what person the disease has than what disease the person has."
"It's very individualized medicine, especially with obesity. Weight loss is complex, that I've learned."
"Medicine should be individualized, not designed to make it easier to treat millions of people all at the same time."
"Do you think what do you think is a better system of medicine? A system that is population-based or a system that gets outcomes that are tailored to the individual?"
"The future of medicine is personalized medicine."
"Most doctors look at one number to throw a pill at. I look at blood work to tell a story."
"Remember there are so many different genotypes that the type of genotype is that actual type of genotype determines which type of drug combination you use."
"It's personalized nutrition, precision nutrition, and personalized medicine."
"Personalized medicine tailors therapies and medications to specific patients, increasing treatment effectiveness and minimizing adverse side effects."
"An individual would now know with high specificity if a medicine would work for them."
"We develop a perfect antiviral serum and cure cancer medicines tailored to your DNA."
"This is really personalized medicine, personalized nutrition, and it is very sophisticated, it's very effective."
"We have this amazing opportunity now to start to teach people about personalized nutrition and food as medicine."
"Personal medical advice should be directed to somebody who personally knows you."
"We live in extraordinary times right now where medicine has realized that one size doesn't fit all."
"Epidemics will be redefined as multi causal and the approaches then will have to engage personalized health improvement."
"I'd love to see a world where we can scan the brain or test the blood of someone with a mental health condition and determine which drug would suit them best."
"The idea that we're treating everyone the same is just the antithesis of individualized evidence-based medicine."
"The approach of measure intervene measure again intervene measure again that's exactly what we should be doing that's the only way you ever get to personalize interventions."
"Personalized probiotics are going to be the future as well."
"We need a personalized approach that addresses the root causes of metabolic poor health."
"Our goal in the future is that you would go to the physician, you would do a microbiota typing and then they would tell you these are the foods that are going to be best suited to the community of bacteria that you have."
"It's the ultimate personalized medicine."
"Having individualized treatment plans is very important moving forward."
"The differences in the biology between the kidney cancer subtypes, in particular, are so remarkable that I feel that we will gain much more and our patients will benefit so much more if we develop and they enroll in trials tailored to their disease."
"It's not going to be one cocktail for all patients; it's about a multimodality approach."
"...everyone is different so we respond differently to different medicines and Gene technologies have enabled us to work out how different people might respond to medicines and by analyzing your DNA that means you can identify the most suitable drug for someone to have..."
"It's all about personalized medicine essentially."
"Precision medicine is of course one step further and it's actually the most important, highest step which is to trying to understand that each of us are unique and our biology is unique."
"It's hard, you know, every patient is unique and needs personalization of their care."
"The ultimate goal is to try and understand on an individual level how a person changes when they encounter environmental signals based on your genome sequence."
"It brings exactly the third revolution, the revolution of personalized medicine."
"By understanding the biology... that may be more amenable to a particular type of psychedelic versus another type, it's truly becoming more patient-specific."
"It is very clear now to me and to the rest of the field that personalized medicines are going to work."
"We're hopeful in the field of brain cancer that we'll be able to continue to evaluate strategies to tailor and individualize treatments specific to each patient."
"Oncology is changing from a one-size-fits-all approach to trying to personalize therapies."
"It's a much more powerful and personalized way of practicing medicine and cancer care."
"The importance of individualized therapy so no longer a one-size-fits-all approach."
"It's all about individual personalized medicine at this point."
"Personalized nutrition is truly the next frontier of nutritional medicine."
"We are building on-demand personalized replacement hearts."
"We would like to identify the biomarkers or predictors that could help us select the patients that are more or less likely to respond to immunotherapies."
"We would like to develop the personalized medicine or the immune report card that can help us identify the patients that are more likely to benefit from one type of therapy or another."
"We shouldn't treat all patients with cancer the same; we should treat based on the mutations present in their cancer."
"Personalized medicine is the way to go because there are no two diseases alike."
"There's no 'one size fits all'; you have to individualize medicine tailored to the patient's need."
"Pharmacogenomics is basically where you look at a patient's DNA and that is able to tell you in many cases what therapies are going to be best for that patient."
"Biologic drugs... are able to tailor medications on a person-by-person basis."
"You as the patient know exactly where you are in your life... so we have to try to tailor the treatment to meet your both immediate and your long-term goals."
"We want to give people a fingerprint approach to clinical treatment, we want to treat every patient as an individual and with a personalized unique treatment plan for them."
"And more and more people are beginning to recognize the importance of these neoantigens which seem to be specific for each patient's tumor."
"We're taking individual patient tumors and identifying mutations for which we can develop targeted therapies."
"The power of these technologies is to move away from one-size-fits-all."
"It is personalized; it depends on your body constitution, your state of health, your mental state."
"Personalized medicine... generative AI has a good role to play in this."
"Personalized medicine means giving drugs only to target the particular marker instead of giving generalized medicine."
"We are moving into an era where molecular profiling of tumors is helping us personalize the treatment strategy for individual women."
"Better understanding how the gut's bacteria contribute to those patients who will respond versus those who won't is very important too."
"A one size does not fit all approach; we should be looking at driving pressure which is tidal volume divided by lung size."
"We can now take tissue from a cancer patient and analyze these genes... and define what's causing this cancer and actually what's driving the tumor."
"This study... is a big step towards this idea of tailoring disease treatment to the individual, this idea of personalized medicine."
"CAR T-cells are forms of customized immunotherapy made from the patient's own T-cells."
"Imagine a future where hospitals incorporate personalized music therapies tailored to each patient's unique needs, harnessing the power of resonance for healing."