
Indifference Quotes

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"The opposite of love is not hate. The opposite of love is indifference."
"If you don't change at all, you're either not paying attention or you don't care."
"Some people may not get it, but Megan doesn't care."
"It got to a point where I stopped caring about what people thought."
"The less of a shit you give, the better it is."
"You're gonna realize, most of what you said really doesn't matter to me."
"Indifference is the opposite of love... I'm criticizing it because I love it."
"The opposite of love is not hate; it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness; it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy; it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death; it's indifference."
"I don't mind when people hate me. I'm completely okay with that."
"No amount of collective intelligence would make up for human ignorance and indifference to life."
"Maybe that's forgiveness, where you just stop caring about it. You don't care if they succeed, you don't care if they fail, you just don't care."
"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference."
"The real superpower is to be truly indifferent to a good thought and a bad thought."
"Please don't be indifferent, that's the worst."
"I don't give a [care] about your bra, your titty, your man, your ex, your ex's girlfriend."
"You got to stop giving a [expletive]. You got to stop caring. You start going crazy a little bit."
"I was always told growing up the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference."
"It's not my business what anyone thinks about me."
"How many people do you think even know where Kursk is? It is a matter of profound indifference to the world whether we hold Kursk or not."
"Most people don't actually care about you; they're not even thinking about you."
"I don't even care about the views; I just want this system to change."
"Rejection is the greatest thing that can happen to you. If you can reflect on rejection properly and see what you did wrong, then eventually you will become completely indifferent towards it."
"It put a lot of things in perspective, and one of those things was that nobody really cares about us. About any of us."
"The galaxy can fend for itself or be devoured. Either way, we're gonna be just fine."
"The best revenge that you can give someone who wants you to pay attention to them is to ignore them."
"Either you're excited or scared, bliss. There's no in between. Actually, there is an in-between of just not giving a [__] because there is nothing at stake here, and that's very valid."
"I cared no more about that camera than the passenger of the Titanic cared about a hat or a coat."
"Truth too has a nemesis equal to any colored Kryptonite...and that beast is indifference."
"Indifference will make moot all the permanences found in truth."
"You might not be interested in war, but war is interested in you."
"The lion is not concerned by the complaints of the sheep."
"What difference does it make what people think about you?"
"It's just like if we're building a road and an ant hill happens to be in the way. We don't hate ants; we're just building a road."
"It's like it's Armageddon but the asteroid is coming and no one cares."
"Yes indeed, folks, that is the seagull, and it doesn't give a damn what you think."
"He doesn't care. He's bored. I'm sorry, but I love this man."
"As if that blind rage had washed me clean, rid me of hope; for the first time, in that night alive with signs and stars, I opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world."
"The people who usually hit the lottery are the people who don't give a fuck about it."
"I'm not owned, I'm not owned, I don't care, I don't care, I'm so indifferent."
"I'm not lying. No, I believe you. It's just, I guess I really don't care if it's dangerous or not."
"It's the end. I'm amazed at the speed with which free speech is dying but even more amazed at the almost total indifference of so many people to it."
"The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference."
"Love is a very complicated thing. It's often said that its opposite of hate is indifference."
"It's something powerful, you know, when you can't even allow your proverbial enemy bother you."
"The most powerful feeling in the world is indifference. So that's really where you should be; you should either love deeply and with all your heart for the people who deserve that privilege, and then for the people who have abused that privilege of having you in their life, they are ghosts to you."
"It doesn't matter. None of this [expletive] matters. You have to look at what the outcomes are."
"I understand why you feel this way. I just don't care."
"Daniel repeatedly demonstrated a merciless and callous indifference to the suffering of her patients and their family members."
"Judge asked if he would take me to hav Hole to be his lawful wedded wife he said I guess."
"But the thing is, I ain't never giving a [expletive] about my hair, never, never."
"Robotaxis will push Tesla towards a trillion dollar valuation sooner than most think."
"Nobody cares about your opinion that the kids don't go outside, nobody cares."
"I don't give a (beep) about my legacy, like I care about the impact that I have."
"Flynn killing Sharice's Avatar, showing indifference to retaliation."
"I'm not concerned about Russian propaganda, not even a little bit."
"I literally don't care. I just want us all to be friends."
"The market doesn't care. It wants to make money."
"The universe doesn't give a damn what we want."
"It's not for you and it's not for me, but it's for someone, so who cares?"
"No one seems to care, but they're probably the safest to be around at this point."
"Why would a robot necessarily care that paint was spilled outside of its shop?"
"The opposite of hate isn't love, the opposite of love is apathy."
"I just don't care dude. Sit in your little room, say whatever you want to say. I just don't care."
"They're just talking about it to other people, but if you were to mention it, they'd be like, 'I don't care.'"
"If the final product's good, I don't really care."
"Mental manipulation is one of those ways... They could care less about you and I personally. They use us as collectives to complete a goal."
"The bear pulled the crow out with its paw and teeth, then continued to eat as if nothing had happened."
"Probably matters less than the fact that they did and that after they do their unwillingness to care about it or take responsibility, that's the point that you need to think about it from."
"He's like an old piece of furniture now, just leave him be, you know what I mean?"
"The opposite of love isn't hate, it's contempt. It's indifference."
"I've never really cared about you know the words people use to describe me."
"Nature doesn't care about us in particular. If an asteroid hit tomorrow, all life would be destroyed, and nature wouldn't care. Planets and stars explode all the time, and physics just goes on as usual."
"We're a 1 seed in the Eastern Conference. Who cares?"
"The organization is indifferent when it comes to the lives of humans."
"Exploitation by the elites: they don't care about you, they don't care about us."
"I'm asking you, how do you reach out to those people, or do you just ignore them?"
"It's really not about what's the best outcome. And I think when we don't care about the outcome, that's when we really destroy ourselves."
"The universe doesn't care about us, the atoms that make us up don't care if they ever understand themselves."
"I'm not worried about anything ever, you know what I'm saying, like death, you should be."
"I could have 500 million negative reviews, and I still don't give a crap."
"It's hard not to get frustrated by it... half the country doesn't care about logic or facts."
"They don't give a [ __ ] about people like you, Arthur."
"It bugs them that you just don't care, you rather sit on your couch than get up to open the door, answer their call or answer their text."
"Hand on heart, say I've probably never really had many thoughts about Huddersfield."
"The best that we can do now is just not pay attention."
"It's really kind of baffling to me how many people brag about not being afraid of it or not caring."
"It doesn't matter how bad it gets, it doesn't matter what happens, nobody gives a [__]."
"Most of the time it's not worth it... the console war stuff doesn't actually matter to anyone On My Level."
"Does your house have a master bedroom? It does. Not one minute have I cared."
"My best work is when I didn't give a damn about the result."
"Travis Scott looks at dead body and still singing."
"You're the one they want. It don't matter. Or you're the one they want."
"Guys, I'm literally holding an RPG, they don't care."
"Sometimes, no matter what you say, it don't matter, you know what I mean? Like it doesn't, it just doesn't matter to people. They still don't think how do you want to think, you know what I mean? So sometimes, I'm like, 'Whatever.'"
"I think actually oddly enough it's not like a franchise I have no real well."
"Kamara has been very nice to me but that ain't got [ __ ] to do with [ __ ] you."
"They never told me where I have to kiss her I don't care."
"The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is... to be indifferent to them."
"His instinct originally was... none of my business."
"The world is against us, the genocide is just accepted as normal."
"If you never liked me, then why would you matter?"
"I almost feel sorry for these guys, but not really."
"He delighted in everything but was not attracted to anything."
"You can call me anything you want, I don't care."
"It's concerning how empathy just dies. You just stop caring for your fellow man."
"You're making this huge decision here, you don't care, you just don't care."
"They truly did not care anymore what the white man thought of them."
"My biggest thing I'd be like, so scared, like they'd see it, like what they would think, they don't care."
"Here lies Aaron's field of giving a damn about being sued."
"Maturity point the other theory is that he doesn't care to be rich or that he already is rich now there's a few things that suggest against both of these the."
"None of that may trouble you or disturb your belief in your own righteousness, but if so, I can't pretend I care much about your bad opinion of me."
"Cracker as a pejorative against white people, I don't give a [__]."
"You have to make this thing where you just don't care. You don't care. It doesn't matter. Be you and just do it unapologetically. Don't let nobody change you."
"Nobody should give a [ __ ] about what the [ __ ] happened to Chow Yun-fat because he's doing just fine."
"Trouble means nothing to me, there's nothing to him."
"Your energy is not for me. I don't give a [__]."
"Frustration is an outgrowth of passion... if you make something and no one talks about it, no one cares about it..."
"Too many PC elitists and their cronies fail to understand many gamers don't give a flying [ __ ] about PC gaming."
"I'm not a fan of him, I don't really know what he says. I don't know. I know who he is, but I have nothing that's going to prevent me from fighting that man."
"Genuinely learning not to care is important."
"Your special gift is that you've mastered the art of not giving a [ __ ]."
"The biggest threat to our democracy is indifference. The biggest threat to our democracy is cynicism."
"I think that's probably exactly what you would want from a from a steam launch and I think as they say you know hate is not the opposite of love but apathy right apathy."
"Everybody just needs to lighten up, just let it be. Who cares?"
"We're Switzerland. We don't care. We could not possibly care less."
"Congratulations on whoever wins because it will matter. Nothing matters."
"I've had 40 years of persecution. I'm not bothered by that anymore, you kidding me?"
"The federal government does not care about the jury pool."
"Trump is a genuine wild card, you have no idea, and the irony is, Trump doesn't care, he doesn't care about anything."
"The people you try to impress, they don't really care about you."
"That's the beautiful. Let's come down to the point where I really don't listen anymore. Let him do what he wants. Fresh and fragrant."
"Do I care that someone is using a skin smoothing filter for an advent energy drink advert or whatever it is a vitamin drink no I really honestly don't give a [ __ ]."
"It's never been my thing to let what people say about me affect me."
"There has to be a price to be paid by callous indifference."
"Let's do Murlocs. I mean, I'm sure it's good. I guess I'll do Murlocs. Whatever, I've never done it. Let's do Murlocs."
"If you knew how little I cared, you'd be offended. But also, you do care."
"Analysts care about that because that affects what they're going to be modeling for the next 12 months Elon doesn't care at all because he knows fundamentally this is the right path."
"Not that it would matter, yeah, just like so why are you asking exactly?"
"Money never excited me because I knew that the money was gonna come, you know what I mean?"
"In whatever circumstance you are put, in whatever be the mode of life, none of that should make absolutely the slightest difference to me."
"Fish don't care how much you paid for your tackle."
"Kevin always has this aura about him that he just doesn't give a [ __ ] do you know what I mean."
"The opposite of love oftentimes is indifference."
"Nobody cares. Nobody is looking at you. Nobody cares."
"What is choice? What is consequences? Who cares!"
"Killing you would no more affect me than the destruction of an alien sun."
"Indifference is generally a pretty good deterrent. Most people only go where they're celebrated."
"I'll pay it like I'll pay it cool whatever you know because and you got Slayer yeah that's [ __ ]."
"Belief is sort of knowledge of things not yet known, but if you know it and have experienced it, then it's known."
"I've never cared about threats, I've never cared about money."
"Sometimes the best reaction is to keep it moving."
"I'm not concerned about the opinions of these guys."
"Everything in life is a choice, whether you join us or not, it makes no difference."
"At the end of the day, people are going to talk no matter what. Everybody else's opinion, I don't care about anymore."
"You get any response at all, I'll see you in the street and walk right by you fam, you know I will too."
"That audience tonight would not miss Trump for a day."
"The Earth's is a living being - and it's moving into its next incarnation it doesn't care if we go with it it'd just be just as happy if we didn't go with it."
"Let them get on with it, you know? Waste their time, not mine."
"They don't care if we perish, then we could be part of the disaster that pushes The Narrative along."
"Most people don't give a [ __ ] about anything they talk about."
"You get so used to it, you don't care after a while."
"Honestly, we're gonna miss her, but her boyfriend... I don't care if the door hits him on the way out."
"No one gives a [ __ ] about Captain America."
"It doesn't matter. She told us. Everyone says he will die soon. I hope they are right." - Oberyn Martell
"This guy doesn't give a []. He just doesn't give a []. He does whatever he wants."
"Even if it was bad, who cares...better for them, better for us."
"Anyhow, yep, we don't mind me, don't mind me."
"Therapist: 'So how depressed would you say you've been feeling lately?' Me: 'I don't care anymore if my foot hangs over the bed where a monster can get it.'"
"Sure, I don't care. What is it? What does the whole brand make in a month or in a year? I mean, No Jumper might bring in a million a month. Wow."
"It's like watching two sports teams at a championship game. They're neck-and-neck, and you don't care about either of them."
"You just gotta do it. What are they gonna say? No? Then who cares?"
"So now we have the super bowl full pass I'm in just rebel mode I am just I don't give a [ __ ] about nothing"
"As long as it's good, that's all I care about."
"No disrespect, but I don't give a fuck about the Oscars. Black Panther made over a billion fucking dollars."
"Nicholas's biggest crime was not necessarily that he was a cruel dictator, it was his indifference that led down the path to revolution."
"I'm probably overpaid, but honestly, I don't care."
"The ones who get the most approval in life are the ones who care the least about it."
"That's the biggest slam, I don't think of that meddler. Who cares? Yeah, who cares?"
"He's like a full-on Hollywood actor now but he still doesn't give a [ __ ]."
"Harry is definitely on the side of like, 'What the [ __ ] even really is this?' I don't care."
"I don't care about the monetization anymore. I don't give a [__]."
"Nothing I'm, I'm nothing, and I don't care who you are or what you've done, it's about respect."
"Nobody cares, nobody cares, nobody cares, I mean they're glorifying Jeffrey Dahmer."
"Nobody cares that you were on the brink of stardom."
"Who cares what some numpty has to say about you, really who cares?"
"I don't give a [ __ ] about what she talking about. It's over with. And somebody tells you, 'Oh, her best friend died.'"
"The cyber truck doesn't care about other trucks or your oriental feeling anything. It has no feelings."
"Do you want your chat revenue to get to a thousand? Oh, that's a thousand bucks! It's awesome, I don't really care though."
"I don't care what people say, I really don't. If you want to join the journey, you're more than welcome to."
"It's one of those situations where if it don't apply, let it fly."
"You know, if it ain't a merry Christmas for you, who cares? It's just another day."
"Have we just given up? We don't care? We don't like it?"
"Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
"You don't even care what Vanessa would have said about me? You don't even care, really?"
"He didn't give a [__] about being rich or none of that."
"It seems like they're just like 'Oh, just another native death.' What are you hoping for? I'm hoping to find her one way or another."
"The worst thing would be if God was indifferent—if God simply said, 'Well, go ahead and do whatever you want to do; it doesn’t matter to me at all.' But it matters very, very much to God."
"He's gonna have probation. How long of probation is it again? Three years."
"I was wrong, and I don't care, not a big deal."
"Nobody cares if you live or die. Nobody cares if you're educated or fulfilled. Nobody cares about you."