
Self-investment Quotes

There are 1256 quotes

"Invest into yourself, what you're passionate about, what you care about."
"The seventh investment that you need to make...is you need to invest in your own education, especially your financial education."
"Invest in yourself. Don't just invest in other people's company, invest in you."
"You know, investing in yourself is the best investment you can make."
"You will get a significantly higher return investing in your own ability to make money than you will in any market."
"Invest in your own ability to make money and invest in your own skills."
"Invest in yourself. It's deeper than you guys think."
"You're taking out your time right now, whether you're walking your dog, you're at the gym, you're commuting to and from work, thank you for taking this time to invest in yourself."
"Invest in yourself and what you want to do first. Prioritize the time you need to get your goal set that aside at the start of the week and do not violate it."
"When you invest in yourself, you invest in your future."
"The best investment you will ever make is in yourself."
"Invest in yourself, to choose yourself... at every given step I chose what was best for me."
"Invest in yourself, invest in your gifts, your talents."
"You should always invest in yourself. Don't be scared to invest in yourself because at the end of the day, you're going to thank yourself in the next 10 years."
"The best investment I ever made in myself was myself."
"The best bet you can make in life is always on yourself because ultimately it's up to you whether or not you succeed."
"The best investment is an investment where you invest in yourself."
"Investing in your relationship with yourself is crucial because you're the most important person in your life that you're stuck with 24/7."
"Invest all the money in yourself first. Every penny."
"Invest in yourself... it's going to pay dividends."
"Invest in yourself. Okay, yes, I believe in investing in stocks and we're gonna get to that, but if you think about your paycheck and cut it into slivers and reinvest 10% of that paycheck into a project that you know that you can make more money with, at the end of a few months, you're gonna have seed investments for your own idea."
"You are the best company that you could ever invest in."
"Invest in yourself. I promise you, you're gonna get a return on it."
"The best money I've ever spent has been education, skincare, and yes, therapy—all three pillars to self-care."
"Invest in self-education... Do you back yourself? Because I believe when it comes to investing in yourself and investing in education, the simple fact of the matter is, do you believe that you are the certain person that could get this information and make more money from it?"
"The best investment you can make is not in a stock or a mutual fund or real estate, it's in yourself."
"Invest in yourself and your education; that's going to be way more productive than investing in any single piece of real estate."
"One of the best investments that you can make is in yourself."
"Invest in yourself first, invest in your ideas first, invest in your education first. Invest in you first."
"Place a bet on the you that's waking up tomorrow, give that person the support that they deserve."
"Invest in yourself... Invest the money into who you are."
"The best horse in the race for you to bet on is yourself."
"The only true depiction of self-love is self-investment. If you ain't investing in yourself, you don't love yourself."
"Invest in yourself and you've got to do that if you're going to have any kind of self-confidence."
"You've got to invest in yourself. You've got to give yourself something to be confident about."
"Self-investment in education, in whatever that means to you, is one of the greatest forms of investment."
"Self-investment has led to bigger returns than any investment I've made in the stock market."
"When workers have a say in the seat at the table, they end up saying, 'Hey, maybe we should spend some of that we generated back on ourselves.'"
"The smartest thing you can do is to bet on yourself...Who do you know better than yourself?"
"You've got to invest in yourself. It's an inside job. You have to connect with who you are."
"This is exactly the time that you want to invest in yourself."
"Investing in myself, I've had way greater return on investment than any of these other companies."
"Do not ever invest 110% into anybody... invest in yourself."
"Don't be afraid to invest in yourself. That's what this is about."
"Invest in yourself...because learning never really stops and it's possibly the best return on investment you can ever make."
"Investing in yourself is the best investment you can ever make."
"Invest in your education, invest in yourself."
"My name is Alex, reminding you that the best investment you can make... is in you."
"Don't be scared to invest in yourself, guys. $29.99 is less than what most people spend on blue jeans."
"I've never not invested in my humanity and not had it pay off in dividends that were exciting and unexpected."
"The most important investment you can make is in yourself."
"You have to invest in yourself. It's the best investment you can ever make."
"The best investment you will ever make is an investment in yourself."
"When we invest in ourselves, we're investing in what's next for all of us."
"Investing in yourself is one of the best ways you can invest in others."
"The most important thing that you will ever invest in is you."
"The most important investment that you can make is in yourself."
"Your destiny is at stake, make an investment in yourself."
"The best investment person is yourself, do your homework."
"If you invest in yourself, nobody can take it away from you."
"Focusing on building up yourself, improving your skills, improving your knowledge is the best investment you can make."
"When people have confidence and invest in their own interests and talents, our lives are transformed."
"Transformation never stops. You always have to invest in yourself."
"The best investment into yourself is right now."
"It's more important to invest in yourself in developing the skills and the knowledge than it is in the hardware."
"Keep one tenth of all you earn and pay yourself first."
"It's scary at first, but you're investing in yourself, and if you don't invest in yourself, nobody's going to do it for you."
"The best investment I ever made was committing myself to myself."
"The best investment you can ever make is into yourself."
"You have to invest in yourself, invest in your knowledge to grow."
"Invest in yourself. You are your most valuable asset."
"Invest in yourself, that's the education of getting the skill. This sets the groundwork for everything else in your life."
"The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself."
"If you don't invest in yourself then I don't think you should really expect other people to want to do that."
"Investing in yourself is the best thing that you can do, anything that improves your own talents."
"If you invest in yourself and your personal growth, you can't go wrong."
"No limit for spending on personal development."
"It's always a good time to invest in yourself because you are your greatest asset."
"Thursday is a positive day, a day to invest in yourself and explore what you want to invest your heart in."
"Investing into yourself to get the outcomes you want."
"It is taking the power... and reinvesting in ourselves."
"We can't expect for greater or brighter things to happen for us if we're not ready to invest in ourselves or in our career."
"Invest in yourself. Entrepreneurs cure all. Sales cure all."
"This is what Spirit is saying to you: 'Invest in yourself and then everything will work out beautifully.'"
"The most important investment you can make is the investment that you make in you."
"Don't be afraid to invest in yourself and into your dreams."
"If you're not willing to invest in yourself, nobody else is going to be willing to invest in you."
"It's in my self-interest to invest in myself."
"You need to invest in yourself first before anybody's gonna give a damn."
"Invest in yourself, nourish yourself, and that's going to shift the energy."
"Even if I make a two percent breakthrough in my process for second braining, it just pays for itself a million times over."
"The best investment you can make is in you." - Alex
"The best thing that you can do is invest in yourself and your personal growth."
"Investing in ourselves positions us for an unlimited tomorrow."
"I think it's important that you choose who you hang around I think it's important that you learn to invest in yourself."
"If you really want to become wealthy and you want to do it sooner, you need to invest in yourself."
"The best investment you can make is in yourself. Who is your coach? Who's your life coach? Who is your business coach? Who are you paying several thousands of dollars to annually to teach you 101?"
"When you make your money, you spend that [ __ ] on yourself, you ain't putting no energy back."
"You're investing in yourself. It's the long-term journey, not the short-term pleasures."
"There's no better time to invest in yourself than right now."
"The best investment anyone can make is within themselves."
"If you're not willing to invest money in yourself, then why would anybody else invest anything in you?"
"People are always intrigued by greatness. Invest in your currency."
"Invest in yourself, invest in your own personal growth, in your skills."
"Bet on yourself guys, invest in yourself, believe in yourself, you got this."
"Investing in yourself is always going to be a good move."
"Invest in yourself, it has the highest return."
"Invest in yourself, you will thank me for it."
"Invest in yourself. Be growth oriented, be obsessed with progress."
"The greatest investment you will ever make is one in yourself."
"The best investment I ever did was I invested in myself."
"The biggest thing for your financial future is yourself."
"I literally lost 20 pounds after the relationship. I don't have as much acne. I've invested in myself and my wardrobe."
"Invest in yourself, investing in oneself is the best investment."
"You are the most valuable investment you will ever make."
"You're really focused on the kind of people you invest that time into, the kind of people you invest yourself into."
"Your best investment will always be yourself and your skills."
"Invest in yourself because startups are draining."
"Investing in yourself requires work and it requires an investment."
"Thanks for watching and until next time this is ticker symbolu my name is Alex reminding you that the best investment you can make is in you."
"Invest in yourself and your passions; it's the beginning of something big."
"Investing in your own business is the way to do it."
"For me, those are the things that I've really prioritized the most: investing in myself."
"Be willing to take risks and invest in yourself."
"Consider investing in yourself, whether it's starting a company or getting an additional degree."
"Investing in yourself, investing in the marketing of your social media brand...eyeballs on you."
"Invest in yourself because nobody's going to do it for you." - Snooze
"There is nothing more valuable to you than investing in your own education."
"Invest in yourself... know that you are worthy of that investment."
"Change your mindset about money. Pay your future self."
"When we invest in ourselves, our glow, our vision, we all shine."
"Investing in yourself is buying back your time... build wealth, create generational wealth."
"I'm through asking people to invest in me and I haven't invested in myself."
"Investing in your goals is investing in yourself."
"You gotta invest in yourself if you want to grow in leadership."
"People admire your willingness to invest in yourself and your healing journey."
"Invest that money back in yourself. Get around the right people."
"Invest in yourself, ladies and gentlemen. It's not always about the financial aspect. It's about spiritual preparation, physical preparation, having structure in your life."
"Investing in oneself - mentally, physically, spiritually."
"Invest in yourself, boss. If you don't invest in yourself, nobody's going to invest in you."
"Step number one, step number two: choose the level of your life to level up to, pour yourself into."
"The best investment you can make is investing in you."
"Investment in yourself will lead to success in love."
"Invest in yourself, and the universe says you're ready for 'the one.'"
"Your manifestations are coming to fruition, be very mindful because whatever you've invested yourself in, whatever you've put out and worked hard for, it's coming back."
"Invest in yourself to increase your thoughts, your knowledge, how you think and see and process the world."
"If you wanna be a real entrepreneur, don't be scared to invest in yourself, don't be scared to invest in your brand."
"Investing in yourself and your education is often cited as the best investment."
"When we invest in ourselves, our glow, our vision of we all shine together. We are Black beyond measure." - Unspecified speaker
"You are the big prize. You are the investment."
"Investing in yourself is the best investment, absolutely all the time."
"If you're looking for a really good investment, I would suggest investing in yourself."
"Investing in yourself and investing in life. It's all the same, it's all investment."
"You're at a season of your life to where if it doesn't benefit you internally, it's not one of your top investments."
"Your glow up is going to cost some money, but it's an investment in yourself."
"We need to invest in ourselves, invest in our people."
"Your best trade as a business owner? Yourself."
"His best investment was investing in himself."
"I firmly believe that the best investment you will ever make is an investment in yourself."
"Invest in yourself because you are the ultimate resource in life."
"Invest in yourself because that's going to be your highest Roi."
"Invest in a community, we must first invest in ourselves."
"It really is a time for you to evaluate your beliefs, your investment in yourself."
"The best investment that I ever made was believing in myself."
"Investing in myself and betting on myself is always going to be a worthwhile expense."
"Invest in yourself today. The greatest investment you can make is the investment in yourself."
"The most important investment you can ever make is the investment you make in you."
"Take a chance on yourself and in some sort of inspired new path that really could get you rolling on a whole new Destiny very quickly if you would just say yes."
"If you're spending that kind of money on your moneymaker, it's probably making you some good money."
"An investment in yourself is one of the best investments you can make."
"Investing in yourself, your online presence, your brand, your business."
"There's no better investment than investing in yourself."
"You just gotta go for it. You gotta invest in yourself."
"If you believe in yourself and you invest in yourself, it will be the best investment you will ever do."
"Investing in yourself, that's where it's at."
"Stand up for what you believe in, have confidence, claim your personal power."
"It's time to invest in yourself, beneficial outcomes that need to be cultivated."
"Remember, the best investment you can make is in yourself."
"Investing in yourself and your passions will end up being what makes you stick out the most."
"Invest in yourself financially, emotionally, spiritually."
"Spend time, effort, and money to invest in yourself."
"Investing in yourself through fitness is worth it. It's about feeling confident and empowered."
"Plant seeds, invest in yourself, believe in yourself, and be just be good people."
"Invest in yourself, because at the end of the day, who is going to be there for you? Only you."
"There's a genuine defiance towards the mega church, celebrity church infrastructure that I think needs to be done away with at this level."
"Investing in yourself is the best investment you could make."
"Investing in yourself for any reason is not a waste of time."
"Best investment you'll ever make is in yourself. You can't lose that investment."
"It's a testimony that people can change, a thousand percent they can."
"Your life is incredibly long, even if you got a false start."
"Figure it out early, stick to it, invest in yourself."
"The best investment a man can make is in himself."
"You are the best investment you can invest in beyond anyone else."
"The investment you make in yourself in this lifetime will pay tremendous dividends in the next lifetime."
"Be gentle with yourself... If we can get the lesson from the loss, we need it for our future self."
"You must make an investment in yourself in order to see yourself grow... If you are not doing the thing you were created to do, who are you holding up?"
"When you invest in yourself, you literally start to feel better, and so your confidence starts to rise. That's how you know your energy is gaining momentum."
"Don't be afraid to leave because all that time you need to invest in yourself to take care of yourself, to find a hobby, to find a passion, and find strategies to meet healthier people."
"Invest in yourself, it leads to a lot more content energy."
"Patience, investing in yourself, and building up your life slowly over years and decades."