
Perspectives Quotes

There are 1049 quotes

"Life goes in streaks, like a hitter in baseball, sometimes a money manager is seeing the ball, and sometimes they're not."
"It's not like it's either Dr. K killed him or Reckful is alive and happy and healthy today. Those aren't the only two possibilities."
"Systems thinking also means integrating multiple perspectives... every perspective has a tinge of truth to it."
"The whole idea behind diverse identities... is this idea that... when they all come together, they can sort of figure out the best way possible because you have all these different perspectives."
"It's crucial to see all sides of a story, especially when it affects your money."
"To really understand a reality, you need to look at it from every possible angle, every possible perspective."
"If you want the full richness of reality, it's imperative that you start to appreciate all the different perspectives that can be taken on every object and every subject."
"New ideas, different perspectives come to you as well. Stay open to them."
"You can say, 'yeah, I get where you're coming from,' maybe you don't agree with my conclusion, but you can at least understand why I would feel the way that I do."
"It's tremendously beneficial to learn about perspectives of why we've performed poorly but also why we've performed well, in the context of these verbs not labels."
"I respect the fact that you don't share my pessimism. I truly do."
"Religion does not poison everything. Everything poisons religion."
"Diversity isn't about what you look like, it's about having people of different perspectives and backgrounds to help us better understand the world we live in."
"I don't believe there are two sides to every story. I believe there are infinite sides to every story, and that's why it's important to look at infinite sides to every story."
"In New Vegas, the world unfolded as many different perspectives came at you."
"Caesar's Legion are still the baddies, so to speak, but you see their warped perspective and how they logically come to their conclusions."
"Each playthrough... tells something different or gives you more to dive into from another perspective."
"I always believe that the more diverse your friendship group is, the more diverse your worldview."
"You expose yourself to opposite points of view in order to grow."
"The family dynamic is not something easily defined, but growing together through all of life's many surprises means understanding everyone has a different point of view. It's all relative."
"I am open to hearing the perspectives of other people because they might have some points that I've not considered."
"We have to talk more because I love your perspectives and I love that you're driving me to learn more."
"With the power of the Internet, we get more perspectives than ever, and much of the elitism about who gets to be an authority on these subjects has gone right out the window."
"We all have different qualities, but learn from everyone, and sometimes you learn most from those that disagree with you and even from your enemy because they'll teach you a perspective you'll never come to on your own."
"Different people consider different things to be spoilers."
"Listen to people who disagree with you, listen to both sides of the aisle."
"To us, it means something else. It means... And that's fine, you can believe whatever you want."
"Most jobs aren't terrible; some are good jobs, some are great jobs, some are mid jobs. It really just depends on the people."
"Every story has two sides, but it seems more like this one has a dozen sides saying the same thing and one lying."
"It's an opinion; it can't be right or wrong."
"Things are about to get real subjective real quick."
"Let me submit to you, Me from the Past, that your weird worship of women is a kind of misogyny because you’re imagining women as these beautiful, fragile things that you can possess. It turns out that women are not things. They are people in precisely the same way that you are a person."
"You can't be short without someone else being tall; you can't be tall without someone else being short."
"Whatever people think, all this stuff is based on just what you think and what your opinion is, none of it is really right or wrong."
"The grass ain't greener on the other side, it's just blue."
"It's just like you're ultimately coming at life from very different perspectives, and that's what makes people very appealing but also really infuriating."
"There are two sides to every story, and then there are screenshots."
"It's important to not just be dogmatic and say, 'Nope, this is the only way and there's no other way.' You have to keep an open mind."
"With dark tourism, despite its name, very few things are actually black and white."
"There's room for nuance, there's room for shades of grey."
"There's like blanket statements of 'get your head out of the clouds' or 'you live in a fairy tale,' but ultimately, there's eight billion different realities happening simultaneously based off the lens you look at life through."
"Truths can not only coexist, but their truth isn't the only truth; there's lots of truths, and they're open to the universal truth."
"Insight and understanding about the world often come from considering alternative perspectives that may at first seem odd or offensive."
"Empathy and seeking different solutions drive our viewpoints."
"I do view gender and sex as two different things, and I definitely do view gender as a spectrum."
"Why is the economy the most important argument? Well, I don't believe that to be the case. I just think that the economy is one of the ways in which you can uplift the average population."
"The fact that we disagree on a few things, I think that's actually quite healthy and quite good."
"My ideas are grounded in reality and my lived experience."
"Everything is political if it comes from a human."
"It's becoming more essential to accept other people, other belief systems, other perspectives."
"You can draw different conclusions from history. That's what history is about."
"Red pill, you've woken up. Black pill, you have become cynical and believe everything is doomed. White pill, you've become optimistic."
"I'm interested in both sides of the story, both sides of the aisle, and I feel that that is missing from so many people now, that they only want to hear the narrative that verifies their belief, rather than being open to the possibilities of being wrong!"
"We want to make sure that there are a wide variety of viewpoints."
"Maybe if there's not a right answer, maybe there's not a wrong answer either."
"There is no one answer, just like there is no one answer with any type of medical diagnosis. Everyone is different."
"America has never been a homogenous country, and each of the various cultures that have entered into it have brought their own histories and perspectives."
"Anti-racism, if you think it means 'don't be racist,' you are being manipulated. It quite literally means to be racist."
"The truth on the matter, however, is where it normally is between the two extremes."
"We just want people to walk away from this like we've walked away from seven years of sailing of, yeah, things aren't always as you think when you live in a bubble."
"It's about understanding the multi-dimensional aspects of anxiety, not just as a clinical condition but as a spectrum of experiences influenced by upbringing, substance use, and the nuances of diagnostic perspectives."
"We may encounter views that clash with our economic minds, but I think we all agree that there is benefit in considering other perspectives."
"Once you update your view of human nature, you can do things in a quite different way."
"Guys will have sex with women but then we'll feel that praying with them is too intimate."
"This has become mapped onto political priors, which is truly truly fascinating."
"They say they're neuro-diverse, that they maybe think differently from others and they respond differently than others but they're not quote abnormal."
"Pisceans have the ability to solve problems in a very different way... you feel as if your world is crashing, and when you speak to a Piscean, you feel that the world is so beautiful."
"The real secret of magic, is understanding and taking on different perspectives."
"As far as the lead detectives...you just got to be held accountable...there's always two sides...it's technically three sides to a story."
"Joker is a deeply political movie but it isn't one interested in only giving lip service to one possible perspective."
"I disagree with the way that interpretation has been interpreted."
"Careers are not ladders. Those days are long gone. But jungle gyms don't just move up and down. Don't just look up, look backwards, sideways, around corners."
"Let doubt prevail and I realize that that's not a political point of view it is a personal right."
"It's not so much about her lifestyle, her sin."
"There's as many perspectives in the world as there are people."
"The perception of why I am where I am, right? That's like, there's, it's like you keep if you have an opposing worldview, this is how full of themselves that liberals and Afrocentric think they are with their worldview."
"You guys don't understand... What if it's something you don't agree with and you're trying to understand that point of view?"
"People will always see things differently, that's why I pay attention to what you guys are saying in the comments."
"Queer theory is a framework for examining movies that removes the 'default' gaze."
"He respects both opinions, the opinion that he's a pet and is cute, and the opinion that he's yummy food."
"I think it's more interesting sometimes... to break down why people who we kind of like are wrong."
"Swallow well is wrong on every level and from every conceivable angle as per usual."
"Everything's different from how we thought it was so should we start looking at how we might differently organize Society."
"It's not all about views, you know? It's about what you want to do."
"This isn't a sad ending, it's a very happy beginning."
"There's very few people who really see equality of outcome as a goal."
"There is no single correct way to look at human history."
"As long as we can discuss and have those conversations and understand each other's perspectives, whether we agree with them or not, it brings us closer to an understanding of each other."
"If you must fight in an elevator, make sure to move with purpose and enjoy the view at the top."
"Isn't it also a place where a different point of view could make anything possible?"
"It's not necessarily a matter of right and wrong, it's just a matter of perspective."
"One of the great parts of sitting in this chair each day is getting to discuss different points of view."
"Imagine being four years old and having all of these older people telling you all of this kind of stuff."
"Saying that someone shouldn't be upset because someone has it worse is like saying they shouldn't be happy because people have it better."
"The opposite of love isn't hate, it's full of love."
"It's a very funny map to be upset about though."
"I think those are things that will probably come up for both of us in our views."
"I really did want these students to hear a different perspective when I know they're not getting from the professors or from the media."
"No, just like how there's a lot of great guys on the ground, there's a lot of great guys in the air. Or equal amounts of trash on the ground as there is in the air."
"There's typically no one right answer, maybe it's all of the above."
"Every take is different. Everything is some she's just like Quicksilver."
"The movie works on a multi-layered story, dealing with different perspectives on helping others."
"When I love an animal, I don't see them as a renewable resource."
"Barbara's got it, I really appreciate the wisdom of how you talk about differing views."
"I appreciate the conversation... I think you can see where I'm coming from and I can see where you're coming from..."
"That's why some of these common criticisms of Outsiders kind of don't hold up to me."
"Do you have the courage to explore perspectives and points of view that you never explored before?"
"The more varied the secondary characters are and the more diverse their reactions to the loner, the more perspectives we’ll have on our loner protagonist, and the more perspectives we have, the more deeply we’ll understand them."
"New Age spirituality says nothing is right, nothing is wrong, it's all about your perspective."
"There are two types of people in the world: one hears the word Strawberry Shortcake and thinks only of the dessert, while the other is reminded of an adorable fruit-scented toy."
"Do you understand that there are three positions you can take?"
"What I love about Kevin is he had a point of view and then he stepped back."
"The question is that the definition of help was created in a way that shaped your way of looking at the world and that definition now is being questioned."
"Everything that's important when I'm 20 probably isn't going to matter when I'm 26."
"It's sort of hard to say, I think you can have two different people interpret events two dramatically different ways."
"People can have entirely different contexts or interpretations of these old mythologies."
"Dear pessimist and optimist, while you guys are arguing about whether the glass is half-full or half-empty, the opportunist is getting themselves some shameless points."
"It's nice, but you're not attached. It's the same as the car, people say that about my Lambos and stuff like that."
"It's not about agreeing with each other, it's about having different perspectives."
"All because people aren't happy about something doesn't inherently mean that it's bad."
"The more viewpoints that you can have in a concentrated area, the better."
"Realizing you have more options than you previously thought."
"But it's always up to us to have conversations with those we disagree with and it's only then that we can stop looking at the world through black and white."
"You can literally learn something from anyone even idiots."
"Biasing against homophobes would make the world less homophobic."
"A counter argument isn't ignorant; it's me disagreeing with you."
"Don't allow yourself to have any opinion that you can't argue the other side better than they can."
"But I get it, you know, the grass is always greener on the other side."
"Find the positive in every situation, even when addressing uncomfortable truths."
"Our understanding of reality is ever evolving, shaped by our individual perspectives, beliefs, and limitations."
"Ultimately, it's just a keepsake and a relationship are just different things."
"I loved this book. I loved all the different perspectives."
"If this doesn't change your perspective and you don't agree with what I have to say that's fair - we're all entitled to our own opinions and that's what makes the world go round."
"Critical thinking means we have to look at different perspectives."
"I mean, what I'm saying is I could probably be convinced there's more to this story, fair enough."
"We can acknowledge and respect the varied perspectives of those around us without giving up our own ability to see the world in all its nuances and complexities."
"It's all arbitrary; there's no bunch of shitty reasons to it."
"There are three sides to every story: your side, my side, and the truth."
"I definitely wanted to provide a lane that slices through the alt-right fascist outlook of Candace Owens and that MAGA crew that has really devoured and delighted in BLM's demise, a means for their own grifts to profit."
"There's no such thing as on time. You're either early or you're late or on time."
"There's always going to be a variety of opinions."
"There can be inequalities that are not toxic at all."
"The timing of it may vary in people's thinking."
"Math is no more important than being a painter or a pianist... mostly the creative ones."
"Make sure that you understand people's motives, their perspectives, what they're trying to do."
"People be like, 'oh, it's such a bad thing to look at other people'... but actually, it's not."
"Wave hood might be leading to fundamental change in the way we think about love and partnership."
"Handing that perspective to people from different genders can allow us the opportunity to see characters in a way that they want their gender to be represented."
"It feels like it's an ending but in reality maybe it's just a new beginning."
"There's an opportunity to recognize that other people read books and have different ideas."
"I'm philosophically opposed to cooking as a competition."
"Different doesn't automatically make it bad."
"Their testimony deserves to be shared just as much as the words of someone who saw something more conventional."
"Are cat calling or mansplaining really terrible things we need to worry about?"
"I enjoy mostly solo travel. I like to, every now and then, go with someone. It's interesting to see their perspective."
"I think most things in life that you can look at on a grand scope and in the day-to-day comes to bad communication."
"People do change. Just because someone thinks something now, that does not mean they will always think that."
"No path is better than the other, they're just different."
"The grass is always greener on the other side... sometimes they seem a whole lot more interesting when they're an ocean away."
"There are no bad guys, just different groups of people with different perspectives and motivations."
"Nobody thinks that things aren't diverse like in every story it's diverse you've got a hero and a villain oh my god there's a plurality of stuff yes there always has been there always will be."
"At no point are their perspectives ever centered to prioritize in this whole fiasco which in the end was all based on lies."
"You might be pro-life, but hey, you should be [ __ ] pro-birth control too then, absolutely, like prevent what you're so scared of and you have the tools."
"We've got to listen to a variety of voices and some are going to come from the left and some are going to come from the right and some are going to come from mysterious sources."
"Something could be great, great, great, great until it's not, and then you verbalize it and then you decide you want to end it."
"I think we agree more than we probably disagree."
"Politics isn't about truth; it's about people and their lived experiences."
"Good journalism is factual, verified, and takes into account multiple points of view."
"My take is my take and I Encourage you to also have a take or a different take and and I'm interested in hearing what those are."
"I do most things that people think are impossible because I think a lot of what people think is impossible is actually impossible."
"They're really basing their points of view on the phenomenon on data."
"Just because something is problematic on the surface doesn't mean it's a problem."
"It's incredible to me that there are so many folks on the left in this country who believe that the right is fighting the culture War."
"People who do get married don't often see divorce as the first option."
"Reasonable Minds can differ on these kinds of things."
"There is no such thing as an unwanted child; somebody out there wants your child."
"Everyone has a unique world view, and that world view is shaped by different perspectives."
"Continuing to seek out alternative points of view is super helpful in making sure that we are making truly informed decisions."
"It's also incredible because the amount of perspectives that we get on each news story is so much broader than it would be if it was just me and somebody else."
"I just genuinely want to understand your view."
"You can't really know your own side of an argument until you know the other side."
"There's the one correct answer, but you don't have to denigrate every other answer."
"Not that I'm a particular feminist or anything, but even I think it's very feminist."
"Who we see as the bad guy isn't necessarily the bad guy."
"The future is not set in stone, nor is Africa a single country."
"If you're in Japan there's one understanding, if you're in China there's another understanding, if you're in the United States, yeah you know there's still another understanding."
"I think anybody that says Drake May's Cheeks is the same people that probably said CJ Stroud you shouldn't draft him."
"This is absolutely terrifying to some and to some this is exciting."
"Being arm candy that's cool because some people really do just aspire we really do just aspire to be wives and that's not what but I do feel like and I will say these at this point in my life that's the goal."
"It doesn't really matter if we're on top of the border or not."
"What's more subversive than making the good guys the bad guys and the bad guys the good guys?"
"It's important to have a more varied set of choices out there to get their perspectives."
"I don't think it's good. You can say it's fine to be like, we both see things differently, but let's try and find some compromise."
"When we often listen to a catalog of all the things that are going wrong, Along Comes somebody or something which actually totally rebalances it."
"But from society standpoint, not my opinion, but from society, yes, I think that those would be constituted as different. 'Cause I think society thinks virgin is someone who's like hoping and praying and waiting and wishing that they'll lose it."
"In life there are often multiple ways to get to the same goal, different paths that lead to the same destination."
"This is not a funeral, this is a feast."
"He's trying not necessarily trying to paint a different picture but he's given different perspectives based on certain facts."
"We should recognize everybody's unique perspective."
"You're wrong about us being on different paths. We're not on different paths."